Project Space pages 20241009 (2025)

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1668 New Jersey First Settlers Ada County, Idaho Adams County, Idaho Adams County, Washington Addison County, Vermont Alaska State Project Images Alaska-1 Albany County, Wyoming American Flag Asotin County, Washington Baker County, Oregon Bannock County, Idaho Bear Lake County, Idaho Benewah County, Idaho Benton County, Oregon Benton County, Washington Bingham County, Idaho Blaine County, Idaho Boise County, Idaho Bonner County, Idaho Bonneville County, Idaho Boundary County, Idaho Butte County, Idaho Cabinet of the United States of America Camas County, Idaho Canyon County, Idaho Cape May, NJ Deed Book, Deed 1-50 Cape May, NJ Deed Book, Deed 51-122 Caribou County, Idaho Cassia County, Idaho Chehalis County, Washington Chelan County, Washington Clackamas County, Oregon Clallam County, Washington Clark County, Idaho Clark County, Washington Clatsop County, Oregon Clearwater County, Idaho Collections on the History of Albany Columbia County, Oregon Columbia County, Washington Coos County, Oregon Cowlitz County, Washington Cowpasture Tract, Montgomery County, Maryland Crook County, Oregon Curry County, Oregon Custer County, Idaho Delaware Project sticker templates Deschutes County, Oregon Dickson County Tennessee Doolittle, Missouri Douglas County, Oregon Douglas County, Washington Durham, Maine Elmore County, Idaho Ferry County, Washington First Families of Maryland Formation of New York Counties Former Counties of Kansas Franklin County, Idaho Franklin County, Washington Fremont County, Idaho Garfield County, Washington Gem County, Idaho Gilliam County, Oregon Gooding County, Idaho Grant County, Oregon Grant County, Washington Grays Harbor County, Washington Harney County, Oregon Hawaii County, Hawaii Hawaii State Project Images Hickory County, Missouri Historical Timeline of Rowan County North Carolina Honolulu County, Hawaii Hood River County, Oregon Idaho County, Idaho Idaho State Project Images Illinois Central Railroad Island County, Washington Jackson County, Oregon Jefferson County, Idaho Jefferson County, Oregon Jefferson County, Washington Jerome County, Idaho Josephine County, Oregon Kalawao County, Hawaii Kauai County, Hawaii Kent County Delaware King County, Washington Kitsap County, Washington Kittitas County, Washington Klamath County, Oregon Klickitat County, Washington Lake County, Oregon Lane County, Oregon Latah County, Idaho Lemhi County, Idaho Lewis County, Idaho Lewis County, Washington Lincoln County, Idaho Lincoln County, Oregon Lincoln County, Washington Linn County, Oregon Low Dutch Settlements in Kentucky Madison County, Idaho Maiden's Choice Land Grant Malheur County, Oregon Marion County, Oregon Mason County, Washington Maui County, Hawaii Minidoka County, Idaho Minnesota Historical Timeline Monarchs of the Kingdom of Hawaii Montana State Project Images Morrow County, Oregon Multnomah County, Oregon Native American Tribes of Minnesota New Castle County Delaware New Jersey History Timeline New York Genealogical Resources New York in the American Revolution Nez Perce County, Idaho Ohio Project Members Okanogan County, Washington Oneida County, Idaho Oregon State Project Images Owyhee County, Idaho Pacific County, Washington Patentees of Monmouth Payette County, Idaho Pend Oreille County, Washington Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Railroad Pierce County, Washington Piopolis, Illinois Polk County, Oregon Power County, Idaho President of the Continental Congress San Juan County, Washington Sherman County, Oregon Shoshone County, Idaho Signers of the 2nd Portsmouth Compact Skagit County, Washington Skamania County, Washington Snohomish County, Washington Spokane County, Washington State of Alaska State Seals Stevens County, Washington Sussex County Delaware Tennessee Teton County, Idaho Thurston County, Washington Tillamook County, Oregon Town of Riverhead, Suffolk County, New York Trouble Enough Tract, Montgomery County, Maryland Twin Falls County, Idaho U.S. State Seals Ulster County, New York Umatilla County, Oregon Union County, Idaho Union County, Oregon United States Project Reliable Sources United States Resources Bookshelf United States Senate US Images US Maps and Images US Senators from Colorado US State Flag Images US States Admission to the Union US Vice Presidents Valley County, Idaho Wahkiakum County, Washington Walla Walla County, Washington Wallowa County, Oregon Wasco County, Oregon Washington Washington County, Idaho Washington County, Oregon Washington State Project Images West Camp, New York Whatcom County, Washington Wheeler County, Oregon Whitman County, Washington Wyoming State Project Images Yakima County, Washington Yamhill County, Oregon

Project Space pages 20241009 (1) 1668 New Jersey First Settlers

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Created: 15 Jun 2013
Saved: 12 Apr 2024
Touched: 12 Apr 2024

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category: New Jersey Projects]] == Patent of Monmouth == New Jersey was founded by a Patent in 1665 given by Richard Nicolls, the Governor all English land of King James II. The [[Space:Patentees_of_Monmouth|Patent of Monmouth]] gave three years to settle 100 landowners and 7 years free of taxes. Those listed below are the landowners who came by 1668. == December 30, 1667 First Lot Assignments == *[[Arnold-311 | Steve Arnold]] RI Town Lot #17, Farm Lot #26 *[[Ashton-107 | James Ashton]] RI Town Lot #23, Farm Lot #8 *[[Borden-55 | Benjamin Borden]] RI Town Lot #29, Farm Lot #23 *[[Bowne-11|Capt. John Bowne]] LI '''Patentee''' Town Lot #28, Farm Lot #9 *William Cheesman LI Town Lot #11, Farm Lot #22 *Wiliam Compton LI Town Lot #15, Farm Lot #14 *[[Cox-866|Thomas Cox]] LI Town Lot #8, Farm Lot #21 *Benjamin Deuell RI Town Lot #21, Farm Lot #10 *Daniel Estell LI Town Lot #32, Farm Lot #29 *[[Gibbons-454|Richard Gibbons]] LI '''Patentee''' Town Lot #7, Farm Lot #17 *[[Goulding-137|William Goulding]] LI '''Patentee''' Town Lot #25, Farm Lot #27 *James Grover LI Town Lot #16, Farm Lot #15 *James Grover Jr LI Town Lot #36, Farm Lot #25 *Samuel Holliman (Holman) RI Town Lot #13, Farm Lot #13 *[[Holmes-142|Obadiah Holmes]] RI '''Patentee''' Town Lot #20, Farm Lot #6 *[[Holmes-1345 | Jonathan Holmes]] RI Town Lot #9, Farm Lot #7 *Robert Jones NY Town Lot #33, Farm Lot #35 *[[Layton-9|William Layton]] RI Town Lot #14, Farm Lot #30 *William Lawrence LI Town Lot #31, Farm Lot #28 *George Mount RI Town Lot #10, Farm Lot #19 *Anthony Page RI Town Lot #12, Farm Lot #31 *[[Reape-5|William Reape]] RI '''Patentee''' Town Lot #26, Farm Lot #2 *John Ruckman LI Town Lot #1, Farm Lot #3 *Richard Sadler LI Town Lot #35, Farm Lot #1 *John Smith RI Town Lot #5, Farm Lot #33 *Edward Smith RI Town Lot #27, Farm Lot #11 *Samuel Spicer LI '''Patentee''' Town Lot #18 & 30, Farm Lot #16 & 24 ''believe [[Spicer-602|this is the same Samuel Spicer]]; research pending'' *John Stout LI Lot #19, Farm Lot #5 *[[Stout-60|Richard Stout]] LI '''Patentee''' Town Lot #6, Farm Lot #12 *Edward Tartt MA Town Lot #2, Farm Lot #34 *Job Throckmorton RI Town Lot #22, Farm Lot #36 *[[Throckmorton-234|John Throckmorton]] RI Town Lot #24, Farm Lot #18 *Walter Wall LI Town Lot #4, Farm Lot #32 *Thomas Whitlock LI Town Lot #34, Farm Lot #4 *John Wilson LI Town Lot #3, Farm Lot #20 === Source === [ The old Middletown town Book], 1667 to 1700, Published 1906 == New Jersey Settlers 1667-1668 == *Christopher Allmey RI [[Almy-10|Christopher Almy (abt.1631-1713)]] *Job Allmey RI *John Allen RI *John Bird RI *Gerrard Bourne RI *Richard Borden RI *John Bowne Jr Flushing LI *[[Bowne-4|Capt. James Bowne]] LI *[[Bowne-38|William Bowne]] LI *Francis Brinley RI *Abraham Brown RI *Nicholas Browne RI *Joseph Bryce RI *Henry Bull RI *George Chutte RI *[[Clarke-179|Walter Clarke]] RI '''Patentee''' *Thomas Clifton RI *William Coddington, RI *John Coggeshall RI *Jacob Cole LI *Joseph Colman LI *John Conklin LI *John Cooke RI *[[Davis-16676|Nicholas Davis]] RI '''Patentee''' *Thomas Dungan RI *Roger Ellis MA *Peter Esson (Easton) RI *Gideon Freeborn RI *Zachary Gauntt RI *William Gifford MA *Daniel Gould RI *John Hall RI *John Hance Wales *Tobias Handson RI *Thomas Hart RI *John Havens RI *John Hawes NY *Robert Hazard RI *James Heard MA *John Horabin RI * [[Huitt-240|Randell Huet Sr]] NY * [[Huitt-239|Randell Huet Jr]] NY *Joseph Huet NY *George Hulett RI *William James RI *John Jenkins MA *John Jobs RI *Gabriel Kirk NY *Edmund Lafetra Huguenot *James Leonard MA *Henry Lipitt RI *Bartholomew Lippencott LI *Richard Lippencott LI *Lewis Mattox RI *Francis Masters NY *Thomas Moor LI *William Newman MA *Joseph Parker RI *Peter Parker RI *Edward Pattison MA *Henry Percy RI *Thomas Potter RI *Richard Richardson LI *William Rogers RI *William Shaberly Barbados *Samuel Shaddack MA *William Shaddack MA *Thomas Shaddack MA *Bartholomew Shamquesque LI *William Shearman RI *John Slocum RI *Richard Spicer LI *Robert Story NYC *Richard Sussell RI *[[Sylvester-244|Nathaniel Sylvester]] LI '''Patentee''' *Robert Taylor RI *[[Tilton-204|John Tilton]] LI '''Patentee''' *Peter Tilton LI *Edward Thurston RI *Nathan Tomkins RI *John Tomson MA *John Townsend LI (probably [[Townsend-1662]]) *John Wall LI *Thomas Wansick LI *Marmaduke Ward RI * [[Wardwell-233|Eliakim Wardwell (1634-abt.1692)]] MA *George Webb MA *[[West-4048|Bartholomew West]] RI *Robert West Sr RI *Robert West Jr RI *Edward Wharton MA *Thomas Winterton RI *Thomas Wright RI *Emanuel Woolley RI *John Wood RI === Source === [ A history of Monmouth and Ocean counties], by Edwin Salter, 1890, Bayonne, N.J. : E. Gardner & Son, publishers. == Categories == # [[Category:New_Jersey_Founders]][[:Category:New_Jersey_Founders|New Jersey Founders]] # [[Category:New_Jersey]][[:Category:New_Jersey|New Jersey]] # [[Category:Monmouth_County%2C_New_Jersey]][[:Category:Monmouth_County%2C_New_Jersey|Monmouth County, New Jersey]] ----

Project Space pages 20241009 (2) Ada County, Idaho

PageID: 29385803
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Created: 6 Jun 2020
Saved: 31 Oct 2022
Touched: 31 Oct 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Ada County, Idaho]] [[Category: Idaho Projects]] [[Category:Idaho Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Idaho]] [[Category: Ada County, Idaho]]

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Back to [[Project:Idaho#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Idaho#How to Join|Join the Idaho Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Gem County, Idaho|Gem]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Boise County, Idaho|Boise]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Canyon County, Idaho|Canyon]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Ada_County_Idaho.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Elmore County, Idaho|Elmore]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Owyhee County, Idaho|Owyhee]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Ada County, Idaho|Ada County]]

== Ada County, Idaho == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q109820|enwiki}} *[,_Idaho_Genealogy Ada County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Ada County, Idaho|Ada County, Category]] **[[:Category: Ada County, Idaho, Homesteaders|Homesteaders]] **[[:Category: Ada County, Idaho, Census Records|Census Records]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Ada County, Idaho|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' [[:Category:Boise, Idaho|Boise]] *[[:Category: Ada County, Idaho, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Idaho|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Idaho#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Idaho#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Idaho#Ada|Ada County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Idaho|Sources-Idaho]] page #If you have any Idaho state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Idaho_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Idaho, please consider adding '''Category:[[:Category:Idaho_Research_Assistance|Idaho Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (3) Adams County, Idaho

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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 14 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (4) Adams County, Washington

PageID: 38284671
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Created: 9 Jun 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 7 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Adams County, Washington]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space: Grant County, Washington | Grant]]

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[[Space: Lincoln County, Washington | Lincoln]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space: Grant County, Washington | Grant]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Adams_County_Washington.jpg]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space: Whitman County, Washington | Whitman]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space: Franklin County, Washington | Franklin]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space: Whitman County, Washington | Whitman]]


Welcome to [[Space:Adams County, Washington|Adams County]]

== Adams County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156273|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Adams County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Adams County, Washington|Adams County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Adams County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Adams County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Adams County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Adams|Adams County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (5) Addison County, Vermont

PageID: 26931498
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Created: 18 Oct 2019
Saved: 8 Aug 2021
Touched: 8 Aug 2021

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[[Category: Addison County, Vermont]]

'''Forward to the''' [[:Category:Addison County, Vermont|Addison Category Page]]
'''Associated with the:''' [[Project:Vermont|Vermont Sub-Project]]
'''Return to the''' [[Project:United States|United States Project]]

---- == Early History == === Creation of Addison County === In 1683, New York created '''Albany County'''. Albany was divided into three counties on March 12, 1772: Albany, Tryon (now Montgomery), and '''Charlotte'''. Following the formation of the State Government of Vermont, Charlotte was overthrown in March 1778. At this time, Vermont was divided into two counties on either side of the Green Mountains: Unity to the east, and Bennington on the west. On February 13, 1781, '''Rutland County''' was incorporated in the territory north of present-day Bennington. After the limitation of Rutland's northern boundaries on October 18, 1785, a new county was formed and named for English author [[Addison-330|Joseph Addison]]โ€”here exists the formal creation of what is now known as '''Addison County'''.

Smith, H. P. ''[ History of Addison County Vermont, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers].'' New York : D. Mason & Co. Publishers, 1886. pp 13โ€“15,

At the time of the foundation of Addison, the county's boundaries included all of the territories presently belonging to the counties of Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle & Lamoille, as well as nine Orleans and eight Washington county towns. On October 19, 1787 the town of Kingston (now Granville) was set off from Orange county and incorporated into Addison, and not three days later the county of Chittenden was formed. Following changes including the annexation of Starksboro to Addison in 1797, Washington's incorporation of Warren in 1829, and Addison's inheritance of Rutland's town of Orwell on November 13, 1847.

=== Historical Landmarks === * Emma Willard House * Mount Independence * Robert Frost Farm * Rokeby == Geography == In ''The County Church in Colonial Counties'' by Marjorie Patten, Addison County is described as "a general farming region in the fertile valley of Lake Champlain."

Patten, Marjorie. ''[ The Country Church in Colonial Counties as Illustrated by Addison County, Vt., and Warren and Thompkins County, NY.].'' New York : George H Doran Co., 1922. p 18.

=== Adjacent Counties === ==== Vermont ==== * [[Space:Chittenden_County,_Vermont|Chittenden County]] (north) * [[Space:Orange_County,_Vermont|Orange County]] (east) * [[Space:Rutland_County,_Vermont|Rutland County]] (south) * [[Space:Washington_County,_Vermont|Washington County]] (northeast) * [[Space:Windsor_County,_Vermont|Windsor County]] (southeast) ==== New York ==== * Essex County (west) * Washington County (southwest) === Communities === ==== Cities and Towns ==== {|class="wikitable" width="100%" colspan="4" | โ€ข Addison||โ€ข Granville||โ€ข New Haven||โ€ข Starksboro |- | โ€ข Bridport||โ€ข Hancock||โ€ข Orwell||โ€ข Vergennes |- | โ€ข Bristol||โ€ข Leicester||โ€ข Panton||โ€ข Waltham |- | โ€ข Cornwall||โ€ข Lincoln||โ€ข Ripton||โ€ข Weybridge |- | โ€ข Ferrisburgh||โ€ข Middlebury (shire town)||โ€ข Salisbury||โ€ข Whiting |- | โ€ข Goshen||โ€ข Monkton||โ€ข Shoreham |} ==== Designated Places ==== * Bristol * East Middlebury * Middlebury ==== Unincorporated Communities ==== * Bread Loaf * Chimney Point * Satans Kingdom == Notable People of Addison County == === Arts and Entertainment === * Marvin Dana * Margaret Foley * [[Frost-3|Robert Frost]] * Silas G. Pratt === Athletics === * Henry Porter === Military === * [[Hitchcock-748|Ethan A. Hitchcock]] === Politics and Law === * Walter C. Dunton * Frank L. Fish * [[Foot-893|Solomon Foot]] * Abram W. Foote * [[Hopkins-14737|Roswell Hopkins]] * [[Linsley-128|Charles Linsley]] * [[Linsley-134|Joel H. Linsley]] * Rawson C. Myrick * Julius A. Willcox * [[Woodbridge-102|Enoch Woodbridge]] * Frederick E. Woodbridge === Religion === * [[Gray-9615|Edgar Harkness Gray]] == County Resources == ----

Project Space pages 20241009 (6) Alaska State Project Images

PageID: 38634588
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Created: 11 Jul 2022
Saved: 2 Sep 2022
Touched: 2 Sep 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40

Images: 21

Back to [[Project:Alaska|Alaska State Project]]

{{US History|sub-project=Alaska}}

{{Image|file=Alaska-2.jpg |align=l |size=250 |caption=Location, Location, Location! }} {{Image|file=Alaska-3.jpg |align=r |size=250 |caption=Alaska in Perspective }} {{Image|file=Alaska-6.jpg |align=c |size=250 |caption=Weather in Alaska }}

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Alaska Project Images

{{Image|file=Photos_for_States.jpg |align=c |size=l |caption=Photo Credit: [[Smith-40964|'''''Philip Smith''''' ]] }}

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Bruce's map of Alaska}} |M.W. Bruce's map of Alaska |Alaska_State_Project_Images.jpg |{{Image|file=Alaska_State_Project_Images.jpg|align=r|size=150px|caption=M.W. Bruce's map of Alaska}} |- |18 |{{Image|file=Alaska_State_Project_Images.png|align=r|size=150px|caption=Aleutians East Borough}} |Aleutians East Borough |Alaska_State_Project_Images.png |{{Image|file=Alaska_State_Project_Images.png|align=r|size=150px|caption=Aleutians East Borough}} |- |19 |{{Image|file=Alaska_State_Project_Images-1.png|align=r|size=150px|caption=Lake and Peninsula Borough}} |Lake and Peninsula Borough |Alaska_State_Project_Images-1.png |{{Image|file=Alaska_State_Project_Images-1.png|align=r|size=150px|caption=Lake and Peninsula Borough}} |- |20 |{{Image|file=Alaska_State_Project_Images-2.png|align=r|size=150px|caption=Alaska Boroughs}} |Alaska Boroughs |Alaska_State_Project_Images-2.png |{{Image|file=Alaska_State_Project_Images-2.png|align=r|size=150px|caption=Alaska Boroughs}} |}

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[[Category:United States Projects]] [[Category: Alaska]] [[Category:Alaska History]]

{{US History|sub-project=Alaska}}

{{Image|file=US_State_Flag_Images-1.png |align=l |size=225}} {{Image|file=State_Seals-2.png |align=r |size=175 }}

Alaska Geography, History & Timeline

{{Image|file=Alaska-2.jpg |align=l |size=200 |caption=Location, Location, Location! }} {{Image|file=Alaska-3.jpg |align=r |size=200 |caption=Alaska in Perspective }} {{Image|file=Alaska-6.jpg |align=c |size=200 |caption=Weather in Alaska }} {{Image|file=Images_Mining_Disasters-13.png |align=c |size=l}} ===Alaska Geography and Demographics === Alaska is a U.S. state situated in the northwest extremity of the North American continent. Bordering the state to the east are the Canadian territory of Yukon and the Canadian province of British Columbia; to the north are the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, southern parts of the Arctic Ocean. To the west and south is the Pacific Ocean; its most extreme western part is Attu Island, and it has a maritime border with Russia (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) to the west across the Bering Strait. Alaska is the largest state in the United States by area, the 4th least populous and the least densely populated of the 50 United States. Approximately half of Alaska's residents (estimated at 736,732 by the Census Bureau in 2014) live within the Anchorage metropolitan area. Alaska's economy is dominated by the oil, natural gas, and fishing industries, resources which it has in abundance. Tourism and military bases are also a significant part of the economy.

[ Wikipedia] ''Alaska''

{{Image|file=Images_Mining_Disasters-13.png |align=c |size=l}} === Alaska Neighbors === {{Geographic Location |Reference Location= [[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-1.png|50px|Alaska]]
[[:Category:Alaska|Alaska,]][[:Category: United States of America | USA]] | NW Location =[ Arctic Ocean] | N Location = [ Chukchi Sea,][ Beaufort Sea] | NE Location= [ Beaufort Sea] | E Location = [[Image:Premiers_of_Yukon.jpg|50px|Yukon Territory]] [[Wikipedia:Yukon|Yukon,]][[:Category: Canada | Canada]][[Image:Flags of Canada-1.png|50px|British Columbia]] [[:Category: British Columbia | British Columbia,]] [[:Category: Canada | Canada]] | SE Location = [[Wikipedia: Pacific Ocean | ''Pacific Ocean'']] | S Location = [[Wikipedia: Pacific Ocean | ''Pacific Ocean'']] | SW Location = [[Wikipedia: Pacific Ocean | ''Pacific Ocean'']] | W Location = [ Bering Strait,] [ Pacific Ocean] }} {{Image|file=Images_Mining_Disasters-13.png |align=c |size=l}} === Alaska History === {{Image|file=Alaska-7.jpg |align=r |size=m |caption=Russian Settlemen at Kodiak }} Although it had been occupied for over ten thousand years by indigenous peoples, from the 18th century onward, European powers considered the territory of Alaska ripe for exploitation and trade. The United States purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire on March 30, 1867, for 7.2 million U.S. dollars at approximately two cents per acre ($4.74/km2). The area went through several administrative changes before becoming organized as a territory on May 11, 1912. It was admitted as the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959.

[ Wikipedia] ''Russian America''

{{Image|file=Images_Mining_Disasters-13.png |align=c |size=l}} {{Image|file=Alaska-9.jpg |align=l |size=m |caption=Klondike Gold Rush }} Alaska was initially a US Territory. Starting in the 1890s and stretching in some places to the early 1910s, gold rushes in Alaska and the nearby Yukon Territory brought thousands of miners and settlers to Alaska. Alaska was officially incorporated as an organized territory in 1912. Alaska's capital, which had been in Sitka until 1906, was moved north to Juneau. Construction of the Alaska Governor's Mansion began that same year. European immigrants from Norway and Sweden also settled in southeast Alaska, where they entered the fishing and logging industries. {{Image|file=Photos-68.gif |align=r |size=m |caption=Alaska is Known for its Wildlife }} {{Image|file=Images_Mining_Disasters-13.png |align=c |size=l}} Alaska, northwest of Canada, is the largest and most sparsely populated U.S. state. It's known for its dramatic, diverse terrain of wide-open spaces, mountains and forests, with abundant wildlife and many small towns. Itโ€™s a destination for outdoor activities including skiing, mountain biking and kayaking. Massive Denali National Park, home to Denali (fka Mt. McKinley), North Americaโ€™s highest peak, is a site of animal-viewing tours. {{Image|file=Alaska-8.jpg |align=c |size=400 |caption=[ Kenai Fjords National Park] }} {{Image|file=Images_Mining_Disasters-13.png |align=c |size=l}} ===History Timeline === The history of Alaska dates back to the Upper Paleolithic period (around 14,000 BC) when Siberian groups crossed the Bering land bridge into what is now western Alaska. At the time of European contact with the Russian explorers, the area was populated by Alaska Native groups. The name "Alaska" derives from the Aleut word ''Alaxsxaq'' (also spelled ''Alyeska''), meaning "mainland" (literally, "the object toward which the action of the sea is directed." ==== 16th Century==== *'''1578''' - Cossack Chieftain Yermak Timofief was on an expedition in central Russia when he heard about rich sable and valuable furs in the east. The journeys across the steppes marked the beginning of Russia's conquest eastward. ==== 17th Century==== *'''1639''' - Cossack horsemen came over the eastern mountain range in Siberia and continued to the shore of the Okhotsk Sea. Once there, they built the first Russian Village, facing east, across the Pacific. ==== 18th Century==== *'''1711''' - Russian traders learn of a "Great Land" to the east. *'''1725''' - Peter, the Great of Russia, commissioned a Danish sea captain, Vitus Bering, to explore Alaska's Northwest coast. This feat marks Russia's "official" discovery and the first reliable information on the land. Bering established Russia's claim to Northwestern North America. *'''1728''' - Vitus Bering sails through the Bering Strait. *'''1733''' - Bering's second expedition, with George Wilhelm Steller aboard, the first naturalist to visit Alaska. *'''1741''' - Alexei Chirikof, with the Bering expedition, sights land on 15 July; the Europeans had found Alaska. *'''1742''' - First scientific report on the North Pacific fur seal. *'''1743''' - Russia's concentrated hunting of sea otters begins. *'''1774''' - Juan Perez was ordered by Spain to explore the west coast; discovers Prince of Wales Island, Dixon Sound. *'''1776''' - Captain James Cook's expedition to search for Northwest Passage. *'''1778''' - While searching for the elusive Northwest Passage, British Explorer Captain James Cook explored the waterway downtown Anchorage now borders, Cook Inlet. *'''1725''' - Cook reaches King Island, Norton Sound, Unalaska. *'''1784''' - Grigorii Shelikov establishes the first white settlement at Three Saints Bay, Kodiak. *'''1786''' - Gerassin Pribilof discovers the rookeries on the islands now known as the Pribilofs. *'''1791''' - George Vancouver leaves England to explore the coast; Alejandro Malaspina explores the northwest coast for Spain. *'''1792''' - Catherine II grants a monopoly of furs in Alaska to Grigorii Shelikov. *'''1794''' - Baranov builds the first vessel in northwestern America at Voskres-sensei on Kenai. *'''1795''' - The first Russian Orthodox Church was established in Kodiak. *'''1799''' - Alexander Baranov establishes the Russian post known today as Old Sitka; the trade charter grants exclusive trading rights to the Russian American Company. ==== 19th Century==== *'''1802''' - Russian fort at Old Sitka destroyed by Tlingits. *'''1804''' - Russians return to Sitka and attack Kiksadi fort on Indian River. Russians lose the battle, but Natives are forced to flee. Baranov re-establishes trading posts. *'''1805''' - Yurii Lisianski sails to Canton with the first Russian cargo of furs sent directly to China. *'''1821''' - No foreigners allowed in Russian-American waters, except at regular ports of call. *'''1824''' - Russians begin an exploration of the mainland that leads to the discovery of Nushagak, Kuskokwim, Yukon, and Koyukuk Rivers. *'''1834''' - Father Veniaminov moves to Sitka; consecrated Bishop Innokenty in 1840. *'''1835''' - Russian mission is established near Knik, across the inlet from present-day Anchorage. *'''1840''' - Russian Orthodox Diocese formed; Bishop Innokenty Veniaminov permitted using Native languages in the liturgy. *'''1841''' - Edward de Stoeckl was assigned to the secretariat of the Russian legation in the US *'''1847''' - Fort Yukon was established. *'''1848''' - Cathedral of St. Michael dedicated at New Archangel (Sitka). *'''1853''' - Russian explorer-trappers find oil seeps in Cook Inlet. *'''1857''' - Coal mining begins at Coal Harbor on the Kenai Peninsula. *'''1859''' - De Stoeckl returns to the US from St. Petersburg with authority to negotiate the sale of Alaska. Alaska became a state in 1959. *'''1861''' - Gold was discovered on Stikine River near Telegraph Creek. *'''1865''' - Western Union Telegraph Company prepares to put telegraph line across Alaska and Siberia. ====Purchase from Russia==== *'''1867''' - Financial struggles force Russia to sell Russian America to the United States. Negotiated by US Secretary of State William Seward, the treaty buys what is now Alaska for $7.2 million, or about 2 cents an acre. Alaska's value was not appreciated by the American masses at the time, calling it "Seward's folly." ; Pribilof Islands were placed under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Treasury. The fur seal population, which stabilized under Russian rule, declined rapidly. *'''1868''' - Alaska was designated as the Department of Alaska under Brevet Major General Jeff C. Davis, US Army. *'''1869''' - The ''Sitka Times'', first newspaper in Alaska, published. *'''1872''' - Gold was discovered near Sitka and in British Columbia. *'''1874''' - George Halt is said to be the first white man to cross the Chilkoot Pass in search of gold. *'''1876''' - Gold was discovered south of Juneau at Windham Bay. *'''1877''' - US troops withdrew from Alaska. *'''1878''' - :* School opens at Sitka to become Sheldon Jackson Junior College. *'''1880''' - Richard Harris and Joseph Juneau, with the aid of local clan leader Keowee, discover gold on Gastineau; Juneau is founded. *'''1881''' - Parris Lode claim staked and by 1885 is the most prominent mine in Alaska: Treadwell Mine. *'''1882''' - :* First commercial herring fishing begins at Killisnoo; :* first two central Alaska salmon canneries built. :* US Navy bombs, then burns Tlingit village of Angoon. *'''1884''' - Congress passes Organic Act. $15,000 was appropriated to educate Indian children. *'''1885''' - Dr. C. H. Townsend suggests the introduction of reindeer into Alaska. Sheldon Jackson was appointed General Agent for Education in Alaska. *'''1887''' - Father William Duncan and Tsimshian followers found Metlakatla on Annette Island. *'''1888''' - :* Boundary survey started by Dr. W. H. Dall of the US and Dr. George Dawson of Canada. :* Cries of "Gold!" echo through the region when prospectors hit pay dirt at Crow Creek near Girdwood, just 40 miles/64 km south of what today is downtown Anchorage. More than 60,000 Americans traveled north to make their fortune, and this is the first of many "boom and bust" eras for Anchorage and Alaska. *'''1890''' - Large corporate salmon canneries begin to appear. *'''1890''' - Dr. Sheldon Jackson explores Arctic Coast; brings reindeer husbandry into Alaska. *'''1891''' - First oil claims staked in Cook Inlet area. *'''1892''' Afognak Reserve established, beginning the Alaskan Forest Service System. *'''1894''' - Gold discovery on Mastadon Creek; founding of Circle City. *'''1896''' - Dawson City founded at mouth of Klondike River; gold discovered on Bonanza Creek. *'''1897-1900''' - Klondike gold rush. *'''1897''' First shipment of fresh halibut sent south from Juneau. *'''1898''' - :* Skagway is the largest city in Alaska :* Work starts on White Pass and Yukon Railroad :* Congress appropriates money for telegraph from Seattle to Sitka :* Nome gold rush begins. *'''1899''' - Local government organized in Nome. ==== 20th Century==== *'''1900''' - :* Anchorage experienced rapid growth in the 1900s. :* In 1912, Alaska became a US Territory. :* The census lists Alaska's population at 29,500 Eskimos, Indians, and Aleuts; 4,300 "Caucasian Alaskans" and 26,000 Cheechakos (newcomers). :* Civil Code for Alaska divides the state into three judicial districts, with judges at Sitka, Eagle, and St. Michael; moves the capital to Juneau. :* White Pass railroad completed. US Congress passed an act to establish Washington-Cable (WAMCATS), which later became the Alaska Communications System (ACS). *'''1902''' - :* President Theodore Roosevelt establishes Tongass National Forest :* E.T. Barnette and local miners name their settlement Fairbanks. *'''1904''' - Last great Tlingit potlatch held in Sitka. Submarine cables laid from Seattle to Sitka and from Sitka to Valdez, linking Alaska to "outside". *'''1905''' - Tanana railroad built; telegraph links Fairbanks and Valdez; Alaska Road Commission established under Army jurisdiction. *'''1906''' - Alaska authorized to send voteless delegates to Congress. Governor's Office moved from Sitka to Juneau. *'''1907''' - :* Gold discovered at Ruby; Richardson trail established :* Chugach National Forest, the largest US forest, was created by presidential proclamation. *'''1908''' - First cold storage plant built at Ketchikan. *'''1911''' - :* International agreement between the US, Great Britain, Canada, Russia, and Japan controls fur seal fisheries :* Sea otters are placed under complete protection :* Copper River and Northwestern Railroad begin service to Kennecott Copper Mine. *'''1912''' - :* Territorial status for Alaska provides for Legislature :* Alaska Native Brotherhood organizes in Southeast :* Mount Katmai explodes, forming the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. *'''1913''' - :* First Alaska Territorial Legislature convenes :* First law passed grants women voting rights. *'''1914''' - Congress authorized the construction of the Alaska Railroad, clearing the way for the only railroad in history owned and operated by the US government. Surveying begins for Alaska Railroad; the City of Anchorage was born as a construction campsite. *'''1915''' - :* President Woodrow Wilson selects the railroad's route that will run between the Port of Seward through the coal fields of the Interior to the gold claims near Fairbanks. What is now Anchorage is picked as its headquarters. Thousands of job seekers and adventurers pour into the area, living in a tent city on the banks of Ship Creek. :* Alaska Native Sisterhood holds first convention in Sitka. :* The "Great Anchorage Lot Sale," a land auction that will shape the future of the city, is held. A month later, the town formalizes its name when voters go to the polls. Voters pick Alaska City but the federal government decides to retain the existing title: Anchorage. *'''1916''' - First bill for Alaska statehood introduced in Congress. Alaskans vote in favor of prohibition by a 2 to 1 margin. *'''1917''' - Treadwell Mine complex caves in. *'''1918''' - The first train from Seward steams into Anchorage, marking the completion of the southern half of the railroad line. *'''1920''' - After lengthy negotiations, Anchorage citizens vote to incorporate. Six days later, Leopold David is elected first mayor of the city. *'''1922''' - :* Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines opens. :* Native voting rights established through a court case. *'''1923''' - President Warren G. Harding drives in the golden spike at Nenana, signaling the completion of the Alaska Railroad. *'''1924''' - :* Congress extends citizenship to all Indians in the United States; :* Tlingit William Paul, Sr. is the first Native elected to Alaska Legislature. :* Start of airmail delivery to Alaska. *'''1928''' - Court case resolves right of Native children to attend public school. *'''1929''' - US Navy begins 5-year survey to map parts of Alaska. Alaska Native Brotherhood convention at Haines resolves to pursue land claims settlement in Southeast Alaska. *'''1932''' - Radiotelephone communications established in Juneau, Ketchikan, and Nome. *'''1935''' - :*Matanuska Valley Project was established. Nine hundred Alaska-Juneau Gold Mine workers go on a strike that lasts 40 days and ends in violence. :*The โ€˜โ€™Jurisdictional Act of June 1935โ€™โ€™ allows the Tlingit and Haida Indians to pursue land claims in the US Court of Claims. *'''1936''' - :* The ''Indian Reorganization Act of 1935'' amended to include Alaska :* Nell Scott of Seldovia became the first woman elected to the Territorial Legislature. *'''1940''' - Anchorage is still a tiny, sleepy town, but its strategic position attracts military interest. The first soldiers arrive to build an army base and airfield, later Fort Richardson and Elmendorf Air Force Base, bringing rapid growth to Anchorage. *'''1942''' - Japanese invade Alaska's Aleutian Islands. As part of the defense of the West Coast, the Alaska Highway is built in an amazingly short time of eight months and 12 days, linking Anchorage with the rest of the nation. Anchorage enters the war years with a population of 7,724 and emerges with 43,314 residents. *'''1943''' - :* January 1943 - US convoy of 70 ships moved to Aleutian theater. :* 12 January 1943 - Army forces occupy Amchitka, Aleutian Islands. :* 30 January 1943 - Naval Station, Akutan Harbor, Fox Island, Alaska, is established. :* 18 February 1943 - Two cruisers and four destroyers bombard Japanese installations at Holtz Bay, and Chichagof Harbor, Attu, Aleutian Islands. :* 24 February 1943 - Naval Air Facility, Amchitka, Alaska, is established. :* 1 March 1943 - Naval Auxiliary Air Facility, Annette Island, Alaska, is established. :* 26 March 1943 - Battle of the Komandorski Islands :* 27 March 1943 - Japanese convoy to reinforce Aleutian; encoutered enemy fleet and turned back. :* 26 April 1943 - Task group of 3 cruiser and 6 destroyers bombards Japanese installations at Attu, Aleutian Islands. :* 10 May 1943 - US troops invade Attu in the Aleutian Islands. :* 15 May 1943 - Naval Air Station, Adak, Aleutian Islands, is established. :* 31 May 1943 - Japanese end their occupation of the Aleutian Islands as the US completes the capture of Attu. :* 8 June 1943 - Naval Air Facility, Attu, Aleutian Islands, is established. :* 29 June 1943 - Naval Auxiliary Air Facility, Shemya, Alaska, is established. :* 14 July 1943 - Destroyers bombard Kiska, Aleutian Islands. Naval Operating Base, Adak, Aleutian Islands, is established. :* 22 July 1943 - Naval task force consisting of 2 battleships, 5 cruisers, and 9 destroyers bombard Kiska area, Aleutian Islands. :* 28 July 1943 - Japanese evacuate Kiska undetected by the Allies. :* 1 August 1943 - Army aircraft initiate daily bombings of Kiska, Aleutian Islands. :* 2 August 1943 - Naval task groups consisting of 2 battleships, 5 cruisers, and 9 destroyers bombard Kiska, Aleutian Islands. Kiska is bombarded ten times between this date and 15 August. :* 15 August 1943 - Naval task force under Commander North Pacific Force lands United States Army and Canadian troops at Kiska, Aleutian Islands. Kiska is found to have been evacuated by the Japanese. :* 22 August 1943 - Allied forces declare Japanese forces desert Kiska. :* 21 December 1943 - Naval aircraft from Attu, Aleutian Islands, bomb Paramushiro- Shimushu area, Kurile Islands. *'''1944''' - Alaska-Juneau Gold Mine shuts down. Oil and Gas Exploration begins. *'''1945''' - Governor Gruening signed the Anti-Discrimination Act, the first such legislation passed in the United States and its possessions since post-Civil War. *'''1946''' - Boarding school for Native high school students opens at Mt. Edgecombe. *'''1947''' - :*Alaska Command was established; the first unified command of the US staffed by Army, Air Force, and Navy officers. :*First Alaska Native land claims suit, filed by Tlingit and Haida people, introduced in US Court of Claims. *'''1948''' - Alaskans vote to abolish fish traps by a 10 to 1 margin. *'''1953''' - An oil well drilled near Eureka on Glenn Highway marks the beginning of Alaska's modern oil history; first plywood operations begin at Juneau; :*first big Alaskan pulp mill opens at Ketchikan. First Alaskan television broadcast by KENI, Anchorage. *'''1955''' - Alaskans elect delegates to the constitutional convention. *'''1955''' - Constitutional Convention opens at the University of Alaska. *'''1956''' - Territorial voters adopt the Alaska Constitution; send two senators and one representative to Washington under the Tennessee Plan. *'''1958''' - Statehood measure passes; President Eisenhower signs statehood bill. ====Statehood==== *'''1959''' - :* Statehood proclaimed :* State constitution in effect :* Sitka pulp mill opens :* US Court of Claims issues judgment favoring Tlingit and Haida claims to Southeast Alaska lands. *'''1964''' - Good Friday earthquake. *'''1966''' - Alaska Federation of Natives organized. Interior Secretary Udall imposes a "land freeze" to protect Native use and occupancy of Alaska lands. *'''1967''' - Fairbanks flood. *'''1968''' - Oil pumped from a well at Prudhoe Bay on North Slope. Governor Hickel establishes ''Alaska Lands Claims Task Force'' recommends a 40 million acre land settlement for Alaska Natives. *'''1969''' - :* North Slope Oil lease sale brings $900 million :* First live satellite telecast in Alaska. *'''1971''' - :* Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 USC 1601-1624) - Public Law 92-203 approved and transferred ownership of 44 million acres of land to newly established Native corporations. :* Mt. Edgecumbe - Wrangell Parent School Board was established. :* BIA's first pre-school program for two to three year-olds. :* Administration of program funding at the agency level was established. :* Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) becomes law. :* Alaska State-Operated School System: Alaska State Legislature establishes the Alaska State-Operated School System as a new system as an independent :* agency and transfers operational responsibility form Rural and On-Base schools from the Department of Education to this new entity. *'''1972''' - Alaska Constitution amended to prohibit sexual discrimination. *'''1973''' - :* Congress passes the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act :* Salmon fisheries limited entry program becomes law. *'''1974''' - Alaska voters approve capital move initiative. *'''1975''' - Alaska Legislature appropriates funds to initiate the purchase and installation of 100 satellite earth stations for the establishment of statewide satellite communications network. *'''1976''' - :* Natural gas pipeline proposals filed :* Alaska voters pick Willow as the new capital site :* Voters approve a constitutional amendment establishing Alaska Permanent Fund to receive "at least 25 percent" of all state oil revenues and related income. *'''1977''' - :* 28 February: The Permanent Fund receives its first deposit of dedicated oil revenues: $734,000. :* Construction on the pipeline is completed, and the first oil arrives through the pipeline in Valdez. :* The Trans-Alaska Pipeline: A barrel of crude oil takes 5.04 days to flow from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez through the trans-Alaska pipeline at 6.62 mph. If the pipeline were full, it would hold 9 million barrels. One barrel equals 42 gallons. *'''1980''' - :* Alaska Legislature increases Permanent Fund share of oil revenues from 25 to 50 percent; repeals Alaska personal income tax; :* establishes Alaska Dividend Fund to distribute Permanent Fund earnings to Alaska residents. :* Congress passes Alaska National Interests Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). *'''1982''' - :* Time zones shift to include all of Alaska, except the westernmost Aleutian Islands, in one zone: Alaska Standard Time. :* Alaska State Boards of Fisheries and Game Jointly adopted a regulation adding the rural residency standard to the state's definition of "subsistence :* uses" Solomon Gulch hydroelectric project came on-line in Valdez, the first of four hydroelectric projects later to be known as the "Four Dam Pool." :* State revenues peak at $4,108,400,000 after OPEC fixes oil price at $34/barrel. :* Alaska legislature enacts inflation-proofing to protect the purchasing power of Permanent Fund principal. First Permanent Fund Dividend check is distributed: $1,000. :* Alaska voters repeal the law relocating the capital to Willow and established a state spending limit. *'''1983''' - :* Drinking age is raised from 18 to 21 by the Legislature. :* Time zone shift: all Alaska. except for westernmost Aleutians Islands, move to Alaska Standard Time, one hour west of Pacific Standard time :* Crab stocks are so low that most commercial seasons are canceled *'''1985''' - :* State purchases Alaska Railroad from the federal government :* Declining oil prices cause budget problems. *'''1986''' - :* The price of oil drops below $10 per barrel, causing Alaska oil revenues to plummet :* The Legislature passes a new bill governing subsistence hunting and fishing. *'''1987''' - :* Economic doldrums from oil prices continue to affect the state, causing many to lose their jobs and leave, banks to foreclose on property, and businesses to go bankrupt :* New military build-up in Alaska begins when the first troops of the new Sixth Infantry Division begin to arrive in Fairbanks. *'''1988''' - :* International efforts to rescue two whales caught by ice off Barrow capture worldwide attention :* State's economic woes continue and Anchorage loses 30,000 in population :* Soviets allow a one-day visit of a group of Alaskans to the Siberian port city of Provideniya :* Anchorage loses its bid to host the 1994 Olympic Games to Lillehammer, Norway. *'''1989''' - :* The ''Exxon Valdez'', a 987' oil tanker carrying 53 million gallons of North Slope crude grounds on Bligh Reef, spilled 11 million gallons into Prince William Sound :* Permanent Fund passes the $10 billion mark :* Alaska Supreme Court throws out Alaska's rural preference law. *'''1990''' - :* Alaska's population reaches 550,000, according to the US Census Bureau. :* Over 800,000 visitors come to Alaska, some for business, mostly for pleasure. :* Mining ranks as Alaska's fastest-growing industry. :* Permanent Fund makes its first investments in stocks and bonds outside the United States. :* The Alaska legislature cannot resolve the subsistence issue; federal authorities take control of subsistence issues on federal land. :* The Tongass Reform Act designates more wilderness land in SE Alaska. :* Walter Hickel wins the gubernatorial race on the Independence ticket. :* The Estimated Alaska Native population: is 95,000. :* Amendments to ANCSA take effect. :* The State of Alaska, the US Justice Department, and Exxon reached a $1 billion settlement resulting from the Exxon Valdez spill, which initially rejected by US District Court - later accepted when amended to include restorative money. :* Congress effectively closed the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil development. Bristol Bay fishermen strike over low salmon prices. *'''1991''' - :* 1 January โ€“ the eighth billionth barrel of oil arrives in Valdez. :* Permanent Fund Dividends are paid to all Alaska residents for the 10th consecutive year. :* The State of Alaska, the US Justice Department, and Exxon reached a $1 billion settlement resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill, which is rejected by the US District Court. :* An amended settlement earmarking more money for restoration work in Prince William Sound wins judicial approval. :* Congress effectively closes the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil development. :* Bristol Bay fishermen strike over low salmon prices. :* Hickel administration and the Legislature were unable to resolve the subsistence issue. *'''1992''' - :*Final repercussions of Alaska's recession are felt as the oil industry retrenches with major job losses; the ''Anchorage Times'', once Alaska's largest newspaper folds; :*reapportionment challenges delay primaries by two weeks; :*Spurr Volcano erupts three times, one blast dumping ash on Anchorage; :*Juneau's Hillary Lindh wins Olympic Silver Medal in downhill skiing. *'''1993''' - :*Alaska Legislature passes largest capital works appropriation in ten years; :*a court-mandated new reapportionment scheme re-draws boundaries of some election districts; :*Greens Creek Mine near Juneau closes due to low silver, zinc, and lead prices; :*Sitka Pulp Mill announces indefinite suspension of mill operations, affecting 400 workers; :*Alaskan Independence Party Chairman Joe Vogler mysteriously disappears. *'''1994''' - :* Federal trial results in $5 billion verdict in the Exxon Valdez case. :* Alaska's Tommy Moe brings home Olympic gold in downhill ski competitions. :* Voters defeat the latest proposal to move the Alaska capital away from Juneau. :* US District Court rules in favor of the Katie John plaintiffs, reducing the federal government's fishing jurisdiction to those navigable waters "reserved to the United States." *'''1995''' - :* Canadian fisherman attack an Alaska ferry with paint and ball bearings projected from slingshots in frustration over inconclusive US-Canada Pacific :* Salmon Treaty talks hinder Southeast Alaska's troll king salmon fishery. :* MarkAir faces bankruptcy while ticket holders are stranded, and employees across the state are laid off. :* The $267 million Healy Clean Coal Project is launched with substantial backing by the US Department of Energy. :* Villagers from Alatna return to a newly rebuilt village after being one of several Koyukuk River communities washed out by fall floods in 1994. *'''1996''' - :* A federal judge rules against the State of Alaska in a case brought by Governor Hickel and continued by Governor Knowles over the state's interpretation :* of how the Alaska Statehood Act affects the federal government's management of federal lands in the state :* US Congress lifts the ban on the exportation of Alaska crude oil :* One of the most devastating fires in state history destroys homes and property near Big Lake in the South Central area. *'''1997''' - :* High winds and seas caused a Japanese refrigerator ship to go aground near Unalaska, spilling approximately 39,000 gallons of fuel. :* The Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System was sold to three private companies, ending 50 years of public utility ownership. :* MAPCO, the owner of Alaska's largest oil refinery, was bought by Williams Co. Inc. :* Canadian fishermen in Prince Rupert blockaded an Alaskan ferry for three days in protest of Alaskan salmon-fishing practices, ferry service to Prince Rupert was disrupted for 19 weeks :* Issue of the safety of the 20-year-old Trans-Alaska pipeline was in the news, but both Alyeska and the Joint Pipeline Office maintained that the pipeline is well-monitored and safe. *'''1998''' - :* The Legislature passed a bill requiring all students to pass exit exams to earn high school diplomas to become effective in 2002. :* Overturning a Ninth Court Circuit of appeals decision, the US Supreme Court rules that 1.9 million acres of ancestral land owned by the Venetie :* The tribe of Neetsaii' Gwich'in Indians is no longer under the governmental jurisdiction of the tribe. :* Lieutenant Governor Fran Ulmer certified an initiative petition making English Alaska's official language. The initiative, placed on the 1998 general election ballot, passed, making English the official language in state government *'''1999''' - :* British Petroleum announces intent to buy ARCO, starting a process involving the state of Alaska and the FTC in a discussion over state revenues and anti-trust. :* In Kasayulie vs. the State of Alaska, the court rules that Alaska has failed to provide adequate school facilities for Bush students, violating the Alaska Constitution and federal civil law. :* Alaska Board of Education adopts standards for what students should know in math, reading, and writing. :* The lawsuit, Alakayak et al. v. the State of Alaska, was brought by the Alaska Civil Liberties Union, the Native American Rights Fund, and the North Slope Borough on behalf of 27 individuals whose constitutional rights would be violated if the English-only initiative were allowed to take effect on March 4. :* The Alaska Legislature changes the Power Cost Equalization (PCE) program formula reducing entitlement. ==== 21st Century==== * '''2000''' - :* First state educational standards tests were conducted for third-, sixth-, eighth-graders, and sophomores. :*FTC approved BP Amoco's purchase of the Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO). :* 26 April: Phillips Petroleum buys Arco Alaska, Inc. :* Federal Subsistence Board designates the Kenai Peninsula as "rural," effectively making Kenai Peninsula residents eligible for subsistence fish and game on federal lands and waters. :* The State of Alaska sells four state-owned hydroelectric plants (the Four Dam Pool) for $73 million and adds the sale money to a $100 million appropriation taken from the Constitutional Budget reserve. :* An endowment containing nearly $187 million is created to help fund the Power Cost Equalization (PCE) program. :* Doug Swingley of Lincoln, MT, wins the Iditarod * '''2001''' - Doug Swingley of Lincoln, MT, wins the Iditarod * '''2002''' - :* Martin Buser of Big Lake, AK, breaks the 9-day barrier, winning his 4th Iditarod title in 8 days, 22 hours, 46 minutes and 2 seconds. :* State studies showed glaciers melting at a higher rate. :* Earthquake damaged highways and rural homes * '''2003''' - Robert Sorlie of Hurdal, Norway, wins the Iditarod. * '''2004''' :* A federal judge ordered Exxon to pay $6.75 billion for the 1989 oil spill :* Mitch Seavey of Seward, AK wins the Iditarod. * '''2005''' - Robert Sorlie of Hurdal, Norway, wins the Iditarod. * '''2006''' - :* Sarah Palin takes Office as Alaska's first woman governor :* British Petroleum had 267,000 gallons oil spill at Prudhoe Bay; :*Crew rescued from cargo vessel listing by the Aleutian Islands :* Jeff King of Denali, AK, wins the Iditarod. * '''Aug 5''' - 4-time Iditarod winner Susan Butcher dies. * '''2007''' - Lance Mackey becomes the first musher to win both the Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race and the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in the same year. * '''2008''' :* Alaska Governor Sarah Palin runs on the Republican ticket for US Vice President next to Presidential Candidate John McCain. Election won handily by Democratic Presidential candidate, Barack Obama and Vice Presidential candidate, Joseph Biden. :* Lance Mackey won both the Yukon Quest and the Iditarod sled dog races for the second year. * '''2009 ''' :* 50th Anniversary of Alaska Statehood :* The minimum wage jumps from $5.65 to $7.15, giving Alaska the highest minimum wage on the West Coast :* Sarah Palin resigns as Alaska Governor for unspecified reasons. :* Lance Mackey of Fairbanks, AK wins the Iditarod. * '''2010''' - Lance Mackey wins his 4th Iditarod race {{Image|file=Alaska-10.jpg |align=c |size=l |caption=[ Iditarod Ceremonial Opening] }} ===Sources===

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Project Space pages 20241009 (8) Albany County, Wyoming

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Created: 18 Aug 2022
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Touched: 18 Aug 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Albany_County_Wyoming.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

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Welcome to [[Space: Albany County, Wyoming|Albany County]]

== Albany County, Wyoming == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q109442|enwiki}} *[,_Wyoming_Genealogy Albany County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Albany County, Wyoming|Albany County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Albany County, Wyoming|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Laramie *[[:Category: Albany County, Wyoming, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Wyoming|Wyoming Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Wyoming#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Wyoming#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Wyoming#Albany|Albany County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Wyoming|Sources-Wyoming]] page #If you have any Wyoming state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Wyoming_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Wyoming, please consider adding '''Category:[[:Category:Wyoming_Research_Assistance|Wyoming Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (9) American Flag

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Created: 16 Dec 2008
Saved: 30 Apr 2020
Touched: 30 Apr 2020

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Images: 35

[[Category:United States Images]] [[Category:Flags]] [[Category: United States of America]] The flag of the United States of America, often referred to as the Stars and Stripes or Old Glory, consists of (according to Wikipedia) "13 equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton bearing 50 small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternating with rows of five stars." When the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, the United States had no official national flag. It wasn't until June 14, 1777, that the Marine Committee of the Second Continental Congress passed the Flag Resolution which stated: "Resolved, That the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation." The American Flag is customarily flown year-round at all public buildings such as libraries, state houses, post offices, etc. During times of remembrance (i.e. Memorial Day) or loss, the flag is flown at half staff out of respect for those affected or as a symbolic gesture. The United States has a detailed Flag Code under U.S. Federal Law which outlines guidelines for proper use and display. For example it states that the flag should never be allowed to touch the ground and, if flown at night, must be illuminated. Surprisingly, there are no penalties for failing to comply with the Flag Code, nor is the code widely enforced because such enforcement would interfere with a person's right to free speech under the First Amendment.

Project Space pages 20241009 (10) Asotin County, Washington

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Created: 9 Jun 2022
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[[Space:Whitman County, Washington |Whitman]]

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[[Space:Garfield County, Washington | Grant]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Asotin_County_Washington.jpg]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Nez Perce County, Idaho|Nez Perce County, Idaho]]
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[[Space:Wallowa County, Oregon|Wallowa County, Oregon]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space:Asotin County, Washington|Asotin County]]

== Asotin County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156295|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Asotin County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Asotin County, Washington|Asotin County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Asotin County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Asotin County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Asotin County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Asotin|Asotin County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (11) Baker County, Oregon

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[[Space:Grant County, Oregon|Grant]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Baker_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

Washington County,
|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''


|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Baker County, Oregon|Baker County]]

== Baker County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q109665|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Baker County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Baker County, Oregon|Baker County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Baker County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County Seat:''' Baker City *[[:Category: Baker County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Baker County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] {|border="1" class="sortable" !Town/City!!Date!!Note/Name Change |- |Baker City||1874||County Seat |- |Greenhorn||1903||Incorporated |- |Haines||1909||Incorporated |- |Halfway||1909||Incorporated |- |Huntington||1891||Incorporated |- |Richland||1917||Incorporated |- |Sumpter||1898||Incorporated |- |Unity||1972||Incorporated |- |Bridgeport||||Unincorporated |- |Brownlee||||Unincorporated |- |Carson||||Unincorporated |- |China Town||||Unincorporated |- |Clarksville||||Unincorporated |- |Dixie||||Unincorporated |- |Durkee||||Unincorporated |- |Encina||||Unincorporated |- |Hereford||||Unincorporated |- |Homestead||||Unincorporated |- |Hutchinson||||Unincorporated |- |Jimtown||||Unincorporated |- |Keating||||Unincorporated |- |Lime||||Unincorporated |- |Little Alps||||Unincorporated |- |McEwen||||Unincorporated |- |Newbridge||||Unincorporated |- |Oxbow||||Unincorporated |- |Pine||||Unincorporated |- |Pine Creek||||Unincorporated |- |Pleasant Valley||||Unincorporated |- |Rock Creek||||Unincorporated |- |Rye Valley||||Unincorporated |- |Salisbury||||Unincorporated |- |Sparta||||Unincorporated |- |Sunset||||Unincorporated |- |Weatherby||||Unincorporated |- |Whitney||||Unincorporated |- |Wingville||||Unincorporated |- |Auburn||||Ghost town |- |Bourne||||Ghost town |- |Copperfield||||Ghost town |- |Cornucopia||||Ghost town |- |Nelson||||Ghost town |- |Pocahontas||||Ghost town |- |Robinette||||Ghost town |} === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Baker|Baker County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (12) Bannock County, Idaho

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Created: 7 Jun 2020
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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ..this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (13) Bear Lake County, Idaho

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Created: 7 Jun 2020
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Touched: 14 Jul 2022

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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ...this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (14) Benewah County, Idaho

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Created: 7 Jun 2020
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Touched: 14 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (15) Benton County, Oregon

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Benton_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Benton County, Oregon|Benton County]]

== Benton County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484330|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Benton County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Benton County, Oregon|Benton County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Benton County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Corvallis *[[:Category: Benton County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Benton County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Benton|Benton County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (16) Benton County, Washington

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Created: 9 Jun 2022
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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Benton County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space: Grant County, Washington | Grant]] |width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Franklin County, Washington|Franklin]]

|- |width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Yakima County, Washington |Yakima]]

|width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Benton_County_Washington.jpg]] |width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Walla Walla County, Washington | Walla Walla]]

|- |width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Klickitat County, Washington|Klickitat]]

|width=133 align="center"|''South''

|width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''
[[Space:Umatilla County, Oregon|Umatilla County, Oregon]]

Welcome to [[Space:Benton County, Washington|Benton County]]

== Benton County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156216|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Benton County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Benton County, Washington|Benton County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Benton County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Benton County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Benton County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Benton|Benton County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (17) Bingham County, Idaho

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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 14 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (18) Blaine County, Idaho

PageID: 29407028
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 14 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (19) Boise County, Idaho

PageID: 29407051
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 14 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. HINT: Boise is not within Boise County * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (20) Bonner County, Idaho

PageID: 29407236
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 14 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (21) Bonneville County, Idaho

PageID: 29407284
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 14 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (22) Boundary County, Idaho

PageID: 29407300
Inbound links: 2
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 14 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (23) Butte County, Idaho

PageID: 29407316
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 14 Jul 2022

Managers: 1
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (24) Cabinet of the United States of America

PageID: 27840655
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Created: 18 Jan 2020
Saved: 18 Jan 2020
Touched: 18 Jan 2020

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category: Cabinet of the United States]] For the profiles of the cabinet members, see [[:Category: Cabinet of the United States|the category for the Cabinet of the United States]] The Cabinet of the United States is composed of the most senior appointed officers of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States, who are generally the heads of the federal executive departments. The existence of the Cabinet dates back to the first President of the United States, George Washington, who appointed a Cabinet of four men: Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson; Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton; Secretary of War Henry Knox; and Attorney General Edmund Randolph to advise him and to assist him in carrying out his duties. All Cabinet members are nominated by the President and then presented to the Senate for confirmation or rejection by a simple majority. :[[Image:US_Images-5.png|100px]]
US Department of State/Secretary of State - Dept established on July 27, 1789 as the Department of Foreign Affairs, renamed in Sept of 1789. Cabinet level 1789-current..

US Department of the Treasury/Secretary of the Treasury - Dept established 1789. Cabinet level 1789-current.

:[[Image:US_Images-8.png|100px]]US Department of War/Secretary of War - Dept established 1789. Split in 1947 as Dept of the Army and Dept of the Air Force. Both of which, along with the Dept of the Navy were consolidated under the Dept of Defense in 1949. Cabinet level 1789-1947.

US Department of Justice/Attorney General - Office of Attorney General established 1789, Dept of Justice established 1870. Cabinet Level 1789-current.

US Post Office Department/Postmaster General - Dept established 1792, reorganized as quasi-independent agency of USPS in 1971. Cabinet level ex-officio 1829-1872, official from 1872-1971.

US Department of the Navy/Secretary of the Navy - Dept established 1798. Made a component of the Dept of Defense in 1949. Cabinet level 1798-1947.

US Department of the Interior/Secretary of the Interior - Dept established 1849. Cabinet Level 1849-current.

US Department of Agriculture/Secretary of Agriculture - Dept established 1862. Cabinet Level 1889-current.

US Department of Commerce and Labor/Secretary of Commerce and Labor - Dept established 1903. Split into Dept of Commerce and Dept of Labor in 1913. Cabinet Level 1903-1913.

US Department of Commerce/Secretary of Commerce - Dept established 1913. Cabinet Level 1913-current.

US Department of Labor/Secretary of Labor - Dept established 1913. Cabinet Level 1913-current.

US Department of Defense/Secretary of Defense - Dept established 1949, consolidating the Departments of the Navy, Army and Air Force. Cabinet level 1949-current,

:[[Image:US_Images-1.jpg|100px]]US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare/Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare - Dept established 1953, renamed Dept of Health and Human Services in 1979. Cabinet level 1953-1979.

:[[Image:US_Images-2.png|100px]]US Department of Health and Human Services/Secretary of Health and Human Services - Renamed from US Dept of Health, Education, and Welfare when Dept of Education established in 1979. Cabinet level 1979-current.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development/Secretary of Housing and Urban Development - Dept established 1965. Cabinet level 1966-current.

US Secretary of Transportation/Secretary of Transportation - Dept established 1966. Cabinet Level 1966-current.

US Department of Energy/Secretary of Energy - Dept established 1977. Cabinet level 1977-current.

US Department of Education/Secretary of Education - Dept established 1979. Cabinet level 1979-current.

US Department of Veterans Affairs/Secretary of Veteran Affairs - Dept established 1988 as successor to the Veterans Administration, Cabinet level 1988-current.

US Department of Homeland Security/Secretary of Homeland Security - Dept established in 2002, Cabinet level 2002-current.

Project Space pages 20241009 (25) Camas County, Idaho

PageID: 29407335
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (26) Canyon County, Idaho

PageID: 29385838
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Created: 6 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 1

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to show off Canyon County [[]]. A main feature is Lake Lowell. This is a man made lake that draws fisher people [[,+Idaho&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADoGCAAQBxAeUJ4LWN4cYN89aABwAHgAgAGHAYgBigWSAQMyLjSYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab&dest_src=dvr&tcfs=Eg4KDC9nLzFoaG4xMGo5bg&dest_mid=/g/1hhn10j9n#dest_mid=/g/1hhn10j9n&dest_src=dvr&tcfs=EigKDC9nLzFoaG4xMGo5bhoYCgoyMDIwLTA2LTIzEgoyMDIwLTA2LTI3]].. this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (27) Cape May, NJ Deed Book, Deed 1-50

PageID: 6019728
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Created: 6 Jun 2013
Saved: 13 Jun 2019
Touched: 13 Jun 2019

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[ Aaron Leaming Book of Surveys], Liber C, begun August 1765 [from the original manuscript at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, call # (Phi) Am .842] Transcribed/abstracted by Joan Berkey,

[transcriberโ€™s note: This bound volume is found at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The mortgages contained within it were transcribed from the originals by Aaron Leaming, Jr.(1715-1780). Since many of the colonial deeds were not recorded, the legal descriptions and genealogical information contained within them are invaluable. Please note that โ€œLโ€ stands for the English currency of โ€œpound,โ€ โ€œSโ€ stands for shillings, and my abbreviation of โ€œWNJSโ€ stands for the West New Jersey Society who owned the land beginning in the 1690s. My comments are placed within brackets] June 20th, 1765 the General Assembly of New Jersey passed a law for removing the books out of the hands of the respective Commissioners of the Loan Office in the several counties of this province into the hands of the Clerks of the Peace of the said counties and as I [Aaron Leaming, Jr.] happened to be one of the Loan Officers for Cape May (Henry Young, Esq. being the other) I thought proper to take the following extracts from the said books before they passed out of my hands. [[Space:Cape_May%2C_NJ_Deed_Book%2C_Deed_51-122|Deeds 51-123 Here]] 1. p.2:Nathaniel Jenkins 110 acres, legal description, but no creeks or land owners mentioned, 1733; 40L 2. p.3:Thomas Gandy, 1733, Cedar Swamp Creek, no acreage given; 16L 3. p.3:Richard Downs Esq., 200 acres, 1733, tract of land and marsh whereon he lives by Fishing Creek which tenement was formerly Jacob Datonโ€™s decโ€™d, 200 acres, tract was sold by WNJS [West New Jersey Society] and Jeremiah Bass, and the children of said Daton being all daughters sold the said tract to Richard Downs by a deed from them dated 1-30-1715; deed is recorded in Secretaryโ€™s office at Burlington, no legal description; 20L mortgage 4. p.3-4:Joseph Goldin, 200 acres, L72 mortgage, 4-23-1733: โ€œall that tract of land and marsh where he now lives butted on the east side and to run along Egg Harbor River until it comes to the mouth of a creek on the north of my new dwelling house, then the creek to be the bounds to the head of the said creek and from thence to a white oak then to a stake at the mouth of a gut by the main creek and so along the creek to the sounds is the bounds thereof, which was given to the said Joseph by a deed from his fatherโ€ [father not named] 5. p.5:โ€œit appearing that the land mortgaged by Joshua Garlick in the 3rd [volume?] No l. of Loose Sheets is forfeited and the equity of redemption thereof foreclosed by reason he did not make payment this year according to the conditions of the mortgageโ€ฆhe also forfeited other land mortgaged in the 34th No. of the 40,000L mortgage bookโ€ฆboth tracts ordered sold by Aaron Leaming by way of public vendue on the 2nd Tuesday next, 1742โ€ฆJohn Garlick appeared and made it appear that he had purchased of Joshua Garlick nine acres of the aforesaid land that was mortgaged by Joshua, so the 9 acres was sold separately to John Garlick for 36L 10S. 6. p.6:John Stites appeared and said he bought the residue of the said lands, containing 55 acres from Joshua Garlick, and Rebecca Church claimed that Jeremiah Church decโ€™d had purchased of John Garlick 100 acres of the mortgaged land 7. p.7:John Garlick 60 acres and 42 acres: Middle Precinct, mentions John Taylorโ€™s line, Joshua Garlickโ€™s line (60 acre tract), 42 acre tract also in Middle precinct; gives legal description for both; 42L mortgage 8. p.8:Joshua Garlick 64 acres; Middle Precinct.; all three tracts comprise one plantation bounded on the south by John Stites plantation; Joshua Garlick sold 55 acres to John Stites after it was mortgaged; 9. p.8:John Stites 55 acres; 70L; deed of 1742 by Aaron Leaming, commissioner of the Loan Office to John Stites being part of the 64 acres mortgaged by Joshua Garlick; gives legal description 10. p.9:John Garlick, 9 acres, 11. p.9:John Stites, 100 acres, deed dated 1742 to Stites from Leaming Loan Office; gives legal description 12. p.10:John Stites 103.5 acres; deed of 1737, mortgaged land and marsh in Middle Precinct, on the sea side between the land of George Taylor and the land of Joshua Garlick; gives legal description; 50L; 13. p.10:John Stiteโ€™s receipt for mortgage, 1742 14. p.11:John Garlickโ€™s receipt for 11L mortgage, two tracts, one of 60 acres, the other of 142 acres, no date 15. p.11:โ€œJohn Stites had only one child her name was Margaret and was born November 10, 1740. In July 1743 John Stites died; March 3, 1763 she was married to Jonathan Leaming my oldest son. October 9, 1764 at ยพ past 10 of the clock in the night the said Margaret was delivered of a daughter named Priscilla Leaming (that having been the name of the childโ€™s grandmother) and the 22nd day of October 1764 about 3 in the morning the said Margaret died: witness my handโ€ฆ.Aaron Leamingโ€ 16. p.12:Joseph Chard: 1733, 16L mortgage, cedar swamp in Upper precinct, on the north side of Cedar Swamp Creek; payments were not made and in 1742 Aaron Leaming Sr. and Jr. sold it at vendue to Jeremiah Hand. Part of it is now the estate of Jesse Hand by descent from his father Oct. 9, 1765. 17. p.12:Moses Crosley: 1733, land and marsh, corner of Henry Leonardโ€™s land, corner of Samuel Hand, mention of Osborn land; Leaming notes that the deed is imperfect in the distances it gives; no $ mentioned 18. p.13:Samuel Gandy, 1733: tract of land purchased by Thomas Gandy, his father, from Lewis Morris Esq.[representing the West New Jersey Society], adjoining to the said Thomas Gandyโ€™s land that he now lives on; gives legal description; no $ mentioned 19. p.14:Benjamin Richardson, 1733, 16L, all that tract of land whereon he now lives, no legal description, legal description is in deed filed in Burlington 20. p.14:John Corsonโ€™s 200 acres: dated 4-24-1733, 24L mortgage, โ€œall that tract of land and marsh containing 200 acres butted and bounded as follows: beginning at a stake in the marsh by a creek side which parts the said land from the land formerly in the possession of Abraham Banier but now in the possession of one Andrew Godfrey and running from thence up the said creek bounding therewith northwest half a point north 320 perches to a corner tree marked 12 notches from thence by a line of marked trees north east half a point east 105 perches to a tree, then south east half a point south along the line of his father Andrew Corsonโ€™s to a stake in the marsh 320 perches, then to the first mentioned stake south west half a point west 105 perches; 21. p.14:Peter [John was written in first, then erased and replaced with the name Peter] Scull; 1733, all that tract of land and marsh in Cape May whereon he now lives at the place called Tuckahoe, on the south side of the Tuckahoe River right over against Thomas Championโ€™s old Plantation; gives legal description, mentions โ€œwith the third part of the meadow which was purchased by John Scull 22. p.15:Ebenezer Swain; 1733, 100 acres; gives legal description, mentions William Johnsonโ€™s land and line; 24L 23. p.15:Henry Leonard, 150 acres, 1733, 32L; tract whereon he now lives; gives legal description; land of John Reeves adjoins, Perch Creek: Beginning at a stake standing by the side of a creek that parts the said land from the land of John Reeves called Perch Creek and runs from thence south southwest seventy nine perches to a stake by a gut or small creek, from thence west northwest three hundred and twenty perches along the line of the said John Reeves land to the beginning. [Leaming notes that 2 courses are left out of the original] 24. p.15:Isaac Hand: 1733, 16L; land of Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Osbornโ€™s, no acreage; beg. at a stake by the sound side in the line between it and the land of Benjamin Johnson, and running from thence northwest and by west 320 perches to a corner tree marked with 12 notches, then north and by north half north, 48 perches to the land that was Jonathan Osbornโ€™s, then down that line east south east 320 perches to the mouth of a small creek that is by the sound side , joining therewith seventy eight perches southwest and by south half south to the beginning 25. p.16:Randall Hewit, 115 acres; 24L; gives legal description, โ€œHorseneckโ€ [AL notes that it contains by computation 261 acres] 26. p.16:William Johnson, 1733; 50L; gives legal description; beg. at a corner stake by cedar creek side and running from thence S33W, 122 perches to a stake upon a small creek called the Green Spring Creek, then up the said creek bounding with the water courses thereof to a poplar standing in the branch, then 33 degrees along the line of Mr. Jerviceโ€™s land two hundred perches to a corner white oak on the north side of the main branch of cedar creek then north sixteen degrees easterly one hundred and fifty perches to a corner of Joseph Holdinโ€™s, then southeast one hundred and sixty perches to a red oak in the fork of cedar creek then east 35 degrees south 16 perches to beginning; โ€œexcept that part given to Catherine Johnson now the wife of James Hathorn, see p. 49โ€ 27. p.16:Aaron Leaming, 350 acres; 100L; line of Arthur Cresse Sr., legal description; said land was bought from the daughters of Edmund Howell deceased and their husbands Edward Quinton and Abraham Hudson, and the part belonging to Sarah Howell when a maid but now Sarah Smith; 1733 28. p.17:John Leonard, 90 acres; 16L, 1733; legal description; mentions land of Moses Crossle; 29. p.17:Isaac Hand, 50 acres; April 24th, the sixth year of King George the II, 16L; gives legal description 30. p.18:Josiah Edwards, 200 acres, 1733; 16L; beg. at Peter Corsonโ€™s southeast corner and running up Peterโ€™s line northwest half north 320 perches, then northeast half east 139 perches to the line of the land surveyed for Henry Young now belonging to Joseph Badcock so down the said line south south east half east 320 perches to a stake by the side of a creek; thence southwest 79 perches to beginning. 31. p.18:Jacob Spicer, Esq.; 200 acres, the neck & 141 acres Oyster Point; 1733; 57L; all that tract of land he purchased of Caleb Carman containing 200 acres of land and marsh bounded northwardly upon the said Carmanโ€™s land and George Craffordโ€™s land and westerly upon a creek that runs from John Paigeโ€™s land and southerly upon a creek that fronts John Handโ€™s land, and easterly upon some marsh belonging to the proprietors in England; his deed for the same dated 1710, Liber B, p. 101. Also 141 acres he bought of Benjamin and William Carman known as Oyster Point in Cold Spring neck, by deed ; also the beach called Two Mile Beach 32. p.19:Joshua Stites, 1734, land in Cold Spring, no legal description 15L; 33. p.19:Michael Isard and wife Sarah; 1734, 24L; 200 acres, was sold by WNJS to John Reeves, decโ€™d who is the father of Sarah; beg. at a stake by a creek from thence northeast by north 105 perches to stake in marsh, thence along the marsh and so along the woods by a line of marked trees west northwest to an oak, 320 perches, then along the woods southeast by south 105 perches, then ESE to beginning, 320 P; 34. p.19:Isaac Whildin, 200 acres; deed of 4-22-1735, fol. 23, 40L, all that tract of land now in his possession it being one half of a certain parcel of land bought by his father Joseph Whildin deceased of the West NJ Society, containing over 200 acres of land, beginning at a stake standing in the marsh at Humphrey Hughes SW corner to a little creek so up the said creek to Joseph Whildin his brotherโ€™s land to his easternmost corner, so running NW ยฝ W along the said Josephโ€™s line 320P to a corner tree in the woods, from thence NE ยฝ N 120P to a black oak, thence NE ยฝ S, 60P, thence SE half E 240 P to POB. 35. p.20:1735; one eightyth of the Five Mile Beach; 15L; 36. p.20:Jacob Spicer, 54 acres; 15L; beg. at a white oak near land of Caleb Carman and on the west side of his head line and running from thence southwest by south 90p; thence northwest by west 102 P; then northeast by north, 90P, then southeast by east 102 perches to beginning 37. p.20:George Stites 40 acres and 10 acres, 1735; whereon George Stites now liveth; gives legal description; also tract of marsh at โ€œnummies.โ€ 15L 38. p.21:Henry Leonard, 100 acres; 1735, 41L; no legal description 39. p.22:Henry Stites, 200 acres; 1741; 16L; land and marsh in Middle precinct., between the land of William Smith and that was formerly John Reeves but now Henry Stites, Jr.; gives legal description; 40. p.22:Moses Crossle; 117 acres, between land of Henry Leonard and the Osborn [no first name given]; gives legal description; [AL comments that this was not the whole plantation, only the part next to Leonard] 41. p.22:Daniel Norton, 50 acres; 15L; on bayside, fork of Dyers Creek, Shamgar Handโ€™s corner; 42. p.22:William Robinson home plantation, bayside,1736; 16L; beginning at Shamgar Handโ€™s east end in Jo [Joseph] Mores Neck thence south one hundred and three perches then east thirty seven perches to a branch of Wills creek, than along the creek north north east one quarter east 116 perches to another branch that proceeds from Wills Creek and then along the said branch west 86 perches to the beginning. Also another tract beginning at William Smithโ€™s southeast corner 43. p.23:Christopher Leaming, 204 acres; 1737, 12L 10S; land and marsh between land of John Reeves, late of Cape May, decโ€™d and the land of John Handโ€™s 44. p.21:John Hand, 186 acres, 1737, 12L; tract in Upper; between land of Christopher Leaming and land of Daniel Brandreth; gives legal description 45. p. 24:Daniel Garritson, 100 acres; 1737, 40L; land in Upper, mentions land of John Hubbert; gives legal description 46. p.24:John Stites, 103.5 acres, 50L, see p. 10 for legal description; 1737 47. p.24:Nathan Osborn; 150 acres, 16L; Middle precinct., gives legal description., Isaac Handโ€™s corner, Anannias Osborn corner 48. p.25:Robert Townsend, Esq., 12L 10S, Upper precinct., adjoining land that was formerly Benjamin Handโ€™s which land is now in the possession of Daniel Brandreth; gives legal description; 260 acres 49. p.26:Ebenezer Johnson, 100 acres, 1737, 12L 10S; gives legal description, corner tree of John Bucks, bank of Delaware Bay 50. p.26:Ebenezer Newton, 150 acres, 64L; between John Eldredge and Delaware Bay, excepting about 30 acres that was sold to Samuel Foster which lies next to the bay; beginning at a bridge that passeth to New England Town, thence north eight degrees westerly fifty perches and then east eight degrees southerly forty perches then north eight westerly forty perches thence west eight north forty perches, then north eight westerly seventy two perches, then east twenty eight degrees south forty eight perches then north forty four degrees east eighty six perches then east eight degrees south one hundred and fifteen perches to a corner then by the land of George Craffordโ€™s which is now in the possession of John Eldredge south southwest one half appoint south to the New England town Creek, down the creek several courses to beginning. [[Space:Cape_May%2C_NJ_Deed_Book%2C_Deed_51-122|Deeds 51-123 Here]] ==Category== [[Category:Cape_May_County%2C_New_Jersey]] [[:Category:Cape_May_County%2C_New_Jersey|Cape May County, New Jersey]] ----

Project Space pages 20241009 (28) Cape May, NJ Deed Book, Deed 51-122

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Abstracts of a journal written by Aaron Leaming, Jr., who transcribed early 18th century mortgages for Cape May County, NJ [ Aaron Leaming Book of Surveys], Liber C, begun August 1765 [from the original manuscript at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, call # (Phi) Am .842] Transcribed/abstracted by Joan Berkey,

[transcriberโ€™s note: This bound volume is found at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The mortgages contained within it were transcribed from the originals by Aaron Leaming, Jr. (1715-1780). Since many of the colonial deeds were not recorded, the legal descriptions and genealogical information contained within them are invaluable. Please note that โ€œLโ€ stands for the English currency of โ€œpound,โ€ โ€œSโ€ stands for shillings, and my abbreviation of โ€œWNJSโ€ stands for the West New Jersey Society who owned the land beginning in the 1690s. My comments are placed within brackets] [[Space:Cape_May%2C_NJ_Deed_Book%2C_Deed_1-50|Deeds 1-50 Click Here]] 51. p.27:Henry Stites, 1737, 100L; see courses in the book p. 22; 52. p.27:Jeremiah Hand, 100 acres; 25L11s6p; Lower precinct. Between land of Joshua Shaw and land of Wm. Johnson; gives legal 53. p.28:Henry Stites, 1738, 200 acres, see p. 22 for legal description 54. p.28:Jeremiah Church; 97 acres; 1738, 44L; John Hughes corner on the beach; Thomas Hand, trees marked TH and CC; gives legal description 55. p.29:Annanias Osborn, 100 acres, 12L, middle precinct., between the land of Nathan Osborn and land of Mosses Crossle; 1738 56. p.29:William Eldredge, 200 acres; 1738, no $ given; land in Middle precinct at the place called Goshen; between the land of Benjamin Johnson and Thomas Leaming 57. p.29:Recompense Hand; 200 acres, see p. 31; 1738, 100L; middle precinct.; near Fishing Creek; legal description Maybe missing one course; 58. p.30:John Gandy, 150 acres; 1739; 20L; Upper precinct at the place called Cedar Swamp Creek; gives legal description 59. p.30:John Cromwell, 1739, 150 acres, Upper precinct, between land of Benjamin Holdin and Daniel Garriston on the south side; gives legal description, said land and marsh was purchased by Cromwell of John Willits and James Hathorn and purchased by Willits and Hathorn of John Hubbert, and Hubbert purchased from Rem Garritson [no dates given] 60. p.31:George Hollingshead; 184 acres; 1739; 25L; Upper precinct, adjoining land of Isaac Ludlam of the northeast side and Isaac Townsend land on the southwest side; gives legal description 61. p.31:Nathan Osborn, 150 acres, 1739, see p.24 & 25 62. P.31:George Hollingshead, 184 acres, 1740, 54L; (see above description) 63. p.31:Recompense Hand, 200 acres; 1740; land in Middle precinct on bayside; gives legal description, no $ mentioned 64. p.32:Richard Downs Esq., 200 acres, 27L; 1740; Lower precinct., at Fishing Creek on the southwest side of the same and adjoining to the bay and Fishing Creek; land was formerly Jacob Datonโ€™s which was purchased by Downs of Datonโ€™s heirs 65. p.32:George Stites 40 acres and 10 acres, 1740, 36L; see p. 20 and 21 66. p.32:Thomas Hand, 400 acres at Jo Moors; 1740; 9-18-9.25; at place called Joseph Moors, bounding on the north side by John Smithโ€™s land, on the south side to Nathan Hands land, between which lines is contained 400 acres, part of land that was purchased by Cornelius Hand late of Cape May, decโ€™d, of Jacob the deed of conveyance from the said Spicer to the said Cornelius Hand and conveyed by Josiah Hand to his son Thomas Hand and fell to Josiah Hand as heir at law to the said Cornelius Hand 67. p.33:James Cresse; 118 acres, 1741, Middle precinct; legal description, between the land of David Cresse and Shamgar Handโ€ฆbought by Arthur Cresse grandfather to the said James Cresse 68. p.33:Cornelius Schelinks, 34 acres; 1741, L50-8-7; Lower precinct, Cold Spring, beg. at Cold Spring creek at the south corner of Humphrey Hughes and running from thence northwest 30 north 269 perches, then southwest seventy degrees twenty two perches and a half, from there south east thirty deg. two hundred thirty one perches to Cold Spring creek, from thence along the creek to beginning 69. p.34:Ebenezer Swain, Esq.; 130 acres that was Jonathan Swains; 1741; between land of Humphrey Hughes and the land of Samuel Stain; gives legal description 70. p.35:Jeremiah Hand, 100 acres; 1742; L28-18-4.5; Lower precinct, between Joshua Shaw and land of William Johnson; gives legal description, mentions fork of Cedar Creek 71. p.36:John Stites, 55 acres; 1732, L-11-18-1; Middle precinct; gives legal, mentions Oliver Johnson line, John Garlick land (purchased from his father Joshua); being the land and plantation whereon Joshua Garlick now liveth which land he lately purchased of the commissioners, see p. 8 & 9 72. p.36:Joseph Savage: 55 acres and 5.5 acres; 1744; L12-0-0, land near Fishing Creek; beg. at stake on south side of John Buckโ€™s meadow, thence southwest by south thirty-eight perches, then southeast by east one hundred and sixty perches and then northeast by north fifty nine perches then northwest by west one hundred and forty perches to the meadows, then southwest by south fifteen perches then along the side of the meadows to the beginning 73. p.37:William Mulford , L49-1-5, 200 acres, below Thomas Hewitโ€™s line by the sound side 74. p.37:John Garlick, 102 acres, 1745, L8-8-0; gives legal description, John Stites lines 75. p.38:Isaac Whildin 100 acres; May 1745, orig. sold by WNJS to James Stanfield of Phila; all that tract, messuage and tract of land, beg. at a stake standing by the bay side between the bay and the pond above the land which was formerly said to belong to John Reeves, running up the bayโ€ฆ 76. p.39:Humphrey Hughes, 30 and 20 acres; near head of Fishing Creek; gives legal description 77. p.40:Christopher Foster, 144 acres, 6-14-1745, 29L, mentions Wills Creek and Thomas Buckโ€™s line; gives legal description 78. p.40:Thomas Leaming, 164 acres, 1745, L23-5-6, at Goshen, beg. at stake by creek side it being the corner stake of the land that was formerly Yelverton Crowellโ€™s, and thence east south east one hundred and ninety perches, and thence north eighty-five degrees east one hundred and eighty two perches, then north five west ninety eight perches and thence south eighty-five west three hundred and forty eight perches, then running on a straight line to the beginning 79. p.42:map showing deed, mentions Society sold in 1727 to William Matthews 142 acres of land at Fishing creek, and Matthews bought two other tracts in 1744 from the Society, for a total of 191 acres; gives legal description 80. p.44:James Page, 61 and 33 acres, 1737, gives legal description, Lower precinct; land of Josiah Crowellโ€™s called the head of New England Creek 81. p.45:Randol Hewitt , 1737, no $ given, bayside, between Green Creek and Dyerโ€™s Creek;115 acres, 82. p.45:John Leonard (90 acres), 1737, 36L; between land of Moses Crossle and land of Henry Leonard; gives legal description; 83. p.45:Nathan Hand (150 acres); L20; 1737; Middle precinct, between land of Shamgar Hand and land of his brother, Thomas 84. p.46:Benjamin Johnson, 150 acres, 3-25-1737, 16L; tract of land and marsh in Middle Precinct at a place called Goshen between the land of Samuel Johnson and the land of William Eldredge, beginning at the fork of a creek at William Eldredgeโ€™s SW corner and from thence along Samuel Johnsonโ€™s line SE and by S half S 320 perches to a corner pine and then northeast by east half east 75 perches, then NW by north half north 320 perches to Wm Eldredgeโ€™s line, then along Eldredgeโ€™s line 75P to POB 85. p.46:Henry Leonard: 90 acres, 1737, L50; Middle precinct, between land of John Reeves and John Leonard; gives legal description 86. p.47:John Willits, 300 acres, 1737, L50; upper precinct at place called Jerusalem; gives legal 87. p.47:Ebenezer Swain, 100 acres, L36; Lower precinct, gives legal description, white oak of William Johnson land; 88. p.48:James Hedges; 31 acres, 1;737, L12; Lower; near southernmost branch of Fishing Creek; gives legal description 89. p.48:Cornelius Schelinks; 94 acres, 1737; L12-10-0; Lower precinct. Between lands of Humphrey Hughes and land of Cornelius Schelinger Sr., beg at stake by side of Cold Spring Creek 90. p.49:Wm Johnson, 280 acres, 1727, 100L; see p. 16 91. p.49:Moses Crossle, 100 acres, L50, see p. 12; 117 acres see p. 22 92. p.49:Jacob Spicer, Esq., 4 tracts, 1737, L160; gives legal description, mentions that Spicer sold Oyster Point to Samuel Eldredge; says the first mentioned tract contains 200 acres called the neck (now called โ€œPoint Airyโ€), also the back and the 54 acre tract 93. p.50:Joseph Goldin, 200 acres; 116L; tract of land and marsh in Upper Precinct where he now lives, bound on the northeast by Egg Harbor River, mentions Isaiah Stites, 1737 94. p.50:John Champion, 150 acres, also 26 acres, 1737, L36; on NE side of Tuckahoe River in Gloucester county 95. p.51:Joshua Stites, 75 acres, 1737, L32; Lower precinct, between land of Barnabas Crowell and land of Cornelius Schelinger; gives legal description 96. p.51:William Matthews, 142 acres, 1737, L25; legal description, mentions land of Recompense Hand 97. p.52:Reuben Swain, 100 acres; 1737, Lower precinct; between land of Ebenezer Swain and Jonathan Swain; gives legal description; 98. p.53:Benjamin Richardson, 124 acres, 1737, L25; all his plantation between Richard Shawโ€™s and Ephraim Edwardโ€™s plantations; 99. p.53:John Hand, 80 acres, 1737, L12-10-0; Middle precinct at the place called Fishing Creek, is one half of the land that was former Jeremiah Handโ€™s, beginning at Thomas Handโ€™s corner near the bay, William Matthews corner 100. p. 53:Michael and Sarah Isard, 1737, L45, see p. 19 Nathaniel Jenkins, 200 acres, 1737, Middle; gives legal [part of this page is torn], Abraham Smith, land of Shamgar Hand now Thomas Hand 101. p. 54:Aaron Leaming, 350 acres, L100, 1737; land bought of daughters of Edmond Howell, gives legal description 102. p. 55:Ephraim Edwards, 105 acres, 1737, L16; Middle precinct, between land of Benjamin Richardson and James Edwards; gives legal 103. p. 55:John Corson, Sr. 33 1/3 acres, deed of 4-18-1737; land and marsh in upper precinct at the place called the fast landing adjoining to the cedar swamp creek and to the land of Jacob Corsonโ€™s, which said land and marsh contained 33 and one third acres; 12L 104. p. 55:Jacob Garritson, 100 acres; 1737, Upper precinct, adjoining Isaiah Stites on the northeast side and said Jacob Garritson on the southwest side; gives legal description 105. p. 56:Reuben Hewit, 50 acres, 1737, L16; Middle precinct, bayside between Lewis Cresse and Thomas Hewit; gives legal description; 106. p. 56:Cornelius Schelinks Jr., 94 acres, 1737; L21; Lower, between Humphrey Hughes and Cornelius Schelinks, Sr.; beg. at stake in Cold Spring Creek; gives legal description; 107. p. 57:Richard Shaw: 65 acres, 1737, L12-10-0; Middle precinct, seaside, between land of John Richardson and land that now is in possession of Joshua Garlick; tract was formerly purchased by Oliver Johnson from WNJS and Oliver Johnson by his will gave the said half tract of land unto his son Daniel Johnson and the said Daniel conveyed to Aaron Leaming and was then conveyed by Leaming to Richard Shaw 108. p. 57:Nathaniel Foster, 100 acres deed dated 3-28-1738, L18, beginning at a stake at the lower end of a pond that is called Nortonโ€™s pond and running up the middle of the pond east southeast 100 perches to the head of the pond, and thence east south east ยพ east 12 perches, and then south east 96 perches to a corner tree, and then southwest half west 76 perches, thence NW by W 184 perches; thence n ยพ E 95 perches to beginning; mortgaged again 4-22-1740 for 29L 109. p.58:John Eldredge, 100 acres, 1738; L16; Lower precinct, easterly end of George Eaglesfield land and joining John Parsons 200 acre tract; sold by John Crafford to George Crafford by deed dated 1700; was purchased by John Eldredge of Yelverton Crowell of East jersey 109. p.59:Joseph Hewit Sr., 166 acres, โ€œthis was Randol Hewitโ€™s son, Joseph; 1738; Middle near the bay; 110. p.59:John Garlick, 60/42 acres; 1738, L45; two tracts; gives legal description 111. p.60:Joshua Hildreth, 186 acres; 1738; L15; Middle Precinct. Between the land of Joshua Stites and the land of Thomas Hewit; beg, at a stake in the marsh being the bounded stake of Joshua Stites aforesaid and so running along the marsh north eight degrees east to the mouth of a creek and so up the said creek bounding therewith to a swamp and so along the said swamp the several courses thereof to the head of the same, then up to the woods as far as the land runs being from the mouth of the said creek to the head of the land as is usual 320 perches then through the woods to the line of Joshua Stites aforesaid south eight degrees west and so down the said Joshua Stitesโ€™ line to the beginning; 112. p.60:William Robinson, 77 acres, 1738, L15; two tracts see p. 23 for legal description 113. p.61:Thomas Hand, 150 acres at Gravelly Run; L15; 1738; Middle precinct, on northeast side of Gravelly Run between land of Nathaniel Jenkins and the land of Nathan Hand; gives legal description 114. p.61:Recompense Hand, 160 and 32 acres; 1738, L27-15-0; head of Fishing Creek; gives legal description 115. p.62:Ebenezer Swain, 100 acres, 1739, L42, see p. 47 116. p.62:Jacob Spicer, Esq.; 1739; 200 acres in the neck; 141 acres Oyster Point and the 2 mile beach, 54 acres homestead, see p. 18 and 19; 165L 116. p.63:Randol Hewit, 150 acres, L87; Middle precinct on the bayside between Green and Dyerโ€™s Creeks 117. p.63:Thomas Leaming, 150 acres: 1740; L42-5-0; Middle, gives description 118. p.69 William Mulford, again, same 200 acres, for 35L 10s 119. p.74:Jacob Spicer, homestead of 54 acres, 5-12-1744 (see p. 49, this description: beginning at a white oak near the land of Caleb Carman and on the west side of ye head line and running from thence southwest by south ninety perches, then southeast by east from thence northwest by west 102 perches, then northeast by north 90 perches, then southeast by east 102 perches, to the beginning, containing 54 acres) 120. p.85โ€ฆAaron Leaming: died in Phila. 6-20-1746, aged 58 Lydia Leamingโ€™s will registered in Surrogateโ€™s office in Burlington, she died at Cape May Oct. 2, 1762 aged 82 years 121. p.88:Nathaniel Handโ€™s oldest son is Timothy, Timothy sold share in 5-mile Beach in 1754 122. p.123:โ€œEpitaph copied from the Leaming family burying groundโ€ situated in Cape May Co., NJ, copied from a copy by Lydia Leaming Smith, 12-25-1882: Lydia Leaming daughter of John and Elizabeth Persons was born at East Hampton April 10, 1680. They moved to Cape May July 1691, in September 1691 settled on this plantation. In January 1693 he died. April 8th 1695, Lydia married to Wm. Shaw by whom she had Richard, Lydia, John, Joshua, and Nathan that survived her. May 17, 1712 William Shaw died and October 10, 1714 she married Aaron Leaming who died June 10, 1746. They had Aaron, Jeremiah and Elizabeth. October 2, 1762 she finished this life.โ€ ==Category== [[Category:Cape_May_County%2C_New_Jersey]] [[:Category:Cape_May_County%2C_New_Jersey|Cape May County, New Jersey]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (29) Caribou County, Idaho

PageID: 29407354
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (30) Cassia County, Idaho

PageID: 29407376
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 142 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (31) Chehalis County, Washington

PageID: 38539152
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Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 71 views

Created: 3 Jul 2022
Saved: 3 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 2
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Chehalis County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

Welcome to the Chehalis County, Washington

== Chehalis County, Washington == === Timeline === :Created 14 Apr 1854, Chehalis County was renamed Grays Harbor County by the Legislature of the State of Washington by S.B. 297 effective 9 Jun 1915.

See [[Space:Grays_Harbor_County%2C_Washington|Grays Harbor County, Washington]]. === State Resources === *[ Washington State Genealogical Society] *[ Washington State Library] *[ Washington Census Records] *[ Encyclopedia of Washington State History] *[ Washington State Digital Archives] *[ Bureau of Land Management General Land Office] == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (32) Chelan County, Washington

PageID: 38285238
Inbound links: 7
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Created: 9 Jun 2022
Saved: 7 Feb 2023
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Chelan County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Skagit County, Washington|Skagit]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Okanogan County, Washington|Okanogan]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Snohomish County, Washington|Snohomish]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Chelan_County_Washington.jpg]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Douglas County, Washington |Douglas]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:King County, Washington |King]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Kittitas County, Washington |Kittitas]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space:Chelan County, Washington|Chelan County]]

== Chelan County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q493236|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Chelan County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Chelan County, Washington|Chelan County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Chelan County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *Place Studies: **[[Space:Wenatchee%2C_Washington_One_Place_Study|Wenatchee, Washington]] **[[Space:Cashmere,_Washington_One_Place_Study|Cashmere, Washington]] *[[:Category: Chelan County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Chelan County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Chelan|Chelan County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (33) Clackamas County, Oregon

PageID: 38589271
Inbound links: 4
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Created: 7 Jul 2022
Saved: 27 Nov 2022
Touched: 27 Nov 2022

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Clackamas County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

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'''Team Leader: [[Robinson-27225|Azure Robinson]]

Welcome to ''[[Space: Clackamas County, Oregon|Clackamas County]]''

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Washington County, Oregon|Washington]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Multnomah County, Oregon|Multnomah]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Hood River County, Oregon|Hood River]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Wasco County, Oregon|Wasco]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Clackamas_County_Oregon-1.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Yamhill County, Oregon|Yamhill]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Marion County, Oregon|Marion]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


== Clackamas County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484404|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Clackamas County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Clackamas County, Oregon|Clackamas County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Clackamas County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Oregon City *[[:Category: Clackamas County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Clackamas County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Clackamas|Clackamas County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (34) Clallam County, Washington

PageID: 38287609
Inbound links: 4
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Created: 9 Jun 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 1

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Clallam County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''
[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]
[[Wikipedia:Strait of Juan de Fuca|Strait of Juan de Fuca]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''
[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]
[[Wikipedia:Strait of Juan de Fuca|Strait of Juan de Fuca]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Wikipedia:Pacific Ocean|Pacific Ocean]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Clallam_County_Washington.jpg]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Jefferson County, Washington|Jefferson]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Jefferson County, Washington|Jefferson]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space:Clallam County, Washington|Clallam County]]

== Clallam County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156306|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Clallam County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Clallam County, Washington|Clallam County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Clallam County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Clallam County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Clallam County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Clallam|Clallam County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (35) Clark County, Idaho

PageID: 29407604
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (36) Clark County, Washington

PageID: 38287763
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Created: 9 Jun 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 1

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Clark County, Washington]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Cowlitz County, Washington|Cowlitz]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Clark_County_Washington.jpg]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Skamania County, Washington |Skamania]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Columbia County, Oregon |Columbia County, Oregon]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Multnomah County, Oregon |Multnomah County, Oregon]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space:Clark County, Washington|Clark County]]

== Clark County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156287|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Clark County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Clark County, Washington|Clark County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Clark County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Clark County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Clark County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Clark|Clark County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (37) Clatsop County, Oregon

PageID: 38589699
Inbound links: 5
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Created: 7 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 7 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Clatsop County, Oregon]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Clatsop_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Clatsop County, Oregon|Clatsop County]]

== Clatsop County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484371|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Clatsop County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Clatsop County, Oregon|Clatsop County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Clatsop County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Astoria *[[:Category: Clatsop County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Clatsop County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Clatsop|Clatsop County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (38) Clearwater County, Idaho

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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (39) Collections on the History of Albany

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[[Category: Sources by Name]] [[Category: New York Genealogy Resources]] [[Category: Albany, New York]] [[Category: New York, Sources]] == Collections on the History of Albany == * Complete title: ''Collections on the History of Albany : from its discovery to the present time ; with notices of its public institutions, and biographical sketches of citizens deceased.'' * By Joel Munsell * 4 volumes. * Published Albany, N.Y. : J. Munsell, 1865-71. :*Vol. 1, published 1865. :*Vol. 2, published 1867. :*Vol. 3, published 1870. :* Vol. 4, published 1871. * Source Example: :::

Munsell, Joel ''[[Space:Collections on the History of Albany|Collections on the History of Albany]]'' (Albany, N.Y. : J. Munsell, 1865-71.)

* Inline Citation Example: :::

[[#MunsellCHA|Munsell]]: Year, Vol. 1, Page 134

* [[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Collections on the History of Albany|WikiTree Profiles that use this source]] === Available online at these locations: === * Vol. 1-4 ::*[ HathiTrust] - Note: Vol. 1 is incomplete; ends at page 326 ::*[] ($subscription) - Note: Vol. 1 appears to be complete ::* [ FamilySearch] * Vol. 1 (incomplete) ::* ::* * Vol. 3 ::* ::* * Vol. 4

Project Space pages 20241009 (40) Columbia County, Oregon

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[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Columbia County, Oregon]]

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Columbia_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


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== Columbia County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484385|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Columbia County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Columbia County, Oregon|Columbia County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Columbia County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: St Helens *[[:Category: Columbia County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Columbia County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Columbia|Columbia County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (41) Columbia County, Washington

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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Columbia County, Washington]]

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[[Space:Franklin County, Washington|Franklin]]

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[[Space:Whitman County, Washington|Whitman]]

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[[Space:Walla Walla County, Washington|Walla Walla]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Columbia_County_Washington.jpg]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Garfield County, Washington |Garfield]]

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[[Space:Umatilla County, Oregon |Umatilla County, Oregon]]

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Wallowa County, Oregon |Wallowa County, Oregon]]


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== Columbia County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156253|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Columbia County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Columbia County, Washington|Columbia County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Columbia County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Columbia County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Columbia County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Columbia|Columbia County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (42) Coos County, Oregon

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[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Coos County, Oregon]]

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Coos_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Coos County, Oregon|Coos County]]

== Coos County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484426|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Coos County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Coos County, Oregon|Coos County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Coos County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Coquille *[[:Category:Oregon, Place Studies|One Place Studies]]: **[[Space:Bandon%2C_Oregon_One_Place_Study|Bandon]] **[[Space:Randolph%2C_Oregon_One_Place_Study|Randolph]] *[[:Category: Coos County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Coos County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Coos|Coos County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (43) Cowlitz County, Washington

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[[Space:Wahkiakum County, Washington|Wahkiakum]]

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Cowlitz_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Skamania County, Washington |Skamania]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Columbia County, Oregon|Columbia County, Oregon]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Clark County, Washington |Clark]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


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== Cowlitz County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156276|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Cowlitz County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Cowlitz County, Washington|Cowlitz County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Cowlitz County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Cowlitz County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Cowlitz County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Cowlitz|Cowlitz County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (44) Cowpasture Tract, Montgomery County, Maryland

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Created: 22 Mar 2020
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[[Category:Cowpasture Tract, Montgomery County]] For associated profiles, see [[:Category:Cowpasture Tract, Montgomery County|the category]] ==Location== "Cow Pasture, surveyed for Henry Griffith, 10th February, 1701, for three thousand eight hundred and fifty-tour and onehalf acres, lies on both sides of Little Seneca Greek, near Clarksburg."

T. H. S. Boyd. [ History of Montgomery County] Clarksburg, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1879. p. 47 Accessed 9 January 2024 [[Day-19004|jhd]]

==Owners== === 1768 Henry Griffith=== In 1768, Henry Griffith patented land in the area of Laytonsville, which was Frederick County at the time but became Montgomery County when it was created in 1776.

*Cow Pasture, 3854 1/2 Acres; Certificate Developer/Owner: Griffith, Henry 1761 Patent Record BC and GS 14, p. 75 0 0 MSA S 1595-874 *Cow Pasture, 3854 1/2 Acres; Patent Developer/Owner: Griffith, Henry 1761 Patent Record BC and GS 15, p. 339 0 0 MSA S 1595-875 *Cow Pasture, 3854 1/2 Acres; Certificate Developer/Owner: Griffith, Henry 1761 Patent Record BC and GS 14, p. 75 0 0 MSA S 1595-737 *Cow Pasture, 3854 1/2 Acres; Patent Developer/Owner: Griffith, Henry 1761 Patent Record BC and GS 15, p. 339 ===1783 Tax Assessment=== In the 1783 Tax Assessment, portions of Cowpasture were owned by the following owners:

Maryland State Archives, MARYLAND INDEXES, (Assessment of 1783, Index), 1783, MSA S 1437, Accessed June 6, 2016

*John Barber, Jr. Cowpasture, pt, 147 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *John Barber, Sr. Cowpasture, pt, 80 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Samuel Barber. Cowpasture, pt, 80 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Benjamin Burdett, Jr. Cowpasture, pt, 57 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Benjamin Burdett, Sr. Cowpasture, pt, 35 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Nathan Burdett. Cowpasture, pt, 50 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *John Farmer. Cowpasture, pt, 90 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Caleb Griffith. Cowpasture, pt, 202 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Greenbury Griffith. Cowpasture, pt, 26 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Howard Griffith. Cowpasture, pt, 221 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Josias Harrison. Cowpasture, pt, 98 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Joel Holland. Cowpasture, pt, 50 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Nehemiah Holland. Cowpasture, pt, 50 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Laurence O'Neil, of John. Cowpasture, pt, 180 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Basil Poole. Cowpasture, pt, 200 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 13. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 |S John Smith Prather. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 6. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Francis Redman. Cowpasture, pt, 167 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 14. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Amon Riggs. Cowpasture, pt, 500 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 14. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *John Risdon. Cowpasture, pt, 100 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 14. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Nicholas R. Warfield. Cowpasture. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 20. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Benjamin Waters. Cowpasture, pt, 276 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 14. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Stephen West. Cowpasture, pt, 360 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 14. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Thomas Windsor. Cowpasture, pt, 120 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 14. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Charles Worthington. Cowpasture, pt, 114 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 14. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 ===1789 Transfer of portion to Josias Harrison=== ===1802 Cowpasture=== In a March 29 1802 deed, recorded Apr 5, 1802, the land tract Cowpasture (or a portion of it) is owned by Josiah Harrison, and is transferred to Mary, the widow of Josiah's deceased son Nathan, along with Nathan's daughters Liney (Verlinda), Ann, Rebecca, and Sarah Hawkins Harrison.

Email from Jackson Day, Montgomery County List, "Cowpasture, Thomas Mills, Charles Miles". Accessed June 6, 2016

===1818 Cowpasture=== In a deed recorded July 17, 1818 deed, [[Day-3939|James Day]] appears to be executor of Josias Harrison. This deed appears to transfer the Cowpasture property out of the hands of Josias' estate, and out of the hands of the four granddaughters listed above. By this time, "Liney" is now Verlinda, and she is married to Mills, believed to be Thomas Mills.

===1795 Cowpasture=== The 1795 Tax Assessment showed that Charles Miles owned part of Cowpasture, the land tract that his father-in-law Basil Poole had owned. Charles Miles' will, however, states that it was from Henry Griffith that he had purchased the 160 a. willed to son Samuel's descendants, and from Arnola T. Windsor that he had obtained the 90 a. willed to son Allen.

Email from Jackson Day, Montgomery County List, "Cowpasture, Thomas Mills, Charles Miles". Accessed June 6, 2016

WILL. Charles Miles' Will 25 Jan 1842 - 5 Apr 1842 (MC Wills X:426; Heterick III:8) Witnesses John R. Layton, James H. Miles. "To my three sons Uriah, Freeborn Garrison and James Hanson Miles, Mountain Farm, 30 acres where I now live, should either die, the others to receive. To grandchildren, son of Samuel, 160 acres of "Cowpasture," equally divided. To son Allen, 90 acres of "Cow Pasture." To Rebecca Day, Delilah King, Anna Nelson, Eliza Burdette, Sarah Swansby, Cassandra Trail, Elizabeth Ann Layton. My son Uriah to care for the estate of Cassandra Trail, her husband to have no authority, after the death of Cassandra to her son Charles Nathan. To my grandson Charles, son of my son Charles, deceased my silver watch. Son Uriah Miles of Baltimore City, executor." Signed by mark. Witnesses William William of John, Caleb Lewis, John W. Shaw.

>From these data I infer that even if they never owned the same portions of the tract (near Clarksburg) called Cowpasture, Charles Miles' family were neighbors of Josias Harrison's family.

Rebecca Miles, shown above as Rebecca Day, was Charles' daughter by his third wife Mary "Polly" Layton. Rebecca married Urban Day, son of James Day. This would give James Day a reason to visit the people living on Cowpasture, since James spent his life a bit farther north in Browningsville. That would partially explain how James Day came to be the executor of Charles Miles' neighbor Josias Harrison.

===Alphabetical Directory of Persons who have owned a portion of Cowpasture=== *John Barber *Samuel Barber *Benjamin Burdette Jr *Benjamin Burdette Sr *Nathan Burdette *James Day *John Farmer *Caleb Griffith *Greenbury Griffith *Henry Griffith *Josiah Harrison *Joel Holland *Nehemiah Holland *Charles Miles *Laurence O'Neil *[[Poole-1611|Basil Poole]] (Poole-1611) (1726-1802) *Francis Redman *Amon Riggs *John Risdon *Nicholas Warfield '*Benjamin Warfield *Stephen West *Thomas Windsor *Charles Worthington ==Question== In this case we have a Charles Miles living on Cowpasture next to Josias Harrison, whose granddaughter Verlinda marries a Thomas Mills. Is that a pure coincidence, or is there some family connection between Thomas Mills and Charles Miles?

==Cowpasture Now a Montgomery County Park== ==Sources==

Project Space pages 20241009 (45) Crook County, Oregon

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== Crook County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484354|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Crook County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Crook County, Oregon|Crook County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Crook County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Prineville *[[:Category: Crook County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Crook County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Crook|Crook County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (46) Curry County, Oregon

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Curry_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Curry County, Oregon| Curry County]]

== Curry County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484411|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Curry County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Curry County, Oregon| Curry County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Curry County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Gold Beach *[[:Category: Curry County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Curry County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Curry | Curry County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (47) Custer County, Idaho

PageID: 29408148
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 130 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (48) Delaware Project sticker templates

PageID: 23520560
Inbound links: 3
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 392 views

Created: 29 Nov 2018
Saved: 13 Jun 2019
Touched: 6 Oct 2021

Managers: 2
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Project: WikiTree-40

Images: 0

Return to the [[Project:Delaware|Delaware Project]]. For profiles with significant historic relevance to Delaware, the Delaware Project template should be added and the project made a profile manager: {{US History|sub-project=Delaware }} For other profiles that are part of Delaware history but don't quite rate project management, we can use a sticker template to notate a Delaware connection. Below are some examples that you can use for your Delaware profiles: '''Delaware Project Sticker''' {{Nonmigrating Ancestor |flag = US_State_Flag_Images-7.png |tooltip = Flag of Delaware |addinfo = John McKinly is a part of [[Project:Delaware|Delaware History]]}}

{{Nonmigrating Ancestor
|flag = US_State_Flag_Images-7.png
|tooltip = Flag of Delaware
|addinfo = John McKinly is a part of [[Project:Delaware|Delaware History]]}}

'''18th century Delaware Settler'''

{{Nonmigrating Ancestor
|flag = US_State_Flag_Images-7.png
|tooltip = Flag of Delaware
|addinfo = Joe Schmoe settled in Delaware in the 18th century }}

{{Nonmigrating Ancestor |flag = US_State_Flag_Images-7.png |tooltip = Flag of Delaware |addinfo = Joe Schmoe settled in Delaware in the 18th century }} will give you this: {{Nonmigrating Ancestor |flag = US_State_Flag_Images-7.png |tooltip = Flag of Delaware |addinfo = Joe Schmoe settled in Delaware in 1721 }} Or, if you know the exact year that they settled, you might put in the year: ''' ''Note: In its early history, Delaware was part of Pennsylvania. Settlers who migrated to Delaware prior to October 1701 should be included in the [[Project:William_Penn_and_Early_Pennsylvania_SettlersEarly|William Penn Early Pennsylvania Settlers Project]].'' ''' '''Native of Delaware'''

{{Nonmigrating Ancestor
|flag = US_State_Flag_Images-7.png
|tooltip = Flag of Delaware
|addinfo = Native Delawarean

}} {{Nonmigrating Ancestor |flag = US_State_Flag_Images-7.png |tooltip = Flag of Delaware |addinfo = Native Delawarean }} will give you this: '''Delaware Roots''' To show that Delaware was an influence in the life of a particular profile - perhaps they were born in Delaware or lived there.

{{Nonmigrating Ancestor
|flag = US_State_Flag_Images-7.png
|tooltip = Flag of Delaware
|addinfo = Joe Schmoe has Delaware Roots

}} {{Nonmigrating Ancestor |flag = US_State_Flag_Images-7.png |tooltip = Flag of Delaware |addinfo = Joe Schmoe has Delaware Roots }} will give you this: There really is no limit to the combinations that can be used to show a Delaware influence for your profile; by varying the "addinfo= " input, you can create any number of Delaware stickers. Some other ideas: * "Was born in Delaware" * "Died in Delaware" * "Was stationed in Delaware during WWII" * "Was married in Delaware" Don't be shy to share your Delaware pride and history on your Delaware profiles!

Project Space pages 20241009 (49) Deschutes County, Oregon

PageID: 38591155
Inbound links: 4
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 83 views

Created: 7 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Deschutes County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Deschutes_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Deschutes County, Oregon|Deschutes County]]

== Deschutes County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484420|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Deschutes County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Deschutes County, Oregon|Deschutes County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Deschutes County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Bend *[[:Category: Deschutes County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Deschutes County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Deschutes|Deschutes County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (50) Dickson County Tennessee

PageID: 13933684
Inbound links: 4
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 331 views

Created: 14 May 2016
Saved: 28 Jul 2023
Touched: 28 Jul 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40WikiTree-42


Images: 2

[[Category:Dickson County, Tennessee]]

Welcome to Dickson County, Tennessee!

{{US History|sub-project=Tennessee}} ---- ==Project Purpose== The purpose of this sub-project is to have a foundation for all things genealogy, and more, relating to Dickson County, Tennessee. ==How to Join the Project== * See the main project page [[:Project:Tennessee|here]] for instructions on how to join. * Add (Tennessee) and (us_history) to your G2G tag feed. == Ongoing List of Things to Do == #Add the county category to applicable profiles #Ensure Dickson County profiles are well-sourced #Work on connecting Dickson County profiles to the one tree #Church records of christenings, marriages and burials #Voter or citizenship rolls #Records of wills and estates #Records of slaveholders and enslaved persons #Land records #Tax lists #Muster lists for militia/military service #Add genealogy resources to this page #Add statewide resources to the main project page ==Dickson County History== Dickson County was created on October 25, 1803, from parts of Montgomery and Robertson counties. It was named after [[Dickson-2412|William Dickson]]. ===Historical Sites=== === Dickson County Notables === ==Geography== ===Adjacent counties=== * [[Space:Montgomery_County%2C_Tennessee|Montgomery County]] - north * [[Space:Cheatham_County%2C_Tennessee|Cheatham County]] - east * [[Space:Williamson_County%2C_Tennessee|Williamson County]] - southeast * [[Space:Hickman_County%2C_Tennessee|Hickman County]] - south * Humphreys County - southwest * Houston County - northwest ===Protected areas=== #[ Montgomery Bell State Park] ==Government Offices== * [ Dickson County Offices] == Resources and Records == === On WikiTree === * [[:Category: Dickson County, Tennessee, Cemeteries |Dickson County Cemeteries]] === On the Internet === * [,_Tennessee_Genealogy Dickson County Genealogy on FamilySearch] * [ Dickson County Genealogy Fact Sheets] * [ Dickson County Genealogy Trails] * [ Dickson County USGenWeb] * [ Dickson County USGenWeb Archives] ==Communities== ===Cities=== * [[:Category:Dickson, Tennessee|Dickson]] ===Towns=== * [[:Category:Burns, Tennessee|Burns]] * [[:Category:Charlotte, Tennessee|Charlotte]] - county seat * [[:Category:Slayden, Tennessee|Slayden]] * [[:Category:Vanleer, Tennessee|Vanleer]] * [[:Category:White Bluff, Tennessee|White Bluff]] === Unincorporated Communities === * Abiff * Bellsburg * [[:Category:Cumberland Furnace, Tennessee|Cumberland Furnace]] * Promise Land * Tennessee City ==Sources==

[,_Tennessee Dickson County on Wikipedia]

Project Space pages 20241009 (51) Doolittle, Missouri

PageID: 15962
Inbound links: 2
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ all views 1571

Created: 31 Mar 2009
Saved: 23 Dec 2019
Touched: 23 Dec 2019

Managers: 1
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 1

[[Category:Doolittle, Missouri]] Doolittle is a small town of 500 people located half way between St. Louis and Springfield, Missouri on Interstate 44. The town was named for the famous [[Doolittle-1|Lt. General Jimmy Doolittle]] of World War II. Originally it was named Centertown, because it was half way between Rolla and Newburg. With Ft. Leonard Wood built in 1941 nearby, the population decided to have the town name changed to honor the Lt. General Doolittle and even invited him to the town. It would be in 1946, when Lt. General Jimmy Doolittle spoke at the dedication ceremonies in which the town was formally christened in his honor. He flew his own B-25 into nearby Vichy Airport, fulfilling a promise he made more than two years before, to be present at the dedication of the town of Doolittle, Missouri.

Project Space pages 20241009 (52) Douglas County, Oregon

PageID: 38591665
Inbound links: 4
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 547 views

Created: 7 Jul 2022
Saved: 24 Sep 2023
Touched: 24 Sep 2023

Managers: 2
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 9

[[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Douglas County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Douglas_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Douglas County, Oregon|Douglas County]]

County Coordinator: '''[[Rowe-2321|Peggy Rowe]]'''

== Douglas County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484395|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Douglas County Genealogy] on FamilySearch

Insert reference here

*[[:Category: Douglas County, Oregon|Douglas County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Douglas County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== Pre-recorded history: The Umpqua Valley in Douglas County belonged to the Chinook Tribe

. 1592 to 1755 - Peak of Spanish interest and exploration on Pacific Northwest coast

. 1728 to 1768 - Peak of Russian exploration on Northwest coast

. 1778 - Captain James Cooke reported a river at the position of the Umpqua

. 1820 to 1821 - โ€œOld Establishmentโ€ or โ€œMcKayโ€™s Fortโ€ - fur post for Northwest Company

. 1826 - David Douglas travels through Willamette and Umpqua Valleys on botanical expedition with Hudson Bay Company

. July 1828 - Expedition from Sacramento Valley to Fort Vancouver led by Jedediah S. Smith massacred at mouth of Smith River

. 1828 - Fort Vancouver trappers explore Umpqua country

. 1836 - Fort Umpqua, Hudson Bay Company fur post, established at Elkton with Jean Baptiste Gagnier as manager

. 1837 - Ewing Young passes through Umpqua Valley with cattle from California

. July 1843 - Provisional government of Oregon meeting at Champoeg divides Oregon into four administrative districts. The Southwestern district including western Umpqua Valley was called the Yamhill District and the Southeastern District including eastern Umpqua Valley was called the Champooick District

. 1844 - Jesse Applegate appointed Surveyor General of Oregon

. July 1845 - Provisional government of Oregon elects George Abernethy first governor of Oregon

. December 1845 -Western Umpqua Valley part of Polk County. Eastern Umpqua Valley part of Champoeg County

. June 1846 - Lindsay and Jesse Applegate and Levi and John Scott lead wagon train over โ€œApplegate Trailโ€ (or Southern Route) from Fort Hall to Willamette Valley through Umpqua Valley

. 1846 - Major Thorp, Job Hatfield, William Golden, Rufus Butler and party explore Umpqua Valley

. 1847 - Drain settled by Warren Goodell

. December 1847 - Western Umpqua valley part of Benton County - County seat, Marysville (Corvallis); eastern Umpqua Valley part of Linn County - County seat, Albany

. August 1848 - General Joseph Lane appointed first Governor of the Oregon Territory by President Polk. Term of office, 1848-1850

. 1849 - Jesse Applegate and family settled at Yoncalla

. June 1850 - Winchester Payne and Company of San Francisco expedition, on board the โ€œSamuel Roberts,โ€ founded towns of Scottsburg, Winchester, Umpqua City and Elkton. Scottsburg built as outfitting point for the mines of northern California and southern Oregon

. April 1851 - William H. Riddle settles at Cornutt near Riddle

. June 1851 - Joseph Lane elected Representative to Congress from Oregon Territory. Term of Office 1851 to 1859

. Sept 1851 - Aaron Rose settles at Deer Creek

. 1851 - Joseph Knott, second settler at Canyonville, opens store

. 1851 - Umpqua County is created. It area included the North and South Umpqua River in southwest Oregon. This county includes present day Douglas County. 1852 - The first meeting of the Umpqua County Court was in Elkton in 1852; later the county government was moved to Green Valley and Yoncalla

. Jan. 7, 1852 - Douglas County is created out of a portion of Umpqua County lying east of the Coast Range. It was named Douglas County to honor U. S. Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois who was a congressional advocate for Oregon statehood

. July 1852 - Umpqua County seat at Elkton

. 1852 - Abraham Patterson and William P. Day first settlers in Camas Valley

. 4 April 1853 - The first meeting of the Douglas County Commission was held at Winchester

. 1854 - Winchester is the first countyseat until 1854, when it is moved to Roseburg

. 1855 - Deer Creek is officially renamed Roseburg. Roseburg becomes the Countyseat

. 1855 - The first county court house is built in Roseburg, Oregon. The countyseat

. 1856 - Camas Valley is annexed by Douglas County from Coos County

, 1856 - When the Rogue River war ends. After the war ends, all the indigineous peoples in the area are moved by the government to the Siletz and Grande Ronde Indian Reservation

s. 1862 - the population of Umpqua County declined as the gold mining boom played itself out. The rest of Umpqua County is absorbed into Douglas County

. 1870 - The second county court house is built in Roseburg, Oregon

. 1891 - The third county courthouse is built in Roseburg, Oregon

. 1915 - More boundary modifications between Douglas County and Jackson and Lane Counties

. 1929 - The present county courthouse was built in Roseburg, Oregon

. 1932 - Veterans Administration Hospital started at Roseburg

. 1948 - City of Elkton incorporated

. September 1953 - City of Winston incorporated

. September 1954 - Only nickel refinery in nation starts production at Riddle

. 7 August 1959 - The Blast of '59 in Roseburg, Oregon.,blast%20leveled%20eight%20city%20blocks.

October 1962 - Columbus Day Stormโ€™s hurricane winds destroyed property throughout Douglas County

. December 1964 - Great Christmas flood

. November 1966 - Interstate-5 Highway completed

. December 1967 - Umpqua Community College dedicated

. March 1998 - Glenbrook Nickel Mine closure

. === Places === County seat: Roseburg *[[:Category: Douglas County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] Reference

Brockway Elementary School, Winston, OR Camas Valley School, Camas Valley, OR Canyonville School, Canyonville, OR Coffenberry Middle School, Myrtle Creek, OR Days Creek Charter School, Days Creek, OR Dillard Alternative High School, Dillard, OR Douglas High School, Winston, OR East Sutherlin Primary School, Sutherlin, OR Eastwood Elementary School, Roseburg, OR Elkton Elementary School, Elkton, OR Elkton High School, Elkton, OR Fir Grove Elementary School, Roseburg, OR Fullerton IV Elementary School, Roseburg, OR Glendale Elementary School, Glendale, OR Glendale High School, Glendale, OR Glide Elementary School, Glide, OR Glide High SchoolGlide, Glide, OR Glide Middle School, Glide, OR Green Elementary School, Roseburg, OR Highland Elementary School, Reedsport, OR Hucrest Elementary School, Roseburg, OR John C Fremont Middle School,Roseburg, OR Joseph Lane Middle School, Roseburg, OR Lincoln Middle School, Oakland, OR Lookingglass Elementary, Roseburg, OR McGovern Elementary, Winston, OR Melrose Elementary School, Roseburg, OR Myrtle Creek Elementary , Myrtle Creek, OR North Douglas Elementary, Drain, OR North Douglas High School, Drain, OR Oakland Elementary School, Oakland, OR Oakland High School, Oakland, OR Phoenix School, Roseburg, OR Reedsport Junior/High School, Reedsport, OR Riddle Education Center, Riddle, OR Riddle Elementary School, Riddle, OR Riddle High School, Riddle, OR Rose Elementary School, Roseburg,OR Rose School, Roseburg, OR Roseburg High School, Roseburg, OR Roseburg Virtual School, Roseburg, OR South Umpqua High, Myrtle Creek, OR South Umpqua Online, Myrtle Creek, OR Sunnyslope Elementary, Roseburg, OR Sutherlin High School, Sutherlin, OR Sutherlin Middle School, Sutherlin, OR Sutherlin Valley Online Academy, Sutherlin, OR Tiller Elementary School, Tiller, OR Toketee Falls Elementary, Idleyld Park, OR Tri City Elementary, Myrtle Creek, OR West Sutherlin Intermediate, Sutherlin, OR Winchester Elementary School, Winchester, OR Winston Middle School, Winston, OR Yoncalla Elementary, Yoncalla, OR Yoncalla High School, Yoncalla, OR *[[:Category: Douglas County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Douglas|Douglas County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (53) Douglas County, Washington

PageID: 38538699
Inbound links: 6
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 97 views

Created: 3 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Douglas County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Okanogan County, Washington|Okanogan]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Chelan County, Washington|Chelan]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Douglas_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Kittitas County, Washington |Kittitas]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Grant County, Washington |Grant]]


Welcome to [[Space:Douglas County, Washington|Douglas County]]

== Douglas County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156220|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Douglas County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Douglas County, Washington|Douglas County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Douglas County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Douglas County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Douglas County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Douglas|Douglas County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (54) Durham, Maine

PageID: 43159
Inbound links: 2
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 782 views

Created: 20 Sep 2009
Saved: 20 Dec 2019
Touched: 20 Dec 2019

Managers: 1
Watch List: 3
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Durham, Maine]] [[Category:Androscoggin County, Maine]] Durham lies within the broad charter granted in 1620 by James I to the Council of Plymouth. '''Current and Former Residents''' * [[McCann-1|Crystal McCann (Williams)]] (1974-) * [[Webster-24|William Webster]] (1774-1843)

Project Space pages 20241009 (55) Elmore County, Idaho

PageID: 29408172
Inbound links: 2
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 125 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (56) Ferry County, Washington

PageID: 38538769
Inbound links: 5
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 107 views

Created: 3 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Ferry County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Okanogan County, Washington|Okanogan]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Ferry_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Stevens County, Washington |Stevens]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

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Project Space pages 20241009 (57) First Families of Maryland

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[[Category:First Families of Maryland]] See: [[:Category:First Families of Maryland]] category for a grouping of WikiTree profiles of First Families of Maryland. ==Eligibility for First Families of Maryland Category== Persons eligible for the category aided in the establishment of the Palatinate of Maryland or were an office holder, real property owner or resident in Maryland prior to December 31st, 1734. Profiles on WikiTree which appear to meet this criterion may be placed in [[:Category:First Families of Maryland]], even if they are not listed below. ===Background Information=== Read more at

* [ The First Families of Maryland Website] * [ WikiTree Maryland Colony Project Resource Page] === Linking Existing WikiTree Profiles to this Page === This is their official list. To make it easier to update the official list: * if a profile is not on the official list do not add it to the list below (just add the the profile to [[:Category:First Families of Maryland]]) * don't change dates or add extra info to names * don't change the formatting of the lines NOTE: *To link an existing WikiTree profile directly to this page, select the '''edit''' button. *Scroll down to the individual's name *Inside double [ and ] symbols, ::1-enter the WikiTree ID (see John or Thomas Dent for an example while in the EDIT page) and ::2-the individual's name ::3-separated by the | symbol :::Example: '''Dent-19|John Dent''' enclosed inside DOUBLE [ and ] symbols (two of each on each end). *This will provide a direct link to the individual's WikiTree profile. *If you need assistance, please ask in the G2G and add the tag ''categorization''. === Current List of Eligible Persons -- First Families of Maryland === :NOTE: As new members prove their descent, the list of eligible ancestors grows. Here is the list as accessed 23 May 2024: :Robert Abell (c.1604-1663) in St. Mary's County by 1650. :Richard Ackworth (Acworth) (c.1634-c.1676) in Somerset County by 1666. :John Baldwin Adamson (c.1682-1744) in Prince George's County by 1726. :John Addison (1634-1706) in Charles County by 1692. :James Alexander (1652-1717) in Somerset County by 1678. :James Alexander (c.1690-c.1779) in Cecil County by 1714. :Joseph Alexander (1660-c.1730) in Cecil County by 1714. :Moses Alexander (c.1690-1762) in Cecil County by 1714. :Samuel Alexander (1657-1733) in Cecil County by 1714. :Thomas Allanson (1638-c.1684) in Charles County by 1663. :Rhodam Allen * (c.1742-1820) in Charles County by 1742. :Hugh Allison * (1714-1799) in Baltimore County by 1767. :William Amos (1686-1759) in Baltimore County by 1714. :Mans Anderson ( -1679) in Baltimore County by 1662. :William Anderson ( -c.1701) in Anne Arundel County by 1670. :Patrick Andrews (c.1670 - ) in Maryland by 1716. :Francis Armstrong ( -1669) in Calvert County by 1657. :[[Asfordby-1|Susanna Asfordby]] (c.1671-c.1744) in Prince George's County by 1731. :[[Athy-16|George Athey]] (1642-c.1719) in Calvert County by 1668. :Benjamin Aydelott (1644-c.1704) in Somerset County by 1687. :Anne Ayres Chew (1640-c.1695) in Anne Arundel County by 1658. :William Ayres (c.1629-1655) in Anne Arundel County by 1653. :Maurice Baker (c.1640-c.1700) in Anne Arundel County by 1685. :Luke Barber (1615-c.1674) in St. Mary's County by 1654. :Joseph Bardell * (c.1710-1782) in Baltimore County by 1755. :[[Beall-75|Ninian Beall]] (1625-1717) in Calvert County by 1652. :Ninian Beall (c.1696-1780) in Prince George's County by 1702. :Easter Beckett (c.1650-c.1713) in Prince George's County by 1712. :John Belt (c.1645-c.1698) in Baltimore County by 1685. :Joseph Belt (1680-1761) in Anne Arundel County by 1701. :Richard Bennett (c.1609-c.1765) in Worcester County by 1675. :Henry Bennington (c.1700-1776) in Baltimore County by 1700. :Samuel Berry (1667-1753) in Charles County by 1667. :Francis Billingsley (1620-1684) in Calvert County by 1650. :Ebenezer Blackiston (c.1650-c.1709) in Cecil County by 1671. :William Blackiston ( - ) in Somerset County by 1681. :William Blackiston (c.1679- ) in Kent County by 1721. :John Board (1706-c.1767) in Anne Arundel County by 1716. :Thomas Boone (1630 - c 1704) in Kent County by 1671. :Joseph Boulet (Bullitt) (c.1642-1692) in Charles County by 1660. :[[Bowen-1240|Benjamin Bowen]] (1681-b.1742) in Baltimore County by 1699. :Jonas Bowen (1658-1699) in Baltimore County by 1679. :Elizabeth Bradshaw ( - a. 1720) in Somerset County by 1721. :William Bradshaw ( -c.1688) in Somerset County by 1681. :Benjamin Brashear (1620-c.1663) in Calvert County by 1663. :Robert Brasseur (c.1620-1665) in Calvert County by 1665. :John Brayfield (c.1682-c.1720) in Charles County by 1703. :Isaiah Bredell ( -c.1738) in Somerset County by 1710. :James Stephen Bredell (c.1710-c.1747) in Somerset County by 1710. :Giles Brent (1600-1672) in St. Mary's County by 1634. :John Briscoe (c.1612-c.1642) in St. Mary's County by 1634. :Robert Brooke (1602-1655) in Calvert County by 1655. :John Broughton ( - c.1720) in Somerset County by 1688. :Mary Broughton ( - ) in Somerset County by 1732. :Edward Brown (1734-1823) in Baltimore County by 1734. :Edward Brown V (c.1632-1678) in Kent County by 1655. :Gustavus Brown (1689-1762) in Charles County by 1708. :John Browne ( - 1668). :[[Buckman-82|John Buckman]] (1692-1743) in Charles County by 1718. :Robert Burchfield (1710-1783) in Baltimore County by 1710. :[[Burges-44|William Burgess]] (c.1622-1685) in Anne Arundel County by 1650. :Thomas Butler (c.1606-c.1646) in Kent County by 1642. :John Byrn ( -c.1732) in Calvert County by 1720. :William Caine (c.1650-1734) in Baltimore County by 1686. :[[Calvert-25|George Calvert]] (c.1586-1632), the First Lord Baltimore. :George Calvert ( - ) in Baltimore County by 1647. :[[Calvert-24|Leonard Calvert]] (c.1610-1647) in St. Mary's County by 1634. :Edmund Cartledge II (1689-1740) in Frederick County by 1733. :Richard Caswell (1685-1755) in Baltimore County by 1712. :[[Cecil-443|Phillip Cecil]] (1692-1733) in Prince George's County by 1692. :William Cecil (1665-1749) in Prince George's County by 1665. :John Chaires (c.1625-c.1690) in Somerset County by 1666. :[[Cheney-405|Richard Cheney]] (1616-1684) in Anne Arundel County by 1658. :Daniel Cheston ( - ). :John Chew (1587-1668) in Calvert County by 1649. :John Chew (1616-1672) in Calvert County by 1649. :Samuel Chew (c.1628-1676) in Anne Arundel County by 1661. :Thomas Clagett, Sr. (c.1644-c.1692) in Calvert County by 1674. :Thomas Claggett, Jr. (1677-c.1732) in Calvert County by 1685. :William Claiborne (1600-c.1679) in St. Mary's County by 1652. :[[Clarke-458 | Robert Clark(e)]] (c.1611-c.1664) in St. Mary's County by 1637. :Daniel Clary (1710-1765) in Prince Georgeโ€™s County by 1734. :Anders Clementsson (c.1638-1687) in Cecil County by 1661. :[[Cole-18297|William Coale]] (c.1633-1678) in Anne Arundel County by 1667. :[[Codd-38|St. Ledger Codd]] (1635-c.1706) in Cecil County by 1688. :John Cole (1669-1746) in Baltimore County by 1697. :John Compton (1629-1718) in Charles County by 1695. :John Cooksey (1708-1758) in Charles County by 1708. :Mary Jane Corbin * (c.1700- ) in Baltimore County by 1746. :Nehemiah Covington (1628-1681) in Somerset County by 1675. :Christopher Cox ( -1713) in Anne Arundel County by 1683. :[[Crabtree-85|William Crabtree]] (c.1682-c.1756) in Baltimore County by 1706. :Thomas Cresap (1694-1787) in Harford County by 1710. :William Cromwell ( - 1684) in Baltimore County by 1678. :John Cross (c.1663-c1713) in Anne Arundel County by 1682. :[[Crump-792|Robert Crump]] ( -b.1749) in Kent County by 1700. :[[Crump-353|William Crump]] ( -b.1695) in Talbot County by 1683. :[[Culver-572|John Culver]] (1693-1766) in Anne Arundel County by 1711. :[[Dorsey-254|Edward Dorsey Sr]] (1619-c.1659) in Anne Arundel County by 1650. :James Dashiell (c.1634-c.1697) in Somerset County by 1663. :Robert Davidge ( -1681) in Anne Arundel County by 1669. :[[Day-6091|Edward Day]] (1687-1746) in Baltimore County by 1724. :[[Day-3563|Nicholas Day]] (1630 - 1704) in Baltimore County by 1695. :[[Day-955|Nicholas Day Jr]] ( - 1739) in Baltimore County by 1704. :[[Unknown-667857|Sarah (?)]], wife of Nicholas Day ( - 1736) in Baltimore County by 1705. :[[Dennis-570|Donnack Dennis]] (1645-c.1716) in Somerset County by 1673. :[[Derickson-92|Benjamin Derrickson]] (1710-1777) in Somerset County by 1734. :[[Dent-19|John Dent]] (1645-c.1712) in St. Mary's County by 1650. :[[Dent-143|Thomas Dent]] (1630-1676) in St. Mary's County by 1660. :Michael Disharoon ( -1691) in Somerset County by 1690. :James Ditto (c.1690-c.1732) in Baltimore County by 1712. :[[Dorsey-254|Col. Edward Dorsey Sr.]] ( - ) in Anne Arundel County by 1650. :[[Dorsey-270|Edward Dorsey, Jr]] (c.1645-c.1705) in Anne Arundel County by 1664. :Enoch Doughty (c.1637-c.1677) in Charles County by 1661. :Francis Doughty (c.1604-c.1686) in Charles County by 1659. :John Douglas (1636-1678) in Charles County by 1659. :John Douthit (1709-1784) in Prince George's County by 1733. :Moses Driskell (1689- ) in Somerset County by 1722. :Denis Driskill (1660-c.1721) in Somerset County by 1695. :[[Unknown-271886|Agnes (?)]], wife of William Dryden I (c.1630-a.1685) in Somerset County by 1685. :David Dryden (c.1669-c.1744) in Somerset County by 1689. :[[Dryden-130|William Dryden I]] (c.1630-p.1685) in Somerset County by 1685. :William Dryden II (c.1689- ) in Somerset County by 1734. :James Duke ( -1693) in Calvert County by 1684. :[[Duvall-144|Mareen Duvall]] (c.1625-1694) in Prince George's County by 1655. :Mareen Duval (c.1661-c.1735) in Anne Arundel County by 1678. :Mareen Duval III (1687-c.1741) in Prince George's County by 1703. :William Elder ( -c.1714) in Prince George's County by 1707. :William Elgate I ( - ) in Somerset County by 1664. :William Elgate II (1651- ) in Somerset County by 1685. :Robert Ellyson (c.1615-c.1666) in St. Mary's County by 1643. :Bartholomew Ennalls (c.1620-c.1688) in Dorchester County by 1676. :Hendrick Enoles (c.1632-c.1709) in Baltimore County by 1673. :[[Estep-6|John Estep]] * (1738- ) in Anne Arundel County by 1738. :[[Letchwalt-1|Mary (Letchwalt) Estep]] (c.1709- ) in Anne Arundel County by 1730. :Samuel Estep * (c.1760- ) in Frederick County by 1760. :[[Estep-58|Thomas Estep Sr.]] (c.1709- ) in Anne Arundel County by 1730. :John Evans ( -1686) in Somerset County by 1665. :[[Ewen-34|Richard Ewen]] (c.1610- ) in Anne Arundel by 1649. :James Ferrell (1705-1779) in Talbot County by 1730. :Guy Finch ( -c.1688) in Calvert County by 1674. :[[Ford-2935|Loyd Ford Jr.]] * (1748-1843) in Baltimore County by 1748. :Thomas Ford ( -c.1679) in Baltimore County by 1652. :Benjamin Fordham (1665-1717) in Anne Arundel County by 1703. :John Henry Fortineaux (1708-1753) in Frederick County by 1730. :Nicholas Fountain(e) (1638-1708) in Somerset County by 1665. :[[Fowke-26|Gerard Fowke]] (c.1625-c.1669) in Charles County by 1662. :[[Fowke-2|Col. Gerard Fowke]] (c.1662-1734) in Charles County by 1662. :James Frisby (c.1632-1674) in Cecil County by 1650. :William Fuller (c.1625-c.1683) in Anne Arundel County by 1654. :John Gaither (c.1641-1702) in Anne Arundel County by 1702. :[[Gardiner-949|Richard Gardiner]] (1592-c.1650) in St. Mary's County by 1640. :[[Gassaway-5|Nicholas Gassaway]] (1634-1691) in Anne Arundel County by 1649. :[[Gerard-13|Thomas Gerard]] (1608-1673) in St. Mary's County by 1638. :Garvis Gilbert (1680-1739) in Baltimore County by 1723. :John Giles ( - c1688) in Anne Arundel County by 1666. :William Giles (c.1640-c.1700) in Somerset County by 1672. :Christopher Gist ( -c.1690) in Baltimore County by 1679. :John Gittings (c.1625-c.1676) in St. Mary's County by 1660. :Phillip Gittings (c.1645-c.1693) in Prince George's County by 1693. :James Givan ( -c.1720) in Somerset County by 1687. :Robert Goldsborough (1733-1788) in Dorchester County by 1761. :Daniel Gookin (1612-1686) in Anne Arundel County by 1643. :Adrian Gordy (c.1656-c.1714) in Somerset County by 1682. :Charles Gorsuch (c.1642-1716) in Baltimore County by 1677. :William Grafton (c.1685-c.1767) in Baltimore County by 1725. :Verlinda Graves (1603-1660) in Somerset County by 1664. :Francis Gray (1617-1667) in St. Maryโ€™s County by 1637. :Nicholas Greenberry (1627-1697) in Anne Arundel County by 1693. :[[Greene-398|Thomas Greene]] (1609-1651) in St. Mary's County by 1637. :[[Greenfield-469|Thomas Greenfield]] (1655-1705) in Baltimore County by 1678. :John Greenwell ( -1658) in St. Maryโ€™s County by 1658. :[[Greer-614 |James Greer]] (c.1627-c.1688) in Baltimore County by 1687. :William Griffith (c.1675-1699) in Anne Arundel County by 1675. :[[Hall-2396|Richard Hall]] ( -1688) in Calvert County by 1665. :John Hamer (Heymore) ( - ) in Talbot County by 1670. :[[Handy-307|Samuel Handy]] (1646-c.1721). :Elias Harding (c.1729-c.1799) in Frederick County by 1728. :James Harlan (1692-c.1760) in Frederick County by 1733. :[[Hammond-107|John Hammond]] (1643-1707) in Anne Arundel County by 1685. :[[Harvey-3165|Nicholas Harvey]] (c.1614-c.1657) in St. Mary's County by 1634. :John Hawkins ( - ). :Joseph Hawkins (1665-c.1725) in Anne Arundel County by 1665. :Ralph Hawkins (c.1631-c.1669) in Anne Arundel County by 1662. :William Hearne (1627-1691) in Somerset County by 1688. :Joseph Hedges ( - ) in Prince George's County by 1730. :Elizabeth (-?-), wife of Robert Heighe ( - ) in Calvert County by 1681. :[[Leach-5671|Ann (-?-)]], wife of James Heighe (c.1676-c.1736) in Calvert County by 1725. :[[Heighe-20|James Heighe]] (1676-1725) in Calvert County by 1702. :[[Heighe-13|Mary Heighe]] (1702-1773) in Calvert County by 1725. :Robert Heighe (1640-1681) in Calvert County by 1663. :[[Henchman-11|Martha Henchman]] (1661-1702) in Baltimore County by 1702. :Augustine Herman (c.1605-c.1686) in Cecil County by 1661. :Francis Heydon (1628-1694) in Charles County by 1669. :John Heymore ( -c.1682) in Talbot County by 1670. :[[Hitchcock-582|William Hitchcock]] (1640-1685) in Baltimore County by 1702. :[[Hitchcock-581|William Hitchcock, Jr]] (c.1670-1738) in Baltimore County by 1716. :Anthony Holland (c.1645-1703) in Anne Arundel County by 1650. :George Hollingsworth (1712- ) in Cecil County by 1712. :Henry Hollingsworth (1658-c.1721) in Cecil County by 1721. :Thomas Hollingsworth (1661-1727) in Cecil County by 1712. :Robert Hopkins I ( -c.1708) in Somerset County by 1673. :Stephen Horsey, Sr. (c.1630-1671) in Somerset County by 1662. :Cornelius Howard (c.1643-c.1680) in Anne Arundel County by 1671. :Owen Humphrey * ( - ) in Frederick County by 1755. :Rogery Hurley ( - ) in Dorchester County by 1668. :Roger Hurley, Jr (c.1662-c.1727) in Dorchester County by 1714. :Francis Hutchins ( -c.1698) in Calvert County by 1682. :Thomas Hutchins (1650-1732) in Baltimore County by 1685. :John Hyde (c.1700-1760) in Anne Arundel County by 1690. :Thomas Hynson (c.1591-1679) in Kent County by 1651. :Thomas Hynson (c.1620-c.1667) in Kent County by 1659. :John Ingram, Jr (c.1700- ) in Kent County by 1724. :Joseph Isaac (c.1658-c.1689) in Calvert County by 1682. :Thomas Jacks ( -c.1755) in Baltimore County by 1717. :John Jacob (c.1632-1726) in Anne Arundel County by 1665. :Mary James ( -c.1714) in Anne Arundel County by 1685. :Richard James (c.1669-c.1685) in Anne Arundel County by 1669. :[[Jarboe-60 | Lt. Col. John Jarboe]] (1619-1674) in St. Mary's County by 1646. :Griffith Johnson (1734- ) in Anne Arundel County by 1734. :William Johnson (c.1640-c.1707) in St. Mary's County by 1668. :Henry Keedy * (c.1720-c.1772) in Frederick County by 1755. :Susanna Keene ( - ). :Thomas Keene, Jr (1593-c.1652) in Kent County by 1642. :Henry Kent (c.1625-1677). :Philip Key (1696-1764). :Thomas Kimber (c.1661-c.1722) in Cecil County by 1719. :James Knott (c. 1602-c.1653) in St. Maryโ€™s County by 1651. :Robert Lake (1687-1717) in Dorchester County by 1714. :John Lamar (c.1690-c.1758) in Calvert County by 1690. :Thomas Lamar (c.1630-c.1714) in Calvert County by 1664. :Robert Lambdin (1628-1684) in Talbot County by 1663. :[[Lane-77|Corbin Lane]] * (1750-1816) in Baltimore County by 1750. :[[Lane-1334|Dutton Lane]] (c.1670-c.1726) in Anne Arundel County by 1670. :[[Lane-1507|Samuel Lane]] (c.1628-c.1682) in Anne Arundel County by 1670. :[[Lane-5212|Samuel Lane, Jr.]] * (c.1700-c.1779) in Baltimore County by 1736. :Walter Lane (c.1649-c.1717) in Somerset County by 1688. :William Laws (1672-1729) in Somerset County by 1729. :Isaac LeMasters ( - ). :John Leonard, Sr. (c.1657-1737) in Talbot County by 1692. :John Lewgar, Sr. (1602-1665) in Charles County by 1628. :Phillip Lewin (c.1639-c.1722) in Prince George's County by 1699. :George Lingan (1646-1708) in Baltimore County by 1681. :Thomas Linthicum, Sr. (1640-1701) in Anne Arundel County by 1658. :[[Letton-14|Caleb Polleckfield Litton]] (1678-1763) in Prince Georgeโ€™s County by 1722. :Thomas Locker ( -1722) in Charles County by 1696 :William Loftin ( -1703) in Baltimore County by 1697. :William Logsdon (1663-1731) in Baltimore County by 1674. :Ambrose London (c.1618-c.1706) in Somerset County by 1665. :Samuel Love (c.1686-1772) in Charles County by 1725. :John Lovelace (c.1680-c.1775) in Charles County by 1689. :[[Luckett-19|Samuel Luckett Sr]] (c.1650-c.1705) in Charles County by 1674. :Robert Lusby ( -c.1674) in Anne Arundel County by 1662. :Humberstone Lyon (c.1712-c.1767) in Prince George's County by 1732. :John MacCubbin (c.1630-1686) in Anne Arundel County by 1659. :David Mackelfish (c.1658-c.1710) in Anne Arundel County by 1693. :Cornelius Maddox (c.1660-1705) in Charles County by 1680. :Lazarus Maddox (c.1655-1717) in Somerset County by 1692. :[[Magruder-21|Alexander Magruder]] (1610-c.1677) in Prince George's County by 1653. :John Manley (c.1690-c.1733) in Cecil County by 1712. :William Marlo(we) (c.1640-c.1670) in Charles County by 1665. :William Marshall (1663-c.1698) in Charles County by 1665. :[[Marsham-5|Richard Marsham]] (1638-c.1713) in St. Mary's County by 1711. :[[Masters-166|William Masters Sr.]] (c.1691-c.1771) in Calvert County by 1691. :George Matthews (1706-c.1776) in Frederick County by 1731. :Henry Maynard (c.1665-c.1730) in Anne Arundel County by 1701. :John McClain ( -c.1766) in Prince Georges County by 1712. :Daniel McComas ( -c.1699) in Anne Arundel County by 1689. :John Meads ( -1711) in Calvert County by 1666. :John Medley (1615-1660) in St. Mary's County by 1637. :Robert Middleton (1651-c.1707) in Charles County by 1671. :Mary Miller ( - ) in Anne Arundel County by 1732. :Richard Minshall (c.1625-1675) in Somerset County by 1666. :Andrew Monroe, Sr. (c.1640- ) in St. Mary's County by 1646. :[[Muir-4118|James (Muir) Moore]] (c.1624-c.1735) in Prince George's County by 1697. :Patrick Moreland (c.1681-c.1716) in Charles County by 1707. :Thomas Morgan ( -c.1697) in Baltimore County by 1693. :Frances Mountney ( -a.1715) in Talbot County by 1683. :James Mullikin (1629-1667) in Dorchester County by 1664. :James Murray (1665-1704) in Baltimore County by 1692. :John Neville (c.1618-c.1664) in Calvert County by 1637. :John Nichols (1618- ) in St. Mary's County by 1648. :James Noell (c.1659- ) in Dorchester County by 1659. :Pierce Nolan(d) (c.1655-c.1724) in Cecil County by 1686. :John Norris ( - ). :Thomas Norris (1608-c.1675) in St. Mary's County by 1639. :Thomas Norris I ( - ) in Talbot County by 1663. :Thomas Norris II ( - ) in Talbot County by 1668. :Thomas Norris (1668-1729) in Anne Arundel County by 1696. :John Nuthall ( - ) in St. Mary's County by 1644. :[[Ogle-272|Gov. Samuel Ogle]] (1694-1752) in Anne Arundel County by 1731. :Richard Owens ( -c.1684) in Baltimore County by 1650. :Richard Owings (c.1662-c.1726) in Anne Arundel County by 1698. :John Parker, Sr. (1635-c.1695) in Somerset County by 1692. :[[Parker-11978|William Parker]] (c.1607-c.1674) in Anne Arundel County by 1651. :Thomas Parsons ( -c.1684) in Anne Arundel County by 1663. :Thomas Pattison ( -1701) in Dorchester County by 1688. :Flayle Payne (c.1701-c.1764) in Prince George's County by 1727. :Thomas Payne (c.1612-c.1673) in St. Mary's County by 1664. :Edward Penn (c.1678-1741) in Anne Arundel County by 1700. :Richard Perkins I (1665-1705) in Baltimore County by 1683. :Hubert Petty (c.1633-c.1687) in Calvert County by 1654. :John Phillips (1734-c.1833) in Cecil County by 1734. :Robert Phillips ( -c.1694) in Calvert County by 1694. :Charles Pierpoint ( -1748) in Baltimore County by 1729. :John Piggott (1678-1738) in Cecil County by 1718. :Thomas Pindell ( -c.1710) in Calvert County by 1696. :[[Plummer-111|Thomas Plummer]] (c.1642- ) in Anne Arundel County by 1667. :Francis Posey (c.1615-c.1654) in St. Mary's County by 1649. :John Poston (1686-1744) in Charles County by 1703. :[[Pottenger-15|John Pottenger]] (1662-1735) in Prince George's County by 1716. :Thomas Powell (c.1615-c.1670) in Baltimore County by 1659. :William Powell (1673-1715) in Somerset County by 1673. :Aaron Allen Prather (1710-1777) in Prince George's County by 1711. :[[Prather-72|Jonathan Prather I]] (1631-1680) in Calvert County by 1658. :Thomas Prather (c.1673-c.1712) in Calvert County by 1673. :Thomas Sprigg Prather Jr (1702-1785) in Prince George's County by 1700. :Thomas Preston (1641-1710) in Baltimore County by 1667. :Thomas Price (1610-1701) in St. Mary's County by 1634. :George Puddington (1610-c.1674) in Anne Arundel County by 1650. :Samuel Queen (c.1685-c.1712) in St. Mary's County by 1711. :Philip Rasin (c.1675-1717) in Kent County by 1707. :Richard Ratcliff (1661-c.1720) in Talbot County by 1601. :Benjamin B. C. Ricaud ( -c.1685) in Kent County by 1674. :Charles Richardson I (c.1664-1727) in Somerset County by 1682. :Charles Richardson II (c.1705- ) in Worcester County by 1726. :Robert Richardson (c.1630-1682) in Somerset County by 1666. :William Richardson (c.1647-c.1698) in Anne Arundel County by 1682. :Henry Ridgely (1625-1700) in Anne Arundel County by 1661. :Westall Ridgely (c.1706-c.1772) in Anne Arundel County by 1706. :William Ridgely (1645-c.1716) in Anne Arundel County by 1672. :Thomas Ringgold (1609-c.1676) in Kent County by 1650. :William Robinson ( -c.1717) in Baltimore County by 1706. :Robert Rockhold (c.1620- ) in Calvert County by 1651. :Nicholas Rogers ( -c.1693) in Baltimore County by 1688. :John Royston (1690-1740) in Baltimore County by 1726. :James Ruark ( -1719) in Worcester County by 1703. :John Ruark (1703-1769) in Somerset County by 1730. :Ann Sabrett ( -1708) in Calvert County by 1699. :Samuel Saffell (1712-1777) in Anne Arundel County by 1732. :William Sample (c.1643- ) in Kent County by 1653. :[[Sappington-91|John Sappington]] (1698-1768) in Anne Arundel County by 1698. :Henry Sater (1689-1754) in Baltimore County by 1718. :Daniel Scott I ( -c.1723) in Baltimore County by 1696. :Daniel Scott II ( -1745) in Baltimore County by 1728. :George Scroggins (c.1660-c.1696) in Charles County by 1665. :Joseph Seeley (1659-1732) in Cecil County by 1730. :Daniel Selby (c.1640-c.1696) in Somerset County by 1671. :Edward Selby (1608-c.1688) in Anne Arundel County by 1651. :William Selby (c.1630-c.1680) in Prince George's County by 1697. :William Selby, Jr ( - 1733) in Prince Georgeโ€™s County by 1699. :[[Sewall-88|Henry Sewell]] ( -c.1665) in Talbot County by 1665. :Thomas Sharp (c.1689-1749) in Cecil County by 1719. :William Sherrill (1666-c.1729) in Charles County by 1666. :[[Shipley-3|Adam Shipley]] ( -c.1698) in Anne Arundel County by 1668. :Abraham Short (c.1644-c.1716) in Anne Arundel County by 1706. :[[Short-1758|Isaac Short]] * (1739-1826) in Anne Arundel County by 1739. :John Short (c.1712- ) in Anne Arundel County by 1732. :George Simmons ( -c.1679) in Anne Arundel County by 1679. :Richard Simspon, Sr. (1692-1762) in Anne Arundel County by 1720. :Thomas Simpson (c.1618- ) in Charles County by 1658. :William Sinkler (c.1680- ) in Prince George's County by 1702. :[[Smallwood-27|James Smallwood]] (1639-c.1714) in Charles County by 1666. :James Smith (c.1700-c.1754) in St. Mary's County by 1726. :Richard Smith ( -c.1690) in Calvert County by 1658. :Thomas Smoot (c.1667-c.1704) in Charles County by 1688. :William Smoot (c.1596-c.1665) in St. Mary's County by 1646. :Richard Snowden (c.1640-1711) in Anne Arundel County by 1686. :John Sollers (1630-1699) in Anne Arundel County by 1685. :Sabrett Sollers (1671-1760) in Calvert County by 1722. :[[Spalding-282|Thomas Spalding I]] (c.1640-c.1711) in St. Mary's County by 1674. :Mrs Ann Sparks (c.1730- ) in Frederick County by 1730. :James Sparks * (c.1762- ) in Frederick County by 1752. :Matthew Sparks (c.1730- ) in Frederick County by 1730. :William Sparks (c.1640-c.1709) in Talbot County by 1662. :William Sparks (c.1725- ) in Queen Anne's County by 1725. :David Spence (1639-1679) in Somerset County by 1663. :Zachariah Spencer (c.1700-c.1783) in Baltimore County by 1728. :Richard Stallings (c.1638-c.1703) in Calvert County by 1657. :Detmar Stansbury ( -c.1663) in Baltimore County by 1659. :James Stavely (1630-1682) in Kent County by 1675. :John Sterling (1641-1705) in Somerset County by 1705. :David Stewart (c1616 - c1696) in Anne Arundel County by 1661. :Robert Stewart (c.1595-c.1659) in Baltimore County by 1638. :Thomas Stockett (c.1625- ) in St. Mary's County by 1661. :Woodman Stockley ( -c.1713) in Somerset County by 1710. :William Stone (1603-c.1660) in Charles County by 1648. :Thomas Sturman (1584-1654) in St. Mary's County by 1650. :Thomas Sutton ( -1689) in Anne Arundel County by 1681. :Edward Swann (c.1640-1708) in St. Mary's County by 1657. :Thomas Swearingen (c.1665-1709) in Prince George's County by 1704. :Nicholas Swormstedt (c.1705-c.1768) in Queen Anne's County by 1726. :Phillip Syng (c.1676-1739) in Anne Arundel County by 1714. :Richard Talbot ( -1659) in Anne Arundel County by 1656. :Edward Talbott (1658-1689) in Anne Arundel County by 1659. :John Tarkington Jr (c.1653-1715) in Anne Arundel County by 1688. :[[Tasker-51|Benjamin Tasker]] (1690-1768) in Anne Arundel County by 1690. :[[Taylor-11711 | John Taylor Sr.]] (c.1659-c.1692) in Baltimore County by 1659. :John Taylor (1672-1745) in Baltimore County by 1704. :[[Teague-9|Edward Teague]] (1660-1696) in Cecil County by 1659. :Edward Teague ( - ) in St. Mary's County by 1672. :Edward Teal (c.1682-c.1720) in Charles County by 1682. :[[Tennison-51|Abraham Tennison]] (c.1676-c.1737) in Anne Arundel County by 1717. :Justinian Tennison ( -c.1699) in St. Maryโ€™s County by 1672. :Christopher Thomas (1609-1670) in Kent County by 1637. :Samuel Thomas ( - ) in Anne Arundel County by 1700. :Philip Thomas (1608-1674) in Anne Arundel County by 1667. :Richard Thompson (1612-1649) in St. Mary's County by 1631. :Naomy Thurman (c.1666-c.1721) in Anne Arundel County by 1706. :Gideon Tilghman ( -1720) in Somerset County by 1681. :Gideon Tilghman ( -1720) in Maryland by 1776. :Jonathan Tipton (c.1639-1757) in Baltimore County by 1714. :Thomas Towson ( -1728) in Baltimore County by 1720. :Teague Tracey (c.1660 - c.1712) in Prince Georgeโ€™s County by 1699. :Teague Tracey II (1703- ) in Baltimore County by 1732. :Henry Tripp (1632-1692) in Dorchester County by 1663. :Michael Troutman * (1732-1814) in Frederick County by 1762. :Henry Truman (1629-1697) in Calvert County by 1677. :William Turpin (1634-1685) in Somerset County by 1681. :Robert Tweelve (c.1650- ) in Somerset County by 1679. :Elizabeth Tydings (c.1677-a.1719) in Baltimore County by 1687. :[[Tydings-12|Pretitia Tydings]] (c.1674-c.1726) in Baltimore County by 1675. :Richard Tydings (c.1640-c.1687) in Anne Arundel County by 1659. :John Tyler (1655-1714) in Somerset County by 1675. :Robert Tyler (1637-1674) in Calvert County by 1663. :Jacob Isaak VanBebber (c.1640-1705) in Cecil County by 1704. :[[VanSwearingen-7|Garrett VanSwearingen]] (1636-1698) in St. Mary's County by 1667. :Robert Vaughan (c.1598-c.1669) in St. Mary's County by 1634. :[[Veitch-6|James Veitch]] (c.1628-c.1685) in Calvert County by 1653. :[[Wade-1734|Robert Wade]] ( -c.1694) in Anne Arundel County by 1694. :Theodosia Wade (1666-1749) in Charles County by 1678. :[[Wade-25|Zachariah Wade]] (1627-c.1675) in Charles County by 1657. :Thomas Wall (1663-1756) in Dorchester County by 1682. :[[Wallace-2050|Matthew Wallace]] (c.1640-c.1716) in Somerset County by 1687. :John Waller (c.1616-1667) in Somerset County by 1665. :[[Ward-31757|Cornelius Ward]] ( -1722) in Somerset County by 1722. :[[Warfield-74|Richard Warfield]] (c.1646-1704) in Anne Arundel County by 1662. :[[Waring-405|Sampson Waring]] (c.1618-c.1668) in Calvert County by 1654. :James Warner (c.1620-p.1673) in Anne Arundel County by 1658. :Humphrey Warren (1632-1671) in Charles County by 1667. :Elizabeth Powell Waters ( - ) in Anne Arundel County by 1696. :[[Wayman-16|Leonard Wayman II]] ( - ) in Anne Arundel County by 1688. :Richard Webb (c.1650- ) in Kent County by 1650. :Edward Welborn (c.1660-1731) in Baltimore County by 1680. :William Welborn (c.1708-c.1782) in Baltimore County by 1708. :John Welch (c.1630-1683) in Anne Arundel County by 1681. :Johann Jacob Weller * (1704-1794) in Frederick County by 1738. :[[Wells-5927|Zorobabel Wells]] (c.1645-c.1696) in Talbot County by 1662. :[[Welsh-24|John Welsh]] (c1630 - c1686) in Anne Arundel County by 1667. :Thomas West ( -c.1708) in Somerset County by 1696. :[[Westhall-2|George Westall]] (c.1654-1702) in Anne Arundel County by 1680. :[[Wheeler-1667|John Wheeler]] (c.1630-c.1694) in Charles County by 1652. :Robert Whitaker (c.1703-1753) in Prince George's County by 1724. :[[White-11733|Guy White]] (1632-1659) in Calvert County by 1666. :Stephen White (c.1670-c.1717) in Anne Arundel County by 1674. :[[Wickliffe-20|David Wickliffe]] (c.1611-1643) in St. Mary's County by 1636. :George Willard (c.1614-c.1656) in Baltimore County by 1653. :[[Wilmer-49|Simon Wilmer]] (1656-1699) in Kent County by 1679. :[[Wilson-33623|Josiah Wilson]] ( -1717) in Calvert County by 1689. :Mary Wood * (c.1760-1842) in Baltimore County by 1760. :[[Woolford-8|Roger Woolford]] (1670-c.1730) in Somerset County by 1670. :John Worland (c.1639-c.1701) in Charles County by 1662. :[[Worthington-97|John Worthington]] (c.1650-1701) in Anne Arundel County by 1686. :[[Wyatt-266|Nicholas Wyatt]] ( -c.1675) in Anne Arundel County by 1658. :Joseph Young (1678-1727) in Cecile County by 1727. :Sewell Young ( - ) in Anne Arundel County by 1675. :[[Young-13911|William Young]] (c.1680-c.1732) in Calvert County by 1680. :Peter Youngblood (c.1700-c.1774) in Prince George's County by 1728. :


These people are no longer qualifying ancestors since the requirement was changed to be in Maryland by December 31, 1734. ===Wikitree Members who are descended from one or more of the First Families of Maryland=== *[[Day-1904|Jack Day]] Sampson Waring, Richard Cheney, Richard Marsham *[[X-7424|Nae X]] Dent's *[[Wiegand-310|Gary Rutherford Harding]] John Thomas Lowe, William Burgess, Archibald Edmonton Sr, Richard Marsham, Sampson Waring, Ninian Beall, Thomas Greenfield *[[Handy-530|C Handy]] Samuel Handy, John Baptist Buckman, Donnock Dennis, Mareen Duvall, Richard Gardiner, Nicholas Harvey, Thomas Spalding I, Richard Ewen, John Pottenger, Robert Tyler *[[Anderson-16764|Scott Anderson]] 7GG Zorobabel Wells

Project Space pages 20241009 (58) Formation of New York Counties

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[[Category:New York]][[Category:New York History]][[Category:New York Project]] == Formation of New York Counties == {{Image|file=New_York_Genealogical_Resources-3.jpg |align=c |size=l |caption=Current New York Counties }} {| {| border="1" align="center" class="wikitable sortable" style="font-style:; font-size:100%; border: 3px Solid Blue;" !County !County Seat !Created !Formed from !Named for |- |[[:Category:Albany County, New York|Albany]] |[[:Category:Albany, New York|Albany]] |1683 |One of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |[[Stuart-19|James II of England (James VII of Scotland)]] (1633โ€“1701), who was Duke of York (English title) and Duke of Albany (Scottish title) before becoming King of England, Ireland, and Scotland. |- |[[:Category:Allegany County, New York|Allegany]] |[[:Category:Belmont, New York|Belmont]] |1806 |Genesee County |A variant spelling of the Allegheny River |- |[[:Category:Bronx County, New York|Bronx]] |none |1914[6] |New York County |Jonas Bronck (1600?โ€“1643), an early settler of the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam |- |[[:Category:Broome County, New York|Broome]] |[[:Category:Binghamton, New York|Binghamton]] |1806 |Tioga County |John Broome (1738โ€“1810), fourth Lieutenant Governor of New York |- |[[:Category:Cattaraugus County, New York|Cattaraugus]] |[[:Category:Little Valley, New York|Little Valley]] |1808 |Genesee County |A Seneca word meaning "bad smelling banks", referring to the odor of natural gas which leaked from local rock formations |- |[[:Category:Cayuga County, New York|Cayuga]] |[[:Category:Auburn, New York|Auburn]] |1799 |Onondaga County |The Cayuga tribe of Native Americans |- |[[:Category:Chautauqua County, New York|Chautauqua]] |[[:Category:Mayville, New York|Mayville]] |1808 |Genesee County |Loanword from the Erie language describing Chautauqua Lake; language now lost and cannot be translated |- |[[:Category:Chemung County, New York|Chemung]] |[[:Category:Elmira, New York|Elmira]] |1836 |Tioga County |A Lenape word meaning "big horn", which was the name of a local Native American village |- |[[:Category:Chenango County, New York|Chenango]] |[[:Category:Norwich, New York|Norwich]] |1798 |Tioga County and Herkimer County |An Onondaga word meaning "large bull-thistle" |- |[[:Category:Clinton County, New York|Clinton]] |[[:Category:Plattsburgh, New York|Plattsburgh]] |1788 |Washington County |George Clinton (1739โ€“1812), fourth Vice President of the United States and first and third Governor of New York |- |[[:Category:Columbia County, New York|Columbia]] |[[:Category:Hudson, New York|Hudson]] |1786 |Albany County |Christopher Columbus (1451โ€“1506), the European explorer |- |[[:Category:Cortland County, New York|Cortland]] |[[:Category:Cortland, New York|Cortland]] |1808 |Onondaga County |Pierre Van Cortlandt (1721โ€“1814), first Lieutenant Governor of New York |- |[[:Category:Delaware County, New York|Delaware]] |[[:Category:Delhi, New York|Delhi]] |1797 |Otseg County and Ulster County |Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr (1577โ€“1618), an early colonial leader in Virginia |- |[[:Category:Dutchess County, New York|Dutchess]] |[[:Category:Poughkeepsie, New York|Poughkeepsie]] |1683 |One of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |Lady Anne Hyde (1637โ€“1671), Duchess of York and wife of King James II of England |- |[[:Category:Erie County, New York|Erie]] |[[:Category:Buffalo, New York|Buffalo]] |1821 |Niagara County |The Erie tribe of Native Americans |- |[[:Category:Essex County, New York|Essex]] |[[:Category:Elizabethtown, New York|Elizabethtown]] |1799 |Clinton County |The county of Essex in England |- |[[:Category:Franklin County, New York|Franklin]] |[[:Category:Malone, New York|Malone]] |1808 |Clinton County |Benjamin Franklin (1706โ€“1790), the early American printer, scientist, and statesman |- |[[:Category:Fulton County, New York|Fulton]] |[[:Category:Johnstown, New York|Johnstown]] |1838 |Montgomery County |Robert Fulton (1765โ€“1815), inventor of the steamship |- |[[:Category:Genesee County, New York|Genesee]] |[[:Category:Batavia, New York|Batavia]] |1802 |Ontario County and land acquired in the Holland Purchase |A Seneca phrase meaning "good valley" |- |[[:Category:Greene County, New York|Greene]] |[[:Category:Catskill, New York|Catskill]] |1800 |Albany County and Ulster County |Nathanael Greene (1742โ€“1786), the American Revolutionary War general |- |[[:Category:Hamilton County, New York|Hamilton]] |[[:Category:Lake Pleasant, New York|Lake Pleasant]] |1816 |Montgomery County |Alexander Hamilton (1755โ€“1804), the early American political theorist and first Secretary of the Treasury |- |[[:Category:Herkimer County, New York|Herkimer]] |[[:Category:Herkimer, New York|Herkimer]] |1791 |Montgomery County |Nicholas Herkimer (1728โ€“1777), the American Revolutionary War general |- |[[:Category:Jefferson County, New York|Jefferson]] |[[:Category:Watertown, New York|Watertown]] |1805 |Oneida County |Thomas Jefferson (1743โ€“1826), the early American statesman, author of the Declaration of Independence, and third President of the United States |- |[[:Category:Kings County, New York|Kings]] |none |1683 |One of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |King Charles II of England (1630โ€“1685) |- |[[:Category:Lewis County, New York|Lewis]] |[[:Category:Lowville, New York|Lowville]] |1805 |Oneida County |Morgan Lewis (1754โ€“1844), the fourth Governor of New York |- |[[:Category:Livingston County, New York|Livingston]] |[[:Category:Geneseo, New York|Geneseo]] |1821 |Genesee County and Ontario County |Robert Livingston (1746โ€“1813), the early American statesman and New York delegate to the Continental Congress |- |[[:Category:Madison County, New York|Madison]] |[[:Category:Wampsville, New York|Wampsville]] |1806 |Chenango County |James Madison (1751โ€“1836), the early American statesman, principal author of the Constitution of the United States, and fourth President of the United States |- |[[:Category:Monroe County, New York|Monroe]] |[[:Category:Rochester, New York|Rochester]] |1821 |Genesee County and Ontario County |James Monroe (1758โ€“1831), the early American statesman and fifth President of the United States |- |[[:Category:Montgomery County, New York|Montgomery]] |[[:Category:Fonda, New York|Fonda]] |1772 |Albany County |Originally Tryon County after colonial governor William Tryon (1729โ€“1788), renamed after the American Revolutionary War general Richard Montgomery (1738โ€“1775) in 1784 |- |[[:Category:Nassau County, New York|Nassau]] |[[:Category:Mineola, New York|Mineola]] |1899 |Queens County |The Princes of Orange-Nassau ruled the Netherlands when Long Island was a Dutch colony |- |[[:Category:New York County, New York|New York]] |none |1683 |One of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |King James |- |[[:Category:Niagara County, New York|Niagara]] |[[:Category:Lockport, New York|Lockport]] |1808 |Genesee County |An Iroquoian word perhaps meaning "a neck" between two bodies of water, "thunder of waters", or "bisected bottom land" II of England (1633โ€“1701), who was Duke of York and Albany before he ascended the throne of England, Duke of York being his English title |- |[[:Category:Oneida County, New York|Oneida]] |[[:Category:Utica, New York|Utica]] |1798 |Herkimer County |The Oneida tribe of Native Americans |- |[[:Category:Onondaga County, New York|Onondaga]] |[[:Category:Syracuse, New York|Syracuse]] |1792 |Herkimer County |The Onondaga tribe of Native Americans |- |[[:Category:Ontario County, New York|Ontario]] |Canandaigua |1789 |Land acquired in the Phelps and Gorham Purchase |An Iroquoian word meaning "beautiful lake" |- |[[:Category:Orange County, New York|Orange]] |[[:Category:Goshen, New York|Goshen]] |1683 |One of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |William of Orange-Nassau (1650โ€“1702), who became King William III of England |- |[[:Category:Orleans County, New York|Orleans]] |[[:Category:Albion, Orleans County, New York|Albion]] |1824 |Genesee County |The French Royal House of Orlรฉans |- |[[:Category:Oswego County, New York|Oswego]] |[[:Category:Oswego, New York|Oswego]] |1816 |Oneida County and Onondaga County |The Oswego River, from an Iroquoian word meaning "the outpouring", referring to the mouth of the river |- |[[:Category:Otsego County, New York|Otsego]] |[[:Category:Cooperstown, New York|Cooperstown]] |1791 |Montgomery County |A Native American word meaning "place of the rock" |- |[[:Category:Putnam County, New York|Putnam]] |[[:Category:Carmel, New York|Carmetl]] |1812 |Dutchess County |Israel Putnam (1718โ€“1790), an American Revolutionary War general |- |[[:Category:Queens County, New York|Queens]] |none |1683 |One of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |Catherine of Braganza (1638โ€“1705), Queen of England and wife of King Charles II of England |- |[[:Category:Rensselaer County, New York|Rensselaer]] |[[:Category:Troy, New York|Troy]] |1791 |Albany County |In honor of the family of Kiliaen van Rensselaer (before 1596 โ€“ after 1643), the early landholder in the Dutch New Amsterdam colony |- |[[:Category:Richmond County, New York|RIchmond]] |none |1683 |One of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |Charles Lennox, 1st Duke of Richmond (1672โ€“1723), the illegitimate son of King Charles II of England |- |[[:Category:Rockland County, New York|Rockland]] |[[:Category:New City, New York|New City]] |1798 |Orange County |Early settlers' description of terrain as "rocky land" |- |[[:Category:Saratoga County, New York|Saratoga]] |[[:Category:Ballston Spa, New York|Ballston Spa]] |1791 |Albany County |A corruption of a Native American word meaning "the hill beside the river" |- |[[:Category:Schenectady County, New York|Schenectady]] |[[:Category:Schenectady, New York|Schenectady]] |1809 |Albany County |A Mohawk word meaning "on the other side of the pine lands" |- |[[:Category:Schoharie County, New York|Schoharie]] |[[:Category:Schoharie, New York|Schoharie]] |1795 |Albany County and Otsego County |A Mohawk word meaning "floating driftwood" |- |[[:Category:Schuyler County, New York|Schuyler]] |[[:Category:Watkins Glen, New York|Watkins Glen]] |1854 |Chemung County, Steuben County, and Tompkins County |Philip Schuyler (1733โ€“1804), the American Revolutionary War general and Senator from New York |- |[[:Category:Seneca County, New York|Seneca]] |[[:Category:Waterloo, New York|Waterloo]] |1804 |Cayuga County |The Seneca tribe of Native Americans |- |[[:Category:St. Lawrence County, New York|St. Lawrence]] |[[:Category:Canton, New York|Canton]] |1802 |Clinton County, Herkimer County, and Montgomery County |The St Lawrence River, which forms the northern border of the county and New York State |- |[[:Category:Steuben County, New York|Steuben]] |[[:Category:Bath, New York|Bath]] |1796 |Ontario County |Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben (1730โ€“1794), the Prussian general who assisted the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War |- |[[:Category:Suffolk County, New York|Suffolk]] |[[:Category:Riverhead, New York|RIverhead]] |1683 |One of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |The county of Suffolk in England |- |[[:Category:Sullivan County, New York|Sullivan]] |[[:Category:Monticello, New York|Monticello]] |1809 |Ulster County |John Sullivan (1740โ€“1795), an American Revolutionary War general |- |[[:Category:Tioga County, New York|Tioga]] |[[:Category:Owego, New York|Owego]] |1791 |Montgomery County |A Native American word meaning "at the forks", describing a meeting place |- |[[:Category:Tompkins County, New York|Tompkins]] |[[:Category:Ithaca, New York|Ithaca]] |1817 |Cayuga County and Seneca County |Daniel D. Tompkins (1774โ€“1825), the 6th Vice President of the United States |- |[[:Category:Ulster County, New York|Ulster]] |[[:Category:Kingston, New York|Kingston]] |1683 |One of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |The Irish province of Ulster, then an earldom of the Duke of York, later King James II of England |- |[[:Category:Warren County, New York|Warren]] |[[:Category:Queensbury, New York|Queensbury]] |1813 |Washington County |Joseph Warren (1741โ€“1775), the early American patriot and American Revolutionary War general |- |[[:Category:Washington County, New York|Washington]] |[[:Category:Fort Edward, New York|Fort Edward]] |1772 |Albany County |Originally Charlotte County, renamed in 1784 after George Washington (1732โ€“1799), the American Revolutionary War general and first President of the United States |- |[[:Category:Wayne County, New York|Wayne]] |[[:Category:Lyons, New York|Lyons]] |1823 |Ontario County and Seneca County |General Anthony Wayne (1745โ€“1796), the American Revolutionary War general |- |[[:Category:Westchester County, New York|Westchester]] |[[:Category:White Plains, New York|White Plains]] |1683 |One of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |The city of Chester in England |- |[[:Category:Wyoming County, New York|Wyoming]] |[[:Category:Warsaw, New York|Warsaw]] |1841 |Genesee County |A modification of a word from the Lenape language meaning "broad bottom lands" |- |[[:Category:Yates County, New York|Yates]] |[[:Category:Penn Yan, New York|Penn Yan]] |1823 |Ontario County and Steuben County |Joseph C. Yates (1768โ€“1837), eighth Governor of New York |} == Defunct Counties == {| {| border="1" align="center" class="wikitable sortable" style="font-style:; font-size:100%; border: 3px Solid Blue;" |- !County !Created !Abolished !Fate[1] |- |[[:Category:Cornwall County, New York|Cornwall]] |1665 |1686 |Transferred to the part of Massachusetts that later became the state of Maine and partitioned; one of the 12 original counties created in the New York colony |- |[[:Category:Dukes County, New York|Dukes]] |1683 |1692 |Transferred to Massachusetts; one of 12 original counties created in the New York colony |- |[[:Category:Cumberland County, New York|Cumberland]] |1766 |1777 |Transferred to Vermont and partitioned |- |[[:Category:Gloucester County, New York|Goucester]] |1770 |1777 |Transferred to Vermont and partitioned |- |[[:Category:Charlotte County, New York|Charlotte]] |1772 |1784 |Partitioned and renamed as Washington County |- |[[:Category:Tryon County, New York|Tryon]] |1772 |1784 |Renamed as Montgomery County |- |[[:Category:Mexico County, New York|Mexico]] |1792 |1796 |Never settled or incorporated, reallocated to other counties |} == County Formation Map == This map will show you the locations & changes in counties through the years.

Project Space pages 20241009 (59) Former Counties of Kansas

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Created: 2 Jan 2020
Saved: 2 Jan 2020
Touched: 2 Jan 2020

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Former Counties of Kansas]] For a grouping of these counties, see: [[:Category: Former Counties of Kansas|the category for former counties of Kansas]] '''Former Counties of Kansas''' {| class="wikitable sortable" ! County !! Dates !! Notes |- | [[:Category:Arapahoe County, Kansas|Arapahoe]] || 1873 - 1883 || Formed from Unorganized Area. Dissolved into [[:Category:Finney County, Kansas|Finney]] County. |- | [[:Category:Billings County, Kansas|Billings]] || 1873โ€“1874 || Created from [[:Category:Norton County, Kansas|Norton]] County and returned to [[:Category:Norton County, Kansas|Norton]] County. |- | [[:Category:Buffalo County, Kansas|Buffalo]] || 1873 - 1881 || Formed from Unorganized Area. Dissolved into [[:Category:Gray County, Kansas|Gray]] County. |- | [[:Category:Davis County, Kansas|Davis]] || ? - ? || One of 36 Original Counties, now part of [[:Category:Geary County, Kansas|Geary]] County. |- | [[:Category:Garfield County, Kansas|Garfield]] || 1887 - 1893 || Formed from [[:Category:Finney County, Kansas|Finney]] and [[:Category:Hodgeman County, Kansas|Hodgeman]] Counties and merged into [[:Category:Finney County, Kansas|Finney]] County. |- | [[:Category:Godfrey County, Kansas|Godfrey]] || 1855 - 1861 || One of the Original 36 Counties. Name changed to [[:Category:Seward County, Kansas|Seward]] around 1861. |- | [[:Category:Howard County, Kansas|Howard]] || 1867 - 1875 || Formed from [[:Category:Seward County, Kansas|Seward]] and [[:Category:Butler County, Kansas|Butler]] Counties. Dissolved into [[:Category:Chautauqua County, Kansas|Chautauqua]] and [[:Category:Elk County, Kansas|Elk]] Counties. |- | [[:Category:Hunter County, Kansas|Hunter]] || 1855 - 1864 || One of the Original 36 Counties. Dissolved into [[:Category:Butler County, Kansas|Butler]] County. |- | [[:Category:Irving County, Kansas|Irving]] || 1860 - 1864 || Formed from [[:Category:Hunter County, Kansas|Hunter]] County. Dissolved into [[:Category:Butler County, Kansas|Butler]] County. |- | [[:Category:Kansas County, Kansas|Kansas]] || 1873 - 1883 || Formed from Unorganized Area. Dissolved into [[:Category:Seward County, Kansas|Seward]] County. |- | [[:Category:Madison County, Kansas|Madison]] || 1855 - 1861 || One of the Original 36 Counties. Dissolved into [[:Category:Breckenridge County, Kansas|Breckenridge]] and [[:Category:Greenwood County, Kansas|Greenwood]]. |- | [[:Category:Otoe County, Kansas|Otoe]] || 1860 - 1864 || Formed from Unorganized Area and dissolved into [[:Category:Butler County, Kansas|Butler]] County. |- | [[:Category:Peketon County, Kansas|Peketon]] || 1860 - 1865 || Formed from Unorganized Area and dissolved back into Unorganized Area. |- | [[:Category:Sequoyah County, Kansas|Sequoyah]] || 1873 - 1883 || Formed from Unorganized Area. Dissolved into [[:Category:Finney County, Kansas|Finney]] County. |- | [[:Category:Seward County, Kansas|Seward]] || 1861 - 1867 || Formerly part of [[:Category:Godfrey County, Kansas|Godfrey]]. Dissolved into [[:Category:Greenwood County, Kansas|Greenwood]] and [[:Category:Howard County, Kansas|Howard]] Counties. |- | [[:Category:Shirley County, Kansas|Shirley]] || 1860 - 1865 || Formed from Unorganized Area and dissolved into [[:Category:Washington County, Kansas|Washington]] County. |- | [[:Category:Washington County, Kansas|Washington]] || 1855 - 1857 || One of 36 Original Counties. |}

Project Space pages 20241009 (60) Franklin County, Idaho

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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (61) Franklin County, Washington

PageID: 38538834
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Created: 3 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Franklin County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Grant County, Washington|Grant]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Adams County, Washington|Adams]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Franklin_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Whitman County, Washington|Whitman]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Benton County, Washington|Benton]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Walla Walla County, Washington|Walla Walla]]


Welcome to [[Space:Franklin County, Washington|Franklin County]]

== County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q118716|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Ferry County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Franklin County, Washington|Franklin County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Franklin County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Franklin County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Franklin County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Franklin|Franklin County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (62) Fremont County, Idaho

PageID: 29408215
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (63) Garfield County, Washington

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Created: 3 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Garfield County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Whitman County, Washington|Whitman]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Columbia County, Washington|Columbia]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Garfield_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Asotin County, Washington|Asotin]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Wallowa County, Oregon|Wallowa County, Oregon]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Garfield County, Washington|Garfield County]]

== Garfield County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q695782|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Garfield County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Garfield County, Washington| Garfield County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Garfield County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Garfield County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Garfield County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Garfield |Garfield County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (64) Gem County, Idaho

PageID: 29408220
Inbound links: 2
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 102 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (65) Gilliam County, Oregon

PageID: 38591915
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Created: 8 Jul 2022
Saved: 8 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Gilliam County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Gilliam_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Gilliam County, Oregon| Gilliam County]]

== Gilliam County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484685|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Gilliam County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Gilliam County, Oregon| Gilliam County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Gilliam County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Condon *[[:Category: Gilliam County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Gilliam County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Gilliam | Gilliam County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (66) Gooding County, Idaho

PageID: 29408260
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 130 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (67) Grant County, Oregon

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Created: 8 Jul 2022
Saved: 8 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category:Grant County, Oregon]]

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Grant_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space:Grant County, Oregon|Grant County]]

== Grant County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484378|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Grant County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Grant County, Oregon|Grant County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Grant County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Canyon City *[[:Category: Grant County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Grant County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Grant|Grant County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (68) Grant County, Washington

PageID: 38538912
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Created: 3 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Grant County, Washington]]

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Douglas County, Washington|Douglas]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Okanogan County, Washington|Okanogan]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Kittitas County, Washington|Kittitas]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Grant_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Adams County, Washington|Adams]]
[[Space: Lincoln County, Washington| Lincoln]]
|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Yakima County, Washington|Yakima]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Benton County, Washington|Benton]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Franklin County, Washington|Franklin]]


Welcome to [[Space: Grant County, Washington| Grant County]]

== Grant County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q281681|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Grant County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Grant County, Washington| Grant County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Grant County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Grant County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Grant County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Grant | Grant County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (69) Grays Harbor County, Washington

PageID: 38539194
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Created: 3 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Grays Harbor County, Washington]]

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Wikipedia:Pacific Ocean|Pacific Ocean]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Jefferson County, Washington|Jefferson]]

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[[Space:Mason County, Washington|Mason]]

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[[Wikipedia:Pacific Ocean|Pacific Ocean]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Grays Harbor_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Thurston County, Washington|Thurston]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Wikipedia:Pacific Ocean|Pacific Ocean]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Pacific County, Washington|Pacific]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Lewis County, Washington|Lewis]]


Welcome to [[Space:Grays Harbor County, Washington|Grays Harbor County]]

== Grays Harbor County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q281681|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Grays Harbor County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Grays Harbor County, Washington|Grays Harbor County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Grays Harbor County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Grays Harbor County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Grays Harbor County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Grays Harbor|Grays Harbor County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (70) Harney County, Oregon

PageID: 38592119
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Created: 8 Jul 2022
Saved: 8 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Harney County, Oregon]]

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

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|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Harney_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Harney County, Oregon| Harney County]]

== Harney County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484367|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Harney County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Harney County, Oregon| Harney County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Harney County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Burns *[[:Category: Harney County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Harney County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Harney | Harney County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (71) Hawaii County, Hawaii

PageID: 38634881
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Created: 11 Jul 2022
Saved: 11 Jul 2022
Touched: 11 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Hawaii Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Hawaii Projects]] [[Category:Hawaii]] [[Category: Hawaii County, Hawaii]]

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[[Space:Maui County, Hawaii|Maui]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Hawaii_County_Hawaii.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space:Hawaii County, Hawaii|Hawaii County]]

== Hawaii County, Hawaii == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q487334|enwiki}} *[,_Hawaii_Genealogy Hawaii County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Hawaii County, Hawaii|Hawaii County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Hawaii County, Hawaii|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Hilo *[[:Category: Hawaii County, Hawaii, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Hawaii County, Hawaii, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Hawaii|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#Hawaii|Hawaii County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Hawaii|Sources-Hawaii]] page #If you have any Hawaii state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Hawaii_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Hawaii, please consider adding '''Category:[[:Category:Hawaii_Research_Assistance|Hawaii Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (72) Hawaii State Project Images

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Created: 11 Jul 2022
Saved: 11 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Hawaii Projects]][[Category:Hawaii Images]] [[Category:Hawaii]]

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Project Space pages 20241009 (73) Hickory County, Missouri

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Created: 15 Feb 2021
Saved: 16 Apr 2022
Touched: 16 Apr 2022

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[[Category:Hickory County, Missouri]] ==Hickory County, Missouri== Hickory County was formed on February 14, 1845 from parts of [[:Category:Polk County, Missouri|Polk]] and [[:Category:Benton County, Missouri|Benton]] Counties. It was named for [[Jackson-1115|Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson]] and the county seat, [[:Category:Hermitage, Missouri|Hermitage]], for his home in Tennessee. Original inhabitants were primarily [[:Category:Osage Nation|Osage Indians]] on the North and the [[:Category:Sauk|Sacs]] in the Southwest. Earliest discoverers were probably French, based on the names of the rivers in the area - Pomme de Terre (Potato), Gravois, Weaubleau, and the Auglaise. Most early settlers came from Kentucky and Tennessee. The earliest white settlers were probably a German named Hogle (for whom Hogle's Creek was named) and his partner Pensoneau, a Frenchman from Cahokia, Illinois. Hogle and Pensoneau were Indian traders who settled in the Osage Valley. The earliest families appear to be the Zumwalts and the Ingleses who appear on Lindley Creek (near Pittsburg) by 1832. Other early settlers were the [ Vandevers], [ Judys], and the [ Grahams]. '''Images''' * [ Map of Missouri highlighting Hickory County] * See an interactive map of Hickory County [ border changes]. '''Books''' * [ Wilson's history of Hickory County], Published 1909. (Excellent source for early family histories.) * History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade, and Barton Counties, Missouri: From the Earliest Time to the Present, Including a Department Devoted to the Preservation of Sundry Personal, Business, Professional, and Private Records, Besides a Valuable Fund of Notes, Original Observations, Etc., Etc ([ Google eBook]) * [;view=thumbnail;c=platic;rgn1=platic_ti;corig=platic;start=1;size=20;sort=platic_ti;q1=hickory Plat Books of Missouri]

Project Space pages 20241009 (74) Historical Timeline of Rowan County North Carolina

PageID: 21127483
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Created: 13 Apr 2018
Saved: 26 Jul 2023
Touched: 26 Jul 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Rowan County, North Carolina]] {{United States|sub-project=North Carolina}} {{blue|This Rowan County, NC History page is in Progress }} ==History == * 1567, The first Europeans to enter the North Carolina area in what is '''now''' Rowan County came with the Spanish expedition of Juan Pardo. They established a fort and a mission in the native village of Guatari, believed to be located near the Yadkin River and inhabited by the Wateree. At the time, the area was ruled by a female chief the Spaniards called Guatari Mico. The Spaniards called the village Salamanca in honor of the city of Salamanca in western Spain. They began a mission, headed by a secular priest named Sebastiรกn Montero.,_North_Carolina

* 1572, The Spaniards abandoned the area at some point before 1572.

See US Southern Colonies Project * '''1629-1712''', Province of Carolina was ruled by the Lords Proprietors under British rule. * 1712-1776, Province of North Carolina and Province of South Carolina were created from the Province of Carolina. See US Southern Colonies Project. See [[Wikipedia:Carolinas]] * 1734, [[:Category:Bladen County, North Carolina|Bladen County, North Carolina]] was formed from [[:Category:New Hanover County, North Carolina|New Hanover County]]

[[Wikipedia:Rowan County, North Carolina]]

* 1740s and 1750s, German and Scotch-Irish settlers, from the northern colonies of Pennsylvania and Virginia, traveled the Great Wagon Road to Rowan. Farmers took advantage of the fertile soil in Rowan and the county grew.

* 1750, [[:Category:Anson County, North Carolina|Anson County]] was formed from [[:Category:Bladen County, North Carolina|Bladen County]] *Rowan County was formed from the northern part of Anson County, North Carolina . It was named for [[Rowan-1068|Matthew Rowan]], acting governor of North Carolina from 1753 to 1754.,_North_Carolina * 1755, Earl Granville settled 635 acres (257) for the "Salisbury Township" in a deed dated Feb 11, 1755, the county seat was established in [ Salisbury, North Carolina]/ * 1766, Old Stone House was constructed by Michael Braun, a German settler, who had moved to Rowan after traveling with his family on the Great Wagon Road from Philadelphia. Braun managed to secure his wealth through different ventures while he lived in Rowan County, and he built the two story stone house in Salisbury. * 1771, The northeastern part of what remained of Rowan County became [[:Category:Surry County, North Carolina|Surry County]]. * 1774, Sep 23, the [[:Category:Rowan County Committee of Safety, North Carolina, American Revolution|Rowan County Committee of Safety]] first met in preparation for independence. * 1775, Sep 8, the Rowan County Regiment, North Carolina Militia fielded for Revolutionary War service; they served from Oct 22, 1775 to May 9, 1777 and May 1, 1782 to 1783. * 1775, Oct 2, Rowan County Regiment split into two regiments: 1st Rowan County Regiment and the [[:Category:2nd Rowan County Regiment, North Carolina Militia, American Revolution|2nd Rowan County Regiment]] fielded for Revolutionary War service, 2nd Regiment became the Burke County Regiment on May 9, 1777 and then reverted back to the 2nd Rowan County Regiment on May 1, 1782 and served until the end of the war. * 1776, Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia. * 1776-1781, North Carolina contributed to the Revolutionary War 7,800 men in the [[:Category: North Carolina Line, American Revolution|Continental Army]] under [[Washington-11|General George Washington]] and an additional 10,000 served in local [[:Category: North Carolina Militia, American Revolution|North Carolina County Regiments]] of militia and other [[:Category: North Carolina State Troops, American Revolution|State Troops]], *1777 After the establishment of the Rowan County Regiment, there more counties formed from Rowan County. These were Burke County in 1777, Iredell County in 1788, Davidson County in 1822 and Davie County in 1836. * 1777, The western part of Rowan County became Burke County, North Carolina. * 1780, Jun 20, [[:Category: Battle of Ramsour's Mill|Battle of Ramsour's Mill]] nearby in what is today Lincolnton, NC, many Rowan soldiers were killed at this battle * 1788, The western part of the now much smaller Rowan County became [[:Category:Iredell County, North Carolina|Iredell County]]. * 1789, November 21, [[:Category:North Carolina|North Carolina]] admitted to the [[:Category:United States of America|Union]] as the 12th state * 1790, US Federal Census, population of 15,872 * 1800, US Federal Census, population of 20,060 * 1810, US Federal Census, population of 21,543 * 1820, US Federal Census, population of 26,009 * 1822, The eastern part of the still shrinking county became [[:Category:Davidson County, North Carolina. * 1824, Gold was found at Gold Hill in Rowan County. During operation, the mines at Gold Hill produced more than six million dollars in gold, eventually causing the government to construct a federal mint in Charlotte. * 1830, US Federal Census, population of 20,786 * 1836, The part of Rowan County north of the South Yadkin River became Davie County, North Carolina, * 1840, US Federal Census, population of 12,109 * 1850, US Federal Census, population of 13,870 * 1851, Catawba College formed in Rowan County * 1860, US Federal Census, population of 14,589 * 1861-1865, [[:Category:United States Civil War|US Civil War]] * 1861, 21 May President Jefferson Davis proclaimed North Carolina a Confederate state after an ordinance was passed by the North Carolina legislature. * 1861, On 9 July, six weeks after North Carolina seceded from the Union, the Confederate government asked Governor Henry T. Clark if the state could provide a place to hold prisoners of war (POWs). The 20-year-old Maxwell Chambers textile mill in Salisbury, then vacant, was hurriedly fitted for that purpose. On 9 December 120 prisoners transferred from the Raleigh State Fairgrounds were the first prisoners to enter the Salisbury Prison, the first and only Civil War prison in North Carolina. * 1870, US Federal Census, population of 16,810 * 1879, Livingston College formed in Rowan County * 1880, US Federal Census, population of 19,965 * 1890, US Federal Census, population of 24,123 * 1900, US Federal Census, population of 31,066 * 1910, US Federal Census, population of 37,521 * 1920, US Federal Census, population of 44,062 * 1930, US Federal Census, population of 56,665 * 1940, US Federal Census, population of 69,206 * 1950, US Federal Census, population of 75,410 * 1960, US Federal Census, population of 82,817 * 1970, US Federal Census, population of 90,035 * 1980, US Federal Census, population of 99,186 * 1990, US Federal Census, population of 110,605 * 2000, US Federal Census, population of 130,340 * 2010, US Federal Census, population of 139,993 ===Government=== ===Economics and Geography=== *The county covers 524 square miles (1,360 km2), of which 12 square miles (31 km2) (2.4%) are covered by water. *The Yadkin River forms Rowan county's eastern border. * North of Ellis Crossroads, the South Yadkin River meets the Yadkin. Then the South Yadkin forms the county's northern border with Davie County. The southern border is an eastโ€“west line that bisected by Kannapolis. * ===Demographics=== ===Cemeteries=== == Sources == * [ North Carolina History of Rowan County] * [[Wikipedia:Rowan County, North Carolina]] *

Project Space pages 20241009 (75) Honolulu County, Hawaii

PageID: 38635201
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Created: 11 Jul 2022
Saved: 11 Jul 2022
Touched: 11 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Hawaii Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Hawaii Projects]] [[Category:Hawaii]] [[Category: Honolulu County, Hawaii]]

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Kauai County, Hawaii|Kauai]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Honolulu_County_Hawaii.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Maui County, Hawaii|Maui]]


Welcome to [[Space: Honolulu County, Hawaii|Honolulu County]]

== Honolulu County, Hawaii == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q487704|enwiki}} *[,_Hawaii_Genealogy Honolulu County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Honolulu County, Hawaii|Honolulu County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Honolulu County, Hawaii|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' *[[:Category: Honolulu County, Hawaii, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Honolulu County, Hawaii, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Hawaii|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#Honolulu|Honolulu County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Hawaii|Sources-Hawaii]] page #If you have any Hawaii state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Hawaii_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Hawaii, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Hawaii_Research_Assistance|Hawaii Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (76) Hood River County, Oregon

PageID: 38592202
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Created: 8 Jul 2022
Saved: 8 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Hood River County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Hood_River_County_Oregon-1.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Hood River County, Oregon|Hood River County]]

== Hood River County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484361|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Hood River County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Hood River County, Oregon|Hood River County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Hood River County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Hood River *[[:Category: Hood River County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Hood River County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Hood River|Hood River County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (77) Idaho County, Idaho

PageID: 29408283
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 130 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (78) Idaho State Project Images

PageID: 38643480
Inbound links: 0
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 45 views

Created: 12 Jul 2022
Saved: 12 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 5

[[Category:Idaho Projects]][[Category:Idaho Images]] [[Category:Idaho]]

Back to [[Project:Idaho|Idaho State Project]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (79) Illinois Central Railroad

PageID: 41779
Inbound links: 3
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 588 views

Created: 17 Sep 2009
Saved: 29 Jan 2023
Touched: 29 Jan 2023

Managers: 2
Watch List: 3
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:United States Railroads]] [[Category:Illinois Railroads]] == Illinois Central Railroad == The Illinois Central Railroad (reporting mark IC), sometimes called the Main Line of Mid-America, was a Class I railroad that operated in the central United States from the 1850s until 1998, when it was acquired by the Canadian National Railroad. Its primary routes connected [[:Category:Chicago, Illinois|Chicago, Illinois]] with [[:Category:New Orleans, Louisiana|New Orleans, Louisiana]] and [[:Category:Birmingham, Alabama|Birmingham, Alabama]]. The Illinois Central Railroad was incorporated by the Illinois state legislature in 1836. That same year, a bill was introduced in the U.S. Congress to authorize a federal land grant to connect a railroad from the southern tip of Illinois at the mouth of the Ohio River to Chicago and [[:Category:Galena, Illinois|Galena]]. The land grant was not approved until 1850, when the Illinois Central became the first land grant railroad in the United States. Construction of the line from [[:Category:Cairo, Illinois|Cairo, Illinois]], to Chicago and Galena was completed in 1856, and a branch line was built from Chicago to [[:Category:Centralia, Illinois|Centralia, Illinois]]. The Illinois Central extended its track into Iowa in 1867, and it expanded into the southern United States during the 1870s and 1880s through the acquisition and construction of additional lines. Illinois Central passenger trains were one means of transportation for African Americans migrating from southern to northern states during the 1920s. ===Illinois Central Railroad Employees=== * [[Grant-13|Willie Grant]] (1908-2003) == Sources ==

* [[Wikipedia:Illinois Central Railroad]] Also see [[:Category:Railroad_Workers]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (80) Island County, Washington

PageID: 38555010
Inbound links: 6
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 102 views

Created: 4 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 2
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Island County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:San Juan County, Washington|San Juan]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Skagit County, Washington|Skagit]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''
[[Wikipedia:Strait of Juan de Fuca|Strait of Juan de Fuca]]
[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Island_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Snohomish County, Washington|Snohomish]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''
[[Wikipedia:Strait of Juan de Fuca|Strait of Juan de Fuca]]
[[Space:Jefferson County, Washington|Jefferson]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Kitsap County, Washington|Kitsap]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Island County, Washington| Island County]]

== Island County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q493243|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Island County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Island County, Washington|Island County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Island County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Island County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Island County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Island|Island County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (81) Jackson County, Oregon

PageID: 38592335
Inbound links: 4
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 121 views

Created: 8 Jul 2022
Saved: 24 Nov 2022
Touched: 24 Nov 2022

Managers: 2
Watch List: 3
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Jackson County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

'''Team Leader: [[Kelly-19316|Roxanna (Kelly) Malone]]'''

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Douglas County, Oregon|Douglas]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Josephine County, Oregon|Josephine]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Jackson_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Klamath County, Oregon|Klamath]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

Siskiyou County,
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Jackson County, Oregon| Jackson County]]

== Jackson County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q450159|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Jackson County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Jackson County, Oregon| Jackson County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Jackson County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Medford *[[:Category: Jackson County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Jackson County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] [[Project:One Place Studies|One Place Studies]] *[[Space:Jacksonville%2C_Oregon_One_Place_Study|Jacksonville]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Jackson | Jackson County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (82) Jefferson County, Idaho

PageID: 29408383
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 94 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 12 Jan 2021
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40

Images: 0

The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (83) Jefferson County, Oregon

PageID: 38592401
Inbound links: 3
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 74 views

Created: 8 Jul 2022
Saved: 8 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Jul 2022

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Jefferson County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Jefferson_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Jefferson County, Oregon| Jefferson County]]

== Jefferson County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q253186|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Jefferson County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Jefferson County, Oregon| Jefferson County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Jefferson County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Madras *[[:Category: Jefferson County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Jefferson County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Jefferson | Jefferson County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (84) Jefferson County, Washington

PageID: 38561360
Inbound links: 8
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 89 views

Created: 5 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Jefferson County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Clallam County, Washington|Clallam]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''
[[Space:Island County, Washington|Island]]
[[Wikipedia:Strait of Juan de Fuca|Strait of Juan de Fuca]]
|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Pacific County, Washington|Pacific]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Jefferson_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Grays Harbor County, Washington|Grays Harbor]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Mason County, Washington|Mason]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Kitsap County, Washington|Kitsap]]


Welcome to [[Space:Jefferson County, Washington|Jefferson County]]

== Jefferson County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q384737|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Jefferson County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Jefferson County, Washington|Jefferson County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Jefferson County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Jefferson County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Jefferson County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Jefferson|Jefferson County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (85) Jerome County, Idaho

PageID: 29408415
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 104 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (86) Josephine County, Oregon

PageID: 38592470
Inbound links: 3
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 65 views

Created: 8 Jul 2022
Saved: 8 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Jul 2022

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Josephine County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Josephine_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Josephine County, Oregon| Josephine County]]

== Josephine County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484391|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Josephine County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Josephine County, Oregon| Josephine County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Josephine County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === County seat: Grants Pass *[[:Category: Josephine County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Josephine County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Josephine | Josephine County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (87) Kalawao County, Hawaii

PageID: 38635436
Inbound links: 3
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 61 views

Created: 11 Jul 2022
Saved: 11 Jul 2022
Touched: 11 Jul 2022

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Hawaii Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Hawaii Projects]] [[Category:Hawaii]] [[Category: Kalawao County, Hawaii]]

Back to [[Project:Hawaii|Hawaii State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Hawaii#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Hawaii#How to Join|Join the Hawaii Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Kalawao_County_Hawaii.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Maui County, Hawaii|Maui]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Kalawao County, Hawaii|Kalawao County]]

== Kalawao County, Hawaii == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q494546|enwiki}} *[,_Hawaii_Genealogy Kalawao County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Kalawao County, Hawaii|Kalawao County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Kalawao County, Hawaii|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Kalawao County, Hawaii, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Hawaii|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#Kalawao|Kalawao County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Hawaii|Sources-Hawaii]] page #If you have any Hawaii state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Hawaii_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Hawaii, please consider adding '''Category:[[:Category:Hawaii_Research_Assistance|Hawaii Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (88) Kauai County, Hawaii

PageID: 38635581
Inbound links: 3
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 66 views

Created: 11 Jul 2022
Saved: 11 Jul 2022
Touched: 11 Jul 2022

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 1

[[Category:Hawaii Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Hawaii Projects]] [[Category:Hawaii]] [[Category: Kauai County, Hawaii]]

Back to [[Project:Hawaii|Hawaii State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Hawaii#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Hawaii#How to Join|Join the Hawaii Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Kauai_County_Hawaii.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Honolulu County, Hawaii|Honolulu]]


Welcome to [[Space: Kauai County, Hawaii|Kauai County]]

== Kauai County, Hawaii == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q111517|enwiki}} *[,_Hawaii_Genealogy Kauai County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Kauai County, Hawaii|Kauai County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Kauai County, Hawaii|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Lฤซhuสปe *[[:Category: Kauai County, Hawaii, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Hawaii|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#Kauai|Kauai County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Hawaii|Sources-Hawaii]] page #If you have any Hawaii state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Hawaii_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Hawaii, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Hawaii_Research_Assistance|Hawaii Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (89) Kent County Delaware

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Project Space pages 20241009 (90) King County, Washington

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[[Space:Snohomish County, Washington|Snohomish]]

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[[Space:Chelan County, Washington|Chelan]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Kitsap County, Washington|Kitsap]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:King_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

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[[Space:Pierce County, Washington|Pierce]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Kittitas County, Washington|Kittitas]]


Welcome to [[Space:King County, Washington|King County]]

== King County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q108861|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy King County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:King County, Washington|King County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:King County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: King County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: King County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] Place Studies: *[[Space:Bothell%2C_Washington_One_Place_Study|Bothell, Washington]] *[[Space:Bothell_Pioneers%2C_Washington_One_Place_Study|Bothell Pioneers, Washington]] *[[Space:Lester%2C_Washington_One_Place_Study|Lester, Washington]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#King|King County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (91) Kitsap County, Washington

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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category: Washington Projects]] [[Category: Washington]] [[Category:Kitsap County, Washington]] [[Category: Bainbridge Island, Washington]] [[Category: Bethel, Washington]] [[Category: Bremerton, Washington]] [[Category: Burley, Washington]] [[Category: Chico, Washington]] [[Category: Gorst, Washington]] [[Category: Keyport, Washington]] [[Category:Kingston, Washington]] [[Category:Olalla, Washington]] [[Category:Port Gamble, Washington]] [[Category:Port Orchard, Washington]] [[Category:Poulsbo, Washington]] [[Category:Seabeck, Washington]] [[Category:Silverdale, Washington]] [[Category:Suquamish, Washington]]

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Jefferson County, Washington|Jefferson]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Island County, Washington|Island]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Snohomish County, Washington|Snohomish]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Kitsap_County_Washington-7.jpg]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:King County, Washington|King]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Mason County, Washington|Mason]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Pierce County, Washington|Pierce]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space:Kitsap County, Washington|Kitsap County]]

== Kitsap County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484159|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy King County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Kitsap County, Washington|Kitsap County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Kitsap County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] ===History=== ====Timeline ==== The first residents of the land contained within what is now known as Kitsap County were called the Suquamish who spoke Salish. They were peaceful and got along well with new settlers to the area, but they all had to protect themselves against the raids from the northern Indian tribes of Vancouver Island. The Haidas and Cowichans would attack the Salish tribes for slaves. :'''1792''': Capt. George Vancouver mapped the Puget Sound area and named many of its features including Port Orchard, Port Gamble, Hood Canal and Restoration Point :'''1825''': Suquamish Chief Kitsap defeated the Haidas at Dungeness Spit :'''1841''': U. S. Navy Lieutenant Charles Wilkes and the U. S. Exploring Expedition performed a detailed survey and named Bainbridge Island, Port Blakeley, Port Madison and Agate Point :'''1850''': New settlers came to the Kitsap Peninsula in response to the great demand for lumber. The Mosquito Fleet of steamers serviced Puget Sound communities and tied Kitsap County to the rest of the state :'''1853''': President Millard Fillmore established Washington Territory. George Meigs bought J. J. Felt's mill at Apple Tree Cove and moved it to Port Madison. Maine native W. C. Talbot founded a mill and community at the mouth of Port Gamble Bay, originally named Teekaleet, later called Port Gamble. It would become the oldest continuously operating sawmill in the United States, closing after 142 years in 1994. It is now a Historic Site :'''1854''': Philadelphia sea captain William Renton, moved his mill from Alki Point across the sound to Port Orchard. The mill employed six white men and five Indians :'''1855''': Washington Territorial Governor, Isaac Stevens, persuaded the tribes to sign the Point No Point and Point Elliott treaties in which they ceded their lands to the United States in exchange for reservations, fishing and hunting rights. The Suquamish, Duwamish of Seattle and Skekomish (Muckleshoot) were given the 7811 acre Port Madison Reservation :'''1856''': Haida raiders from Vancouver Island attacked residents at Port Gamble Bay but were driven off by the sailors and marines of the USS Massachusetts. The following year, they murdered settler Isaac Ebey on Whidbey Island :'''Jan. 16, 1857''': Slaughter County was created by Washington Territory from King County, named after Lt. William Alloway Slaughter, who had been killed in 1855 in the Yakima War. Port Madison was the county seat :'''Jul. 13, 1857''': Renamed Kitsap County in honor of Chief Kitsap, leader of the Suquamish tribe, the county seat is Port Orchard :'''1861''':Port Madison citizens formed the 70-man Port Madison Union Guards to aid Lincoln in the Civil War but the unit never saw service outside the territory :'''1862''': William Renton sold the Port Orchard mill and built the Port Blakely Mill Co. on Blakely Harbor in 1864 :'''1886''': The U. S. government gave acreage to individual tribal members, many who sold their allotments to non-Indians which meant more than half the reservation passed out of Indian hands :'''1888''': The mill at Port Blakely had a serious fire :'''Nov. 11, 1889''': Kitsap County was continued as a Washington county when the state of Washington was admitted to the Union. :'''1891''': The U. S. Navy established the Puget Sound Navy Yard at Bremerton :'''1892''': The mill at Port Madison closed and the town became a ghost town :'''1893''': The county seat was moved from Port Madison to Sidney, later renamed Port Orchard :'''1897''': The U. S. Army built Port Flagler on Marrowstone Island and at Fort Ward, Middle Point, which became Manchester :'''1901''': Bremerton elected its first mayor, Master Electrician Al Croston, who was employed at the shipyard :'''1907''' The mill at Port Blakely had another serious fire. They rebuilt but eventually closed for good in 1923. Port Blakely became a virtual ghost town :'''1914''': A torpedo testing station was established at Keyport :'''1938''': The Klallam received their own reservation called the Port Gamble Reservation, located in north Kitsap; a refueling station was established at Manchester :'''1942''': The U. S. government ordered all persons of Japanese descent, including American citizens, to be removed from the west coast, including 278 residents of Bainbridge Island, who were the first to be moved. :'''1977''': A nuclear submarine base was established at Bangor on the Hood Canal ===Places=== *[[:Category: Kitsap County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Kitsap County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] ==== Plat Maps ==== *[ Kitsap County 1909]; Anderson Map Co., Inc., 1909 *[ Kitsap County 1926]; Metsker Maps, 1926 *[ Kitsap County 1940]; Kroll Map Company, 1940 ==== Territorial Towns ==== :: '''Chico''' โ€“ settled in 1886; a post office was established on February 25, 1889. '''Colby'''โ€“ settled in 1884; a post office was established on November 13, 1884. This community still exists. '''Dyes''' โ€“ a Post Office was established on June 4, 1884 but was discontinued on July 31, 1884. This community no longer exists. '''Eagle Harbor''' on Bainbridge Islandโ€“ settled in the 1860s; a post office was established on June 19, 1884 but discontinued on June 22, 1886. This settlement no longer exists. '''Kingston''' - settled in 1874 and had a post office immediately established. This small town still exists with a post office and has an active ferry dock. '''Mitchell''' โ€“ had a post office established on January 25, 1886. This small community no longer exists. '''Nibbeville''' โ€“ had a post office established February 25, 1885 but the community no longer exists. '''Olalla''' โ€“ settled in 1881; a post office was established on October 30, 1884. This small rural community still exists. '''Port Blakeley''' located on Bainbridge Island โ€“ settled in 1856; a post office was established on February 22, 1867. This settlement no longer exists. '''Port Madison''' Bainbridge Island โ€“ founded in 1854 by George Meigs; a post office was established on May 13, 1858. This was the original county seat from 1857-1893. '''Port Orchard''' โ€“ settled in 1850s; a post office was established on March 1, 1860. The town died out after Captain Rentonโ€™s mill burned down and the business was moved to Bainbridge Island. The community is now called Enetai, which means โ€œcrossingโ€ or โ€œacrossโ€ in Chinook jargon. '''Poulsbo''' โ€“ settled in 1866; a post office was established on December 6, 1886. '''Sackman''' โ€“ settled in 1880s; a post office was established on August 20, 1884. The small town is now called Tracyton and has a post office and a port commission. '''[ Seabeck]''' โ€“ settled in 1856; a post office was established on July 1, 1858. This small town still exists. '''Sidney''' โ€“ settled in 1886; a post office was established on November 3, 1886. This town is now called Port Orchard. '''Teekalet''' โ€“ settled in 1853 and now called Port Gamble. A post office was established on Dec. 2, 1857. ==== Historical Attractions ==== *[ Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial] *[ Camp Major Hopkins] aka Camp Yeomalt *[ Charles F. Nelson House] *[ Chief Sealth Gravesite] *[ Point No Point Lightouse] *[ Port Gamble Historic District] *[ Fort Ward Historic District] ===Societies=== *[ Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society] *[ Bainbridge Island Historical Society] *[ Elizabeth Ellington Chapter], NSDAR *[ Kitsap Historical Society & Museum] *[ Olympic Peninsula Chapter], Historical Society of Germans from Russia *[ Poulsbo Historical Society] *[ Puget Sound Genealogical Society] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Kitsap|Kitsap County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (92) Kittitas County, Washington

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:King County, Washington|King]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Chelan County, Washington|Chelan]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Douglas County, Washington|Douglas]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Pierce County, Washington|Pierce]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Kittitas_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Grant County, Washington|Grant]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Yakima County, Washington|Yakima]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space:Kittitas County, Washington|Kittitas County]]

== Kittitas County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q111540|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Kittitas County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Kittitas County, Washington|Kittitas County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Kittitas County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Kittitas County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Kittitas County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Kittitas|Kittitas County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (93) Klamath County, Oregon

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[[Space:Lane County, Oregon|Lane]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Deschutes County, Oregon|Deschutes]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Douglas County, Oregon|Douglas]]
[[Space:Jackson County, Oregon|Jackson]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Klamath_County.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Lake County, Oregon|Lake]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


==Klamath County== *[ Klamath County Website] *[ Klamath County Historical Society] *[ Klamath County Chamber of Commerce] *[[Wikipedia: Klamath County, Oregon | Klamath County on Wikipedia]] *{{Wikidata|Q484388|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Klamath County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Klamath County, Oregon| Klamath County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Klamath County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] == History == ::Klamath County was formed in 1882 from the western part of Lake County. The county is named after the Klamath or Clamitte tribe, which has had a presence in the area for 10,000 years. The county seat is Klamath Falls. == Places == === Cities ===

{| border="1" class="wikitable sortable" | [[:Category:Bonanza%2C_Oregon|Bonanza]] || [[:Category:Chiloquin%2C_Oregon|Chiloquin]] |- | [[:Category:Malin%2C_Oregon|Malin]] || [[:Category:Merrill%2C_Oregon|Merrill]] |- | [[:Category:Klamath_Falls%2C_Oregon|Klamath Falls]] (county seat) |}

===Census-designated place=== ::: [[:Category:Altamont%2C_Oregon|Altamont, Oregon]] ===Unincorporated communities===

{| border="1" class="wikitable sortable" | Ady || Algoma || [[:Category:Beatty%2C_Oregon|Beatty]] || [[:Category:Beaver_Marsh%2C_Oregon|Beaver Marsh]] || Bly || Cascade Summit |- | [[:Category:Chemult%2C_Oregon|Chemult]] || Crescent || Dairy || Fairhaven || Falcon Heights || Fort Klamath |- | Gilchrist || Hager || Hatfield || Haynesville || Henley || Hildebrand |- | Hot Springs || Keno || Kirk || Klamath Agency || Lake of the Woods || Langell Valley |- | Lenz || Lorella || Malone || Midland ||[[:Category:Modoc_Point%2C_Oregon|Modoc Point]] || Odell Lake |- | Odessa || Olene || Pelican City || Pine Grove || Rocky Point || Shevlin |- |[[:Category:Sprague_River%2C_Oregon|Sprague River]] || Stewart Lenox || Terminal City || Worden || Yonna |}

==== Klamath County Plat Maps ==== *[ Klamath County, 1960c]; Metsker Maps, 1960 *[ Klamath County 1961]; Metsker Maps, 1961 *[ Klamath County 1980 to 1996]; Metsker Maps, 1980 ==== Museums ==== *[ Klamath County Museum] ''The Klamath County Museum at 1451 Main Street in Klamath Falls serves as the main history museum for Klamath County and the surrounding area.'' *[ Baldwin Hotel Museum] ''Opened in 1905, and known to be haunted. Strange sounds, lights, noises, figures and shadows seen from windows have been reported.'' *[ Fort Klamath Museum] ''Every surviving Modoc Indian who participated in the Modoc war was marched under guard to Fort Klamath.'' *[ Collier Memorial State Park and Logging Museum] ''Collier Memorial State Park features the Collier Logging Museum, an outdoor museum with a large collection of historic logging equipment. Some items date back to the 1880s and many are quite rare.'' *[ The Favell Museum] ''Museum of Western Art and Native American Artifacts'' ==== Schools ==== *[[:Category: Klamath County, Oregon|Klamath County Schools]] ====Cemeteries==== *[[:Category: Klamath County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Klamath County Historical Sites === *'''[[Space:Klamath_Lake|Klamath Lake]]''' *'''Crater Lake National Park''' - Crater Lake is 1,949 feet (594 m) deep at its deepest point, which makes it the deepest lake in the United States, the second-deepest in North America and the ninth-deepest in the world.


*[ Crater Lake Institute] == Resources == *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Klamath | Klamath County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. ==== Legal Documents ==== *[ Klamath County Courthouse] *[ Klamath County, Oregon Free Public Records Directory] ====Newspapers==== *[ Herald and News] *[ Oregon Digital Newspaper Program] *[ The Oregonian Archives] == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (94) Klickitat County, Washington

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Yakima County, Washington|Yakima]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Benton County, Washington|Benton]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Skamania County, Washington|Skamania]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Klickitat_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Wasco County, Oregon|Wasco County]]
[[Space:Hood River County, Oregon|Hood River County]]
[[:Category:Oregon|Oregon]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Sherman County, Oregon|Sherman County, Oregon]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Morrow County, Oregon|Morrow County]]
[[Space:Gilliam County, Oregon|Gilliam County]]
[[:Category:Oregon|Oregon]] |}

Welcome to [[Space:Klickitat County, Washington|Klickitat County]]

== Klickitat County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q820502|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Klickitat County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Klickitat County, Washington|Klickitat County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Klickitat County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Klickitat County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Klickitat County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Klickitat|Klickitat County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (95) Lake County, Oregon

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Lake_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Lake County, Oregon|Lake County]]

== Lake County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q495340|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Lake County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Lake County, Oregon|Lake County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Lake County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Lakeview *[[:Category: Lake County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Lake County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Lake|Lake County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (96) Lane County, Oregon

PageID: 38596639
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Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 101 views

Created: 8 Jul 2022
Saved: 8 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Lane County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Lane_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Lane County, Oregon|Lane County]]

== Lane County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q495409|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Lane County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Lane County, Oregon|Lane County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Lane County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Eugene *[[:Category: Lane County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Lane County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Lane|Lane County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (97) Latah County, Idaho

PageID: 29385387
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Created: 6 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 1

[[Category:Latah County, Idaho]] [[Category: Idaho Projects]] {{Image|file=Latah_County_Idaho.jpg |caption=Subproject: Latah County, Idaho }}

Part of the IDAHO PROJECT [[]], which is part of the UNITED STATES PROJECT [[]].

The GOAL OF THIS PROJECT is to support the [[Project:Idaho|Idaho State Project]] through the creation of quality profiles for those who lived in LATAH COUNTY. Check the state project page for the guidelines on developing the profiles. Make sure the category for Latah County, Idaho is added by entering

[[Category: Latah County, Idaho]]

above the Biography Line.

Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * Find people from Latah County!!!! * Stand up a County Free Space Page - in progress but contributions are appreciated at [[Space:Latah_County%2C_Idaho_Information | Latah County Information]]. Tasks that I think need to be done, but require expertise that I do not have: Profiles for the: * Nimiipuu people of the Nez Perce Nation -- * Schitsu'umsh (or โ€œThose who were found hereโ€) of the Coeur d'Alene tribe --

Profiles that should be quick wins: * Family members that have not been added * Adding the Category Classification to existing profiles of Latah County Residents * Profiles for People identified in Land Records **The first 2000 Latah County Land Records from the BLM can be found here [[|st=ID|cty=057|sp=true|sw=true|sadv=false]] This list includes homestead act patents (Subproject of Project:Homesteaders [[]]), but also Cash Purchase through the Land Act of 1820 and a few others. **Many people in Latah County also acquired land through the Timber and Stone Act of 1878. A good source for that information are newspapers. Lewiston, Idaho is in the parent county of Nez Perce but many Latah County residents used that Land office notices were published in the Lewiston Teller and its predecessors and successors. Available on Chronicling America at ** There are land ownership maps available online at several places for different years: ::* [ Latah County 1914]. ::* [ Latah County 1894]. ::*[ Latah County 2018]. :*If you live in or near Latah County, the University has a special collection that includes assessor records from 1914-1959. This collection is not online, but information about it can be found at * '''Postmasters/Postmistresses''' - Latah County has had at least 50 different post offices, most of which were in communities that no longer exist. One source to find that information is through an annual register published by the Civil Service Commission. Hint to to help find the registers: Available on both and Google Books. I find a little more user friendly. Search for: Official Register of the United States, United States Civil Service Commission. Visually inspect to make sure the full title is something like Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military, and Navalโ€ฆ Later versions may say Register of Officers and Employeesโ€ฆ Unfortunately, the full title does not seem to be in the metadata at either of those locations. If there are two volumes for a year, Volume 2 is most likely the correct one. Postmasters can be found in listings alphabetical by State/Territory, for each state/territory there will be a list containing Post Office Name, County, Postmaster, Salary. Some volumes contain data for multiple years. These profiles also can be classified with the category US_Postmasters or US_Postmistresses. [[[:Category:US_Postmasters]]|/ [[]]]

Please join me. Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag {{Tag Link|Idaho}}, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (98) Lemhi County, Idaho

PageID: 29408441
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Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 86 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 12 Jan 2021
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40

Images: 0

The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (99) Lewis County, Idaho

PageID: 29408462
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 108 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (100) Lewis County, Washington

PageID: 38561574
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Created: 5 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Lewis County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Grays Harbor County, Washington|Grays Harbor]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Thurston County, Washington|Thurston]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Pierce County, Washington|Pierce]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Pacific County, Washington|Pacific]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Lewis_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Yakima County, Washington|Yakima]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Wahkiakum County, Washington|Wahkiakum]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Cowlitz County, Washington|Cowlitz]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Skamania County, Washington|Skamania]]


Welcome to [[Space:Lewis County, Washington|Lewis County]]

== Lewis County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q483950|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Lewis County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Lewis County, Washington|Lewis County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Lewis County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Lewis County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Lewis County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Lewis|Lewis County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (101) Lincoln County, Idaho

PageID: 29408786
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 96 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (102) Lincoln County, Oregon

PageID: 38596741
Inbound links: 2
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Created: 8 Jul 2022
Saved: 8 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Lincoln County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Lincoln_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Lincoln County, Oregon|Lincoln County]]

== Lincoln County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q302852|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Lincoln County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Lincoln County, Oregon|Lincoln County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Lincoln County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Newport *[[:Category: Lincoln County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Lincoln County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Lincoln|Lincoln County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (103) Lincoln County, Washington

PageID: 38563322
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Created: 5 Jul 2022
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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Lincoln County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Okanogan County, Washington|Okanogan]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Ferry County, Washington|Ferry]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Stevens County, Washington|Stevens]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Grant County, Washington|Grant]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Lincoln_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Spokane County, Washington|Spokane]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Adams County, Washington|Adams]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Whitman County, Washington|Whitman]]


Welcome to [[Space:Lincoln County, Washington|Lincoln County]]

== Lincoln County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484150|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Lincoln County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:Lincoln County, Washington|Lincoln County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:Lincoln County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Lincoln County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Lincoln County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Lincoln|Lincoln County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (104) Linn County, Oregon

PageID: 38600607
Inbound links: 3
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 164 views

Created: 8 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Oct 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 2
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Linn County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

Welcome to ''[[Space: Linn County, Oregon|Linn County]]''

'''Team Leader: [[Robe-79|Margaret (Robe) Summitt]]'''

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Marion County, Oregon|Marion]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Polk County, Oregon|Polk]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Benton County, Oregon|Benton]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Linn_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Jefferson County, Oregon|Jefferson]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Lane County, Oregon|Lane]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Deschutes County, Oregon|Deschutes]]


== Linn County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q506015|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Linn County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Linn County, Oregon|Linn County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Linn County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === Industry and Agriculture The first grist mill began in 1847 on a patch of ground along the Calapooia River. The donation claim of [[Courtney-1128|John R. Courtney]], being left vacant, was taken over by [[Finley-2095|Richard Chism Finley]], who saw on Courtney's donation land claim a suitable site for the grist mill he wanted to build. When Courtney returned, he found Finley felling a tree across the river and threatened him. With the support of James Blakeley and Finley's father-in-law, [[Kirk-3917|Alexander Kirk]], Courtney was encouraged to give up his claim and settle elsewhere. Finley's first mill, set where McKercher Park is now, washed out in the great flood of 1861-62, but he built another one which he later sold to the McKerchers. Finley and [[Crawford-10282|Philemon Vawter Crawford]] promoted the building of a new mill in the 1850s on the Calapooia a mile or so east of Shedd, a mill they called the "Boston Mill."

WPA Interview with James Vawter Crawford,

Crawford and Alec Brandon were bought out in 1866 by William Simmons and the Simmons family and Finley were operators for the next 25 years.

The grist mill was the reason for the historical town of Boston. The first railroad, now the Oregon and California part of the Southern Pacific, was open to traffic soon after 1870. Previously all supplies were hauled by wagon from Portland and Oregon City. In 1871 the Oregon and California railroad bypassed Boston 1 1/2 miles to the west and a new town called Shedd's Station sprang up beside the rail line. The town of Boston died overnight, but the mill flourished and operated continuously for over 140 years, eventually becoming Thompson's Flouring Mills.

The Eagle Woolen Mill began in Brownsville in the 1860s. It burned in 1955. Logging was a major industry. The Calapooia was a feeder stream for log drives down to the Willamette. Sawmills proliferated, moving upstream as areas were logged off.

The settlers from the east plowed under the camas fields to grow wheat. In the fall, the fields were cleared and the stubble burnt off. Smoke from burning stubble was even until the late 20th century a feature of the valley in late summer and fall. Another major crop in the 19th and early 20th centuries was hops. Hop picking was a seasonal activity drawing people of all ages. The hopyards furnished work in September for Indians who came from the Siletz reservation on the coast. Today, Linn County is the largest producer of pedigreed grass seed in the world. ==== Timeline ==== The original inhabitants of Linn County were ancient mound builders and later the tribe known as Kalapuya. The ease of finding food in the valley made the Kalapuya vulnerable to intruders, including other tribes. At the time of Lewis and Clark, about 2000 Kalapuya were distributed among forty villages. Flooding during the rainy season drove the natives from the valley up the buttes to the east. It also drove small animals to higher ground, which were eaten. When floods receded, fields of camas yielded the bulb of the camas lily which for them was a cash crop. Fields of camas were cleared and then burned in the fall. Members of the first wagon train around Barlow Pass (south side of Mount Hood) arrived 1846-1847 on the banks of the Calapooia River. Among them were Hugh Leeper Brown, his nephew James Blakeley, Jonathan Keeney, and Richard Chism Finley.

Alexander Kirk and his son Riley Kirk arrived in the spring of 1847. Alexander Kirk established a ferry across the river in 1847. It consisted of a stout rope. It was operated by his wife, Sarah (Sweeten) Kirk, on the frequent occasions that Alexander Kirk had to be away. 1847: Jeremiah Ralston halted his team of three wagons in the autumn of 1847 at what is now the town of Lebanon.,what%20is%20now%20Lebanon%2C%20Oregon.

Linn County was founded December 28, 1847 when it was created by the Oregon Territorial Legislature from the southern portion of Champoeg (later Marion) County. The county was named for Jacksonian Democrat Senator Lewis Fields Linn, of Missouri (1796-1843), who during his Senate career was chairman of the Committee on Private Land Claims.

Linn advocated tirelessly for passage of the Donation Land Claim Act and was a proponent of United States occupation of Oregon Territory as a counterclaim to the British. 1849: the town of Albany was first settled. Brothers Thomas and Walter Monteith built the town's first frame home. It was one of the first houses in Oregon built from sawed lumber.

1849: Linn County's first organizational meeting was held in Rev. Henry Harmon Spalding's schoolhouse. 1850: Rev. Henry Harmon Spalding was appointed first postmaster. The name of the town today known as Brownsville was changed from Kirk's Ferry to Calapooia in 1850. 1851: parts of Linn County were taken to form parts of Lane and Wasco Counties. In that year the legislature designated the county seat as Albany. 1852: Rev. Wilson Blain, working to heal the rift between Presbyterians and Associate Reformed Presbyterians, established the first United Presbyterian Church at a meeting at Union Point in October 1852.

Blain founded the Union Point Academy, which later became Albany College, and still later Lewis and Clark College. 1856: a special election reaffirmed Albany as the county seat. 1870: the town of Crawfordsville was founded east of Brownsville on the land of Philemon Vawter Crawford by Crawford and Robert Glass.,_Oregon#:~:text=Crawfordsville%20was%20founded%20on%20the,the%20Oregon%20Trail%20in%201851.

1872: A U. S. post office was established at the town of Tangent. "Tangent" refers to the more than 20 miles of straight railroad track on this stretch of the Southern Pacific line.,_Oregon

1919: A devastating fire destroyed most of downtown Brownsville. 1921: Indian Lize, the last survivor of the Kalapuyas, died.,jasper%2C%20crystals%2C%20and%20minerals.&text=In%201893%2C%20Sweet%20Home%20became,city%20in%20Linn%20County%2C%20Oregon.

1966: Linn-Benton Community College was established by popular vote. It was constructed 1970-1974, two miles south of Albany.

==Sources== === Places === '''County seat:''' Albany *[[:Category: Linn County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Linn County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Linn|Linn County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

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[[Category: Portal World-The Netherlands]] [[Category:New Netherland]][[Category:Low Dutch Settlements in Kentucky]] [[Category: Kentucky]] [[Category:Kentucky Projects]] {{US History | sub-project = Kentucky | flag= US_State_Flag_Images-20.png}} ==Terminology== {{Portal World-The Netherlands}} "Low Dutch" was a term used by descendants of the Dutch settlers of New Netherlands to designate their origin in the low countries of Europe, Holland and Belgium in order to emphasize their difference from immigrants of Germany and Switzerland who were referred to as "High Dutch" or sometimes "Pennsylvania Dutch".

NOTE: The "German" migration of communities of artisans and builders from Pennsylvania to Kentucky has been referred to as the "Great German Diaspora of 1787". Their skills influenced the development of the Federalist style seen in central Kentucky homes. see: Pennington, Estill Curtis. ''With Joy and Wonder: Ante-bellum Taste in the Bluegrass'', University of Kentucky Art Museum, 1992.

Using the term "Low Dutch" enabled them to hold on to their culture, maintaining a strong sense of their Dutch origins, religion and language. [[Space:Portal_World-The_Netherlands-USA]] "Station" was a term used principally on the Kentucky frontier to describe a fortified structure used by the pioneers as a gathering place whose purpose was for defense against their enemies. (At that time the British and Indians) [][] ==Early Low Dutch Explorers of Kentucky== Almost twenty years before Kentucky became a state, while the area was part of the western frontier of the colony of Virginia, persons of Dutch ancestry were involved with exploration of the region. Many of them shared common ancestors who settled New Netherland in the 1600s. Surnames of the first Dutch who came into the region between 1773 to 1780 included: Hite, Eltinge, Hoagland, Kuykendal, Swearingen, Van Cleave,

Van Cleave Errett and James William Van Cleave. 1947. History of the Van Cleave Family the Mcmullen Family the Taylor Family : From Notes Left by James William Van Cleave 1845-1925 Montgomery County Indiana (near Crawfordsville). San Francisco Calif: E. Van Cleave.

and Van Meter. The Dutch who had settled in Virginia and Pennsylvania liked to keep to themselves in an effort to maintain their culture, language and religion so they organized into groups known as "Companies" to explore the Kentucky region and seek sites to build homes for their families. In order to accomplish their goal the Low Dutch Company sent scouting parties to Kentucky led in March 1779 by [[Durie-16|Samuel Duree]] from Shepherdstown, Berkeley County, Virginia. Members of the Duree scouting party included: [[Morgan-4494|William Morgan]], [[Morgan-4495|Ralph Morgan]], [[Swearingen-146|Thomas Swearingen]], [[Swearingen-154|Benoni Swearingen]], John Taylor, [[Strode-498|John Strode, Jr]], [[Bedinger-11|George M. Bedinger]], and [[Constant-2|John Constant]]. As a result of their explorations [[Durie-16|Samuel Duree]] announced plans to claim land on Muddy Creek for the Low Dutch Company. One to be used for a mill seat and another site further up the creek on a stream he named DeBan's Run for his son-in-laws [[DeBaun-65|Joseph DeBaun]] and [[DeBaun-86|Abraham DeBaun]]. Despite problems with the Indians the group spent the spring and summer raising a corn crop. {{Image|file=Low_Dutch_Settlements_in_Kentucky-4.jpg |caption=Cumberland Gap }} In the spring [[Durie-16|Samuel Duree]] (about 56 years old at the time) led about 30 persons from Berkeley County, Virginia over the Wilderness Road - Cumberland Gap route and arrived at White Oak Springs Station in Kentucky in March 1780. [[Durie-16|Samuel Duree]]'s wife was [[Banta-312|Weintje Banta]], the sister of [[Banta-29|Hendrick "Father Henry" Banta]]. Families in their group included: Peter Duree, [[Durie-41|Henry Duree]], [[Cossart-93|Peter Cosart]], [[Ripperdan-4|Frederick Ripperdan]], John Bullock

Bullock Family of Virginia and Kentucky[]

, [[Bogard-107|Cornelius Bogart]], and [[Banta-737|David Banta]] (who was killed by Indians at Powell Valley, Virginia). Single men in the group were: Daniel Duree, [[Duree-47|Albert Duree]], [[Voris-57|Albert Voris]], [[Voris-34|John Voris]], [[Banta-835|Daniel Banta]], [[Banta-100|Peter Banta]]. {{Image|file=DNA_Confirmations_for_Connie_Daniels_Graves-7.jpg |caption=Flatboat on the Ohio River }} At the same time another Low Dutch Company from Conewago, York County, Pennsylvania were led to Kentucky by [[Banta-29|Hendrick "Father Henry" Banta, Sr.]]. He brought them over the Appalachian Mountains to Fort Pitt (now Pittsburgh) in 1779 and in the spring of 1780 they traveled in flatboats down the Ohio River arriving at the Falls of the Ohio in March or April. There were about 75 persons in the group and half of them were children under the age of 12. The families included: [[Banta-90|Abraham Banta]], [[Banta-92|Albert Banta]], [[Van_Arsdale-52|Simon Van Arsdale]], [[DeMaree-85|Samuel Demaree Sr.]], [[Demaree-12|Peter Demaree]], [[Demaree-62|John Demaree]], [[Ryker-4|Gerardus Riker]], John Westerfeld, Christopher Westerfield, [[Van_Der_Bogert-2|Sophia Voris]], [[VanArsdale-13|Catharine Dorland]]. Among the single men were: [[Banta-697|Henry Banta]], [[Banta-56|John Banta]], [[Banta-98|Cornelius Banta]], [[Banta-89|Jacob Banta]], [[Demarest-302|John Demaree]], Samuel Demaree, [[Ryker-25|John Riker]], [[Westervelt-114|Samuel Westerfield]], [[Voris-34|John Voris]], James Voris, [[Voorhees-387|Francis Voris]], Luke Voris, [[Dorland-58| John Dorland]], [[Darland-24|Lambert Dorland]], [[Brouwer-114|Abraham Brewer]].

Akers, Vincent. The Low Dutch Company: a history of the Holland Dutch Settlement of the Kentucky Frontier. Bargersville, Indiana, 1982, page 2

''NOTE: Influencing the settlement of Kentucky was an act the Virginia Legislature passed in 1779 known as the Virginia Land Law which established rules to determine who had rights to vacant land (such as Kentucky) and fixed the legal rights that could lead to grants of land for individuals. ''

{{Low Dutch Kentucky}} ==Low Dutch Stations of Kentucky== ==='''Beargrass Stations 1780''' (Hoglins and Low Dutch)=== Located near the Falls of the Ohio near present day Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky six stations had been built along Beargrass Creek by 1780. Two of them were exclusively composed of Low Dutch settlers who had been led by the patriarch, Hendrick Banta, arriving in flatboats down the Ohio River from Fort Pitt in Washington County, Pennsylvania. '''Hoglins (Hoagland) Station''' ''Located on the lower or south side of Beargrass Creek six miles from Louisville on land leased from John Floyd whose stockade fort was just 2000 feet west. Today this spot is believed to be occupied by the clubhouse for the Big Spring Country Club.''

Yater, George H. Two hundred years at the Falls of the Ohio: a history of Louisville and Jefferson County. Liberty National Bank and Trust Company (Louisville, Ky.). 1980. Chicago, Illinois: Bank Marketing Association. p 15.

Families associated with this fort were: [[Hoagland-303|James Hoagland]] (died 1783 while serving in Clark's Illinois Regiment); [[Hoagland-108|Henry Hoagland]] and his wife [[Newkirk-133|Jemima Newkirk]] (Henry Hoagland was killed in the Battle of Sandusky, 1782); their son, [[Hougland-20|James Hoagland]]; and daughter [[Hoagland-109|Phoebe (Hoagland) Collings]]; [[Newkirk-164|Peter Newkirk]] and wife [[Sousley-18|Cornelia Sousley]]; their son [[Newkirk-365|Tobias Newkirk]] (killed by Indians about 1790); and [[Nieuwkerk-13|Elias Newkirk]] and wife [[Lounsbury-301|Sara Lounsbury]]

The Reverend John Dabney Shane interviewed John Slaughter's son Silas J. Slaughter in Illinois, and Silas, who was born in 1787, gave a brief account of his family's settlement in Pennsylvania and migration to Kentucky:(Note 31) "My father came to Kentucky in 1786 - settled in Jacob Mooney's Station, on Floyd's Fork of Salt River. Mooney's Station was southwest by south of now Middletown - Jefferson County - The Station was not picketed in. There were only a few horses, near round a neighborhood. Mooney came from Pennsylvania two years before we did. It was forty miles from where they lived to Bedford, Pa. John Smith, my uncle (my mother was a Smith) married Jacob Mooney's only child. - My father came to Mongahala, & raised a crop there, before coming on to Kentucky. I was born in 1787. There was a Linn's Station in that section. There was a Newkirk lived on the adjoining farm (100 acres) to my father's 100 acre farm. Tob(ias) Junis, Peter, Ben, Wm, were sons of his. A. Hoagland & this Tobias Newkirk were about two miles off on Floyd's Fork, fishing. The Indians shot them there fishing. The Indians were pursued, butthey got over the Ohio river before they could be overtaken. from Bios: Family History of Adam Smith, c 1745 - c 1813: Bedford Co, PA > KY []

. '''Low Dutch Station, also known as New Holland Station''' ''Located on the south side of Beargrass Creek seven miles from the Falls of the Ohio on land leased from John Floyd.''

Hammon, Neal and James Russell Harris "In a dangerous situation": Letters of Col. John Floyd, 1774-1783" The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society Vol. 83, No. 3 (Summer 1985), pp. 202-236 (35 pages). Published By: Kentucky Historical Society

Many of the pioneers at this station would later settle in the Low Dutch Colony in Henry and Shelby Counties, Kentucky. Connected with this station is the Westerfield Massacre of June 1780.

Westervelt Massacre. Wikipedia. []

Led by [[Westervelt-42|Jacobus Westerfield]] ten families of settlers (among them Westervelts, Swans, McGlaughlins, Plyburns, and Thixtons) were on their way from "Low Dutch Station" to Harrod's Town when they were ambushed by Indians and killed.

Among those massacred were James and John Westerfield, James Swan, James McLaughlin, Thomas Pyburn, Garret Westerfield, and Becky Swan among others. Belcher, Ronald Clay Belcher, Westervelt Massacre in Kentucky in 1780. Blue Grass Roots. Quarterly Journal of the Kentucky Genealogical Society. Frankfort, Kentucky. Vol. 38, No. 2: 2011. pp. 30-37.

James Westerfield's daughter [[Westervelt-119|Debby]] and a cousin, Polly Westerfield were captured by Indians and later ransomed in Ft. Detroit.

Deborah is listed as "Deborah Velt" with Mary Westerfield in a record of Rebel prisoners at Quebec (British record in Canada) as taken prisoner in April 1781 who arrived from Detroit at Montreal in October 1782. After Deborah was returned to her family in Kentucky. She married James Baxter June 17, 1784 in Lincoln County, Kentucky. James was born around 1760 and died January 1827 in Jefferson County, Indiana. Deborah is also listed as having died in January, 1827 in Jefferson County. Bullitt County History-Westerfield Massacre. []

Also of historical importance is the fact Daniel Boone spent the winter 1781-1782 at "Low Dutch Station".

Spraker, Ella Hazel Atterbury, and Jesse Procter Crump. 1974. The Boone family: a genealogical history of the descendants of George and Mary Boone, who came to America in 1717 : containing many unpublished bits of early Kentucky history : also a biographical sketch of Daniel Boone, the pioneer, by one of his descendants. Baltimore, Md: Genealogical Pub. Co. p 80

Today there is a KY State Historical Marker at Brownโ€™s Lane, Bowling Parkway, and Kresgeโ€™s Way, Louisville, Kentucky designating the location of this station. ==='''White Oak Station 1781'''=== ''Located near Boonesborough on Muddy Creek, present day Madison County, Kentucky. These families came to Kentucky over the Wilderness Road led by Samuel Duree and were living in the fort at Boonesborough by March 1780.'' []

Banta vs Clay, Madison County, Kentucky Record Book D, p 324-330, 434-437, 480-481; Box 68, Bundle 135, Kentucky State Archives.

[[Banta-90|Abraham Banta]]; [[Banta-92|Albert Banta]]; [[Banta-98|Cornelius Banta]]; [[Banta-835|Daniel Banta]]; [[Banta-29|Hendrick Banta, Sr.]]; [[Banta-697|Henry Banta, Jr]]; [[Banta-89|Jacob Banta]]; [[Banta-56|John Banta]]; [[Banta-100|Peter Banta]]; [[Bogard-107|Cornelius Bogart]]; John Bullock; [[Cossart-93|Peter Cozart]]; Jacob Demaree; [[Demaree-62|John Demaree]]; Albert Duryee; Daniel Duryee; Henry Duryee; Peter Duryee ; Samuel Duryee; Isaac Dorland; [[Darland-24|Lambert Dorland]]; [[Dorland-58| John Dorland]]; [[VanArsdale-13|Catharine Dorland]]; [[Fluty-13|John Fleuty]]; [[Rycken-4|Gerardus Riker]];[[Ryker-25|John Riker]]; [[Van_Arsdale-52|Simon VanArsdale]]; [[Westervelt-114|Samuel Westerfield]].

Madison County, Kentucky Deed Book I, p 87-92 Eaton, William G. "Ill Fated White Oak Spring Station Was Built near Boonesborough in 1779." Lexington Kentucky Sunday Herald-Leader. January 10, 1965, B-2. Fort Boonesborough Settlers. "Bluegrass Roots," published by the Kentucky Genealogical Society, reprinted an article, "Early Settlers of Fort Boonesborough" by H. Thomas Tudor in Volume 5, No. 1, p. 1-14. Lists and reference sources for the names can be found here: []

==='''James Hoagland's Station 1784-1785'''=== ''Located near Cropper on Clear Creek, about one-half mile northwest of the intersection of KY 241 and KY 43 in present day Shelby County, Kentucky. About eight miles north of Painted Stone Station (Squire Boone's Station). Also spelled Hogland.'' =='''Old Mud Meeting House, Dutch Reformed Church, 1796'''== ''Located on the banks of Dry Branch of the Salt River near Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Kentucky.'' Low Dutch settlers from the Beargrass Stations in Jefferson County as well as others who came directly from the Conewago Colony in Pennsylvania had settled near Harrodsburg, then Lincoln County, Virginia, now Mercer County, Kentucky, by 1781. Names associated with this settlement are: Banta, Bergen, Bodine, Brewer, Demaree, Dorland, Duree, Cosart, Comingore, Cozine, Monfort, Rider, Shuck, Smock, Stagg, Terhune, VanArsdale, Van Nuys, Voris, Vorhees, or Westervelt/Westerfield. As the community grew The Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church sent the Reverend Peter Labagh to Harrodsburg in 1796 to establish a church. He returned to Hackensack, New Jersey, long enough to raise funds to purchase land in Mercer County, ultimately buying a site on the dry fork of the Salt River from David and Elizabeth Adams. [] The congregation erected the Old Mud Meeting House in 1800. It served as the first Low Dutch Reformed Church building west of the Allegheny Mountains. Old Mud is one of only two pioneer log meeting houses in central Kentucky its name reflects its construction: framing of sturdy oaken timbers & walls filled with mud mixed with straw & sticks.

Keig, Susan Jackson; Stephen Beal; James Cheston Thomas. Old Mud Meeting House: Built in year 1800 by the Dutch Reformed Church, Mercer County, Kentucky. Harrodsburg Historical Society, Harrodsburg, KY, 1982

==Petitions to Congress from the Frontier Settlers of Kentucky 1780-1783== ''At the end of the Revolutionary War and with the formation of the United States government the settlers of Kentucky, many of them descendants of the original Dutch settlers of New Netherlands, banded together to request recompense in land for their services in defending the frontier from the British and Indians.''

Quisenberry, Anderson Chenault. 1912. Petition of the inhabitants of Kentucke: read August 23, 1780 : vol. 48, page 347, records of the Continental Congress, mss. State Department, Washington, D.C. Louisville, Ky.: The Register. p 43-52, 55-59. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 Tuesday, August 27, 1782. p 532

'''Petition of the Inhabitants of Kentucke to the Continental Congress--read August 23, 1780.''' To the Honorable Continental Congress: The Petition of a number of the true and loyal subjects of the United States of America at large, most humbly Sheweth That your Petitioners having heretofore been Inhabiters of the different States of America since the commencement of the contest with Great Britain for the common cause of Liberty; have ventured their lives in a wild uncultivated part of the Continent on the Western Waters of Ohio called by general name of Kentuckey, where they have made improvements on what they allowed was King's unappropriated Lands, before the commencement of the said contest and that in the face of a savage enemy with the utmost hardships and in daily jeopardy of being inhumanly murdered โ€” Your Petitioners further allowed that the Honorable Congress would allow them a Reasonable Retaliation in Lands for the services your Petitioners did in defending and settling, on their own expense, the Country aforesaid to the weakening of the enemy and the strengthening the United States, whenever the common contest with Britain should be decided in favour of America, โ€” In the full assurance of which your Petitioners sold all their livings in the settled parts of the Cbntinent and have removed with their wives and families and all their effects to the Country aforesaid in order to take possession of their improvements aforesaid. โ€” But when they came found almost all their Improvements granted away by a set of men which acted or pretended to act under the late Act of Virginia, which act also allowed large grants without any reserve of settling and improving the same. โ€” By which means almost the whole of the lands in the Country aforesaid are engrossed into the hands of a few Interested men, the greater part of which live at ease in the internal parts of Virginia, while your Petitioners are here with their wives and children daily exposed to the murders of the Savages to whom sundry of their Acquaintances has fell a sacrifice since their arrival though as yet but a short time. Again the late Acts of Virginia require your Petitioners to take a new oath of allegiance to that State, renouncing all their Kings, Princes and States, and be true to the State of Virginia only, and the prospect of Military Government taking place shortly in this place give your Petitioners the greatest apprehension of the most severe usage unless they comply with their mandates. โ€” Your Petitioners considering all those grievances would gladly return into the settled parts of the Continent again, but having come seven hundred miles down the River Ohio with the expence of the greater part of their fortunes find it impracticable to return back against the stream with their wives and children were they to suffer the most cruel death. Your Petitioners being drove to the extremity aforesaid have but three things to choose. One is to tarry in this place, take the Oath of Allegiance to Virginia, and be true to that State only, and also become Slaves to those Engrossers of Lands, and to the court of Virginia. The other is to Remove down the River Ohio, and land on some part of Mexico and become subjects to the King of Spain. And the third to Remove themselves over the River Ohio, with their wives, children and their small effects remaining, which is now in possession of the Savage Enemy, to whom they are daily exposed to murders. The two former appearing to your Petitioners to have a Tendency to weaken the United States and as it were Banish the Common Cause of Liberty. Humbly pray the Honorable Continental Congress to grant them liberty of taking the latter choice and removing with their wives, families and effects to the Indian side of the Ohio and take possession of the same in the name of the United States of America at Large, where your Petitioners propose to support themselves in an Enemy's Country on their own risque and expence, which they humbly conceive will have a tendency to weaken the power of the Enemy, strengthen the United States at large, and advance the Common Cause of Liberty. Your Petitioners further pray the Honorable Congress to allow them Liberty of making such Regulations amongst themselves as they shall find necessary to govern themselves by, being subject to the United States at large and no other States or power whatsoever โ€” Your Petitioners humbly pray the Honorable Continental Congress to consider their case and grievances in their true light and grant them such Relief as they in their great wisdom shall see meet, and as your Petitioners in duty bound shall ever pray. Robt. Holmes~ Thos. Roach~ Allen Griffin~ George Power~ John Johnston~ Willm. Cumins~ Andrew Coin~ Richard Moore~ Jeremiah Johnston~ Albert Banta~ John Thickston~ Hugh Jackson~ George Coin~ Peter Demaree~ Jonathon Thickston~ John Banta~ Burgis White~ Jeremy Hardise~ William Sutherland~ William Drennen~ Robt. Brown~ John Shaw~ Edward Welsh~ Ephraim Gilding~ William Armstrong~ Jacob Banta~ Thos. Hart~ George Gilmore~ David Langhead~ James McElharton~ Thos. Cunningham~ Cornelius Banta~ Arthur Park~ James Burk~ George Cuavenston~ Anthony Jenkins~ Charles Mason~ Samuel Mason~ William Mitchell~ Basil Stocker~ Willm. Galoway~ Jolm Glasher~ John Write~ Eduard Rewalno~ John Mitchell~ George Heal~ Jamยซs Brown~ Charles Young~ Jas. Miller~ John Huewes~ William Brown~ Alex. Tutch~ William Mitchell~ Isaac Tun~ James Huard~]] Lewis Hickman~ James Judy~ Samuel Kelly~ William Crenwell~ Philip Mason~ Jas. Mathews~ John Galoway~ Moses Williamson~ Mike Tendenhasen~ John Ruth~ James Galoway~ Peter Young~ Abraham Bonta~ James Johnson~ Thos Johnson Cornelius~ Henry Hoos~ Cornelius Vorhees~ Henry Woson~ John Brookil~ Samuel Griss~ Matthew Rogers~ John Cadlett~ William Mitchell~ Adam Row~ Hardy Hill~ Charles Black~ Patrick Gordon~ John William Province~ Frederick Bawfd~ Adin Harten~ William Sweden~ Edward Tyll~ David Johnson~ Evan Wilson~ John Dorland~ Benjamin Lin~ Jacob Conaway~ Jeremiah Trefar~ Joseph Kenig~ Joseph Wm. Province~ John Williamson~ Benjamin Hook~ Joseph Vanmatar~ John Turner~ John Keath~ John Jail~ Samuel Harris~ John Redley~ John Miller~ Henry Wade~ Stephen Harris~ Joseph Green~ Michel Woods~ Jesse Crark~ John Mayhue Haris~ John Green~ Andrew Dodds~ Joseph Grifinwalt~ ---Harris~ Austen Miller~ Roeheb Kenedy~ Adam Grounds~ James Haris~ Samuel Mason~ Thomas Collings~ John Felty~ Thos. Welch~ Thos. Putnam~ Thos. Putnam~ John Williams~ Frederick Fox~ John Campbell~ Samuel Wadmes~ George Rays~ Jonathan Cunningham~ Charles Masterson~ Benjamin Caselman~ Francis Roach~ William Burnes~ Joseph Borth~ John Baley~ David Kirkwood~ Daniel James~ John Light~ Andrew Gradey~ William Weelweed~ William Lookn~ William Little~ Seneca McRakin~ James Gilmore~ James Delany~ Jonathan Harned~ James Adams~ Samuel Gilmore~ John Greenben~ Samuel Wells~ William Logsden~ James Logan~ Martin Stull~ Peter Newkirk~ David McQuale~ John Logan~ John Martin~ Tobias Newkirk~ William Lin~ John Massey~ Robert Gilmore~ Moses Cane~ Adam Money~ Eduard Poomes~ Jacob Westeroeb~ John Nelson~ Gerardis Rekid~ Peter Buszard~ John Jones~ Ezekiel Hickman~ John Cline~ Jasyrk Greenwalt~ Thos. Applegate~ Thomas Banfield~ David Beach~ John Unsel~ Michol Paull~ Thomas Patten~ Thomas Stansbury~ Mikel Toetus~ William Irwin~ William Welch~ Joint' Vantreas~ William Onie~ Joseph Qurteronus~ Niclos Thirly~ John McGee~ John James~ Peter Pohone~ Mathew Logan~ Thomas Hargis~ John Capps~ Joseph Borth~ Samuel Felin~ John Moore~ Elisha Qurtermus~ John Light~ John McLam~ Henry Brenton~ Samuel Gordon~ James Dunbar~ tini Swell~ Reuben Blackford~ John Wilkeson~ Matthias Hook~ ?Elias?Newkirk~ John Finn~ Dinis Davis~ George Hinch~ Nathan Sellad~ Jacob Funk~ Joseph McClintock~ James Steward~ Thomas Pownser~ Geo. Steward~ John Pringle~ Joseph Inlow~ Jacob Spears~ Abraham Rammod~ James Anderson~ William Bennett~ Abraham Powell~ James Johnson~ Joseph Kirkpatrick~ James Hamilton~ Mathew Jaferes~ Samuel Watkins~ John Moires~ Jacob Barkman~ John Kenedy~ John Hamilton~ Daniel Spears~ Edward Irwin~ John Miller~ William Ewing~ Benjamin Doslie~ John Irwin~ Adam Wall~ James Boys~ George Black~ Elijah Hart~ Michal Thomas~ Joseph Sulavan~ John Sumet~ Thos. Spencer~ Michael Little~ Jacob Brennon~ Thomas Boyd~ Paul Humble~ John Seller~ Thos. Dillen~ Eudulph Hufenan~ Daniel Jones~ Nathan Sellers~ Jacob Huffman~ David Brinton~ Kobe Hamilton~ Christian Hufman~ Joseph Olden~ John Stuart~ Jacob Coseman~ Conrad Carito~ Jacob Salmon~ Jas. McLoughlin~ William Winter~ John Gross~ John Yery~ Samuel Lee~ John Beson~ Charles West~ Martin Colmore~ Jas. Dougherty~ Benjamin Coselman~ John West~ Charles Crump~ Ulunik Heonbunk~ Elward Liston~ Martin Kurtz~ Jacob Dosson~ John Cleer~ John Liston~ Peter Bordmess~ Jacob Doom~ Josey Stuart~ Josiah Walis~ James Foye~ Samuel Glass~ John Averill~ John White~ Mickel Kintner~ John Little~ Peter Loves~ John Ainwin~ Peter Paul~ David Davis~ Denis Downing~ John Dongen~ John Williams~ James Hamilton~ Isaac Boulden~ Charles Davis~ Herman Greathouse~ Thos. Whithedge~ Moses Speed~ Joseph Grundee~ Smith Harsborough~ David Hockins~ Joseph Tumblestone~ Wiliam Averall~ Jas. Brown~ Harrison Averall~ Joseph Little~ William Hopkins~ John Tumlinson~ William Collings~ Daniel Williams (2) William Collings~ Jesse Tumlinson~ George Grundy~ John Ligwald~ Thos. Phillips~ William Rice~ Thomas Stone~ Benjamin Tamlinson~ Thos. Senderson~ Thos. Cavet~ William Clave~ Cornelius Bogard~ Henry Campbell~ Joshua Cleaver~ Samuel Dunn~ John Puck~ Robert Brusler~ Francis Daves~ G---d Campbell~ James McKee~ Robert Thirkman~ John Hase~ Samuel Thirkman~ Hector Simpson~ William Lawrence~ John Wage~r George Clark~ Isaac Froman~ Michal Kirkham~ Paul Froman~ George Taylor~ Joseph Mounts~ John Hunt~ Jas. McCollach~ James Campbell~ Spencer Collings~ Henry Richards~ -Cumfort Busler~ Robert Insworth~ Christian Schultz~ Thos. Dowdoll~ Henry Hanglan~ John Frigas~ George Reading~ James Purse~ Honkerson Ashby~ Joseph Brown~ Thos. Talbot~ Joseph Thompson~ Samuel Miller~ John Johnson~ Joseph Liston~ Thos. Pursel~ Frederick Dunpeld~ Reuben Cass~ Isaac White~ Aaron Rawlings~ Solomon Resiner~ Judiah Huntington~ Charles Bilderbok~ James Neavil~ Charles Dunkin Thos. Kennedy~ Jacob Bilder~ Ainasa Frisel~ George Crist~ Dinues Pursel~ Gabriel Melted~ William Houghland~ William Collings~ Benjamin Byard~ John Lee~ John Houghland~ Henry Prayted~ John Townspend~ George Cueard~ Squier Boon~ John Rice~ Benjamin Patten~ Benjamin Cleaver~ John Heast~ Theophilus Coxe~ William Harker/Hocker~ Thos. Hamilton~ Zachariah Holder~ Jas. Purseley~ Jacob Bilderbak~ Mashesh Carter~ David Hawkins~ Hugh Begarstof~ William Chraven~ William Greathouse~ Zacheric Dye~ Joseph Johnston~ John Thompson~ Charles Secomp~ John Hunter~ John Greathouse~ John Grundy~ Robert Sweny~ James Thompson~ ''The Continental Congress read the Kentucky Petition. It was debated, discussed and commented upon by the members. If you want to read more of their comments see: Letters of the Members of Congress, August 27, 1782, Vol 6, p 457-459. Continental Congress decided the petition would be filed in the office of the Secretary of Congress, meaning nothing would be done about it for the time being.'' {{Image|file=Low_Dutch_Settlements_in_Kentucky-3.jpg |caption=Journals of the Continental Congress, Volume 23 }} ''Still seeking redress for their losses in the battle against the British and Indians, members of the Dutch Reformed Church in Kentucky voted to petition the newly formed Congress of the United States'' '''Memorial and Petition of the Pioneers of 1782-1783''' To the Honorable President and Delegates of the Free United States of America in Congress assembled : The memorial and Petition of a number of Inhabitants of Kentuckey Settlement of the Low Dutch Reformed Church persuasion in behalf of themselves and other intended settlers. Humbly Sheweth That in the Spring of the year 1780 they moved to Kentuckey with their families and effects, with a view and expectation to procure a tract of land to enable them to settle togeather in a body for the conviency of civil society and propogating the Gospel in their known language; when they arrived there to their sorrow and disappointment they were, thro' the dangerousness of the times by a cruel savage enemy oblidged to settle in Stations or Forts in such places where there was the most appearance of safety, notwithstanding all their caution numbers of them suffered greatly in their property, several killed and others captivated by the enemy, living in such distressed confined way always in danger, frequently on Military duty, it was impossible for them to do more than barely support their families with the necessaries of life. by which means they are much reduced, and what adds more to their disappointment and affliction is that, contrary to their expectations before their arrival and since, the most or all the Tillable Land has been Located and monopolized by persons that had the advantage of your Memorialists by being acquainted with the country, and your Memorialists being strangers and confined as aforesaid, and being so reduced are rendered unable to purchase Land at the advanced price, and especially in a body conveniently together agreeable to their wishes. Whereas, Providence has been pleased to prosper and support the virtuous resistance of the United States in the glorious cause of Liberty, which has enabled them to obtain an Honorable Peace whereby they have obtained a large extent of unappropriated Territory. And whereas, it is currently and repeatedly reported amongst its that Congress has broke or made void Virginia's right or claim to Land in Kentuckey Settlement. Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray (in behalf of themselves and other intended settlers of that persuasion) the Honourable Congress would indulge them with a grant of a Tract or Territory of Land in Kentuckey Settlemt. : if the Virginia Claim thereto should be made void, or otherwise in the late ceeded land on the North west side of the Ohio river ; whereto there is not any prior legal claim to enable them to settle in a body together, on such reasonable terms as Congress in their wisdom and prudence shall see just and reasonable, they complying with and performing all reasonable conditions required, to enable them to put their intended plan in purpose and execution, they having principally in view the ''Glory of God," the promotion of Civil and religious society, educating and instructing their rising generation in the principals of religion and morality; hoping the Honorable Congress will give all due encouragement to such a laudable undertaking. The premises duly considered. Your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray, &c. Inhabitens. Hendreck Banta John Vorhis, Jun. Benedick Yury Luke Vorhis Henery Yury Samuel Demaree Peter Demaree Peter Demaree, Jun. Cornelius Bogart Henry Shively John Demaree Saml. Demaree, Jr. Cornelius Banta John Vancleave Samuel Durie John Harris Albert Durie Peter Banta Marga widow Samuel Westervelt ---Durie, widow Mary Westervelt (widow) Daniel Banta Saml. Lock Albert Vorhis David Allen Intended Friends ---Armstrong John Voreis Samuel Banta William Seaboum John Vanasdale Simon Vunosdol James Cook Derrick Conine Sophia Voreis (widow) John O'Bieanes Bergen Conert Abraham Banta Francis ----- Derrick Kooesen James Stagg Aaron Rawlings Peter Wickoff John Ryker Henry Bogart Cornelius Voreis James Westervelt Henry Banta, Jr. Tunes Vanpelt Abraham Banta, Jr. Andrew Shoe Peter Banta, Jr. Mattis Shoe John Banta Garrit Vanarsdale William Vancleave Joseph debaen Catherine Darling (widow) Abraham debaen William Jervel Lambert Darling Peter Seabourn Peter Banta John Monfort John Darling George Seabourn Cornelius Conzine, Jun. John Monfort, Jr. James Voreis David Seabourn John Conzine Francis Cossaart Johanna Seburn (widow) Lucas Vanarsdale Jacob Seabourn Albert Banta Jacob Cossart Barney Smock Simon VanArsdol Jacob Banta George Brinkerhof Abraham Banta Peter Monfoort James Stagg Garret Dorland George Burnett Jaquish Vantine Daniel Brower Francis Monfort Rulef Vorhis Samuel Demarest John Brewer John Knight Daniel Brewer, Jr. John Conrad Knight Henry Comminger John Comminger Martin Neavons Samuel Bogart Peter Carmicle Jacobus Monfort John VanArsdol Cornelius Cosyne John Bodine Cornelius Vorhis John Smock Cornelius Tueb Maties Smock Laurens Tueb John Kip Lawrence Montfort Barney Kipp Abraham Houghtelin Abraham DeGraff Gilbert Brinkerhoff Thos. Johnson Luke Brinkerhoff Abraham Johnson Andrew Conine Andrew Johnson John Persyl Thomas Vantine Cornelius Demaree Brinkerhoff Cornelius D. Lowe Jacob Brinkerhoff George Hall John Oten Begun Spader Adrian Oten Jacob Orbacow John Oten Samuel Briten Peter Monfort, Senior Cornelius Oten Wilhelmas Houghtelin George Williamson Abraham --- Richer Berssly Hezekiah Hioughtelin John huls James --- Daniel Haris Charles Vantine Benjamin Sloot Mikel DeGraft Jacob Smock William De Graff Gilbert Lowe John Cownoven David Cossart Peter Vandyke Henry Stryker ==Low Dutch settlers granted land Jefferson County, then Virginia, now Kentucky on 3 December 1781== ''The former colony and new state of Virginia although bankrupt from the expenses of fighting the Revolutionary War voted to recognize the service performed by the Low Dutch in defense of the land on the western frontier. Under an act passed by the Virginia Assembly early frontier settlers in Kentucky who had suffered great hardships were to receive 400 acres of land to compensate their losses.'' Poor Persons Act 1781 An Act for the relief of certain persons now resident on the western frontier. Approved May 1781 by the Virginia General Assembly WHEREAS a number of poor persons with their families have removed to the Kentucky country, and by reason of great hardships they have encountered and expenses incurred by them in their removal to that distant place and the parts adjacent, they have become unable to advance ready money to pay the state price of vacant lands. For relief of such poor persons, be it enacted by the General Assembly, that the courts of the counties of Lincoln, Fayette and Jefferson, be, and they are hereby empowered and required to issue their orders to the surveyors of the said counties respectively, commanding them to lay out and survey for such poor settlers any tract of land in the said counties or either of them which shall be vacant. And the surveyor shall proceed with all possible expedition to survey such vacant land and make out plats and certificates for the same in the usual manner; and the register of the Land Office and all other officers of government, shall proceed in the usual manner for completing the titles of such lands as in similar cases. Provided, that no persons shall be entitled to lands under this act, except such as are now actually resident in that country or the parts adjacent, and the masters and mistresses of families there at this time, and have not acquired a right to land there either in law or equity, and are too poor to procure lands in the ordinary method. And the courts of the said counties are hereby required diligently to enquire into the circumstances aforesaid, and to grant no order of survey to any person except as before excepted. No order of survey under this act shall exceed the quantity of four hundred acres for each family, and the surveyor shall lay out the same in one tract, the greatest length of which shall not exceed the breadth by more than one third. All persons claiming under this act, besides the usual office fees, shall pay into the public treasury after the rate of twenty shillings in specie, or the value thereof in paper money, for every hundred acres, within two years and an half from the date of the survey, as the state price, and in default of making such payment, all right and interest to such surveys shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth, and the lands subject to the claim of any person who shall pay the said state price for the same, and prosecute by the way of caveat in the manner prescribed by law. All orders of survey and proceedings contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act shall be void and of no effect or avail to the persons claiming under them. This act shall continue to be in force two years, and no longer.

Virginia. Henings Statutes at Large. Laws of Virginia, May 1781. CHAP. XVIII. An act for the relief of certain persons now resident on the western frontier.p 431,432 []

[] This act gave the county courts in the Kentucky country, authorization to direct surveys to poor persons, actual settlers, not exceeding 400 acres to a family. ''The following list of names identifies Low Dutch who were among the earliest settlers in what was then Kentucky County, Virginia '' "At a Court held for Jefferson County, the 3rd of December, 1781. It appearing to the Court that the following Persons, are entitled by virtue of an Act of Assembly passed May last, to four hundred acres of land, each. Orders that the County Surveyor lay off to them accordingly, viz: Jane Arneson; [[Bogard-107|Cornelius Bogart]]; Ann Cline; John Cline; [[Demarest-62|John Demara]]; [[DeMaree-85|Samuel Demara]]; Sam'l Demarie, Junr; [[Darland-24|Lambert Darling]]; [[VanArsdale-13|Catharine Darling]]; Jacob Hoffman; Frederick Honsault; John Honsault; James Hougland; [[Newkirk-133|Jemima Newkirk Hougland]]; Anthony Junkus; Solomon Kersinger; Daniel Lout; [[Nieuwkerk-13|Elias Newkirk]]; [[Newkirk-164|Peter Newkirk]]; [[Newkirk-365|Tobias Newkirk]]; [[Demarest-362|Rachel Ricker]]; [[Ryker-25|John Riker]]; Christopher Schulz; Samuel Stuthard; Margaret Vanleeve; Jane Veach; James Voress; John Voress; John Voress, Junr; Luke Voress; [[Van_Der_Bogert-2|Sophia Voress]]; Mary Westoville; Christian Wyman; Christian Wyman, Junr; George Yent." It should be noted there are more names on the list but these have been deemed to be Low Dutch. The actual document should be consulted because the anglicization of Dutch surnames makes identification difficult.

Jefferson County, Kentucky County Court Minute Book A (1781 - 1783) Pages 14, 15, 16. Kentucky Adjutant Generals Office, Early Kentucky Settlers: The Records of Jefferson County, Kentucky, from the Filson Club History Quarterly. Genealogical Publishing Com, 1988. p19-21.

==Founding of a Low Dutch Colony in what was then Jefferson County, Virginia, now Henry and Shelby County, Kentucky== The formation of The Low Dutch Company enabled the purchase in 1784 of about 3,000 acres in what is now Henry and Shelby Counties for the proposed colony. Indian attacks forced the members to abandon the first settlement in 1785 and flee to the relative safety of Mercer and Clark Counties. In the spring of 1786 the company purchased 6,000 acres adjacent to their original holdings from Squire Boone, brother of Daniel Boone, selling off approximately 1,350 acres to help finance the investment. In March 1786 the members formally signed the articles of agreement. All land was held in common, with all profits or losses to be shared equally. The tract, straddled the boundary of Shelby and Henry Counties totaling more than 7,600 acres. It was divided into 34 lots of varying sizes, from 200 acres and upward and allocated to members. Farm plots were assigned to individuals and their families, but actual legal title was held by the Company, which combined the elements of a modern business corporation, cooperative, religious congregation and commune. Remarkably some descendants of this colony still reside on a portion of the original purchase today. The Company appointed a trustee whose duty it was to look after all the estate and keep records. Actual first settlement of the tract did not begin until about 1790 at Bantatown, later Pleasureville. Dutch and non-Dutch families moved in, purchasing land adjacent to the colony, but did not join the Company. From the beginning there were problems with conflicting land claims over the tract purchased from Squire Boone. This resulted in numerous law suits with financial loss to the Company. In 1813 a claim for more than a thousand acres was decided against the Company requiring them to repurchase the land. In 1820 the Company lost more land, including that upon which Bantatown was located. Other suits were filed by the Company to reclaim land from the heirs of original members who were holding tracts in private ownership. In addition, one of the primary objectives of the Company had been to establish a Dutch Reformed Church and obtain a Dutch Reformed minister. This failed and members defected to other churches, primarily the Presbyterians who were in harmony with their Calvinistic beliefs but also the Baptists and Methodists. Eventually some of the Low Dutch descendants would found the religious movement known as the Shakers. Beginning in 1817, families started moving away from the colony, first to Switzerland County, IN and then Johnson County, IN, where farmland was $1.25 an acre. This period was referred to as "the exodus." The Company was dissolved in 1831. Title to the land was transferred by deed to individual owners from about 1831 to 1839. [] [] ==''' The Low Dutch Company Article of Agreement 1786'''== ''This document shows how the Low Dutch conducted land transactions by holding it in common ownership. The agreement authorized the purchase of 5610 acres from Squire Boone, brother of Daniel Boone, located in Jefferson County, Kentucky on Six Mile Creek and Clear Creek.'' ''14 March 1786'' ARTICLE OF AGREEMENT made and Concluded on and Between Abraham Banta of Lincollen County and State of Virginia of the first part and We who Names and within writing Father Hennery Banta Samuel Banta Uncle Peter Banta Daniel Banta Peters Banta Peter Banta Cornelius Bogert Andrew Shock {Cornelius Banta} Abraham Brewer Albert Vorhes John Comangore big John Vorhes Hennery Banta ble John Vorhes Simon VanArsdelen Jacob Smock Barney Smock {Hennery Shivelle} Francis Coorssart Luke VanArsdelen Luke Vorhes Uncle Albert Banta Daniel Vorhes Samuel Dumere Aran Monfort John Manfort Albert Banta Jacob Banta William Shock Soviah Vorhes John Banta Cornelius Cozine Frances Manfort Daniel al Banta of the other part Witnesseth that whereas the said Abraham Banta has purched a Certain trat or quantity of land of Squier Boon of the County of Jeffersin in the State of Virginia aforesaid Containing five Thousand Six hundred and Ten acres of Land Situated in the County Jeffersen aforesaid lying on the waters of Six miles Beginning on the Deviding ridge between the waters of Six mile Creek and Clear Creek ... Excepting and reserving 335 acres out of the above mentioned Tract at the price of ยฃ16,,13,,4 per hundred acres amounting in the whole sum of ยฃ935 payable in Eight yearly payments the first payment is 250 pounds and the rest in seven payments Each payment ยฃ97,,17 with an intent and Desine to inCourage and premote a Settlement of the Low Dutch Reformed Church Socisity now it is Covinanted and agreed by and Between the said Abraham Banta and those person Names above mentioned and there seals afixted by these presents that Each of them shall be intitled to any quantity or Numbers of acres of Land of the above mentioned 5610 acres as they and sd. Banta may agree for allowance Being made for Quality of said Lands Subject to and under the following Restrictions Viz 1 That we our heirs Executors administrators or Assigns will pay or Cause to be paid to the said Abraham Banta his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns yearly and Every year such a sum or sums as shall bear in purporsion to the Quantity and Quallity of Land Each of us Shall hold to the whole Quntity of Land or sum giving till the whole sum be paid 2d That we will subscribe to and support the Low Dutch Reformed Church Sosicity by giving a Call and Invitation to a Regular Instituted Low Dutch minister to assosiate in said Church as much as in us lie and that we will indeavouer to have our children Taught and instructed in the Low Dutch Tongue so that they may Read the word of God and understand the Gospel when Preached unto them 3d That we will Each of us in purportion to the Quantity of Land we hold with said Abraham banta pay towards purching of said Banta at the price above said 200 acres of Land for a personage or plantation for the minister to be called or invited as above said 4ly That the said Abraham Banta his heirs or Assigns shall not sell or Dispose of any Part of Percil of the above mentioned Tract of Land neither will we whose names are above mentioned our heirs or Assigns sell or Dispose of all or any Part of sd Land we shall hold with said Abraham Banta to any Person or Persons whatsoever unless they will fully Comply with the second above mentioned Article 5ly That is any Time hereafter their shall or may be any Claims or Disputes Related to the Title of said Land or any Part thereof, we Each of us our heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns will be at a purporsionable Cost and Expence in Defending the Title thereto in purporsion to the Quantity of Land we may hold thereof and That if the title of the whole or any part thereof shall be made Void we will Bear an Eaqual Loss as above there to, as well to the improvement as to the Land, be it in the power of the said Abraham Banta to purchace from the Legal oner Each of us above mentioned shall pay or Cause to be paid to the price for which it may be bought in purportion to that part of Quantity Each of us holds of the mentioned Tract; 6ly NOW Be it known that the above mentioned Abraham Banta has purched a Certain Tract or Quantity of Land ajoining of the above mentioned Tract with the same Desine and for the purpose as above mentioned, from Richard Beard who Lived in pennsylvania State the Quantity of 2000 acres at Thirty pounds per hundred to be paid in four anul payments ... Now be it known that We the above mentioned will and Shall aid and Assist the above mentioned Abraham Banta his heirs Executors Administrators in Defending both the first and second mentioned tract aforesaid all as one; now for the True performance of all and both Tracts mentioned the second agreeable with first mentioned Tract We the above mentioned our selves our heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns Doth bind ourselves Jointly severally by these presents the one to the other in the penal sum of Three Thousand pounds In Witness whereunto we have set our hands and seals This fourteenth Day of march in the year one Thousand seven hundred & Eighty Six Signed Sealed in the presents us Darra thar his Beniemen X Stout mark {Henry Shively} frances Cosart Lukes Van arsdel Luk Vories un Albert Banta Daniel Vorhis Samuel Demaree Aron Monfoort John Monfoort Albert Banta Jacob Banta William Shock Sophia Vorus John Banta Cornelius Cozine Francis Monfort Daniel Al Banta Abraham Banta fa Hendreck Banta un Peter Banta Daniel Banta Samuel Banta Petrus Banta Peter Banta Cornelous Banta Andrew Shock {Cornelius Bogart} {Abraham brewer} Albert Voorhies John Commingor big John Voorhes Henry Banta Bu John Vorus Jacob Smock Simon Vanasdal {Barny Smock} {{Image|file=DNA_Confirmations_for_Connie_Daniels_Graves-14.jpg |caption=Log cabin home }} ==Sources==

*Akers, Vincent. 1982. The Low Dutch Company: a history of the Holland Dutch settlements on the Kentucky frontier. New York: Holland Society of New York. *Research of [[Branch-2590|Carolyn B. Leonard]] who passed away recently. Her many years of research is still available online. (Thank you [[Martin-17123|Lilly Martin]] for this information.) ::Low Dutch Cousins From 1600s New Amsterdam to the 1780s in Kentucky. The page includes a SURNAME search.[] *A link to the HARRODSBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MERCER COUNTY KENTUCKY RESEARCH LIBRARY which houses many Low Dutch documents. You can make an appointment with a docent to view them. The documents are included as a special collection of Low Dutch history in the library. [] [] *The Dunkers [] *Colonial Routes to Kentucky and Tennesseeby Johni Cerny, B.S., F.U.G.A. [] *Located at the Falls of the Ohio on the north side of the Ohio River and opposite Louisville was the town of Clarksville, Indiana. Established in 1784 and part of 150,000 acres Virginia distributed to George Rogers Clark and his men. See: Baird, Lewis C. Baird's History of Clark County, Indiana. Unigraphic, 1909. Pages 43, 44, 45. ==Acknowledgement== Special thanks to Nan Fansler for her excellent research on the background reasons the Dutch in New York and New Jersey organized and moved onto the frontier during the American Revolution. Their homes had been destroyed and pillaged and they suffered terribly. See: Maurer,C.F. Dragoon Diary, The History of the Third Continental Light Dragoons. Bloomington, Indiana. 2005. P 149. [] Mentions the Demarest and Bogart families among others in Sep and Oct 1778, New Jersey. Another source pertaining to the conditions loyal citizens were subjected to during the Revolutionary War was Virginia. While not specifically about the Bogarts and Demerests, this article conveys the urgency that was felt to seek safety in the 'back country' especially among the middle class artisans. []

Project Space pages 20241009 (106) Madison County, Idaho

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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (107) Maiden's Choice Land Grant

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[[Category:Maiden's Choice Land Grant]] For profiles of those associated with this land grant, see [[:Category: Maiden's Choice Land Grant|the category for Maiden's Choice Land Grant]] ==1674 Mayden's Choice== Thomas Cole patented a tract he called Maydens Choice for 450 acs. in 1674

MD Patent Records 17/537

and a tract called Saint Mary Borne for 200 acs. in 1675

MD Patent Records 17/83

. ==1679 Maiden Choice== In a Deed, December 8, 1679, Charles Gorsuch of Talbot County and his wife Sarah convey to his brother in law David Jones the three Baltimore County tracts, Coleโ€™s Harbour, 550 acres, upon which Baltimore Town was later laid out; Maidenโ€™s Choice, 450 acres, at the head of the Middle Branch of the Patapsco, and Marybourne, on Jones Falls in what is now North Baltimore, 200 acres, the deed reading, his wife Sarah โ€œbeing heiress to said land, as ye last will and testament of Thomas Cole will make appear. โ€œAnd again, in a confirmatiory deed to these same tracs executed by Sarah, with Charles Gorscuh, alone, August 1, 1682, she is described as โ€œthe only and sole heir of Thomas Cole, late of Patapsco River, Baltimore County, deceased. The Annapolis patent records show that Thomas Cole in 1649 transported himself and wife Priscilla into the Province and settled in Anne Arundel County on the Severn, but later patented Maidenโ€™s Choice and Coleโ€™s Harbour in Baltimore County.โ€

J. H. P, Baltimore, MD. The Gorsuch and Lovelace Families. Pages 207-222 and 325-332. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Published Quarterly by the Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia. Volume XXVI for the year ending December 31, 1918. Richmond, Virginia: House of the Society.'s%20Choice%22&f=false.. Accessed January 1, 2017

==1687 Maiden Choice== John Gorsuch, carpenter, the oldest son of Charles Gorsuch and his wife Sarah Cole, apparently born between 1678 and 1679, jointly with his brother Thomas Gorsuch, planter, received the tract Maidenโ€™s Choice, 450 acres, under the will of David Jones 1687. Jones was the second husband of their aunt Anna Gorsuch. They sold it in 1708-9.


Project Space pages 20241009 (108) Malheur County, Oregon

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Project Space pages 20241009 (109) Marion County, Oregon

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Project Space pages 20241009 (110) Mason County, Washington

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[[Space:Pierce County, Washington|Pierce]]

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[[Space:Grays Harbor County, Washington|Grays Harbor]]

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[[Space:Thurston County, Washington|Thurston]]


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== Mason County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q111904|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Mason County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Mason County, Washington|Mason County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Mason County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Mason County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Mason County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Mason|Mason County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (111) Maui County, Hawaii

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[[Category:Hawaii Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Hawaii Projects]] [[Category:Hawaii]] [[Category: Maui County, Hawaii]]

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[[Space:Hawaii County, Hawaii|Hawaii]] |}

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== Maui County, Hawaii == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q111409|enwiki}} *[,_Hawaii_Genealogy Maui County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Maui County, Hawaii|Maui County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Maui County, Hawaii|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Wailuku *[[:Category: Maui County, Hawaii, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Hawaii|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Hawaii#Maui|Maui County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Hawaii|Sources-Hawaii]] page #If you have any Hawaii state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Hawaii_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Hawaii, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Hawaii_Research_Assistance|Hawaii Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (112) Minidoka County, Idaho

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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (113) Minnesota Historical Timeline

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[[Category:Minnesota]][[Category:Minnesota Territory]][[Category:Minnesota History]] == Introduction == This space was created for genealogists in Wikitree to assist in researching persons with ties to Minnesota. == Timeline of Minnesota == This original timeline was published on eReference Desk ( without citations.

eReference Desk. "Minnesota History Timeline Important Dates, Events, and Milestones in Minnesota History." ''50 State Guide - eRD'', Accessed September 7, 2023.

Sources have been provided for events when found. Pre-history

Minnesota Historical Society Mill City Museum timeline.

* 10,000 BCE - Glacial River Warren falls is formed near what is now downtown St. Paul and begins its slow journey upstream due to natural erosion. * 8,000 BCE - The falls move past Bdote, the confluence of Mni Sota Wakpa (Minnesota) and Haha Wakpa (Mississippi). The Dakota refer to the falls as Owamniyomni.

1600s * 1659-1660 - French fur traders [[Chouart-6|Mรฉdard Chouart]] and [[Radisson-1|Pierre-Esprit Radisson]] explore western end of Lake Superior and environs.

Canadian Museum of History. "In the footsteps of Chouart Des Groseilliers" in "The Explorers: Pierre-Esprit Radisson 1659-1660." ''Virtual Museum of New France'', Accessed September 7, 2023.

* 1673 - French explorers Marquette and [[Jolliet-8|Joliet]] claim discovery of the upper portion of the Mississippi River.

Wisconsin Historical Society. "Historical Essay: Expedition of Marquette and Joliet, 1673: French Exploration of the North American Interior." Accessed September 7, 2023.

* 1679 - Frenchman Daniel Greysolon, Sieur du Luth meets with [[:Category:Dakota|Dakota]] native Americans near [[:Category:Mille Lacs County, Minnesota|Mille Lacs]].

Backerud, Thomas K. "Greysolon, Daniel, Sieur du Lhut (c.1639โ€“1710)." ''MNopedia'', April 15, 2013,

* 1683 - Catholic Missionary [[Hennepin-1|Father Louis Hennepin]] returns to France after exploring the area that later became Minnesota and being held captive by the Dakota to write the first book about Minnesota, Description de la Louisiane.

Canadian Museum of History. "A Strange Silence" in "The Explorers: Louis Hennepin 1678-1680." ''Virtual Museum of New France'', Accessed September 7, 2023. Note: this source states that Hennepin began writing ''Description de la Louisiane'' in 1681. The year 1683 is not mentioned.

1700s * 1745 - The Ojibwa Indians defeat the Dakota Indians at the Kathio, driving the Dakota into southern and western Minnesota.

Minnesota Historical Society. "Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe." ''Mille Lacs Indian Museum and Trading Post'', Accessed September 7, 2023.

* 1763 - Spain receives [[:Category:Louisiana Territory|Louisiana Territory]] (includes Minnesota west of the Mississippi River) from France in compensation for its loss of Florida during the Seven Years War. Great Britain wins claim to what is now eastern North America (east of the Mississippi River) and Canada. * 1770-1804 - ** Grand Portage (Minnesota) evolves into the western fur-trading headquarters of the British Empire in North America.

National Park Service. "Minnesota: Grand Portage National Monument." Accessed September 7, 2023.

** British troops stationed in Minnesota act as only military force in Minnesota during the American Revolution.

Library of Congress. "The British Take and Lose Control, 1763-1812." ''Pioneering the Upper Midwest: Books from Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, ca. 1820 to 1910'', Note: this source refers broadly to Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

** Fur trading continues to be the main source of commerce in Minnesota through the early 19th century.

Lurie, Jon. "The fur trade in Minnesota shaped the region for two centuries." ''MinnPost'', February 1, 2021, Note: the timeline of this source says the fur trade lasted in Minnesota from the 1730s to 1854.

* 1775-1783 - American Revolution * 1783 - The newly formed republic of the United States of America wins the eastern portion of Minnesota (from the Mississippi river east) from Great Britain in the American Revolution. * 1787 - ** Eastern Minnesota officially designated part of the American [[:Category:Northwest Territory|Northwest Territories]] of the United States of America.

Library of Congress. "The Northwest and the Ordinances, 1783-1858." ''Pioneering the Upper Midwest: Books from Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, ca. 1820 to 1910'', Note: this source refers broadly to Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

** David Thompson, working for the North West Company (fur-trading) completes the first formal mapping of Minnesota.

''David Thompson, a Great Geographer'' J. B. Tyrrell. The Geographical Journal Vol. 37, No. 1 (Jan., 1911), pp. 49-58 (10 pages) Published By: The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers)

1800s * 1800 - France acquires [[:Category:Louisiana Territory|Louisiana Territory]] from Spain.

Library of Congress. "The Louisiana Purchase." ''Louisiana: European Explorations and the Louisiana Purchase'', Accessed September 7, 2023.

* 1803 - The United States of America purchases Louisiana Territory from France, gaining ownership of the western portion of Minnesota. Boundary disputes with British Canada keep British fur companies in Minnesota until 1818. * 1805 - [[Pike-1327|Lieutenant Zebulon Montgomery Pike]] leads the first United States expedition through the Minnesota country.

Pike National Historic Trail Association. "Pike in Minnesota (1st Expedition)." Accessed September 7, 2023.Minnesota Historical Society. "The Expansionist Era (1805-1858)." ''Historic Fort Snelling'', Accessed September 7, 2023.

* 1812-1814 - War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain with their [[:Category:Dakota|Dakota]], [[:Category:Winnebago|Winnebago]], and [[:Category:Ojibwe|Ojibwa]] allies. * 1815 - Peace treaty negotiated between the [[:Category:Dakota|Dakota Indian nation]] and the United States government. First American fur traders enter Minnesota. * 1818 - Northern boundary of Minnesota fixed at the forty-ninth parallel. Boundary negotiations with British Canada continue until 1931.

Lass, William E. "Minnesota State Boundaries." ''MNopedia'', June 5, 2014,

* 1819 - Begins construction of Fort St. Anthony on land purchased from the Dakota Indians for $2000 US.

* 1819, Aug 24 - [[Leavenworth-154|Colonel Henry Leavenworth]] and the Fifth Infantry arrive in Mendota to build what will become Fort Snelling at the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers.

Forsyth, Thomas. ''Fort Snelling: Col. Leavenworth's expedition to establish it, in 1819''. Edited by Lyman C. Draper, Minnesota Historical Society, 1880. Internet Archive,

* 1820 - ** [[Snelling-245|Colonel Josiah Snelling]] of the Fifth United States Infantry arrived, and, on taking command, changed the site to where Fort Snelling now stands.

** Virginian [[Taliaferro-561|Lawrence Taliaferro]] becomes the Indian agent at Fort Snelling. Respected by the Indians for never making promises he could not keep, he works hard for 20 years to rid the fur trade of whisky and cheating. At last, in poor health and tired of the government's broken promises, he resigns.

Minnesota Historical Society. "The US Indian Agency (1820-1853)." ''Historic Fort Snelling'', Accessed September 7, 2023.Farber, Zac. "Taliaferro, Lawrence (1794โ€’1871)." ''MNopedia'', February 11, 2019, Note: this source claims Taliaferro started as the first US Indian agent in 1819.

* 1823 - ** The Virginia is the first steamboat to reach Fort Snelling.

National Park Service. "Navigation on the Natural River: 1823-1866" in "Transforming the River I: Commerce and Navigation Improvements, 1823-1906." ''River of History'', Accessed September 8, 2023.

Needed supplies are missing from the cargo, though the boat does carry the umbrella-wielding Italian count [[Beltrami-4|Giacomo Beltrami]] ** Abigail Snelling starts a Sunday School at Ft. Snelling for the children.

Brown, Curt. "Abigail Hunt Snelling Chaplin was more than a helpmate at the early years of the fort bearing her name." ''Star Tribune'', September 21, 2020, Note: this source does not mention Abigail Snelling starting a Sunday School but details her life story, including her time at Fort Anthony (renamed Snelling in 1825).

* 1825 - The post continued to be called Fort St. Anthony until 1824, when, upon the recommendation of General Scott, who inspected the fort, it was named Fort Snelling, in honor of its founder. Here, where traffic could be controlled on two major rivers, Fort Snelling was completed in 1825.

Flandrau, Charles E. ''History of Minnesota and Tales of the Frontier''. E. W. Porter, 1900, p. [15]. Project Gutenberg,

* 1827, Aug 25 - Minnesota's first post office is established at Fort Snelling.

United States Postal Service. ''First U.S. Post Offices by State'', September 2019, Note: according to the historian for the USPS, the post office was established on August 21, not August 25, of 1827.

* 1830 - Seth Eastman comes to Fort Snelling as a captain. In his spare time, he learns the Dakota language and observes details of their lives. His subtle sketches, watercolors, and paintings become an invaluable record of the scenery and Indian life around the fort.

Minnesota Historical Society. "Seth Eastman: Pioneer & Painter: Overview." ''Gale Family Library'', Accessed September 11, 2023.

* 1832 - [[Schoolcraft-135|Henry Schoolcraft]] credited with finding the source of the Mississippi River at Lake Itasca, Minnesota with his Ojibwa guide Ozawindib.

Schoolcraft, Henry. ''Narrative of an expedition through the upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual source of this river; embracing an exploratory trip through the St. Croix and Burntwood (or Broule) Rivers, in 1832, under the direction of Henry R. Schoolcraft.'' Harper & Brothers, 1834. Library of Congress,

* 1836 - Creation of Wisconsin Territory which encompassed Minnesota.

Stanford Libraries. "(1st Map Wisconsin) Map of the Territory of Wisconsin. By David Burr . . . 1836." ''Barry Lawrence Ruderman Map Collection'', Accessed September 11, 2023. Note: this source represents the earliest known map of Wisconsin created the year it became a territory. The map also includes parts of modern day Iowa and Minnesota.

* 1837 - Land-cession treaties negotiated with the Dakota Indians and the Chippewa Indians for United States rights to a portion of land between the Mississippi and St. Croix rivers. This new land stimulates the lumber industry in Minnesota.

Minnesota Indian Affairs Council. "1837 Land Cession Treaties with the Ojibwe & Dakota." ''Relations: Dakota & Ojibwe Treaties'', Accessed September 11, 2023.

* 1841 - Chapel of Saint Paul built. Later it would serve to name the state capitol which sprang up around it.

Brown, Curt. "The chapel 175 years ago that led to St. Paul." ''Star Tribune'', August 22, 2016,

* 1838-1848 - St. Paul, St. Anthony, and Stillwater (Minnesota's first towns) founded. * 1848 - Wisconsin admitted into the union as a state, leaving residents of the area between the Mississippi and St. Croix rivers (current day eastern Minnesota) without a territorial government or legal system.

Minnesota Historical Society. "August 26, 1848." MNopedia, Minnesota Historical Society. (accessed December 7, 2023).

* 1849 - ** Minnesota Territory formed with present day eastern and southern boundaries set. The population amounts to less than 4000 people, not including persons of pure Native-American heritage.

Minnesota Historical Society. "Census Records: Minnesota Territorial & State Census." ''Gale Family Library'', Accessed September 11, 2023. Note: this source is a finding guide for the census records at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. The censuses themselves are not directly linked to the guide, so the less than 4,000 is not directly confirmed.

** Law provides for free public schools to be open to all people between four and twenty-one years of age.

''THE ORGANIC ACT OF 1849''. March 3, 1849. Office of the Secretary of the State, Note: the provision for public schools in in Section 5.

** Minnesota Historical Society formed to collect, publish, and educate people about Minnesota history.

El-Hai, Jack. "A Brief History of the Minnesota Historical Society." ''Minnesota Historical Society'', Accessed September 11, 2023.

** James Madison Goodhue begins publishing Minnesota's first newspaper, the Minnesota Pioneer.

Minnesota Historical Society. "The Minnesota Pioneer (St. Paul, Minn. Territory) 1849-1855." ''Chronicling America'', Accessed September 11, 2023.

* 1851 - Treaties concluded at Traverse des Sioux and Mendota with the Dakota Indians whereby the Dakota ceded their lands east of the Red River, Lake Traverse, and the Big Dakota River and south of a boundary line between the Dakota and Chippewa in 1825.

Weber, Eric W. "Treaty of Traverse des Sioux, 1851." ''MNopedia'', November 19, 2012, Note: this source claims that the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux was signed in 1851, not 1850. Warner George E et al. ''History of Ramsey County and the City of St. Paul Including the Explorers and Pioneers of Minnesota'' by Rev. Edward D. Neill and Outlines of the History of Minnesota by J. Fletcher Williams. North Star Publishing Company 1881. p. 314. (accessed 10/3/23)

In return the Dakota received $1,665,000 US, $1,360,000 of which was set into a trust fund, of which the interest would be distributed to chiefs partly in cash, partly in supplies, and partly in education and civilization funds. The vast majority ended up being used to pay off Indian debts to white traders. * 1851 - Charter granted to the University of Minnesota, the first collegiate institution in the territory.

University of Minnesota. "University of Minnesota Charter." ''Board of Regents'', Accessed September 11, 2023.

* 1853-1857- Population explosion occurs in Minnesota from 40,000 people in 1853 to approximately 150,000 people in 1857. * 1854 - St. Paul becomes a city with a total area of four square miles.

Williams, John Fletcher (1876).'' A History of the City of Saint Paul, and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. Saint Paul, Minnesota.'' p. 349. (accessed 10/3/2023) Note: "being not over 2,400 acres in total" whereas four square miles is 2560 acres.

* 1855 - Die Minnesota Deutsche Zeitung (The Minnesota German Newspaper), Minnesota's first non-English newspaper, rolls off the press for the first time in St. Paul.

US Library of Congress: ''About Die Minnesota deutsche Zeitung''. [volume] (Saint Paul, M.T. [Minn.]) 1855-1858 (accessed 10/3/2023)

* 1857 - **The Dred Scott Decision is rendered by the United States Supreme Court, where a Missouri slave, Dred Scott, sued for his freedom based in part upon his residence in Minnesota. Amidst the sectional and racial animosity sweeping the nation, the court ruled Scott remained a slave.

National Archives. MIlestone Documents. Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857). (accessed 10/3/2023)

**The residents of the Minnesota territory ratify the state constitution almost unanimously.

MN Secretary of State About Minnesota - Minnesota Government - Minnesota Constitution 1858. (accessed Dec 7, 2023)

**The Panic of 1857 sends prices skyrocketing. Banks bust and businesses fail. Depression lingers until 1861.

Reicher, Matt. "Financial Panic of 1857." MNopedia, Minnesota Historical Society. (accessed December 7, 2023).

* 1858 - **Newspaper promotion of the Minnesota Territory prompts over one thousand steamboat arrivals in St. Paul, filled with settlers.

''Steamboating the Minnesota River.''Minnesota River Basin Data Center. Minnesota State University, Mankato. (accessed 12/7/23)

**On May 11 Minnesota becomes the thirty-second state admitted to the Union of the United States of America.

Minnesota 165th Anniversary of Statehood (1858): May 11, 2023. USA Census Bureau Press Release Number CB23-SFS.69 (accessed 12/7/23)

State seal adopted by the Minnesota Legislature.

MN Secretary of State State Seal. (accessed 12/7/23)

**1858 - Wheat becomes a major crop in Minnesota.

Johnson, Frederick L. "When wheat was king in Minnesota." ''MinnPost'', September 10, 2013, Note: this source claims that Minnesotan farmers began to plant wheat in the 1850s, not that it was a major crop yet.Takuya Amagai, Sahree Kasper, and the Minnesota Environments Team, โ€œWheat Farms of Minnesota,โ€ Minnesota Environments, accessed October 4, 2023,

** 1858-1859 - Henry Sibley instated as first governor of Minnesota.

Minnesota Historical Society. "Henry Hastings Sibley." ''Sibley Historic Site'', Accessed 4 October, 2023.

* 1859 - First Minnesota State Fair held.

Goetz, Kathryn R. "The origins of the Minnesota State Fair." ''MinnPost'', 29 August, 2022,

* 1861 - Civil War of the United States begins. Minnesota volunteers one thousand men for service in the Union Army. Minnesota eventually provides 24,000 men for service in the Union Army for fighting in the Civil War or the Indian Outbreak.

Minnesota Historical Society. "The Civil War (1861-1865)." ''Historic Fort Snelling'', Accessed 4 October, 2023.

* 1862 - The Dakota Conflict sweeps across Minnesota with a series of attacks motivated by hungry Dakota enraged by the failure of land treaties and unfair fiscal practices of local traders. By the end of the conflict 486 white settlers would be dead. On December 26 thirty-eight Indians were hung at Mankato. Minnesota's first railroad is completed, connecting Minneapolis and Saint Paul.

University of Minnesota. "US-Dakota War of 1862." ''College of Liberal Studies Holocaust and Genocide Studies'', Accessed 4 October, 2023.

* 1863 - At the Battle of Gettysburg the First Minnesota Regiment makes a heroic charges, losing 215 of 262 men.

Smith, Hampton. "First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment." ''MNopedia'', 13 March, 2012,

* 1865 - Civil War of the United States ends. * 1868 - Mankato receives a city charter. The Minnesota Legislature authorizes establishment of the 2nd State Normal School in Mankato (now known as Minnesota State University, Mankato).

City of Mankato

* 1873 -A three-day blizzard hits Minnesota in January, killing seventy Minnesotans.

MN DNR Famous winter storms.,for%20days%20in%20high%20drifts.

* 1878 - **68.98% of tilled land in Minnesota devoted to wheat production, the high point for wheat farmers in Minnesota. After five consecutive summers of devastating infestations of Rocky Mountain Locusts (called the great Grasshopper Plague) which thrived on wheat, farmers decided to diversify, and wheat production was slowly replaced by other crops and dairy farming.

Cartwright, R. L. "Winged menace: The Minnesota grasshopper plagues of 1873-1877." ''MinnPost'', 11 June, 2013,

**A massive explosion in a Minneapolis flour mill kills 18.

Nathanson, Iric. "Washburn A Mill Explosion, 1878." MNopedia, Minnesota Historical Society. (accessed December 7, 2023).

* 1880 - Telephone communication began between St. Paul and Minneapolis. Move to 1908: see [ ''TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH MILESTONES''] * 1881 - St. Paul is destroyed by fire.

Cameron, Linda A. "State Capitol Fire, 1881." ''MNopedia'', 7 August, 2017,

* 1883 - Mayo Clinic founded by Dr. William Worrall Mayo in Rochester, Minnesota after a tornado sweeps through Rochester, killing 35.

Cartwright, R. L. "Rochester Cyclone, 1883." ''MNopedia'', 20 August, 2012,

With his two sons, Dr. William James Mayo and Dr. Charles Horace Mayo, he begins a clinic world-renowned for its dedication to the latest advances in medicine and surgical procedures. * 1884 - Minnesota iron ore begins to be exported heralding the dawn of iron mining in Minnesota.

LaVigne, David. "Immigration to the Iron Range, 1880-1930." ''MNopedia'', 26 August, 2015,''A timeline of Minnesota's Iron Range'' Minnesota Public Radio May, 2006. (accessed 12/7/23)

Over the next two decades mines spring up on the Mesabi, Cuyuna, and Vermilion iron ranges, spurring the rapid growth of mining cities such as Evelyth, Chisholm, Virginia, and Hibbing, Minnesota as well as the port cities of Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin.

LaVigne, David. "Immigration to the Iron Range, 1880โ€“1930." MNopedia, Minnesota Historical Society. Includes Timeline. (accessed December 7, 2023).

* 1886 - **Sauk Rapids is flattened by a tornado. Seventy-nine people die.

WJON This day in Central Minnesota History.

**St. Paul holds its first winter carnival.

St. Paul Festival & Heritage Foundation. ''Origins of the First Winter Carnival '' (accessed 12/7/23)

* 1887 - Red Wing hosts the first ski jumping competition in the Midwest.

Midwest Lost Ski Areas Project. ''SKIING FIRSTS & "UNIQUES" IN THE MIDWEST'' Chronology with citations: (accessed 12/7/23

* 1888 - Western Minnesota receives a major blizzard on January 12 which takes 109 lives.

MN DNR. ''WITH A BANG: NOT A WHIMPER The Winter of 1887-1888''. No author. 51 pages. (accessed 12/7/23)The Minneapolis Journal 13 Jan 1888, Fri ยทPage 1

* 1890s - Electric streetcars become commonplace in large Minnesota cities.

Cameron, Linda A. "For thirty years, electric streetcars ruled Twin Cities streets." ''MinnPost'', 8 March, 2016,

* 1893 - **The Minnesota state flag, designed by Amelia Hyde Center of Minneapolis, is accepted by the Minnesota Legislature.

William M. Becker. ''The Origin of the Minnesota State Flag'' Minnesota Historical Society ''Minnesota History'' Spring 1992 pages 2-8. (accessed 12/7/23)

**Virginia, Minnesota destroyed by fire.

Mesaba Tribune. Thursday, December 7, 2023. ''Virginia fire: June 18, 1893, the day our town burned down'' By HARRY LAMPPA Virginia Historian Mar 18, 2008 (accessed 12/7/23)

* 1894 - A massive forest fire caused by clear-cut logging debris encompasses Hinckley, Minnesota and several other nearby communities. Over four hundred die.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Mimi Barzen ''The Great Hinkley Fire-1894'. (accessed 12/7/23)

* 1898 - **The Spanish-American War begins. Minnesota, the first state to volunteer, raises four regiments, one of which serves in the Philippines. Disease proves to be the biggest killer, with combat fatalities accounting for only four Minnesota soldier deaths.

Holbrook Franklin F and Minnesota War Records Commission. Minnesota in the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection. Minnesota War Records Commission 1923. (accessed 12/7/23)

**Farmer Olof Ohman finds a stone tablet with runic carvings on it in his field near Kensington, Minnesota. The runes indicate a party of Viking explorers passed through that area in 1362. Initially considered a hoax, it was accepted by the Smithsonian Institution in 1948. Opinions differ, but most academic sources today doubt its veracity.

Nelson, Paul. "Kensington Runestone." MNopedia, Minnesota Historical Society. (accessed December 7, 2023).

* 1899 - Minnesota's lumber industry reaches its peak. By 1930 only 1/3 of the state would remain forested, with very little of that virgin growth.

Elizabeth Bachman ''A History of Foresty in Minnesota'' MInnesota Department of Natural Resources. 1965. p. 9 (accessed 12/7/23)

1900s === Formation of Current Minnesota Counties ===

Wikipedia contributors, "List of counties in Minnesota," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed September 7, 2023).Upham Warren. 1969. Minnesota Geographic Names : Their Origin and Historic Significance Reprint ed. St. Paul Minnesota: Minnesota Historical Society.

{| border="1" align="center" class="wikitable sortable" style="font-style:; font-size:100%; border: 3px Solid Blue;" !County!!County Seat!!Established!!Created From!!Name Origin |- |[[:Category:Aitkin County, Minnesota|Aitkin County]]||[[:Category:Aitkin, Minnesota|Aitkin]]||1857||Pine County, Ramsey County||William Alexander Aitken (1785-1851), early fur trader with Ojibwa Indians |- |[[:Category:Anoka County, Minnesota|Anoka County]]||[[:Category:Anoka, Minnesota|Anoka]]||1857||Ramsey County||Dakota word meaning "both sides" |- |[[:Category:Becker County, Minnesota|Becker County]]||[[:Category:Detroit Lakes, Minnesota|Detroit Lakes]]||1858||Cass County, Pembina County||George Loomis Becker, former state senator and third mayor of Saint Paul (1856โ€“1857) |- |[[:Category:Beltrami County, Minnesota|Beltrami County]]||[[:Category:Bemidji, Minnesota|Bemidji]]||1866||Unorganized Territory, Itasca County, Pembina County, Polk County||[[Beltrami-4|Giacomo Beltrami]], Italian explorer who explored the northern reaches of Mississippi River in 1823. |- |[[:Category:Benton County, Minnesota|Benton County]]||[[:Category:Foley, Minnesota|Foley]]||1849||One of nine original counties; formed from residual St. Croix County, Wisconsin Territory.||[[Benton-133|Thomas Hart Benton]] (1782โ€“1858), former United States Senator from Missouri (1821-1851) |- |[[:Category:Big Stone County, Minnesota|Big Stone County]]||[[:Category:Ortonville, Minnesota|Ortonville]]||1862||Pierce County||Big Stone Lake, a lake located in the county |- |[[:Category:Blue Earth County, Minnesota|Blue Earth County]]||[[:Category:Mankato, Minnesota|Mankato]]||1853||Unorganized Territory, Dakota County||Blue Earth River, a river that flows through Minnesota |- |[[:Category:Brown County, Minnesota|Brown County]]||[[:Category:New Ulm, Minnesota|New Ulm]]||1855||Blue Earth County||Joseph Renshaw Brown (1805-1870), member of Minnesota territorial legislature (1854-55) and prominent pioneer |- |[[:Category:Carlton County, Minnesota|Carlton County]]||[[:Category:Carlton, Minnesota|Carlton]]||1857||Pine County,||Rueben B. Carlton (1812-1863), early settler and state senator (1857-1858) |- |[[:Category:Carver County, Minnesota|Carver County]]||[[:Category:Chaska, Minnesota|Chaska]]||1855||Hennepin County, Sibley County||Jonathan Carver (1710โ€“1790), early explorer and cartographer of the Mississippi river. |- |- |[[:Category:Cass County, Minnesota|Cass County]]||[[:Category:Walker, Minnesota|Walker]]||1851||Dakota County, Pembina County, Mankahto County, Wahnata County||[[Cass-595|Lewis Cass]] (1782โ€“1866), senator from Michigan (1845โ€“1857) and United States Secretary of State (1831โ€“1836) |- |[[:Category:Chippewa County, Minnesota|Chippewa County]]||[[:Category:Montevideo, Minnesota|Montevideo]]||1870||Pierce County, Davis County||Chippewa River, a river that flows through Minnesota |- |[[:Category:Chisago County, Minnesota|Chisago County]]||[[:Category:Center City, Minnesota|Center City]]||1851||Washington County, Ramsey County||Chisago Lake, a lake located in the county |- |[[:Category:Clay County, Minnesota|Clay County]]||[[:Category:Moorhead, Minnesota|Moorhead]]||1862||Pembina County||Henry Clay (1777-1852), Kentucky statesman and ninth secretary of state of the United States (1825โ€“1829) |- |[[:Category:Clearwater County, Minnesota|Clearwater County]]||[[:Category:Bagley, Minnesota|Bagley]]||1902||Beltrami County||Clearwater River and lake, both features located in the state |- |[[:Category:Cook County, Minnesota|Cook County]]||[[:Category:Grand Marais, Minnesota|Grand Marais]]||1874||Lake County||Named for Civil War veteran Major Michael Cook of Faribault, who was also a territorial and state senator 1857-62 |- |[[:Category:Cottonwood County, Minnesota|Cottonwood County]]||[[:Category:Windom, Minnesota|Windom]]||1857||Brown County||Cottonwood River |- |[[:Category:Crow Wing County, Minnesota|Crow Wing County]]||[[:Category:Brainerd, Minnesota|Brainerd]]||1857||Ramsey County||Crow Wing River |- |[[:Category:Dakota County, Minnesota|Dakota County]]||[[:Category:Hastings, Minnesota|Hastings]]||1849||One of nine original counties.||From the Dakota language, after a local tribe Dakota, meaning "Allies" |- |[[:Category:Dodge County, Minnesota|Dodge County]]||[[:Category:Mantorville, Minnesota|Mantorville]]||1855||Rice County, Unorganized Territory||Henry Dodge (1782โ€“1867), twice governor of Wisconsin.[9] |- |[[:Category:Douglas County, Minnesota|Douglas County]]||[[:Category:Alexandria, Minnesota|Alexandria]]||1858||Cass County, Pembina County||Stephen Arnold Douglas (1813-1861), former United States Senator from Illinois (1847-1861) |- |[[:Category:Faribault County, Minnesota|Faribault County]]||[[:Category:Blue Earth, Minnesota|Blue Earth]]||1855||Blue Earth County||Jean-Baptiste Faribault (1775-1860), early settler and fur trader |- |[[:Category:Fillmore County, Minnesota|Fillmore County]]||[[:Category:Preston, Minnesota|Preston]]||1853||Wabasha County||[[Fillmore-3|Millard Fillmore]] (1800-1874), thirteenth president of the United States (1850-1853) |- |[[:Category:Freeborn County, Minnesota|Freeborn County]]||[[:Category:Albert Lea, Minnesota|Albert Lea]]||1855||Blue Earth County, Rice County||William S. Freeborn (1816-1900), member of the Territorial Legislature |- |[[:Category:Goodhue County, Minnesota|Goodhue County]]||[[:Category:Red Wing, Minnesota|Red Wing]]||1853||Wabasha County, Dakota County||[[Goodhue-329|James Madison Goodhue]], the first newspaper editor in Minnesota. |- |[[:Category:Grant County, Minnesota|Grant County]]||[[:Category: Elbow Lake, Grant County, Minnesota|Elbow Lake]]||1868||Stevens County, Wilkin County, Traverse County||Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885), eighteenth president of the United States (1869-1877) |- |[[:Category:Hennepin County, Minnesota|Hennepin County]]||[[:Category:Minneapolis, Minnesota|Minneapolis]]||1852||Dakota County||[[Hennepin-1|Father Louis Hennepin]] (1626-1705), early explorer of the Twin Cities area in the 17th Century |- |[[:Category:Houston County, Minnesota|Houston County]]||[[:Category:Caledonia, Minnesota|Caledonia]]||1854||Fillmore County||Sam Houston (1793โ€“1863), the second and fourth president of the Republic of Texas and seventh governor of Texas |- |[[:Category:Hubbard County, Minnesota|Hubbard County]]||[[:Category:Park Rapids, Minnesota|Park Rapids]]||1883||Cass County||Lucius Frederick Hubbard (1836-1913), ninth governor of Minnesota (1882-1887) |- |[[:Category:Isanti County, Minnesota|Isanti County]]||[[:Category:Cambridge, Minnesota|Cambridge]]||1857||Ramsey County||Division of the Dakotas called the Izatys, meaning [those that] dwell at Knife Lake, after where they resided. |- |[[:Category:Itasca County, Minnesota|Itasca County]]||[[:Category:Grand Rapids, Minnesota|Grand Rapids]]||1849||One of nine original counties; formed from residual La Pointe County, Wisconsin Territory.||Lake Itasca, source of the Mississippi River (located in northwestern Minnesota). |- |[[:Category:Jackson County, Minnesota|Jackson County]]||[[:Category:Jackson, Minnesota|Jackson]]||1857||Brown County||Henry Jackson, member of the first territorial legislature and the first merchant in St. Paul |- |[[:Category:Kanabec County, Minnesota|Kanabec County]]||[[:Category:Mora, Minnesota|Mora]]||1858||Pine County||From the Ojibwa language Kan-a-bec-o-si-pi (Ginebigo-ziibi), meaning Snake River, which flows through the county |- |[[:Category:Kandiyohi County, Minnesota|Kandiyohi County]]||[[:Category:Willmar, Minnesota|Willmar]]||1858||Meeker County, Renville County, Pierce County, Davis County, Stearns County||From the Sioux language for "buffalo fish" |- |[[:Category:Kittson County, Minnesota|Kittson County]]||[[:Category:Hallock, Minnesota|Hallock]]||1879||Pembina County||Norman Kittson (1814-1888), businessman and mayor of Saint Paul (1858-1859) |- |[[:Category:Koochiching County, Minnesota|Koochiching County]]||[[:Category:International Falls, Minnesota|International Falls]]||1906||Itasca County||From the Ojibwa language Gojijiing (Place of inlets), which was the Cree name for Rainy Lake and Rainy River. |- |[[:Category:Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota|Lac qui Parle County]]||[[:Category:Madison, Minnesota|Madison]]||1871||Redwood County||French phrase meaning "lake which talks". |- |[[:Category:Lake County, Minnesota|Lake County]]||[[:Category:Two Harbors, Minnesota|Two Harbors]]||1856||Itasca County||Lake Superior, which forms one of its edges |- |[[:Category:Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota|Lake of the Woods County]]||[[:Category:Baudette, Minnesota|Baudette]]||1923||Beltrami County||Lake of the Woods, a lake located within the county. |- |[[:Category:Le Sueur County, Minnesota|Le Sueur County]]||[[:Category:Le Center, Minnesota|Le Center]]||1853||Dakota County||[[Lesueur-18|Pierre-Charles Le Sueur]] (1657-1704), fur trader and early explorer of the Minnesota River Valley |- |[[:Category:Lincoln County, Minnesota|Lincoln County]]||[[:Category:Ivanhoe, Minnesota|Ivanhoe]]||1873||Lyon County||Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), sixteenth president of the United States (1861-1865) |- |[[:Category:Lyon County, Minnesota|Lyon County]]||[[:Category:Marshall, Minnesota|Marshall]]||1871||Redwood County||Nathaniel Lyon (1818โ€“1861), United States Army general killed during the Civil War |- |[[:Category:McLeod County, Minnesota|McLeod County]]||[[:Category:Glencoe, Minnesota|Glencoe]]||1856||Carver County, Sibley County||Martin McLeod early pioneer and member of the territorial legislature (1849โ€“1856) |- |[[:Category:Mahnomen County, Minnesota|Mahnomen County]]||[[:Category:Mahnomen, Minnesota|Mahnomen]]||1906||Norman County||Ojibwa word meaning "wild rice". |- |[[:Category:Marshall County, Minnesota|Marshall County]]||[[:Category:Warren, Minnesota|Warren]]||1879||Kittson County||William Rainey Marshall (1825-1896), fifth governor of Minnesota (1866-1870) |- |[[:Category:Martin County, Minnesota|Martin County]]||[[:Category:Fairmont, Minnesota|Fairmont]]||1857||Faribault County, Brown County||Morgan Lewis Martin (1805-1887), delegate to Congress from Wisconsin Territory |- |[[:Category:Meeker County, Minnesota|Meeker County]]||[[:Category:Litchfield, Minnesota|Litchfield]]||1856||Davis County||Bradley B. Meeker (1813โ€“1873), Associate Justice of the Minnesota Territorial Supreme Court (1849โ€“1853) |- |[[:Category:Mille Lacs County, Minnesota|Mille Lacs County]]||[[:Category:Milaca, Minnesota|Milaca]]||1857||Ramsey County||Mille Lacs Lake, a lake located within the county. |- |[[:Category:Morrison County, Minnesota|Morrison County]]||[[:Category:Little Falls, Minnesota|Little Falls]]||1856||Benton County||William & Allan Morrison, fur trading brothers[11] |- |[[:Category:Mower County, Minnesota|Mower County]]||[[:Category:Austin, Minnesota|Austin]]||1855||Rice County||John Edward Mower (1815โ€“1879), member of the Minnesota territorial legislature in the 1850s |- |- |[[:Category:Murray County, Minnesota|Murray County]]||[[:Category:Slayton, Minnesota|Slayton]]||1857||Brown County||William Pitt Murray (1825โ€“1910), Minnesota statesman and member of the territorial legislature (1852โ€“1855) and 1857 |- |[[:Category:Nicollet County, Minnesota|Nicollet County]]||[[:Category: Saint Peter, Minnesota|St. Peter]]||1853||Dakota County||Joseph Nicolas Nicollet (1786โ€“1843), early explore and cartographer of the Upper Mississippi River |- |[[:Category:Nobles County, Minnesota|Nobles County]]||[[:Category:Worthington, Minnesota|Worthington]]||1857||Brown County||William H. Nobles, member of the Minnesota territorial legislature in 1854 and 1856 |- |[[:Category:Norman County, Minnesota|Norman County]]||[[:Category:Ada, Minnesota|Ada]]||1881||Polk County||Early Norwegian, also known as Norman, settlers. |- |[[:Category:Olmsted County, Minnesota|Olmsted County]]||[[:Category:Rochester, Minnesota|Rochester]]||1855||Fillmore County, Wabasha County, Rice County||David Olmsted, first mayor of Saint Paul and member of territorial legislature (1849-1850) |- |[[:Category:Otter Tail County, Minnesota|Otter Tail County]]||[[:Category:Fergus Falls, Minnesota|Fergus Falls]]||1858||Pembina County, Cass County||Otter Tail Lake, a lake located within the county |- |[[:Category:Pennington County, Minnesota|Pennington County]]||[[:Category:Thief River Falls, Minnesota|Thief River Falls]]||1910||Red Lake County||Edmund Pennington (b. 1848), executive of the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railroad |- |[[:Category:Pine County, Minnesota|Pine County]]||[[:Category:Pine City, Minnesota|Pine City]]||1856||Chisago County, Ramsey County||Giant forests of Eastern White Pine and Red Pine that flourish in the county |- |[[:Category:Pipestone County, Minnesota|Pipestone County]]||[[:Category:Pipestone, Minnesota|Pipestone]]||1857||Brown County||Name of a sacred Dakota quarry of red pipestone found in the county |- |[[:Category:Polk County, Minnesota|Polk County]]||[[:Category:Crookston, Minnesota|Crookston]]||1858||Pembina County||James K. Polk (1795-1849), eleventh president of the United States (1845-1849) |- |- |[[:Category:Pope County, Minnesota|Pope County]]||[[:Category:Glenwood, Minnesota|Glenwood]]||1862||Pierce County, Cass County, Unorganized Territory||John Pope (1822โ€“1892), United States Army general during the Dakota War of 1862 |- |[[:Category:Ramsey County, Minnesota|Ramsey County]]||[[:Category:Saint Paul, Minnesota|Saint Paul]]||1849||One of nine original counties; formed from residual St. Croix County, Wisconsin Territory.||[[Ramsey-2616|Alexander Ramsey]] (1815-1903), second governor of Minnesota (1860-1863) |- |[[:Category:Red Lake County, Minnesota|Red Lake County]]||[[:Category:Red Lake Falls, Minnesota|Red Lake Falls]]||1896||Polk County||Red Lake River, a river that flows through Minnesota. |- |[[:Category:Redwood County, Minnesota|Redwood County]]||[[:Category:Redwood Falls, Minnesota|Redwood Falls]]||1862||Brown County||Redwood River, a river that flows through Minnesota. |- |[[:Category:Renville County, Minnesota|Renville County]]||[[:Category:Olivia, Minnesota|Olivia]]||1855||Nicollet County, Pierce County, Sibley County||Joseph Renville (1779-1846), interpreter for early explorations of the Louisiana Purchase |- |[[:Category:Rice County, Minnesota|Rice County]]||[[:Category:Faribault, Minnesota|Faribault]]||1853||Dakota County, Wabasha County||Henry Mower Rice (1816-1894), former United States Senator from Minnesota (1858-1863) |- |[[:Category:Rock County, Minnesota|Rock County]]||[[:Category:Luverne, Minnesota|Luverne]]||1857||Brown County||Large rocky plateau located within the county, known as "the mound." |- |[[:Category:Roseau County, Minnesota|Roseau County]]||[[:Category:Roseau, Minnesota|Roseau]]||1894||Kittson County, Beltrami County||Roseau River and Roseau Lake, both of which are located nearby |- |[[:Category:St. Louis County, Minnesota|Saint Louis County]]||[[:Category:Duluth, Minnesota|Duluth]]||1855||Itasca County, Newton||Saint Louis River, a river that flows through Minnesota |- |[[:Category:Scott County, Minnesota|Scott County]]||[[:Category:Shakopee, Minnesota|Shakopee]]||1853||Dakota County||Winfield Scott (1786โ€“1866), United States Army general who served from (1808โ€“1861) |- |[[:Category:Sherburne County, Minnesota|Sherburne County]]||[[:Category:Elk River, Minnesota|Elk River]]||1856||Benton County||Moses Sherburne (1813โ€“1873), Associate Justice of the Minnesota Territorial Supreme Court (1853-1857) |- |[[:Category:Sibley County, Minnesota|Sibley County]]||[[:Category:Gaylord, Minnesota|Gaylord]]||1853||Dakota County||Henry Hastings Sibley (1811-1891), first governor of Minnesota (1858-1860) |- |[[:Category:Stearns County, Minnesota|Stearns County]]||[[:Category:St. Cloud, Minnesota|St. Cloud]]||1855||Cass County, Nicollet County, Pierce County, Sibley County||Charles Thomas Stearns (1814-1888), early settler of St. Cloud and member of the Minnesota territorial legislature (1849-1858) |- |[[:Category:Steele County, Minnesota|Steele County]]||[[:Category:Owatonna, Minnesota|Owatonna]]||1855||Rice County, Blue Earth County, Le Sueur County||Franklin Steele (1813-1880), early settler of Minneapolis and developer of Saint Anthony Falls |- |[[:Category:Stevens County, Minnesota|Stevens County]]||[[:Category:Morris, Minnesota|Morris]]||1862||Pierce County, Unorganized Territory||Isaac Ingalls Stevens (1818-1862), first governor of Washington Territory (1853-1857) |- |[[:Category:Swift County, Minnesota|Swift County]]||[[:Category:Benson, Minnesota|Benson]]||1870||Chippewa County||Henry Adoniram Swift (1823-1869), third governor of Minnesota (1863-1864) |- |[[:Category:Todd County, Minnesota|Todd County]]||[[:Category:Long Prairie, Minnesota|Long Prairie]]||1855||Cass County||John Blair Smith Todd, commander of Fort Ripley (1849-56); general in the Civil War; delegate in Congress from Dakota Territory (1861 and 1863-65); governor of Dakota Territory (1869-71) |- |[[:Category:Traverse County, Minnesota|Traverse County]]||[[:Category:Wheaton, Minnesota|Wheaton]]||1862||Pierce County, Unorganized Territory||Lake Traverse, a lake located in the county. |- |[[:Category:Wabasha County, Minnesota|Wabasha County]]||[[:Category:Wabasha, Minnesota|Wabasha]]||1849||One of nine original counties.||Named after M'dewakanton Dakota Indian Chief Wabasha III |- |[[:Category:Wadena County, Minnesota|Wadena County]]||[[:Category:Wadena, Minnesota|Wadena]]||1858||Cass County, Todd County||Wadena Trading Post, in turn for a Ojibway word meaning "a little round hill". |- |- |[[:Category:Waseca County, Minnesota|Waseca County]]||[[:Category:Waseca, Minnesota|Waseca]]||1857||Steele County||Dakota word meaning "rich and fertile" |- |[[:Category:Washington County, Minnesota|Washington County]]||[[:Category:Stillwater, Minnesota|Stillwater]]||1849||One of nine original counties; formed from residual St. Croix County, Wisconsin Territory.||[[Washington-11|George Washington]] (1732-1799), first president of the United States (1789-1797) |- |[[:Category:Watonwan County, Minnesota|Watonwan County]]||[[:Category:St. James, Minnesota|St. James]]||1860||Brown County||Watonwan River, a river that flows through Minnesota. |- |[[:Category:Wilkin County, Minnesota|Wilkin County]]||[[:Category:Breckenridge, Minnesota|Breckenridge]]||1858||Cass County, Pembina County||Alexander Wilkin (1820-1864), Minnesota politician and soldier killed in the Civil War |- |[[:Category:Winona County, Minnesota|Winona County]]||[[:Category:Winona, Minnesota|Winona]]||1854||Fillmore County, Wabasha County||Named after Wee-No-Nah, Sister or Cousin of Chief Wabasha III |- |[[:Category:Wright County, Minnesota|Wright County]]||[[:Category:Buffalo, Minnesota|Buffalo]]||1855||Cass County, Sibley County||Silas Wright (1795-1847), former United States Senator from New York (1833-1844) |- |[[:Category:Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota|Yellow Medicine County]]||[[:Category:Granite Falls, Minnesota|Granite Falls]]||1871||Redwood County||Yellow Medicine River, a river that flows through Minnesota. |} == Sources ==

* Greiner Tony. 2001. The Minnesota Book of Days : An Almanac of State History. St. Paul MN: Minnesota Historical Society Press.

Project Space pages 20241009 (114) Monarchs of the Kingdom of Hawaii

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[[Category: Monarchs of the Kingdom of Hawaii]] == Rulers of the Kingdom of Hawaii == {| border="1" class="wikitable sortable" |'''Rule Began'''||'''Rule Ended'''||'''Name of Monarch''' |- |July 1782||8 May 1819||[[Kamehameha-2|King Kamehameha I/Kamehameha the Great (Kalani Paiสปea Wohi o Kaleikini Kealiสปikui Kamehameha o สปIolani i Kaiwikapu kauสปi Ka Liholiho Kลซnuiฤkea)]]

|- |20 May 1819||14 Jul 1824||[[UNKNOWN-91637|King Kamehameha II (Liholiho)]]

|- |6 Jun 1825||15 Dec 1854||[[UNKNOWN-91664|King Kamehameha III (Keaweaweสปula Kฤซwalaสปล Kauikeaouli Kaleiopapa)]]

|- |11 Jan 1855||30 Nov 1863||[[Keawenui-8|King Kamehameha IV (Alexander สปIolani Liholiho)]]

|- |30 Nov 1863||11 Dec 1872||[[King_Kamehameha-1|King Kamehameha V (Lot Kapuฤiwa)]]

|- |8 Jan 1873||3 Feb 1874||[[Kanaina-2|King Lunalilo - (William Charles Lunalilo)]]

|- |13 Feb 1874||20 Jan 1891||[[Kalฤkaua-1|King Kalฤkaua (David Laสปamea Kamananakapu Mahinulani Naloiaehuokalani Lumialani Kalฤkaua)]]

|- |29 Jan 1891||17 Jan 1893||[[Kapaakea-3|Queen Liliสปuokalani - (Liliสปu Loloku Walania Kamakaสปeha)]]

|} Sources: *

Project Space pages 20241009 (115) Montana State Project Images

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Project Space pages 20241009 (117) Multnomah County, Oregon

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[[Space:Clark County, Washington|Clark County,
[[Wikipedia:Columbia River|Columbia River]]
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[[Space:Hood River County, Oregon|Hood River]]

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[[Space:Clackamas County, Oregon|Clackamas]]

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== Multnomah County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q450374|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Multnomah County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Multnomah County, Oregon|Multnomah County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Multnomah County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Portland *[[:Category: Multnomah County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Multnomah County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Multnomah|Multnomah County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (118) Native American Tribes of Minnesota

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[[Category:Native American Tribes of Minnesota]] {{Profile-box|For tribe categories, see [[:Category:Native American Tribes of Minnesota|Native American Tribes of Minnesota Category]]}} == Eleven Tribal Nations in Minnesota == In 2021, Minnesota Governor Walz signed a bill codifying government-to-government relations and Tribal consultation into law. The bill recognizes the unique legal relationship of the 11 Tribal nations; affirms Tribal sovereignty; and requires state agencies to appoint Tribal liaisons and attend Tribal-state relations training for state leaders and employees [verbatim from press release]. The Governor has now visited all 11 Tribal nations in Minnesota (11/30/2023).

Office of Governor Tim Walz & Lt. Governor Peggy Falangan ''Governor Walz Becomes First Governor in State History to Visit All 11 Tribal Nations in Minnesota''

: *Miskwaagamiiwi-Zaagaiganing (Red Lake Nation) *Nah-gah-chi-wa-nong (Fond Du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa) *Tinta Wita (Prairie Island Indian Community) *Zagaakwaandagowininiwag (Bois Forte Band of Chippewa) *Pezihutazizi Oyate (Upper Sioux Community) *Misiโ€“zaagaโ€™iganiing (Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe) *Gichiโ€“Onigaming (Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa) *Gaaโ€“waabaabiganikaag (White Earth Nation) *Cansaโ€™yapi (Lower Sioux Indian Community) *Gaaโ€“zagaskwaajimekaag (Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe) *Mdewakanton (Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community) ==WikiTree References == *'''Dakota''' [ Dakota (Includes Dakota, Nakota, and Lakota] aka The Great Sioux Nation *'''Ojibwe (Anishinaabe)''' [ Ojibwe (Annishinaabe, Chippewa)] == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (119) New Castle County Delaware

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[[Category:New Castle County, Delaware]] == New Castle County == New Castle is one the three counties of the U.S. state of Delaware. == Resources == * [ African-American births registered at Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) church, Wilmington DE] from 1723-1796.

Project Space pages 20241009 (120) New Jersey History Timeline

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== Important Events in New Jerseyโ€™s Proprietary History == The following timeline is adapted primarily from John E. Pomfret, The New Jersey Proprietors and Their Lands, 1664-1776 (Princeton, 1964) and John P. Snyder, The Story of New Jerseyโ€™s Civil Boundaries, 1606-1968 (Trenton, 1969). NOTE: The years as given are based on the modern calendar. *'''29 May 1660:''' King Charles II restored to the throne in England; resolves to bring the New Netherland colony into the dominion of the British crown. *'''12 March 1664:''' King Charles issues patent bestowing upon his brother James, Duke of York, the land extending from the St. Lawrence River to the Delaware. Included are Maine, Marthaโ€™s Vineyard, Nantucket, Long Island, and the mainland between the Connecticut and Delaware rivers (containing New York and New Jersey). *'''23-24 June 1664:''' Duke James grants lands between the Hudson and Delaware rivers to friends John, Lord Berkeley, and Sir George Carteret (both also proprietors of the Carolinas). Nova Caesaria (New Jersey) is mentioned for the first time in honor of Carteretโ€™s defense of the Isle of Jersey in the English Channel. *'''18 August 1664:''' Four British frigates arrive at New Amsterdam; the Dutch surrender. Col. Richard Nicolls is established as governor of the Dukeโ€™s territories. New Amsterdam is renamed New York; New Jersey is called Albania by the local English. *'''late 1664:''' Gov. Nicolls issues conditions upon which plantations would be created. *'''1 December 1664:''' Gov. Nicolls grants patent for settlement on Achter Koll (Newark Bay), subsequently called Elizabeth-Town, which had been purchased from the Indians on 28 October by John Ogden, Luke Watson and others. *'''10 February 1665:''' Berkeley and Carteret publish Concessions and Agreements based on Carolinaโ€™s concessions. *'''8 April 1665:''' Gov. Nicolls grants patent for Navesink/Monmouth tract (Middletown and Shrewsbury settlements). *'''August 1665:''' Capt. Philip Carteret, cousin of Sir George, arrives as governor of the new colony. Elizabeth-Town is named in honor of Lady Elizabeth Carteret, wife of Sir George. *'''November 1665:''' Settlers at Bergen take oath of allegiance to the king and the proprietors. *'''February 1666:''' Lot owners in Elizabeth-Town take oath of allegiance. *'''May 1666:''' Southern half of Elizabeth-Town patent sold to settlers from Massachusetts; becomes Woodbridge. Portion of Woodbridge patent sold to settlers from New Hampshire; becomes Piscataway. The two townships are set aside by Gov. Carteret on 21 May. *'''11 July 1667:''' Newark tract purchased by Robert Treat and others. Settlers had landed 17 May 1666. *'''February 1668:''' Woodbridge settlers take oath of allegiance. Township chartered 1 June 1669. *'''22 September 1668:''' Bergen Township chartered by Gov. Carteret. *'''1 August 1673:''' Dutch recapture former New Netherland area; begin to set up government at Achter Koll (New Jersey). *'''9 February 1674:''' Westminster Treaty returns Dutch-held New York and New Jersey to the English. *'''18 March 1674:''' John, Lord Berkeley, sells his joint but as yet undivided interest in New Jersey to John Fenwick in trust for Edward Byllynge. *'''June 1674:''' King Charles II makes confirming grant of New Jersey to brother James, Duke of York, reserving the right of customs and duties. *'''1 July 1674:''' Edmund Andros is commissioned governor of New York by Duke James. *'''28-29 July 1674:''' Duke of York issues patent to Sir George Carteret for East Jersey, being the territory lying north of a line connecting Barnegat Bay on the Atlantic Ocean with Pennsauken Creek on the Delaware River. *'''9 February 1675:''' Tripartite (three-party) deed signed, in which William Penn, Gawen Lawrie and Nicholas Lucas become trustees of Edward Byllyngeโ€™s interest in western New Jersey except for one tenth granted to John Fenwick. *'''November 1675:''' John Fenwick founds settlement at Salem in his tenth of western Jersey. *'''13 November 1675:''' Four counties are designated (without names) in East Jersey based on settlements at Bergen; Elizabeth-Town and Newark; Woodbridge and Piscataway; and Middletown and Shrewsbury. *'''1 July 1676:''' Quintite or quintipartite (five-party) deed is signed between Carteret and the trustees of western New Jersey establishing boundary line projected from Little Egg Harbor to a point 41ยบ 40' latitude on the upper Delaware. *'''3 March 1677:''' West Jerseyโ€™s Concessions and Agreements, drafted in 1676 by Edward Byllynge and signed by the proprietors and inhabitants; sets forth a framework of government and fundamental laws of the colony. *'''August 1677:''' The ship Kent arrives at Burlington in West Jersey; settlement of โ€œLondonโ€ and โ€œYorkshireโ€ tenths follows. *'''September-October 1677:''' Large tracts of lands in West Jersey are purchased from the Indians. *'''January 1680:''' Sir George Carteret dies; Gov. Andros soon after asserts authority over New Jersey and challenges Gov. Philip Carteretโ€™s authority. *'''6 August 1680:''' Deed of confirmation is issued by the Duke of York conveying West Jersey to Edward Byllynge and other proprietors. *'''November 1680:''' Duke James informs Gov. Andros that he has relieved East and West Jersey of his rights to government and public duties. *'''1681:''' Courts are established for West Jersey in Burlington and Salem. *'''November 1681:''' โ€œIrish Tenthโ€ (present-day Camden area) settlers arrive in West Jersey; remain in Fenwickโ€™s colony for the first winter. *'''1-2 February 1682:''' East Jersey is sold by the trustees of Sir George Carteret to twelve men, all Quakers except one, led by William Penn. *'''August-September 1682:''' The twelve East Jersey purchasers each take on a partner in the venture, resulting in the Twenty-Four Proprietors. *'''September 1682:''' Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay is elected by the proprietors as governor of East Jersey. *'''7 March 1683:''' East Jerseyโ€™s countiesโ€”Bergen, Essex, Middlesex and Monmouthโ€”are formalized, each with its own court. *'''14 March 1683:''' New patent for East Jersey is issued by the Duke of York to the Twenty-Four Proprietors. *'''1684 to 1687:''' The right of free ports in New Jersey (namely Perth Amboy) is challenged in New York and England. *'''1685:''' Court jurisdiction is established in Cape May in West Jersey. *'''April 1685:''' Fourteen local men are established as the Council (later Board) of Proprietors of East New Jersey; are given broad powers of government, collection of quit-rents, and determining the boundary line with West Jersey. *'''1686:''' Perth Amboy becomes capital of East Jersey. *'''late 1680s to 1695:''' Challenges and lawsuits occur in East Jersey over quit-rents and land titles in the areas patented by Gov. Nicolls. *'''26 May 1686:''' Gloucester courts are established separate from Burlington, in West Jersey. *'''8 January 1687:''' William Emley and John Reid, commissioners from West and East Jersey respectively, determine boundary between the two provinces. *'''16 January 1687:''' Edward Byllynge dies; Dr. Daniel Coxe purchases his interests in West Jersey. *'''April-May 1687:''' Surveyor George Keith, for East Jersey, lays out partial east-west boundary; line is not continued above the south branch of the Raritan after the division is deemed inequitable. *'''June 1687:''' East Jersey Proprietors assure royal council that they are willing to have customs collected and also are willing to surrender governance rights provided land rights are retained. With English proprietors of West Jersey, they petition that East and West Jersey be united rather than annexing East Jersey to New York. *'''September 1687:''' Daniel Coxe informs West Jersey Proprietors that he will assume governorship. *'''April 1688:''' East and West Jersey proprietors sign first of several surrenders of governance rights; โ€œGlorious Revolution of 1688โ€ in England and other events delay surrender for another fourteen years. *'''mid-1688 to April 1689:''' New Jersey and New York are temporarily annexed to the Dominion of New England under Gov. Edmund Andros, seated in Boston. *'''14 May 1688:''' Somerset County is set off from Middlesex County in East Jersey *'''5 September 1688:''' The boundary from the end of the Keith line to the Hudson River is agreed to by West Jersey Governor Daniel Coxe and East Jersey Governor Robert Barclay. *'''6 September 1688:''' West Jersey Council of Proprietors is formed to administer land distribution. *'''1689:''' England enters war with France; New York presses for annexation of New Jersey for reasons of defense. *'''1690s:''' East Jersey Assembly presses for taxation of proprietorsโ€™ unimproved lands; East Jersey Proprietors press for collection of quit-rents or taxation to support government. *'''March 1692:''' Dr. Daniel Coxe, West Jerseyโ€™s largest shareholder, sells governance and certain land rights to the West Jersey Society (a land speculation company) for ยฃ9,800. By 1699, 230,000 acres of land are surveyed out of 577,000 acres estimated to belong to the Coxe right. *'''31 October 1693:''' East Jerseyโ€™s counties are formally divided into townships for administration of local government; all of Somerset County is treated as a single township. *'''17 May 1694:''' West Jerseyโ€™s county boundaries are formalized, although the courts were well established. Boundaries are not extended far into the interior. *'''1696 to 1699:''' Ongoing crises arise in East Jersey between the assembly and the proprietors during Jeremiah Basseโ€™s governorship. *'''1697:''' Sixty-five inhabitants of Elizabeth-Town petition the crown to abolish the proprietary government and unite East Jersey with New York. *'''1699:''' โ€œRevolutionโ€ occurs in East Jersey, with violence and civil disturbance in Elizabeth-Town, Newark, Piscataway and Middletown. Returning governor Andrew Hamilton calls on militia, but repelled. *'''December 1699:''' Clinker Lot Division occurs in Elizabeth-Town, where 17,000 acres of undivided townlands are apportioned in disregard of the Proprietorsโ€™ survey. *'''15 April 1702:''' East and West Jersey Proprietors surrender governance rights to Queen Anne. New Jersey becomes a single royal colony, although the provincial capitals of Perth Amboy and Burlington continue as dual seats of government for the colonyโ€™s eastern and western divisions, respectively. Proprietors retain land rights. Deeds, surveys and other records will continue to refer to the provinces of East and West Jersey into the revolutionary period and later. *'''27 March 1719:''' Colonial legislature passes an act for appointment of commissioners to determine the true north point of the Duke of Yorkโ€™s grant of 1664. *'''25 July 1719:''' Tripartite (three-party) deed executed between representatives of New York, East New Jersey and West New Jersey agreeing to northern boundary of New Jersey and the northern terminal of an unsurveyed partition line between East and West Jersey. *'''1738 to 1776:''' Disputes prevail relative to quit-rent rights of the East Jersey Proprietors and land titles in areas for which patents were granted by Gov. Nicolls. *'''September-October 1743:''' John Lawrence, for the East Jersey Proprietors, surveys the partition line between East and West Jersey to the northern terminal. Many grants between the original partition and the Lawrence Line had been granted in the preceding decades, confusing the land titles in this triangular area in the center of the colony. *'''13 April 1745:''' Bill in Chancery filed by East Jersey Proprietors challenging the settlers of the โ€œClinker Lotsโ€ in Elizabeth-Town. Defendantsโ€™ answer to bill is completed in August 1751. Longstanding dispute stemming from patents granted by Gov. Nicolls eighty years before are never resolved judicially. *'''1769:''' Commissioners appointed by the king establish New York-New Jersey boundary line. Two hundred thousand acres within New York boundary had been considered part of New Jersey; however, East Jersey Proprietors agree to the line. The survey is completed in 1774. West Jersey Proprietors unsuccessfully attempt to have legislature recognize the new northern point as the northern end of the East-West Jersey partition. *'''25 November 1790:''' Trenton becomes the capital of all New Jersey. === Source === [ Using the Records of the East and West Jersey Proprietors], by Joseph R. Klett, NEW JERSEY STATE ARCHIVES, 2008. == Catagories == # [[Category:New_Jersey]][[:Category:New_Jersey|New Jersey]] # [[Category:New_Jersey_Founders]][[:Category:New_Jersey_Founders|New Jersey Founders]] # [[Category:Monmouth_County%2C_New_Jersey]][[:Category:Monmouth_County%2C_New_Jersey|Monmouth County, New Jersey]] ----

Project Space pages 20241009 (121) New York Genealogical Resources

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[[Category:New York Genealogy Resources]] [[Category:New York, Sources]] == List of New York Genealogical Resources == The following are some external links to genealogical resources that New York researchers have found useful and are mostly free, except when noted. For additional resources available within WikiTree, see the [[:Category:New York Genealogy Resources]]. * [[Wikipedia: New York (state)]] * [ New York State website] * [ State Archives Genealogy Resources] * [ Fulton Postcards]. Search Over 23,580,000 Old New York State Historical Newspaper Pages. To read how one man does this go to the home page and watch the opening video. * [ Long Island Genealogy] and [ searchable database of surnames] * [ New York Public Library Digital Collections - City Directories] from 1849 * [ New York State Historic Newspapers Project] * [ New York Online Genealogy Records] in * [ New York Genealogical and Biographical Society] * [ New York Genealogy Web] * [ New York] by American Ancestors, New England Historic Genealogical Society * [ New York] * [ New York, Jewish Genealogical Society] * [ Jewish Genealogical Society of New York] * [ Western New York Genealogical Society] * [ Central New York Genealogical Society] * [ Brooklyn Historical Society] * Book, ''Genealogical Resources in New York'', Hardcover โ€“ 2003, by Estelle M. Guzik * [ Ellis Island Foundation] * [ New York Genealogy Guide],, free to download * [ Maps of New York] * [ Three Rivers Website] (Three Rivers . . . Hudson, Mohawk, Schoharie) * [ New York In The Revolution as Colony and State, Vol 1] & [ Vol II] by James A. Roberts, Comptroller, Compiled by Frederic G. Matherm Second Edition 1898, Two Volumes. Excellent Revolutionary War archive has unit rosters and unit records. * [ Herkimer County] and other counties * New York State Library, [ Formation of New York Counties] * [ New York Genealogical and Biographical Society] * [,_United_States_Genealogy New York Genealogy] on * [ Cyndi's List for New York] * [ New York Genealogy Trails] * [ Random Acts of Genealogy Kindness, New York] * [ New York State Health Department]: Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records. Website provides information on how to obtain vital records. * [ Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York, Vol. XV] edited by Berthold Fernow, published 1887. Excellent Revolutionary War archive; has an alphabetical list of all known New York veterans (at the time of publishing). * [[Space:Study_Center_for_Early_Religious_Life_in_Western_New_York|Study Center for Early Religious Life in Western New York]] A listing of sources documenting religious life in the first half of the nineteenth century in central and western New York State, available in the Rare Manuscript Collection at Cornell University

Project Space pages 20241009 (122) New York in the American Revolution

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[[Category:Province of New York Military History]] [[Category:Province of New York]][[Category:New York History]][[Category:New York, American Revolution]][[Category:New York]] The following is a list of New York Units in the American Revolutionary War: {| border="1" align="center" class="wikitable sortable" style="font-style:; font-size:100%; border: 3px Solid Blue;" |- !Branch !Unit Category !Commander !Roster (active) |- |Continental Line |[[:Category:1st New York Regiment, Continental Army, American Revolution]] |[[Van_Schaick-169|Van Schaick, Goose, Col]] |[ Roster] 1775-1783 |- |Continental Line |[[:Category:2nd New York Regiment, Continental Army, American Revolution]] |[[Van_Cortlandt-56|Van Cortland, Philip Col]] |[ Roster] 1775-1783 |- |Continental Line |[[:Category:3rd New York Regiment, Continental Army, American Revolution]] |[[Clinton-146|Clinton, James Col]]; Gansevort, Peter, Col |[ Roster] 1775-1780 |- |Continental Line |[[:Category:4th New York Regiment, Continental Army, American Revolution]] |Holmes, James Col; Livingston, Henry B. Col |[ Roster] |- |Continental Line |[[:Category:5th New York Regiment, Continental Army, American Revolution]] |DuBois/Duboys, Lewis Col; Willett, Marinus Col |[ Roster] 1777-1781 |- |Continental Line |[[:Category:Additional New York Regiment, Continental Army, American Revolution]] (Battalion) |Livingston, James Col |[ Roster] |- |Continental Line |[[:Category: Green Mountain Boys]] |Allen, Ethan Col; (Major Brown's Detachment) |[ Roster] |- |Contenental Line |Additional Corps, More Smaller units |Hazen, Moses Col |[ Roster] |- |New York Levies |[[:Category:New York Levies, New York Militia, American Revolution]] | |[ Roster] |- |New York Levies |[[:Category:The Levies (Harper), New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Harper, John Col |[ Roster] |- |New York Levies |[[:Category:The Levies (Weissenfels), New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Weissenfels, Frederick Col |[ Roster] |- |New York Levies |[[:Category: 1st Regiment of Levies, New York Militia, American Revolution]] (Malcolm) |Malcolm, William Col |[ Roster] 1780โ€“81 |- |New York Levies |[[:Category:The Levies (Dubois), New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Dubois, Lewis Col |[ Roster] 1780 |- |New York Levies |[[:Category:The Levies (Graham), New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Graham, Morris Col |[ Roster] |- |New York Levies |[[:Category:The Levies (Pawling), New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Pawling, Albert Col |[ Roster] |- |New York Levies |5th Regiment [[:Category: Willett's Regiment of Levies, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Willett, Marinus Col


|[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category: Albany County, New York Militia, American Revolution]] | - | - |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category: 1st Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Cuyler, Abraham Col; Lansing, Jacob, Jr. Col; Price, John Maj |[ Roster] 1881-1883 |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category: 2nd Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Wemple, Abraham Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category: 3rd Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Schuyler, Philip P. Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category: 4th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Van Rensselaer, Killan Col |[ Roster]| |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category:5th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Van Den Bergh, Gerrit G. Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category:6th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Schuyler, Stephen John Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category:7th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Van Alstine, Abraham J. Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category: 8th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Van Rensselaer, Robert Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Milita |[[:Category:9th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Van Ness, Peter Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category: 10th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Graham, Morris Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category:11th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Van Bergen, Anthony Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category:12th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Van Schoonhoven, Jacobus Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category:13th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |McCrea, John Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Milita |[[:Category: 14th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Knickerbacker, John Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category:15th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Vroman, Peter Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category: 16th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Blair, John Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category: 17th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Whiting, William B. Col |[ Roster] |- |Albany County Militia |[[:Category:Independent Company, Albany County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Van Gaasbeck, Petrus Capt |[ Roster] |- |Charlotte County Militia |[[:Category:Charlotte County New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Williams, John Col (Doctor) |[ Roster] |- |Cumberland |[[:Category:Cumberland County New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Williams, William Col |[ Roster] |- |Dutchess County Militia |[[:Category:Dutchess County New York Militia, American Revolution]] | | - |- |Dutchess County Militia |[[:Category:2nd Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Brinkerhoff, Abraham Col |[ Roster] 1777 |- |- |Dutchess County Militia |[[:Category: 3rd Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Field, John Col |[ Roster] 1777-1780 |- |Dutchess County Militia |[[:Category:4th Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Frear, John Col |[ Roster] |- |Dutchess County Militia |[[:Category:5th Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] [[:Category: Humphrey's Regiment of Militia, 1776-77, New York Militia, American Revolution]] (duplicate) |Humfrey, William Col |[ Roster] |- |Dutchess County Militia |[[:Category:6th Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Graham, Morris Col |[ Roster] |- |Dutchess County Militia |[[:Category:7th Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Ludenton, Henry Col |[ Roster] |- |Dutchess County Militia |Dutchess County Militia (Associated Exempts) |Platt, Zephaniah Col |[ Roster] |- |Dutchess County Militia |[[:Category:Cooper's Rangers, Dutchess County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Cooper, Ezekiel Capt |[ Roster] |- |Dutchess County Militia |[[:Category: Colonel Swartwout's Regiment of Minutemen, Dutchess County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Swartwout, Jacobus Col |[ Roster] |- |Orange County Militia |[[:Category:Orange County New York Militia, American Revolution]] | - | - |- |Orange County Militia |[[:Category:1st Regiment, Orange County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Woodhull, Jesse Col |[ Roster] 1776 |- |Orange County Militia |[[:Category:2nd Regiment, Orange County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Hay, Ann Hawk Col |[ Roster] 1778โ€“80 |- |Orange County Militia |[[:Category:3rd Regiment, Orange County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Allison, William Col |[ Roster] 1775โ€“78 |- |Orange County Militia |4th Regiment, Orange County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution |Hathorn, John Col |[ Roster] 1777โ€“81 |- |Orange County Militia |[[:Category:Associated Exempts, Orange County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Wood, John Capt |[ Roster] |- |Ulster County Militia |[[:Category:Ulster County New York Militia, American Revolution]] | - | - |- |Ulster County Militia |[[:Category:1st Regiment, Ulster County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Snyder, Johannes Col |[ Roster] |- |Ulster County Militia |[[:Category:2nd Regiment, Ulster County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |McClaghry, James Col |[ Roster] |- |Ulster County Militia |[[:Category:3rd Regiment, Ulster County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Pawling, Levi Col |[ Roster] |- |Ulster County Militia |[[:Category: 4th Regiment, Ulster County, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Hardenburgh, Johannes Col |[ Roster] 1776 |- |Ulster County Militia |[[:Category:Independent Company, Ulster County New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Clark, Samuel Capt |[ Roster] |- |Ulster County Militia |[[:Category:Light Horse, Ulster County New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Salisbury Capt |[ Roster] |- |Ulster County Militia |[[:Category:Rangers, Ulster County New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Belkhap, Isaac Capt |[ Roster] |- |Suffolk County Militia |[[:Category: Suffolk County, New York Militia, American Revolution]] | - | - |- |Suffolk County Militia |[[:Category:1st Regiment, Suffolk County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Smith, Josiah Col |[ Roster] |- |Suffolk County Militia |[[:Category:3rd Regiment, Suffolk County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Terry, Thomas Col |[ Roster] |- |Suffolk County Militia |[[:Category:Minutemen Regiment, Suffolk County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Mulford, David Col |[ Roster] |- |Westchester County Militia |[[:Category:Westchester County New York Militia, American Revolution]] | - | - |- |Westchester County Militia |[[:Category:1st Regiment, Westchester County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Drake, Joseph Col |[ Roster] |- |Westchester County Militia |[[:Category:2nd Regiment, Westchester County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Thomas, Thomas Col |[ Roster] |- |Westchester County Militia |[[:Category:3rd Regiment, Westchester County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Van Cortlandt, Pierre Col |[ Roster] |- |Westchester County Militia |[[:Category:4th Regiment, Westchester County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Crane, Thaddeus Col |[ Roster] 1779-1781 |- |Westchester County Militia |[[:Category:Associated Exempts, Westchester County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Benedict, Joseph Col |[ Roster] 1780-81 |- |Westchester County Militia |[[:Category:Separate Exempts, Westchester County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Horton, Jonathan Capt |[ Roster] |- |Tryon County Militia |[[:Category:Tryon County New York Militia, American Revolution]] | - | - |- |Tryon County Militia |[[:Category:1st Regiment, Tryon County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |[[Campbell-9792|Campbell, Samuel Col]] |[ Roster] |- |Tryon County Militia |[[:Category:2nd Regiment, Tryon County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |[[Klock-146|Klock, Jacob Col]] |[ Roster] |- |Tryon County Militia |[[:Category:3rd Regiment, Tryon County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] and [[:Category:Fisher's Regiment, New York Militia, American Revolution]] (duplicate, should be deleted) |Fisher, Frederick Col |[ Roster] 1775-1781 |- |Tryon County Militia |[[:Category:4th Regiment, Tryon County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |[[Bellinger-59|Bellinger, Peter Col]] |[ Roster] |- |Tryon County Militia |[[:Category:5th Regiment, Tryon County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Harper, John Col |[ Roster] 1779 |- |Tryon County Militia |[[:Category:Minutemen Battalion, Tryon County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |[[Campbell-9792|Campbell, Samuel Col]] |[ Roster] 1776โ€“82 |- |Tryon County Militia |[[:Category:Associated Exempts, Tryon County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Fonda, Jellis Capt |[ Roster] |- |Tryon County Militia |[[:Category:Rangers, Tryon County Militia, New York Militia, American Revolution]] |Winn, John Capt |[ Roster] |- |New York Militia | * Colonel John Lasher's Regiment * Colonel John Nicholson's Regiment * Colonel Cornelius D. Wynkoop's Regiment * Maj John Wheellock's Regiment * Fondey's Party * Bradt's Rangers * Reilay's Rangers | |[ Roster] |} == Officers == * Captain, Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel and Acting Brigadier General Marinus Willett was a gallant officer. He held many commands and his promotions were rapid. In 1775-6 he was a Captain in Colonel Alexander McDougal's Regiment, 1st N. Y. Line. On April 27, 1776, the Provincial Congress recommended him to the Continental Congress for Major of the same Regiment. In November of the same year he was recommended for Lieutenant- Colonel of the 3d Line, and in July, 1780, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant of the 5th Regiment of the Line. In 1781, as Lieutenant-Colonel, he commanded a Regiment of Levies, and in 1782 was made full Colonel of still another Regiment of Levies, After the death of General Nicholas Herkimer, Colonel Willett commanded the Tryon Co. Militia as Acting Brigadier General, and in the battles of Johnstown and Caughnawaga defeated the enemy most signally. == Sources ==

* Three Rivers, History From America's Most Famous Valleys, New York In The Revolution as Colony and State, by James A. Roberts, Comptroller, Compiled by Frederic G. Mather, Second Edition 1898; Two Volumes [ Link] * [[Wikipedia:List of United States militia units in the American Revolutionary War]] * [ Revolutionary War] New York * [ New York in the Revolution as Colony and State], A Compilation of Records from the State Comptroller, Albany, New York, Compiled by James A. Roberts, published in two volumes, 1 Sep 1889, pdf

Project Space pages 20241009 (123) Nez Perce County, Idaho

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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (124) Ohio Project Members

PageID: 26408782
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Created: 26 Aug 2019
Saved: 12 Jun 2023
Touched: 12 Jun 2023

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Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Ohio]] [[Category: Ohio Project]] {{United States|sub-project=Ohio}} == List of Ohio Project Members == This is a place to list the WikiTree members who are working on the [[Project:Ohio|Ohio Project]], It is intended to help with communication and various sub-projects. To add yourself to this list, please: *Go to Edit *Enter your WikiTree ID and name in double brackets (for example,

[[Sample-62120|Ellen Sample]]

) followed by information about your particular areas of interest and current activities within the Ohio Project *Click "Save Changes" Please insert your name in alphabetical order by last name. '''Ohio Project Members''' *[[Adams-16917|Marj Adams]] - focus on husband Thomas Green's 2nd gr grandfather, Ira Green. Possibly born 13 April 1820, location possibly Franklin County. He died there in 1898, burial info of wife "Eliza, wife of Ira Green" d. 1889 on the gravestone in Reynoldsburg Methodist Hill Cemetery. Ira's death notice in ''Columbus Dispatch'' by 2nd son John omitted Ira's parents' names. birth date was calculated from death date. *[[Amon-120|Daniel Amon]] - My Great-Great-Grandfather immigrated from Slovakia to the United States and later settled in Columbus, Ohio. I still have family that resides in Ohio even though my parents moved to South Carolina in the 80s. * [[Bohlen-56|Steven Bohlen]] - Areas of interest include research of my paternal Bolin line, as well as several other families that at one time lived or still live in Franklin, Ross, Fayette, Highland, Greene, and Fairfield counties. Member of Ohio, Fairfield Co., Ross Co., & Fayette Co. Genealogical Societies. Main surnames of interest with connections to Ohio include Bolin/Bohlen, Goldsberry, Garner, English, Mountjoy, Stermer, Creed, Uncles, Fogle, and McCoy. Looking to help the project any way that I am able. *[[Colville-218|Joelle Colville-Hanson]] - I got lots of Scottish immigrants in Washington County. If thatโ€™s of interest to anyone Iโ€™d love to work together. *[[Doutt-29|Sandy (Doutt) Garner]] - Most of my family still reside in Ohio. Counties of interest include Cuyahoga, Erie, Huron, Lorain, and Tuscarawas. Surnames include: Doutt, Donohoe, Willoughby, Vining, Banks, Higgins, Moroney. Especially interested in information regarding ggrandfather Thomas Donohoe, ggrandfather William Vining, 2nd ggrandfather Lorenzo Devaro Vining (this lineage dates to colonial Mass.). * [[Hildebrandt-355|Diane Hildebrandt]] - Focus on Muskingum County. My third great-grandfather was Dr. Increase Mathews (aka Matthews). With the assistance of his uncle, Brigadier-General Rufus Putnam (appointed the first Surveyor-General of the Northwest Territory) and Levi Whipple, he founded a settlement called Springfield southeast of the juncture of the Licking and Muskingum Rivers. This name was changed to Putnam in 1814 because there was another settlement by that name. The town of Putnam was annexed by Zanesville in 1872. Dr. Increase Mathews built a stone house in 1805. The Dr. Increase Mathews House is now a museum owned and operated by the Muskingum Historical Society. Dr. Increase also built the Stone Academy. Increase's brother, John Mathews, was one of the first 48 to Ohio. His sister, Susannah, and brother-in-law, Jonathan Stone, settled in Belpre. Jonathan was also one of the 48. Sometime after 1776, this branch of the family dropped one T from their surname. In fact, the Revolutionary War records for their father Daniel Mathews Jr. uses both forms of their surname. * [[Hood-4489|Dan Hood]] - I live in Southern Ohio and am interested in the territory and early statehood settlement of Southern Ohio. I am initially from California, but have discovered several family members who lived in Southern Ohio. Counties I'm interested in include: Adams, Brown, Highland, Pike, Ross, Scioto, and surrounding counties. Surnames include: Records, Hughey, Finch, Fenton, and Elrod among others. * [[Kirch-132|Carole (Kirch) Bannes]] - My family has deep roots in Knox, Coshocton and Tuscarawas counties in central Ohio. When I retired in 2004, I started a Knox County Families project and ended up with over 92,000 names, all linked and sourced. Unfortunately, it was stored on the old RootsWeb (World Connect) site, where it was available to anyone who wanted to see (but not download) it. As most of you know, that site went belly-up several years ago. The research now resides on TribalPages (WikiTree couldn't absorb a GED that large), but the sources are not showing up there. :( At any rate, I'm really good at finding anyone who ever lived in Knox, Coshocton, or Tuscarawas County. My family names from Ohio are Kirch, Mizer, Baker, Russell, Fry, Snyder, Yearous, and Wiggins. The Russells go back to the Mayflower; the Mizers (Meiser/Miser) to the Palatine Migration. * [[Loy-520|Emily (Loy) Martinez]] - I have family all over the state. My family started in Muskingum and Perry Counties. Then some moved north into Allen County. They spread from those. I was actually born in Licking County. Mordecai Edwards who was my 3rd great-grandfather started what I believe was the 1st Methodist Church in the state in Muskingum County. My family lines are Edwards, Shirer, Shroyer, Binkley, Sturtz, Bagent, Bainter, Buker, Gaumer, Barrett, Bell, Lecky, and the list goes on. Some ran newspapers, some were farmers, some ran funeral homes, some were doctors, some were teachers, some were builders. I lived there until I graduated from college. My brother still lives there. I think that the majority of my extended family still lives there. I am an Ohio State grad. I am definitely here to help! * [[Moriarty-508|Mike Moriarty]] - Focus on Perry County. During the 1830's and 1840s, my GGG-grandfather (Kircher) and his family came from Geispolsheim (Bas-Rhin) and lived all around Perry county (Somerset, Saltillo, Harrison, McLuney). My gg-grandfather (Slinger)/mother(Kircher) both died in the Cholera epidemic of 1849, whence the family moved on to Saint Louis, New York and elsewhere. In addition to two decades of farming in the county, the family was active in the Dominican order of priests and nuns, with three OP's in one generation who worked in education in Ohio, Boston, New York and elsewhere. *[[Rodgers-2825|Jody Rodgers]] - Several of my family lines were some of the first settlers to Muskingum County. My research also covers much of Southeastern Ohio- including Coshocton, Guernsey, Perry, Monroe, Noble, Knox, and Licking Counties. I am working on a One Place Study of Dresden, Ohio. *[[Stewart-213|Saundra Stewart]] - Ohio was once the wild frontier for the new United States. So, I'm attempting to cover the history and first settlers of all counties and their townships in order to track individuals and families during their westward movement. I'm also profiling those of specific ethnic settlements like "African-American Settlements", "Welsh Settlements", etc. * [[Stokely-68|Raymond Stokely]] - The Stockley/Stokely's emigrated to the Eastern Shore of Virginia in 1636. My 6x Great Grandfather John Stockley [[Stockley-3|'''John Stockley''']] founded a 2700 acre homestead in Accomack County (1664), Virginia. John's decedents. Woodman, Oliver and Prettyman settled in Sussex County, Delaware. My 3x Great Grandfather, David Stokely [[Stokely-3|'''David Stokely''']], upon the death of his father Prettyman (1790) moved westward from Sussex County via Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and the Ohio River arriving in Marietta, Ohio in 1795. In the spring of 1799 David Stokely came up the Muskingum River from Marietta to Putnam, a part of present-day Zanesville. He built a cabin on โ€œCongress Landโ€ near the site of the Putnam foundry. In 1797 Stokely was deeded 100 acres of land in Newton Township in the Bear Creek Allotment, Eighth Range, and Lot 36 of the Third Township and Lot 31 in the Fourth Township. In 1805 Stokely moved to his land in Newton Township, south of Jonathan Creek. Stokely built a log cabin that year and the family occupied it for the next ten years. The cabin was torn down in 1815. The back wing of the existing homestead was built on the site where the cabin once stood.The larger front portion of the house was added in 1840. Stokelys lived in that home until 1981. The Homestead was a station on the Underground Railroad and was visited by Gen Morgan's men during his raid into Ohio in 1863. I am researching the histories of the Civil War Regiments my ancestors were in, the 32nd, 62nd 56th and 73rd OVIs and the Underground Railroad in Ohio

Project Space pages 20241009 (125) Okanogan County, Washington

PageID: 38567792
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Created: 6 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Okanogan County, Washington]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]

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[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Whatcom County, Washington|Whatcom]]
[[Space:Skagit County, Washington|Skagit]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Okanogan_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Ferry County, Washington|Ferry]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Chelan County, Washington|Chelan]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Douglas County, Washington|Douglas]]
[[Space:Grant County, Washington|Grant]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Lincoln County, Washington|Lincoln]]


Welcome to [[Space: Okanogan County, Washington|Okanogan County]]

== Okanogan County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q483958|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Okanogan County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Okanogan County, Washington|Okanogan County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Okanogan County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Okanogan County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Okanogan County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Okanogan|Okanogan County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (126) Oneida County, Idaho

PageID: 29408892
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (127) Oregon State Project Images

PageID: 38587462
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Created: 7 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 7 Jul 2022

Managers: 1
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 115

[[Category:Oregon Projects]][[Category:Oregon Images]] [[Category:Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (128) Owyhee County, Idaho

PageID: 29408913
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (129) Pacific County, Washington

PageID: 38567861
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Created: 6 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Pacific County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Grays Harbor County, Washington|Grays Harbor]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Wikipedia:Pacific Ocean|Pacific Ocean]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Pacific_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Lewis County, Washington|Lewis]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Wikipedia:Columbia River|Columbia River]]
[[Space:Clatsop County, Oregon |Clatsop County, Oregon]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Wahkiakum County, Washington|Wahkiakum]]


Welcome to [[Space: Pacific County, Washington|Pacific County]]

== Pacific County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q483990|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Pacific County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Pacific County, Washington|Pacific County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Pacific County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Pacific County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Pacific County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Pacific|Pacific County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (130) Patentees of Monmouth

PageID: 5959341
Inbound links: 14
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ all views 3599

Created: 29 May 2013
Saved: 2 Jul 2021
Touched: 2 Jul 2021

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 1

== Original Patent == Edwin Salter's ''A History of Monmouth and Ocean Counties'' says this: I [[Nicolls-18|Richard Nicolls Esq.]], Governor under his Royal Highness the Duke of York of all his Territories in America send greeting. "Whereas there is a certain tract or parcel of land within this government, lying and being near Sandy Point, upon the Main; which said parcel of land hath been with my consent and approbation bought by some of the inhabitants of Gravesend upon Long Island of the Sachems (chief proprietors thereof) who before me have acknowledged to have received satisfaction for the same, to the end that the said land may be planted, manured and inhabited, and for divers other good causes and considerations. I have thought fit to give, confirm, and grant, and by these presents do give confirm and grant unto [[Goulding-137|WILLIAM GOULDING]], [[Spicer-45|SAMUEL SPICER]], [[Gibbons-454|RICHARD GIBBONS]], [[Stout-60|RICHARD STOUT]], [[Grover-173|JAMES GROVER]], [[Bowne-11|JOHN BOWNE]], [[Tilton-161|JOHN TILTON]], [[Sylvester-244|NATHANIEL SYLVESTER]], [[Reape-5|WILLIAM REAPE]], [[Clarke-179|WALTER CLARKE]], [[Davis-16676|NICHOLAS DAVIS]], [[Holmes-142|OBADIAH HOLMES]], patentees, and their associates, their heirs, successors, and assigns, all that tract and part of the main land, beginning at a certain place commonly called or known by the name of Sandy Point and so running along the bay West North West, till it comes to the mough of the Raritan River, from thence going along the said river to the westernmost part of the certain marsh land which divides the river into two parts, and from that part to run in a direct south-west line into the woods twelve miles, and thence to turn away south-east and by south, until it falls into the main ocean; together with all lands, soils, rivers, creeeks, harbors, mines, minerals (Royal mines excepted,) quarries, woods, meadows, pastures, marshes, waters, lakes, fishings, hawkings, huntings and fowling, and all other profits, commodities and hereditaments to the said lands and premises belonging and appertaining, with their and every of their appurtenances and of every part and parcel thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said lands, hereditaments and premises with their and every of their appurtenances hereby given and granted, or herein before mentioned to be given and granted to the only proper use and behoof of the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns forever, upon such terms and conditions as hereafter are expressed, that is to say, that the said patentees and their associates, their heirs or assigns shall within the space of three years, beginning from the day of the date hereof, manure and plant the aforesaid land and premises and settle there one hundred families at the least; in consideration whereof I do promise and grant that the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, shall enjoy the said land and premises, with their appurtenances for the term of seven years next to come after the date of these presents, free from payment of any rents, customs, excise, tax or levy whatsoever. But after the expiration of the said term of seven years, the persons who shall be in possession thereof, shall pay after the same rate which others within this his Royal Highness' territories shall be obliged unto. And the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, shall have free leave and liberty to erect and build their towns and villages in such places as they in their discretions shall think most convenient, provided that they associate themselves, and that the houses of their towns and villages be not too far distant and scattering one from another; and also that they make such fortifications for their defence against an enemy as may be needful. Given under my hand and seal at Fort James in new York ... the 8th day of April, ... 1665. Richard Nicolls Click the link to see the [[Space:1668_New_Jersey_First_Settlers|List of Settlers]] who came by 1668. == Patent Source == [ A history of Monmouth and Ocean counties], by Edwin Salter, 1890, Bayonne, N.J. : E. Gardner & Son, publishers. == Categories == # [[Category:New_Jersey_Founders]][[:Category:New_Jersey_Founders|New Jersey Founders]] # [[Category:New_Jersey]][[:Category:New_Jersey|New Jersey]] # [[Category:Monmouth_County%2C_New_Jersey]][[:Category:Monmouth_County%2C_New_Jersey|Monmouth County, New Jersey]] ----

Project Space pages 20241009 (131) Payette County, Idaho

PageID: 29408933
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (132) Pend Oreille County, Washington

PageID: 38567956
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Created: 6 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Pend Oreille County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Stevens County, Washington|Stevens]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Pend Oreille_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''
[[Space:Bonner County, Idaho|Bonner County, Idaho]]
[[Space:Boundary County, Idaho|Boundary County, Idaho]]
|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Spokane County, Washington|Spokane]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Pend Oreille County, Washington|Pend Oreille County]]

== Pend Oreille County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q485301|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Pend Oreille County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Pend Oreille County, Washington|Pend Oreille County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Pend Oreille County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Pend Oreille County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Pend Oreille County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Pend Oreille|Pend Oreille County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (133) Pennsylvania

PageID: 17877000
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Created: 2 Jul 2017
Saved: 19 Mar 2021
Touched: 19 Mar 2021

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Images: 0

[[Category:Pennsylvania]] This page is part of [[Project:Pennsylvania|The Pennsylvania Project]] {{Geographic Location | Reference Location = Pennsylvania | NW Location = [[Wikipedia: Lake Erie | ''Lake Erie'']] | N Location = [[:Category: New York | New York]] | NE Location = | E Location = [[:Category: New Jersey | New Jersey]] | SE Location = | S Location = [[:Category: Maryland | Maryland]] | SW Location = [[:Category: West Virginia | West Virginia]] | W Location = [[:Category: Ohio | Ohio]] }} '''General Info'''
'''History''' *Digital Collections at the State Library of Pennsylvania. [] * National Archives at Philadelphia [] '''Maps''' * [] (maps 1630 - 1930) *Pennsylvania Genealogical Map of the Counties; 11th ed., 1999 - [http://www.phmc.sta, Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission PDF] *[ USGS Pennsylvania County Maps]

'''Genealogy Sources'''

'''WikiTree Resources''' * [[Space:Pennsylvania Genealogy and History Guide|Pennsylvania Genealogy and History Guide]] * [[Space: Early Pennsylvania Settlers - Sources|Early Pennsylvania Settlers - Sources]] * [[Space: Sources-Pennsylvania|Sources-Pennsylvania]] * [[:Category: Pennsylvania Research Assistance|Pennsylvania Research Assistance]] * [[Space:Pennsylvania Resource Page US Civil War: War Between the States|Pennsylvania Resource Page US Civil War: War Between the States]] '''External Resources''' * [] *[] (directory) * "Genealogy Collection." [ State Library of PA]. ::: "Includes Harrisburg Newspaper Index containing marriages and deaths from four newspapers from 1799 to 1827; the Necrology Scrapbook with obituaries clipped from Pennsylvania newspapers from October 1891 to March 1904, including many Civil War veterans; and Courts & Lawyers of Pennsylvania, a History, 1623-1923, as well as a number of other family history related books and pamphlets." *[ Naturalizations of Foreign Protestants in the American and West Indian Colonies by the Huguenot Society of London] Contains naturalization records before 1776. There is an index in the back of the book. *[ Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine] (Vol. 1, 3, 6, 8). '''Marriage Records''' * [ FamilySearch: Pennsylvania, Marriages, 1709-1940] * [ FamilySearch: Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1885-1950] '''Military Records''' * [] (PA: Revolution - 1937) *War of 1812 Muster Roll: [ "Muster rolls of the Pennsylvania volunteers in the war of 1812-1814, with cotemporary papers and documents"] '''Probate Records''' * [ FamilySearch: Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994]

Project Space pages 20241009 (134) Pennsylvania Railroad

PageID: 39640
Inbound links: 2
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ all views 2234

Created: 11 Sep 2009
Saved: 9 Feb 2020
Touched: 9 Feb 2020

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 1

[[Category:Pennsylvania Railroad]] == Pennsylvania Railroad == According to Wikipedia, "the Pennsylvania Railroad (reporting mark PRR) was an American railroad, founded in 1846. Commonly referred to as the "Pennsy", the PRR was headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." ===Railroad Employees=== * [[Davis-57|Roy Davis]] (1895-1960) Also see [[:Category:Railroad_Workers]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (135) Pierce County, Washington

PageID: 38568024
Inbound links: 9
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Created: 6 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Pierce County, Washington]]

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Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Kitsap County, Washington|Kitsap]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:King County, Washington|King]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Kittitas County, Washington|Kittitas]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Mason County, Washington|Mason]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Pierce_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Yakima County, Washington|Yakima]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Thurston County, Washington|Thurston]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Lewis County, Washington|Lewis]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Pierce County, Washington|Pierce County]]

== Pierce County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156459|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Pierce County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Pierce County, Washington|Pierce County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Pierce County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Pierce County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Pierce County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Pierce|Pierce County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (136) Piopolis, Illinois

PageID: 28604756
Inbound links: 2
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 649 views

Created: 30 Mar 2020
Saved: 30 Mar 2020
Touched: 30 Mar 2020

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Piopolis, Illinois]] =='''First Emigration from Ersingen, Baden (1841) '''== Cajetan Aydt came to the United States from Ersingen initially in 1939 looking for an area to settle. He returned to the Ersingen area to recruit other families to join him. A group of 11 families came to the United States in the spring of 1941. Nine of the families arrived in Hamilton County. They were: * Urban Anselment ** Elenore (Schuster) โ€“ wife ** Josephine Schuster โ€“ born out of wedlock? ** Alexandra Anselment โ€“ daughter * Cajetan Aydt (or Cajent or John Kaietan) * John Leonard Aydt * Charles William Aydt (known as William) ** Regina Huth - wife * Albert Esswine (Esswein) ** Christine (Kaercher) - wife ** Anastasia - daughter * Joseph Haller ** Vincentia (Voegele) โ€“ wife ** Charles - son ** Joseph Salomon - son * Mathew Kaufmann (Mathias) ** Elizabeth Ruebenacker โ€“ wife ** Felix - son ** Agatha - daughter * Anton Kaufmann (Anthony) ** Christine Schuster - wife * Marzell Zachmann (Marcell) ** Vincentia Frey โ€“ wife ** [[Zachmann-18|Mary Eva]] - daughter ** Lawrence - son ** Phillip James โ€“ son ** Mary Elizabeth โ€“ daughter Albert Esswineโ€™s brothers, John and Stephen, also came with the group from Baden, but decided to settle in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Albert came to the United States with his wife, Christine, and daughter Anastasia. His first wife died in 1848. He remarried Louise Schuster shortly after. Urban Anselment married Elenore Schuster on April 15, 1841 just before they left for the new world. Illinois land records show Marcell Zachmann, John Leonard Aydt, Christine Aydt, John Kaieton Aydt, Urban Anselment, Joseph Haller, and Anthony Kaufman purchasing land in the fall of 1941 in the northern portion of Hamilton County near what was to later to be Piopolis. The three Aydtโ€™s from Ersingen were also related. John and Charles William Aydt were brothers, the sons of Charles Louis Aydt (1781-1852) and Barbara Ochs (1782-1820). Cajetan was their cousin, the son of Leonard Aydt (1770-?). John Leonard Aydt and Agatha Brink (or Brenk) were their paternal grandparents. == Piopolis area in the 1840โ€™s == Land was still plentiful and cheap in this part of Illinois. Many others from Ersingen, Bilfingen, and Spessart, came to this area. The 1850 census shows over 80 people that emigrated from Germany living in Hamilton County. Nearly all of these were from the Ersingen area in Baden. Anthony Kaufmann died just three years after immigrating on December 14, 1946, leaving his wife, Christine, a widow. Additional Aydt brothers followed. By 1943 John Jacob Aydt owned land in the same area. Alexander Aydt owned land in the area in by 1953. He received his land through a warrant rather than outright purchase. Tobias Brunner arrived from Ersingen in 1942. In April 1943 Solomon Karcher and Ignatz Karcher arrived in the United States. Freys, Reylings, Ripplingers, and Schusters were also among early settlers that trace their roots to Karlsruhe area of Baden. == Resources == There are a number of good sources of genealogical information about these Piopolis (and Hamilton County). One of the best is Piopolis Families by August Reyling. This book is available at Family Search at,_Illinois#Church_Records. It includes over 700 pages of family sheets constructed primarily from the church records of St. John's church in Piopolis, IL. == External links == * [,_Illinois Hamilton County at Family Search] * [ Hamilton County Historical Society]

Project Space pages 20241009 (137) Polk County, Oregon

PageID: 38609836
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Created: 9 Jul 2022
Saved: 9 Jul 2022
Touched: 9 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Polk County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Polk_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Polk County, Oregon|Polk County]]

== Polk County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q495393|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Polk County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Polk County, Oregon|Polk County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Polk County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Dallas *[[:Category: Polk County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Polk County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Polk|Polk County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (138) Power County, Idaho

PageID: 29408950
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (139) President of the Continental Congress

PageID: 26166778
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Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 73 views

Created: 2 Aug 2019
Saved: 6 Aug 2019
Touched: 6 Aug 2019

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Project: WikiTree-40

Images: 0

Terms and backgrounds of the 14 men who served as president of the Continental

{| |'''Order''' |'''Name''' |'''Pres Profile''' | |'''Who's working''' | |- |1 |Peyton Randolph |[[Randolph-14]] | | | |- |2 |Henry Middleton |[[Middleton-14]] | | | |- |3 |Peyton Randolph |[[Randolph-14]] | | | |- |4 |John Hancock |[[Hancock-2]] | | | |- |5 |Henry Laurens |[[Laurens-2]] | | | |- |6 |John Jay |[[Jay-1]] | | | |- |7 |Samuel Huntington |[[Huntington-142]] | | | |- |8 |Thomas McKean |[[McKean-13]] | | | |- |9 |John Hanson |[[Hanson-1872]] | | | |- |10 |Elias Boudinot |[[Boudinot-3]] | | | |- |11 |Thomas Mifflin |[[Mifflin-19]] | | | |- |12 |Richard Henry Lee |[[Lee-535]] | | | |- |13 |John Hancock |[[Hancock-2]] | | | |- |14 |Nathaniel Gorham |[[Gorham-429]] | | | |- |15 |Arthur St. Clair |[[St_Clair-342]] | | | |- |16 |Cyrus Griffin |[[Griffin-6967]] | | | |}

Project Space pages 20241009 (140) San Juan County, Washington

PageID: 38534176
Inbound links: 4
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 92 views

Created: 3 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category:San Juan County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:San_Juan_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space:San Juan County, Washington|San Juan County]]

== San Juan County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484146|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy San Juan County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category:San Juan County, Washington|San Juan County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space:San Juan County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: San Juan County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: San Juan County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] Place Studies: *[[Space:Rosario%2C_Eastsound%2C_Washington_One_Place_Study|Rosario, Eastsound, Washington]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#San Juan|San Juan County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (141) Sherman County, Oregon

PageID: 38610628
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Created: 9 Jul 2022
Saved: 9 Jul 2022
Touched: 9 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Sherman County, Oregon]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Sherman_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Sherman County, Oregon|Sherman County]]

== Sherman County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q303491|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Sherman County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Sherman County, Oregon|Sherman County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Sherman County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Moro *[[:Category: Sherman County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Sherman County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Sherman|Sherman County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (142) Shoshone County, Idaho

PageID: 29408981
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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (143) Signers of the 2nd Portsmouth Compact

PageID: 32279732
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Created: 5 Feb 2021
Saved: 4 Oct 2023
Touched: 4 Oct 2023

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Images: 0

[[Category: Signers of the 2nd Portsmouth Compact]] [[Category: Rhode Island History]] [[Category:Ralph Earle Rhode Island and Massachusetts Branch, Erleigh Name Study]] See [[:Category: Signers of the 2nd Portsmouth Compact|the category]] for profiles of the signers. A second Compact of Loyalty was written and signed April 30, 1639. "We whose names are underwritten do acknowledge ourselves the legal subjects of His Majesty King Charles, and in his name do hereby bind ourselves into a civil body politic, unto his laws according to matters of justice." This compact included the following names: : William Hutchinson : Samuell Gorton : Samuel Hutchinson : John Wickes : Richard Maggson : Thomas Spiser : John Roome (his mark) : John Sloffe (his mark) : Thomas Beddar (his mark) : Erasmus Bullock : Sampson Shotten : Ralph Earle : Robert Potter : Nathanyell Potter : Wm Heausens : George Cleare : George Lawton : Anthony Payne (his mark) : Jobe Haukins : Richard Awards : John More : Nicholas Browne : William Richardson : John Trippe : Thomas Layton : Robert Stainton (his mark) : John Briggs (his mark) : James Davice ===Sources=== [ Portsmouth Compact wiki]

Project Space pages 20241009 (144) Skagit County, Washington

PageID: 38568141
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Created: 6 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Skagit County, Washington]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Whatcom County, Washington|Whatcom]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:San Juan County, Washington|San Juan]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Skagit_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Okanogan County, Washington|Okanogan]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Island County, Washington|Island]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Snohomish County, Washington|Snohomish]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Chelan County, Washington|Chelan]]


Welcome to [[Space: Skagit County, Washington|Skagit County]]

== Skagit County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q113892|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Skagit County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Skagit County, Washington|Skagit County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Skagit County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Skagit County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Skagit County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Skagit|Skagit County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (145) Skamania County, Washington

PageID: 38568270
Inbound links: 8
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Created: 6 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Skamania County, Washington]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Lewis County, Washington|Lewis]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Yakima County, Washington|Yakima]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Cowlitz County, Washington|Cowlitz]]
[[Space:Clark County, Washington|Clark]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Skamania_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Klickitat County, Washington|Klickitat]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Multnomah County, Oregon |Multnomah County, Oregon]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Hood River County, Oregon |Hood River County, Oregon]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Skamania County, Washington|Skamania County]]

== Skamania County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q304791|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Skamania County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Skamania County, Washington|Skamania County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Skamania County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Skamania County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Skamania County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Skamania|Skamania County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (146) Snohomish County, Washington

PageID: 19955636
Inbound links: 8
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Created: 11 Jan 2018
Saved: 20 Dec 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 1

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category: Arlington, Washington]] [[Category: Washington]] [[Category: Bothell, Washington]] [[Category: Brier, Washington]] [[Category: Darrington, Washington]] [[Category: Edmonds, Washington]] [[Category: Everett, Washington]] [[Category: Gold Bar, Washington]] [[Category: Granite Falls, Washington]] [[Category: Lake Stevens, Washington]] [[Category: Lynnwood, Washington]] [[Category: Marysville, Washington]] [[Category: Mill Creek, Washington]] [[Category: Monroe, Washington]] [[Category: Mountlake Terrace, Washington]] [[Category: Mukilteo, Washington]] [[Category: Snohomish, Washington]] [[Category: Stanwood, Washington]] [[Category: Startup, Washington]] [[Category: Sultan, Washington]] [[Category: Tulalip, Washington]] [[Category: Woodway, Washington]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Snohomish County, Washington]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Whatcom County, Washington|Whatcom]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Snohomish_County_Washington-1.jpg]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Skagit County, Washington|Skagit]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Clallam County, Washington|Clallam]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Jefferson County, Washington|Jefferson]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Island County, Washington|Island]]


Welcome to [[Space: Snohomish County, Washington|Snohomish County]]

== Snohomish County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484146|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Snohomish County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Snohomish County, Washington|Snohomish County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Snohomish County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Snohomish County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Snohomish County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] Place Studies: *[[Space:Bothell%2C_Washington_One_Place_Study|Bothell, Washington]] *[[Space:Bothell_Pioneers%2C_Washington_One_Place_Study|Bothell Pioneers, Washington]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Snohomish|Snohomish County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (147) Spokane County, Washington

PageID: 38568325
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Created: 6 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Feb 2023
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Spokane County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]


{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Stevens County, Washington|Stevens]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Pend Oreille County, Washington|Pend Oreille]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Bonner County, Idaho|Bonner County, Idaho]]
|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Lincoln County, Washington|Lincoln]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Spokane_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[:Category:Kootenai County, Idaho|Kootenai County, Idaho]]
|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Whitman County, Washington|Whitman]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Benewah County, Idaho|Benewah County, Idaho]]

Welcome to [[Space: Spokane County, Washington| Spokane County]]

== Spokane County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q485276|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Spokane County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Spokane County, Washington| Spokane County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Spokane County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *Place Studies: **[[Space:Fairfield%2C_Washington_One_Place_Study|Fairfield, Washington]] *[[:Category: Spokane County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Spokane County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] **[[Space:Mica_Peak_Cemetery|Mica Peak Cemetery, Saxby]] **[[Space:Latah_Evergreen_Cemetery|Latah Evergreen Cemetery, Latah]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Spokane | Spokane County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (148) State of Alaska

PageID: 18502862
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Created: 28 Aug 2017
Saved: 10 Aug 2018
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project Space pages 20241009 (149) State Seals

PageID: 9535886
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Created: 9 Nov 2014
Saved: 26 May 2024
Touched: 26 May 2024

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Images: 79

[[Category:State Seal Images]] Images of US State Seals

{| Border = ''1''; text align = center |+ '''Images of the Seals of US States for use in profiles and templates''' |- |Seal Image |Image File |Description |Seal Image |Image File |Description |- |[[Image:State_Seals-1.png | 75px| Alabama]] |State_Seals-1.png |Alabama |[[Image:State_Seals-2.png | 75px |Alaska]] |State_Seals-2.png |Alaska |- |[[Image:State_Seals-3.png | 75px|Arizona ]] |State_Seals-3.png |Arizona |[[Image:State_Seals-4.png| 75px |Arkansas]] |State_Seals-4.png |Arkansas |- |[[Image:State_Seals-5.png | 75px|California ]] |State_Seals-5.png |California |[[Image:State_Seals-6.png | 75px |Colorado]] |State_Seals-6.png |Colorado |- |[[Image:State_Seals-7.png | 75px|Connecticut ]] |State_Seals-7.png |Connecticut |[[Image:State_Seals-8.png | 75px |Delaware]] |State_Seals-8.png |Delaware |- |[[Image:State_Seals-9.png | 75px| Florida]] |State_Seals-9.png |Florida |[[Image:State_Seals-11.png | 75px |Georgia]] |State_Seals-11.png |Georgia |- |[[Image:State_Seals-12.png | 75px|Hawaii ]] |State_Seals-12.png |Hawaii |[[Image:State_Seals-13.png | 75px |Idaho]] |State_Seals-13.png |Idaho |- |[[Image:State_Seals-14.png | 75px|Illinois ]] |State_Seals-14.png |Illinois |[[Image:US_Images-30.png|75px|Illinois]] |US_Images-30.png |Illinois |- |[[Image:State_Seals-15.png | 75px |Indiana]] |State_Seals-15.png |Indiana |[[Image:State_Seals-16.png | 75px|Iowa ]] |State_Seals-16.png |Iowa |- |[[Image: State_Seals-17.png| 75px |Kansas]] |State_Seals-17.png |Kansas |[[Image:State_Seals-18.png | 75px|Kentucky ]] |State_Seals-18.png |Kentucky |- |[[Image:State_Seals-19.png | 75px |Louisiana]] |State_Seals-19.png |Louisiana |[[Image:State_Seals-20.png | 75px|Maine ]] |State_Seals-20.png |Maine |- |[[Image:State_Seals-21.png | 75px |Maryland]] |State_Seals-21.png |Maryland |[[Image:State_Seals-22.png | 75px|Massachusetts]] |State_Seals-22.png |Massachusetts |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-12.png | 75px|Massachusetts]] |US_State_Flag_Images-12.png |Massachusetts |[[Image:US_Images-22.png|75px|Massachusetts House of Representatives]] |US_Images-22.png |MA House Seal |- |[[Image:State_Seals-23.png | 75px |Michigan]] |State_Seals-23.png |Michigan |[[Image:State_Seals-58.png | 75px|Minnesota ]] |State_Seals-58.png |Minnesota |- |[[Image:State_Seals-25.png | 75px |Mississippi]] |State_Seals-25.png |Mississippi |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-14.png | 75px |Mississippi]] |US_State_Flag_Images-14.png |Mississippi |- |[[Image:State_Seals-26.png | 75px|Missouri ]] |State_Seals-26.png |Missouri |[[Image:State_Seals-27.png | 75px |Montana]] |State_Seals-27.png |Montana |- |[[Image:State_Seals-28.png | 75px|Nebraska ]] |State_Seals-28.png |Nebraska |[[Image:State_Seals-29.png | 75px|Nevada ]] |State_Seals-29.png |Nevada |- |[[Image:State_Seals-30.png | 75px |New Hampshire]] |State_Seals-30.png |New Hampshire |[[Image:State_Seals-31.png | 75px|New Jersey ]] |State_Seals-31.png |New Jersey |- |[[Image:State_Seals-32.png | 75px |New Mexico]] |State_Seals-32.png |New Mexico |[[Image:State_Seals-33.png | 75px|New York ]] |State_Seals-33.png |New York |- |[[Image:State_Seals-34.png| 75px |North Carolina]] |State_Seals-34.png |North Carolina |[[Image:State_Seals.jpg | 75px|North Dakota ]] |State_Seals.jpg |North Dakota |- |[[Image:State_Seals.png| 75px |Ohio]] |State_Seals.png |Ohio |[[Image:State_Seals-35.png | 75px|Oklahoma ]] |State_Seals-35.png |Oklahoma |- |[[Image:State_Seals-36.png| 75px |Oregon]] |State_Seals-36.png |Oregon |[[Image:State_Seals-10.png | 75px|Pennsylvania ]] |State_Seals-10.png |Pennsylvania |- |[[Image:State_Seals-37.png | 75px |Rhode Island]] |State_Seals-37.png |Rhode Island |[[Image:State_Seals-38.png | 75px|South Dakota ]] |State_Seals-38.png |South Dakota |- |[[Image:State_Seals-39.png | 75px |South Carolina]] |State_Seals-39.png |South Carolina |[[Image:State_Seals-40.png | 75px|Tennessee ]] |State_Seals-40.png |Tennessee |- |[[Image:State_Seals-41.png | 75px |Texas]] |State_Seals-41.png |Texas |[[Image:State_Seals-42.png | 75px|Utah ]] |State_Seals-42.png |Utah |- |[[Image:State_Seals-43.png | 75px |Vermont]] |State_Seals-43.png |Vermont |[[Image:State_Seals-44.png | 75px|Virginia ]] |State_Seals-44.png |Virginia |- |[[Image:State_Seals-45.png| 75px |Washington]] |State_Seals-45.png |Washington |[[Image:State_Seals-46.png | 75px|West Virginia ]] |State_Seals-46.png |West Virginia |- |[[Image: State_Seals-47.png| 75px |Wisconsin]] |State_Seals-47.png |Wisconsin |[[Image:State_Seals-48.png | 75px|Wyoming ]] |State_Seals-48.png |Wyoming |-}

Project Space pages 20241009 (150) Stevens County, Washington

PageID: 38561854
Inbound links: 5
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 81 views

Created: 5 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Stevens County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Ferry County, Washington|Ferry]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Stevens_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Lincoln County, Washington|Lincoln]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Pend Oreille County, Washington|Pend Oreille]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Spokane County, Washington|Spokane]]


Welcome to [[Space: Stevens County, Washington|Stevens County]]

== Stevens County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q483954|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Stevens County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Stevens County, Washington|Stevens County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Stevens County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Stevens County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Stevens County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Stevens|Stevens County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (151) Sussex County Delaware

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Created: 15 Jan 2019
Saved: 15 Jan 2019
Touched: 15 Jan 2019

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Project Space pages 20241009 (152) Tennessee

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Created: 26 Apr 2016
Saved: 12 Apr 2022
Touched: 12 Apr 2022

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[[Category: Tennessee]] [[Category: Tennessee Project]]

This page is a place-holder for the project leader, it is not an active page. Requests to join the Trusted List will be denied. To join the Tennessee project, please see the main project page [[Project: Tennessee]].

{{Image|file=Tennessee-2.jpg |align=c |size=m }} {{clear}}
---- {{Image|file=Tennessee-1.png |align=c |size=l |caption=Map of Tennessee Counties }} {{One Place Study |place=Tennessee |category=Tennessee }}{{clear}} ----
==Tennessee History & Timeline== *[[Space:Tennessee_History_Timeline_to_1796_Statehood|Tennessee to 1796 Statehood]] ==Demographics== ==Geography== ===Climate=== ===Protected Areas=== *[ Great Smoky Mountains] *State Parks *Wildlife Preservation Areas *State Natural Areas ==Government== *[[:Category: Tennessee, Politicians|Tennessee, Politicians]] *[[Space:Tennessee Holidays and Special Observances|Holidays and Observances]] ==Cities== *List ===Top 10 Largest Cities=== ====Memphis==== *Shelby County, population 656,861 *Home of the University of Tennessee at Memphis *[ City of Memphis] *Home of Elvis Presley, [ Graceland] ====Nashville==== *[[Space:Nashville%2C_Tennessee|Nashville Project Page]] *Davidson County, population 644,014 *[ City of Nashville] *Also known as Music City, USA, home of Country Music, and the [ Country Music Association Awards] *[ Home of CMA Festival] *Home of [ Iroquois Steeplechase] *The Hermitage, home of President Andrew Jackson ====Knoxville==== *Knox County, population 184,281 *[ City of Knoxville] ====Chattanooga==== *Hamilton County, population 173,778 *[ City of Chattanooga] ====Clarksville==== *Montgomery County, population 146,806 *[ City of Clarksville] ====Murfreesboro==== *Rutherford County, population 120,954 *[ City of Murfreesboro] ====Franklin==== *Williamson County, population 70,612 *[ City of Franklin] ====Jackson==== *Madison County, population 67,319 *[ City of Jackson] *Mention in the song "Jackson," by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash ====Johnson City==== *Washington County, population 65,813 *[ City of Johnson City] ====Bartlett==== *Shelby County, population 58,264 *[ City of Bartlett] ==Counties== *List *[[Space:Campbell County, Tennessee|Campbell County]] *[[Space:Davidson County, Tennessee|Davidson County]] *[[Space:Gibson County, Tennessee|Gibson County]] *[[Space:Roane County, Tennessee|Roane County]] ==Tennessee Cemeteries== *[[Project:Tennessee_Cemeteries|Tennessee Cemeteries]] ==Tennessee Notables== *Politicians/Government - Andrew Jackson, *Important Historical Figures - *Actors/singers/celebrities - Nashville is Music City, USA and the home of country music! ==Historical Events== * [[Space:Massacre_at_Cavett%27s_Station|Massacre at Cavett's Station]] *Disasters (ex: Nashville Tornado of 1998, Nashville Flood of 2010) ==Companies== ==Educational Institutions== *[[:Category: Tennessee, Schools|TN Schools]] - could further categorize under main project/category page by type/level (elementary, middle, high school, college) ==Native Americans== *Cherokee and Creek tribes *[[:Category:Trail_of_Tears|Trail of Tears]]] - see also [ Trail of Tears] * *[[Space:Massacre_at_Cavett%27s_Station|Massacre at Cavett's Station]] ==Military History== *[[:Category: United States Military History|United States Military History]] ===American Revolution=== ===Mexican-American War=== *[[:Category:Mexican-American_War|Mexican-American War]] *Role in the Battle of the Alamo [ Alamo Defenders] *(Sam Houston, TN born, became TX governor), (Davy Crockett), (James Robertson) *[ TN at the Alamo] ===The War of 1812=== ===The Great War=== *[[Space:Tennessee_in_The_Great_War|Tennessee in The Great War]] ===US Civil War=== *[[Project:US_Civil_War:_War_Between_the_States|US Civil War]] *[[Space:%27%27Tennessee%27%27_Resource_Page_US_Civil_War:_War_Between_the_States. | Tennessee Resource Page US Civil War: War Between the States]] ==Pictures and Images== * [[Space:Tennessee_Project_Pictures_and_Images|TN Project Pictures and Images]] ==References==

Project Space pages 20241009 (153) Teton County, Idaho

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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (154) Thurston County, Washington

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Created: 2 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Thurston County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Mason County, Washington|Mason]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Pierce County, Washington|Pierce]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Grays Harbor County, Washington|Grays Harbor]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Thurston_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Lewis County, Washington|Lewis]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Thurston County, Washington|Thurston County]]

== Thurston County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q113773|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Thurston County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Thurston County, Washington|Thurston County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Thurston County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Thurston County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Thurston County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] Place studies: *[[Space:Brooklyn%2C_Washington_One_Place_Study|Brooklyn, Washington]] *[[Space:Michigan_Hill%2C_Washington_One_Place_Study|Michigan Hill, Washington]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Thurston|Thurston County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (155) Tillamook County, Oregon

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Created: 9 Jul 2022
Saved: 9 Jul 2022
Touched: 9 Jul 2022

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[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Tillamook County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Tillamook_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Tillamook County, Oregon|Tillamook County]]

== Tillamook County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q495359|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Tillamook County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Tillamook County, Oregon|Tillamook County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Tillamook County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Tillamook *[[:Category: Tillamook County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Tillamook County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Tillamook|Tillamook County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (156) Town of Riverhead, Suffolk County, New York

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Created: 20 Mar 2021
Saved: 20 Mar 2021
Touched: 20 Mar 2021

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[[Category:Riverhead, New York]] Riverhead was first settled by Europeans in 1649 when they purchased the "Southold land" from the local Algonquian Indians and the Shinnecock Nation. Additional land was purchased in 1742 before the town of Riverhead was created in 1792. Riverhead was divided from the town of Southold, which lies to the north and to the east of Riverhead, by the New York State Legislature. This was done at the behest of its people who felt that the town of Southold was too long and inconvenient for western most inhabitants to attend town meetings and conduct other business of the town. River Head was named the county seat and later combined in its contemporary spelling of Riverhead.

[,_New_York Wikipedia]

=== Hamlets (unincorporated) === * Aquebogue - * Baiting Hollow * Calverton (small part in the Town of Brookhaven) * Jamesport - * Laurel (partially, with the Town of Southold) - * Manorville (mostly in Brookhaven) - * Northville - * Riverhead (hamlet) * Wading River (small part in Brookhaven) - Towns marked by "-" need a category page made. === Other communities === * Centerville * Polishtown * Reeves Park * Roanoke * South Jamesport * Sweyze === Historic Homes === These properties are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. : Hallock-Bilunas Farmstead : 733 Herricks Lane : Jamesport : Downs House and Farm : 5793 Sound Ave. : Northville 1873 Italianate farmhouse at center of farm with varying agricultural products over the years : Jedediah Hawkins House : 400 South Jamesport Avenue : Jamesport : Hallock Homestead : 163 Sound Avenue : Northville : Jamesport Meeting House : 1590 Main Road : Jamesport : Daniel and Henry P. Tuthill Farm : 1146 Main Road : Jamesport Mid-19th century family potato farm with surviving buildings : Tuthill-Lapham House : 324 Sound Road, at the corner of Sunset Boulevard : Wading River : Benjamin King Woodhull House : 126 Sound Road : Wading River == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (157) Trouble Enough Tract, Montgomery County, Maryland

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Created: 22 Mar 2020
Saved: 22 Mar 2020
Touched: 22 Mar 2020

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For profiles, see [[:Category: Trouble Enough Tract, Montgomery County, Maryland|the category for Trouble Enough Tract]] [[Category: Trouble Enough Tract, Montgomery County, Maryland]] ==Source of the Tract== The tract called Trouble Enough bordered Bennetts Creek in the area of Upper Montgomery County that became known as "Lewisdale." The tract name is still used in property descriptions by the County taxation authorities. Two addresses -- 25230 and 25300 on Clarksburg Road are shown to be part of the Trouble Enough tract.

[ Property Tax List on Clarksburg Road]

==Two Different Tracts Named Trouble Enough?== I am wondering now if there were two tracts called "Trouble Enough." I found information in the Frederick Co. land records (No. 22, survey record HGO1, p. 15)of a resurvey done Aug. 25, 1784, for Henry Baker of Frederick Co., of two tracts: "Charles' Choice" (originally surveyed for Charles Wood, 1755)and "Good Range" (originally surveyed for Philip Wright, 1751). This resurvey, by Samuel Duvall, corrects boundary errors in previous surveys and gives the name of the resulting tract of 148 acres as "Trouble Enough."

Laura Lewis, Ancestry Discussion Boards, 20 March 2000.

==Trouble Enough in Lewisdale== ===Alexander Beall to Daniel Lewis=== Following is what I have on Alexander Beall's "Trouble Enough" in Frederick County, which does not appear to be the same tract mentioned above, but an entirely different one: *On March 19, 1774 (Fred. Co. Land Office, V:159), John Beall obtained from Alexander (B-WILLSIMP-1/G1742) and Elizabeth Beall, "Trouble Enough," part of "Long Look'd For." *Alexander Beall and John Beall were the witnesses to Daniel Lewis' will in 1781. (MCW B:220 4 Sep 1781 - 1:190 11 Jun 1787). *On Oct 14, 1789, John Beall paid ร‚ยฃ300 to Alexander Beall (B-WILLSIMP-1/G1742) of Montgomery County for 50 acres of Cecil's Chance and 40 acres of "Trouble Enough." (MCLR D:278).] Alexander Beall's wife, Elizabeth, waived her dower. *Daniel Lewis' will, dated Sept. 4, 1781, and probated June 11, 1787, in Montgomery County, names his wife, Margaret, and four of his children: Jeremiah, Margaret, Drusilla and Rezin, and leaves tract "Trouble Enough" in Frederick Co. to son Jeremiah. * This "Trouble Enough" was apparently part of an older survey on a larger tract, "Long Look'd For." In reference to this tract, no mention is made of "Charles' Choice" or "Good Range" and I have no record (yet) of any land transaction regarding "Trouble Enough" between Henry Baker and Daniel Lewis or Alexander Beall.

Laura Lewis, Ancestry Discussion Boards, 20 March 2000.

I have in my papers my grandmother found that Trouble Enough Indeed was owned by the Beall family as were many other pieces of property. I am a descendent of John Beall. I believe he married Margaret Hanson. They had a son, Hezekiah who married Priscill Keith. They had a daughter, Mary Ann who married Josiah Watkins. Their son Alburn Hezekiah married Sara Janette Broadhurst. Their daughter Ora Dale Watkins married Hiram Dorsey Musgrove (my grandparents). Their son Hiram Dale Musgrove married Naomi Lee Haynes and they are my parents. Any possibility we are related through the Watkins family?

M. K. Machiel, Ancestry Discussion Boards, 12 Oct3 2005.

12 Nov 1779

Abstract, MCLO A:394, M. Co. Hist Soc

[[Beall-432|Alexander Beall]], b. G1742, planter, son of [[Beall-434|William Beall of Long Lookt For]], sells to Daniel Lewis, 305A Trouble Enough and 10A Close Tract, graveyard excepted, for ยฃ300; Alexander's wife Elizabeth concurs. Tracts were located on Bennets Creek. Same transaction recorded 19 Nov 1779 (FCLO A:394); Alexander Beall of Montgomery County sells for ยฃ300 to Daniel Lewis of Montgomery County "all that tract of land called "Trouble Enough"...lying in Montgomery Co....beginning at a White Oak standing on the South Side of Maple Branch a draft of Bennets Creek...containing and now laid out for three hundred and five acres...also one other tract of land lying and being in Montgomery Co....called the "Gleve"(?) tract (Close Tract?) beginning at a white oak standing near a creek called (Halther?) Bennetts Creek.. Elizabeth Beall wife of Alexander Beall waived dower. A great-grandaughter of Daniel, [[Lewis-13280|Aletha Ann Lewis]], later (12 Dec 1823) m. [[Beall-394|Elisha]], a son of William Simpson Beall, Trouble Enough first patented by Alexander Beall and later owned (in whole or part) by Daniel Lewis, b. 1715 in Prince Georges County, d. 1787 in Montgomery Co. Daniel Lewis' will, witnessed by Alexander and John Beall, leaves part of "Trouble Enough" to his oldest son, Jeremiah Lewis, b. March 30, 1745, in Prince Georges Co., d. Nov 22, 1822 in Montgomery Co.

Laura Lewis, Ancestry Discussion Boards, 14 March 2000.

I do know the Bealls and Lewises hung out together, and descendants intermarried, but I can't find references to Lawson or Sherlock intermarrying with these particular lines. The only Lewis-Lawson connection I could find was the one I mentioned in response to your query about Eveline Lawson: re Charles Lewis m. Leanna Lawson, daughter of James Uriah Lawson and Catherine E. Turner. Charles Lewis and Leanna Lawson are presented in the "unclassified" section of Wm. Hurley's "Lewis families" book, but then so is my grandmother, Willie Lewis (m. Howard Hanford Watkins), who is a direct descendant of Daniel Lewis mentioned above.

Laura Lewis, Ancestry Discussion Boards, 14 March 2000.

Daniel Lewis rode with Capt. George Beall's Troop of Horse in 1748, in Prince George's County (before it was split off into Frederick County, and before Montgomery County was "born." I found many names of his friends, relatives and associates in "Colonial Soldiers of the South, 1732-1774."

Laura Lewis, Ancestry Discussion Boards, 14 March 2000.

===1783 Tax Assessment=== In the 1783 Tax Assessment for Montgomery County, Maryland

[ 1783 Tax Assessment] Accessed July 20, 2017 [[Day-1904|jhd]]

Trouble Enough appears with the following owners: *Alexander Beall. Trouble Enough, pt, 162 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 22. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *John Beall. Trouble Enough, pt, 124 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 22. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *William Harvey, Jr. Trouble Enough, pt, 39 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 22. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Jeremiah Lewis. Trouble Enough, pt, 155 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 22. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Mary Lewis. Trouble Enough, pt, 155 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 22. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 *Thomas Swearingham. Trouble Enough, pt, 122 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 24. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 ===Sherlock and Lawson=== In 1797 James Sherlock willed to my ggg grandfather (James D. Lawson) two tracts of land (Trouble Enough, 124 acres and Mount Prospect, 101 acres) in Montgomery County. These tracts were in the vicinity of present day Kings Valley. In the will he named James Lawson as his son-in-law (step-son). I'm trying to establish the relationship of James Lawson to James Sherlock (need evidence of being son-in-law or step-son).

Carty Lawson, Ancestry Discussion Boards, 10 April 2002.

==Notes== ===References===

===Other Notes===

Project Space pages 20241009 (158) Twin Falls County, Idaho

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Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 14 Jul 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (159) U.S. State Seals

PageID: 31671665
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Created: 18 Dec 2020
Saved: 15 Oct 2022
Touched: 15 Oct 2022

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:State_Seal_Images]] Official seals of individual U.S. states.

{| Border = ''1''; text align = center |+ '''Images of the Seals of US States for use in profiles and templates''' |- |Seal Image |Image File |Description |Seal Image |Image File |Description |- |[[Image:State_Seals-1.png | 75px| Alabama]] |State_Seals-1.png |Alabama |[[Image:State_Seals-2.png | 75px |Alaska]] |State_Seals-2.png |Alaska |- |[[Image:State_Seals-3.png | 75px|Arizona ]] |State_Seals-3.png |Arizona |[[Image:State_Seals-4.png| 75px |Arkansas]] |State_Seals-4.png |Arkansas |- |[[Image:State_Seals-5.png | 75px|California ]] |State_Seals-5.png |California |[[Image:State_Seals-6.png | 75px |Colorado]] |State_Seals-6.png |Colorado |- |[[Image:State_Seals-7.png | 75px|Connecticut ]] |State_Seals-7.png |Connecticut |[[Image:State_Seals-8.png | 75px |Delaware]] |State_Seals-8.png |Delaware |- |[[Image:State_Seals-9.png | 75px| Florida]] |State_Seals-9.png |Florida |[[Image:State_Seals-11.png | 75px |Georgia]] |State_Seals-11.png |Georgia |- |[[Image:State_Seals-12.png | 75px|Hawaii ]] |State_Seals-12.png |Hawaii |[[Image:State_Seals-13.png | 75px |Idaho]] |State_Seals-13.png |Idaho |- |[[Image:State_Seals-14.png | 75px|Illinois ]] |State_Seals-14.png |Illinois |[[Image:US_Images-30.png|75px|Illinois]] |US_Images-30.png |Illinois |- |[[Image:State_Seals-15.png | 75px |Indiana]] |State_Seals-15.png |Indiana |[[Image:State_Seals-16.png | 75px|Iowa ]] |State_Seals-16.png |Iowa |- |[[Image: State_Seals-17.png| 75px |Kansas]] |State_Seals-17.png |Kansas |[[Image:State_Seals-18.png | 75px|Kentucky ]] |State_Seals-18.png |Kentucky |- |[[Image:State_Seals-19.png | 75px |Louisiana]] |State_Seals-19.png |Louisiana |[[Image:State_Seals-20.png | 75px|Maine ]] |State_Seals-20.png |Maine |- |[[Image:State_Seals-21.png | 75px |Maryland]] |State_Seals-21.png |Maryland |[[Image:State_Seals-22.png | 75px|Massachusetts]] |State_Seals-22.png |Massachusetts |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-12.png | 75px|Massachusetts]] |US_State_Flag_Images-12.png |Massachusetts |[[Image:US_Images-22.png|75px|Massachusetts House of Representatives]] |US_Images-22.png |MA House Seal |- |[[Image:State_Seals-23.png | 75px |Michigan]] |State_Seals-23.png |Michigan |[[Image:State_Seals-24.png | 75px|Minnesota ]] |State_Seals-24.png |Minnesota |- |[[Image:State_Seals-25.png | 75px |Mississippi]] |State_Seals-25.png |Mississippi |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-14.png | 75px |Mississippi]] |US_State_Flag_Images-14.png |Mississippi |- |[[Image:State_Seals-26.png | 75px|Missouri ]] |State_Seals-26.png |Missouri |[[Image:State_Seals-27.png | 75px |Montana]] |State_Seals-27.png |Montana |- |[[Image:State_Seals-28.png | 75px|Nebraska ]] |State_Seals-28.png |Nebraska |[[Image:State_Seals-29.png | 75px|Nevada ]] |State_Seals-29.png |Nevada |- |[[Image:State_Seals-30.png | 75px |New Hampshire]] |State_Seals-30.png |New Hampshire |[[Image:State_Seals-31.png | 75px|New Jersey ]] |State_Seals-31.png |New Jersey |- |[[Image:State_Seals-32.png | 75px |New Mexico]] |State_Seals-32.png |New Mexico |[[Image:State_Seals-33.png | 75px|New York ]] |State_Seals-33.png |New York |- |[[Image:State_Seals-34.png| 75px |North Carolina]] |State_Seals-34.png |North Carolina |[[Image:State_Seals.jpg | 75px|North Dakota ]] |State_Seals.jpg |North Dakota |- |[[Image:State_Seals.png| 75px |Ohio]] |State_Seals.png |Ohio |[[Image:State_Seals-35.png | 75px|Oklahoma ]] |State_Seals-35.png |Oklahoma |- |[[Image:State_Seals-36.png| 75px |Oregon]] |State_Seals-36.png |Oregon |[[Image:State_Seals-10.png | 75px|Pennsylvania ]] |State_Seals-10.png |Pennsylvania |- |[[Image:State_Seals-37.png | 75px |Rhode Island]] |State_Seals-37.png |Rhode Island |[[Image:State_Seals-38.png | 75px|South Dakota ]] |State_Seals-38.png |South Dakota |- |[[Image:State_Seals-39.png | 75px |South Carolina]] |State_Seals-39.png |South Carolina |[[Image:State_Seals-40.png | 75px|Tennessee ]] |State_Seals-40.png |Tennessee |- |[[Image:State_Seals-41.png | 75px |Texas]] |State_Seals-41.png |Texas |[[Image:State_Seals-42.png | 75px|Utah ]] |State_Seals-42.png |Utah |- |[[Image:State_Seals-43.png | 75px |Vermont]] |State_Seals-43.png |Vermont |[[Image:State_Seals-44.png | 75px|Virginia ]] |State_Seals-44.png |Virginia |- |[[Image:State_Seals-45.png| 75px |Washington]] |State_Seals-45.png |Washington |[[Image:State_Seals-46.png | 75px|West Virginia ]] |State_Seals-46.png |West Virginia |- |[[Image: State_Seals-47.png| 75px |Wisconsin]] |State_Seals-47.png |Wisconsin |[[Image:State_Seals-48.png | 75px|Wyoming ]] |State_Seals-48.png |Wyoming |-}

Project Space pages 20241009 (160) Ulster County, New York

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Created: 22 Sep 2022
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[[Category:Ulster County, New York]] == Ulster County, New York == The area that later became Ulster County was settled by New Netherlanders as early as 1658. The register of baptisms and marriages in the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston was started in 1660. In 1683, the Duke of York created twelve counties in his province. Ulster County was one of them. The county is named for the Irish province of Ulster. Its boundaries at that time included the present Sullivan County, and portions of the present Delaware, Orange, and Greene Counties. The county seat is Kingston. Ulster County lies in the state's Mid-Hudson Region of the Hudson Valley and comprises the Kingston, NY Metropolitan Statistical Area. {{Geographic Location | Reference Location = Ulster County,
[[:Category: New York | New York]] | NW Location = [[:Category:Delaware County, New York|Delaware County]] | N Location = [[:Category:Greene County, New York|Greene County]] | NE Location= [[:Category:Columbia County, New York|Columbia County]] | E Location = [[:Category:Dutchess County, New York|Dutchess County]] | SE Location = | S Location = [[:Category:Orange County, New York|Orange County]] | SW Location = | W Location = [[:Category:Sullivan County, New York|Sullivan County]] }} === New York County Formation=== The link in Resources below to Family Search will allow you to access an interactive map of New York counties, as well as a chart giving dates of formation by county, by parent county(s), and more. ===Resources=== * *[[Wikipedia: Ulster County, New York | Ulster County on Wikipedia]] *[ County Website], including a rich collection of research resources: :*[ Ulster County Archives] :*[ Poorhouse records] * [,_New_York_Genealogy Ulster County Genealogy] on Family Search *''[ The History of Ulster County, New York]'' (Google Books, accessed December 27, 2014) * Anjou, Gustave. ''[[Space:Ulster County, N.Y. Probate Records|Ulster County, N.Y. Probate Records]]'', Volumes I & II. New York City, 1906 * * Church Records ** Bloomingdale (1796) ** Blue Mountain (1851) ** Brown's Station (1900) ** Cherrytown (1878-9) ** Church of the Comforter (1863) ** Clove (1807) ** Dashville (1831) ** Ellenville (1840) ** Esopus (1791) ** Flatbush (1807) ** Gardiner (1891) ** Guilford (1833) ** Hoboken (1828) ** Hurley (1801) ** Katsbaan (1710) ''[ Church Records, Katsbaan, New York]'' (1900) and FamilySearch: [ Batch C50651-1 (baptisms)] ** Kerhonksen (1853) ** Kingston "Esopus" (1659) Hoes, Roswell Randall. ''[[Space:Baptismal and Marriage Registers of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston, Ulster County, New York|Baptismal and Marriage Registers of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston, Ulster County, New York]]'' (De Vinne Press, 1891) ** Kingston (1770) ** Kingston second (1849) ** Krumville (1851) ** Lyonsville (1876) ** Marbletown (1737) FamilySearch: [ Batch C50550-1 (baptisms)] ** Mombacus (1701) ** New Hurley (1770) ** New Paltz (1683) Collections of the Holland Society of New York, volume III, ''[ Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Paltz, N. Y.]'' (The Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1896). ** New Prospect (1815) ** Peenpack (1761) ** Plattekill (1838) ** Port Ewen (1851) ** Rochester (1701) FamilySearch: [ Batch M50752-1 (marriages)] and [ Batch C50752-1 (baptisms)] ** Rosendale (1843) ** Rosendale Plains (1897) ** Saint Remy (1864) ** Shandaken (1854) ** Shawangunk (1737) Worden, Jean D. ''Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Shawangunk, Ulster County, New York'' (Franklin, OH: J.D. Worden, 1986). and FamilySearch: [ Batch C50710-1 (baptisms)] ** Shokan (1791) ** Stewartsville (1877) ** Wallkill Valley (1869) ** Wawarsing (1745) Green , Richard Henry, [ ''The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record''] Vol L, 1919 and [ Vol. LI, 1920]. Vosburgh, Royden Woodward ''[[:Category: Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Wawarsing Vol I|Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Wawarsing]] ''. ** West Camp (1708) - [ Baptisms at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, West Camp, NY 1708-1776], ** West Hurley (1848) ** Woodstock (1799) * [[Space: Olde Ulster: an historical and genealogical magazine| Olde Ulster: An Historical and Genealogical Magazine]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (161) Umatilla County, Oregon

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Created: 9 Jul 2022
Saved: 9 Jul 2022
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[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Umatilla County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Umatilla_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Umatilla County, Oregon|Umatilla County]]

== Umatilla County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q495344|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Umatilla County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Umatilla County, Oregon|Umatilla County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Umatilla County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Pendleton *[[:Category: Umatilla County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Umatilla County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Umatilla|Umatilla County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (162) Union County, Idaho

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Created: 7 Jun 2020
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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to keep the Idaho Project up to date, the following article shows this event [[]] ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (163) Union County, Oregon

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Created: 9 Jul 2022
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Touched: 9 Jul 2022

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[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Union County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Union_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space:Union County, Oregon|Union County]]

== Union County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q495691|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Union County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Union County, Oregon|Union County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Union County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' La Grande *[[:Category: Union County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Union County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Union|Union County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (164) United States Project Reliable Sources

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Created: 11 Jun 2019
Saved: 9 Feb 2024
Touched: 9 Feb 2024

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category: Reliable Sources for Pre-1700 Profiles]] [[Category: United States Project]] [[Category: US Genealogy Resources]] [[Category: United States of America, Sources]] == United States Genealogy Sources == The United States Project is an umbrella that encompasses many specialized projects, several of which have identified reliable sources for the times, places, and situations they are interested in. This page contains general information on reliable sources, but no one page can provide specific detailed advice relevant to the many times, places, and events included in the span of United States history. This is one of a set of "reliable sources" pages collected in [[:Category:Reliable Sources for Pre-1700 Profiles]], but much of the information on this page applies to time periods after 1700. The following pages provide focused advice on sources for the topics covered by specialized projects within the broad span of the United States and its history. For topics within the scope of one of these projects, the advice on the specialized project page supersedes any conflicting information on this page. These pages also should be consulted for topics closely related to the scope of these projects (for example, a person born in Massachusetts in 1680 is closely related to the scope of the Mayflower and Puritan Great Migration Projects). * [[Space:Mayflower Project Reliable Sources|Mayflower Project Reliable Sources]] - Sources for Mayflower passengers and their families; also other early New England* topics * [[Space: Puritan Great Migration Project Reliable Sources|Puritan Great Migration Project Reliable Sources]] - Sources for early New England* *[[Space:US Southern Colonies Reliable Sources|US Southern Colonies Reliable Sources]] - Sources for colonial Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia, including immigrant ships. * [[Space: Louisiana Families Project Reliable Sources|Louisiana Families Project Reliable Sources]] - Sources for pre-20th-century Louisiana * [[Space: New Netherland Settlers Project Reliable Sources|New Netherland Settlers Project Reliable Sources]] - Sources for New York and New Jersey in 1600s and 1700s * [[Space: Penn Project Reliable Sources|William Penn and Early Pennsylvania Settlers Project Reliable Sources]] - Sources for Pennsylvania, pre-1700. * [[Space: Huguenot Migration Project Reliable Sources|Huguenot Migration Project Reliable Sources]] - Sources for Huguenots who settled in various parts of what is now the eastern United States. * [[Space: Palatine Migration Project Reliable Sources|Palatine Migration Project Reliable Sources]] - Sources for German-speaking settlers arriving in the 1700s; U.S. geographic areas include New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maine * [[Space: Quakers Project Reliable Sources|Quakers Project Reliable Sources]] - worldwide sources, including those found in America * [[Space: Native Americans Project Reliable Sources|Native Americans Project Reliable Sources]] - Sources for Native American topics throughout history * [[Space: 1776 Project Reliable Sources|1776 Project Reliable Sources]] - Sources for people who participated in the American Revolutionary War or related events. * [[Space: US Presidents Project Reliable Sources|US Presidents Project Reliable Sources]] - Sources for ancestors of U.S. Presidents. : *Note: New England includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. == Reliable Sources == ===Primary Records === General types of primary records broadly applicable to the United States include: * '''Vital Records and Church Records''' - Primary records that are the best sources for reliable birth-marriage-death (BMD) information. The types of records that were kept and the availability of those records varies by colony, state, time period, and often also the jurisdiction within the colony or state. * '''Wills and Probate Files''' - Primary records for genealogists. They can be invaluable for piecing together family relationships. Where available, the complete text of a will should be preferred to an abstract. * '''Deeds and Land Records''' - Another type of primary record that can be invaluable. * '''Census Records''' - Enumeration sheets from U.S. national censuses (compiled every 10 years, beginning in 1790) and colonial, state, and territorial censuses (not conducted in all states; schedules vary) are primary records that are widely available. Quality of the information varies, depending on the knowledge of the individuals who gave information to the census enumerators and the accuracy of the census enumerators' documentation. * '''Immigration Records''' - Ship passenger lists and lists of arrivals at ports of entry are good sources. :*Searchable database for Port of New York and Ellis Island Records, 1820-1957: :*Ships Passengers Lists to USA from Olive Tree Genealogy: :*Websites such as and have many digital images of passenger lists of ships arriving in America in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Be aware that some of the people on these lists are United States residents returning from a trip abroad. Also, note that index databases such as "Passenger and Immigration Lists Index" are not primary records. The database entry typically identifies the information source; see if you can find that source, instead of citing the Ancestry database. * '''Naturalization Records''' * '''Passport Applications''' * '''Draft Registrations''' ==Sources to be Used with Caution == We often have to make our own evaluations of the sources we find. For general advice on evaluating the quality and reliability of a source, see the series of blog posts by Alicia Crane Williams in 2018 that starts with '''[ Perfect 10]'''. Because links on that page may no longer work, here are links to the rest of the '''Perfect 10''' series: : [ Peer Review] :[ Who's who] :[ Scope] :[ Format] :[ Citations] : [ Age and Methodology] :[ Analyze What?] :[ Completeness and Restraint] :[ Accessibility] : [ Pulling It All Together] : [ Pulling It All Together, Part 2] :[ Adding It Up] :[ An Imperfect Score] :[ Assessment] The guidance below pertains to some commonly encountered types of sources that should be approached with caution. === Find A Grave memorials=== Many memorials come without an actual burial place and burial details, and are in fact reconstructed from family trees. These cannot be used as sources. Only those memorials that have photographic evidence of the burial or that were created by an identifiable informant (such as a close family member) for a recently deceased person should be used as sources. Be aware that a photo of memorial stone in a cemetery may not be direct evidence of the burial, because stones sometimes list people who were not actually buried at the location of the stone, some stones were erected many years after the person's death, and headstones are not direct proof of the birth year. If a Find A Grave memorial contains a transcript or image of a published obituary or similar source material, it can be used as a source for the burial place. If you have not viewed the actual document, indicate that the cited obituary was "as reproduced" or "as quoted" on the Find A Grave memorial. Even with a picture of the stone present on the memorial, FindAGrave can not be used to prove relationships (remember, it is an unsourced family tree), unless the stone contains relationship information, such as "Mary, wife of John." === Family Genealogies === There are numerous published books -- dating from the early 1800s through the day before yesterday -- that present the genealogy of a particular family. Other family genealogies may be published on websites maintained by a family organization (possibly with a name like "The So-and-So Family Association, Inc.") or distributed privately to the members of a family organization. Often these sources are the best (or only) information we have to work with regarding an individual or a family group. Unfortunately, however, family genealogies range in quality from superb to horrifyingly bad. Some are even [[:Category: Frauds and Fabrications|fraudulent]]. In evaluating the reliability of a particular genealogy, we should consider whether the author cited their sources, and consider whether those cited sources are reliable. In reviewing citations, consider the age of the work. A book published recently should be considered doubtful if it lacks good standard reference citations. However, because 19th-century authors typically did not use modern-style citations, we need instead to look for informal descriptions of where their information came from. Regardless of the citation formats, spot-check their information against those sources you are able to access, to see whether the primary sources validate the information found in the family genealogy. See [ this short essay] by Alicia Crane Williams for advice on evaluating citations in a genealogy. Check the credentials and reputation(s) of the author(s). Consider where and how the work was published. Do not treat the "official" work of a family association as having any special credibility or legal authority over a family's history -- their publications should be evaluated the same way that we would evaluate another author's work. Finally, don't hesitate to ask other WikiTreers (in G2G) for advice regarding the reliability of a particular work. === Wikipedia === Wikipedia articles can be problematic. Genealogical information in an otherwise well-researched article may not be supported by a source at all or the source may be one that WikiTree would consider unreliable. When citing Wikipedia as a source for parent/child relationship(s), birth, marriage, and/or death information, please include not only a link to the Wikipedia article and date accessed but also the source(s) cited by Wikipedia for genealogical facts from the article. === Compilations of "American Genealogy" === There is a long tradition in America of publication of thick impressive-looking volumes (or multi-volume series) containing narrative family histories or pedigrees of numerous American families. Examples include: * Cutter, William Richard. ''[[Space:New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial|New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial]]''. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1913. * Virkus, Frederick A. ''[[Space:The Compendium of American Genealogy|The Compendium of American Genealogy]]'', 7 volumes. Chicago: A.N. Marquis & Company, 1925-1942. These books vary in quality, but typically are highly derivative, based largely on various individuals' received family trees and books like those described above under "Family Genealogies." They can be good starting points for research, but they also can be seriously misleading. Every effort should be made to confirm the information from primary records and other more reliable sources. Unfortunately, a few works with this kind of title are downright fraudulent, such as Albert Welles ''[[Space:American Family Antiquity|American Family Antiquity]]'' (Society Library, New York, 1880-1881). For more information, see [[:Category:Frauds and Fabrications]]. '''Note:''' The content identified as [ North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000] is not a source. Rather, this is a collection of numerous family genealogies (see above), each of which has its own titles and authors. It can be difficult to find the title and author on the Ancestry website, but it is important to do so in order to be able to cite the source and evaluate its quality. == Unreliable Sources == * '''User-contributed trees''': Family trees published on FamilySearch, Ancestry, Geni, MyHeritage, Rootsweb, etc., or on personal websites. Another person's family tree may be the clue that helps you find sources, but it is not itself a reliable source. And if a tree cites reliable sources, find those sources and use them. * '''Published databases containing information of uncertain origin''': There are a number of "records" collections available on websites such as Ancestry and MyHeritage (and in some instance formerly distributed on a CD-ROM) that do not identify their information sources and in fact are built in whole or in part from doubtful publications and user-contributed content. These include the "Family Data Collection" and similar sources associated with Edmund West, the "Ancestral File," the "Millennium File," the "Pedigree Resource File," and "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900." These are not reliable sources. * See also [[:Category:Frauds_and_Fabrications]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (165) United States Resources Bookshelf

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This page is part of the [[Project:United_States|'''United States Project''']]. '''The purpose of this page is to organize Wikitree pages that have been created for areas of the United States.''' == National == * [[Space:Sources-United States of America|Sources-United States of America]] * Schaefer, Christina K. ''Genealogical Encyclopedia of the Colonial Americas: A Complete Digest of the Records of All the Countries of the Western Hemisphere''. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1998. Available for purchase or find it in a library (see === Census === *[[:Space:US_Census_Categorization | US Census by year and Column Headers for each year]] == States == === Hawaii === *[[:Space:Quakers_in_Hawaii | Quakers in Hawaii ]] *[[:Space:The_Kingdom_of_Hawaii | The Kingdom of Hawaii ]] === Illinois === *[[:Space:Camp_Douglas|Camp Douglas, Chicago, Illinois]] *[[:Space:Crains_Island,_Randolph,_Illinois|Crains Island, Randolph, Illinois]] *[[:Space:Founders_and_Early_Settlers_of_Johnsburg,_McHenry_County,_Illinois|Founders and Early Settlers of Johnsburg, McHenry County, Illinois]] *[[:Space:Historical_encyclopedia_of_Illinois_and_History_of_Ogle_County|Historical_encyclopedia_of_Illinois]] *[[:Space:Illinois_Cemeteries_Team|Illinois Cemeteries Team]] *[[:Space:Illinois_Central_Railroad|Illinois_Central_Railroad]] *[[:Space:Illinois_Graphics|Illinois Graphics]] *[[:Space:Illinois_Mining_Disasters|Illinois Mining Disasters]] *[[:Space:Piopolis,_Illinois|Piopolis, Illinois]] *[[:Space:Quakers_in_Illinois|Quakers in Illinois]] *[[:Space:Scottish_Immigrant_Settlement_in_Winnebago_Illinois | Scottish Immigrant Settlement in Argyle, Illinois]] ==== Illinois Categories ==== *[[:Category: Illinois, Census Records | Illinois, Census Records]] ==== Illinois Counties ==== *[[:Space:Alexander_County%2C_Illinois|Alexander County, Illinois]] *[[:Space:Boone_County_Illinois|Boone County, Illinois]] *[[:Space:Historical_encyclopedia_of_Illinois_and_History_of_Ogle_County|Ogle_County, Illinois History]] *[[:Space:Illinois,_Cook_County_Marriages,_1871-1920| Cook County, Illinois Marriages, 1871-1920 ]] *[[:Space:Madison_County_Illinois|Madison County, Illinois]] *[[:Space:Harlem Township Winnebago County Illinois|Winnebago_County,_Illinois - Harlem_Township_]] ==== Illinois Military ==== *[[:Space:Illinois_Regiments|Illinois Regiments]] *[[:Space:Illinois_Resource_Page_US_Civil_War:_War_Between_the_States|Illinois Resource Page US Civil War: War Between the States]] *[[:Space:Illinois,_United_States_Civil_War_Infantry_Units|Illinois, United States Civil War Infantry Units]] *[[:Space:War_of_1812_Illinois_Territory|War of 1812 Illinois Territory]] === Texas === *[[:Space:New_London,_Texas,_School_Explosion | New_London, Texas, School Explosion ]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (166) United States Senate

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Created: 28 Jul 2020
Saved: 17 Feb 2024
Touched: 17 Feb 2024

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Project: WikiTree-40

Images: 0

===Makeup of the US Senate=== :Under Article I, Section 3 of the U. S. Constitution senators are elected for a six year term and are divided into 3 classes resulting in 1/3 of the body being elected every two years. After the initial appointments in 1789 following ratification, Class 1 was elected in 1790 and every six years thereafter; Class 2 in 1792 and then every six years; and Class 3 in 1794 and then every six years. Senators were elected by the State Legislatures until the adoption of the 17th Amendment which provided for popular election. :'''States with a Class 1 senator- Next election 2024:'''
[[:Category: US Senators from Arizona|Arizona]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from California|California]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Connecticut|Connecticut]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Delaware|Delaware]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Florida|Florida]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Hawaii|Hawaii]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Indiana|Indiana]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Maine|Maine]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Maryland|Maryland]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Massachusetts|Massachusetts]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Michigan|Michigan]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Minnesota|Minnesota]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Mississippi|Mississippi]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Missouri|Missouri]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Montana|Montana]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Nebraska|Nebraska]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Nevada|Nevada]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from New Jersey|New Jersey]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from New Mexico|New Mexico]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from New York|New York]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from North Dakota|North Dakota]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Ohio|Ohio]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Rhode Island|Rhode Island]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Tennessee|Tennessee]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Texas|Texas]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Utah|Utah]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Vermont|Vermont]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Virginia|Virginia]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Washington|Washington]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from West Virginia|West Virginia]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Wisconsin|Wisconsin]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Wyoming|Wyoming]] :'''States with a Class 2 senator- Next election 2026:'''
[[:Category: US Senators from Alabama|Alabama]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Alaska|Alaska]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Arkansas|Arkansas]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Colorado|Colorado]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Delaware|Delaware]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Georgia#Class 2|Georgia]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Idaho|Idaho]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Illinois|Illinois]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Iowa|Iowa]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Kansas|Kansas]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Kentucky|Kentucky]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Louisiana|Louisiana]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Maine|Maine]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Massachusetts|Massachusetts]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Michigan|Michigan]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Minnesota|Minnesota]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Mississippi|Mississippi]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Montana|Montana]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Nebraska|Nebraska]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from New Hampshire|New Hampshire]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from New Jersey|New Jersey]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from New Mexico|New Mexico]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from North Carolina|North Carolina]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Oklahoma|Oklahoma]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Oregon|Oregon]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Rhode Island|Rhode Island]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from South Carolina|South Carolina]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from South Dakota|South Dakota]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Tennessee|Tennessee]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Texas|Texas]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Virginia|Virginia]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from West Virginia|West Virginia]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Wyoming|Wyoming]] :'''States with a Class 3 senator - Next election 2028:'''
[[:Category: US Senators from Alabama|Alabama]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Alaska|Alaska]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Arizona|Arizona]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Arkansas|Arkansas]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from California|California]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Colorado|Colorado]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Connecticut|Connecticut]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Florida|Florida]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Georgia#Class 3|Georgia]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Hawaii|Hawaii]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Idaho|Idaho]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Illinois|Illinois]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Indiana|Indiana]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Iowa|Iowa]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Kansas|Kansas]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Kentucky|Kentucky]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Louisiana|Louisiana]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Maryland|Maryland]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Missouri|Missouri]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Nevada|Nevada]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from New Hampshire|New Hampshire]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from New York|New York]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from North Carolina|North Carolina]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from North Dakota|North Dakota]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Ohio|Ohio]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Oklahoma|Oklahoma]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Oregon|Oregon]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from South Carolina|South Carolina]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from South Dakota|South Dakota]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Utah|Utah]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Vermont|Vermont]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Washington|Washington]] โ€ข [[:Category: US Senators from Wisconsin|Wisconsin]] :To date, sixteen senators have also served as president of the United States. Three senators, Warren G. Harding, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama moved directly from the U.S. Senate to the White House.

Project Space pages 20241009 (167) US Images

PageID: 9734788
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Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 551 views

Created: 3 Dec 2014
Saved: 16 Oct 2022
Touched: 5 Apr 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 38

[[Category:United States Images]][[Category:Cabinet of the United States]] : Storage for images of anything pertaining to the United States not found elsewhere. For example, US Flag and State Seals are not listed here. See instead * [[Space:US_Flags | US Flags]] * [[:Category:State Seal Images|State Seals]] : Additional images that might not be found elsewhere that have been uploaded to this page, or otherwise deemed appropriate to list here, are in an "Other Images" table [[#other images|below]]. : Click the image in the table to see details (e.g., clicking the first image will take you to
The first and last tables include a column for the file name, but the second table does not. The file name can be determined from the URL - take the last part of the URL and append the preceding bit as the file extension (e.g., US_Images-23.png is from the final "/US_Images-23" and the preceding bit would be "/png/"). {| Border ''1'' cellpadding="10" |- !Image!!Title!!File Name!!Category |- |[[Image:US_Images-23.png|175px|Seal of the President of the United States]]||Seal of the President of the United States ||US_Images-23.png||[[:Category:US_Presidents|US_Presidents]] |- |[[Image:Template_Image-2.png|175px|Seal of the Vice President of the United States]]||Seal of the Vice President of the United States||Template_Image-2.png||[[:Category:US_Vice_Presidents|US_Vice_Presidents]] |- |[[Image:US_Images.png|175px|Seal of the US Senate]]||Seal of the US Senate||US_Images.png||[[:Category:US_Senators|US_Senators]] |- |[[Image:US_Images-21.png|175px|Seal of the President pro tempore of the US Senate]]||Seal of the President pro tempore of the US Senate||US_Images-21.png||[[:Category: Presidents pro tempore of the US Senate|Presidents pro tempore of the US Senate]] |- |[[Image:US_Images-19.png|175px|Seal of the US House of Representatives (1 of 3 duplicate images)]]||Seal of the US House of Representatives
1 of 3 duplicate images || US_Images-19.png||[[:Category: US Congressional Representatives|US Congressional Representatives]] |- |[[Image:US_Images-28.png|175px|Seal of the US House of Representatives
2 of 3 duplicate images]]|||Seal of the US House of Representatives
2 of 3 duplicate images ||US_Images-28.png|| (same as above) |- |[[Image:US_Images-29.png|175px|Seal of the US House of Representatives
3 of 3 duplicate images]]|||Seal of the US House of Representatives
3 of 3 duplicate images ||US_Images-29.png|| (same as above) |- |[[Image:US_Images-20.png|175px|Seal of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives (color)]]||Seal of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives||US_Images-20.png||[[:Category:Speakers of the US House of Representatives|Speakers of the US House of Representatives]] |- |[[Image:US_Images-24.png|175px|Seal of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives (outline)]]||Seal of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives ||US_Images-24.png||(same as above) |- |}

{| Border = ''1'' text align = center cellpadding="4" |+ '''More Seals''' | style="width: 300px;" |{{Image|file=US_Images-27.png|caption=Seal of the Secretary of State}} | style="width: 300px;" |{{Image|file=US_Images-4.png|caption=Seal of the Supreme Court}} | style="width: 300px;" |{{Image|file=US_Images-1.png|caption=Seal of the Post Office Department}} |- |{{Image|file=US_Images-7.png|caption=US Department of Agriculture}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-1.gif|caption=Department of Commerce and Labor}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-10.png|caption=Department of Commerce}} |- |{{Image|file=US_Images-17.png|caption=Department of Defense}} |{{Image|file=US_Images.gif|caption=War Offfice}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-8.png|caption=War Office}} |- |{{Image|file=US_Images-14.png|caption=US Department of Energy}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-15.png|caption=US Department of Education}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-2.png|caption=Department of Health and Human Services}} |- |{{Image|file=US_Images-1.jpg|caption=Department of Health Education and Welfare
(no background color)}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-2.jpg|caption=Department of Health Education and Welfare
(with green background)}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-18.png|caption=Department of Homeland Security}} |- |{{Image|file=US_Images-12.png|caption=Department of Housing and Urban Development}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-9.png|caption=Department of the Interior}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-6.png|caption=Department of Justice}} |- |{{Image|file=US_Images-26.png|caption=Department of the Navy}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-5.png|caption=Department of State}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-3.png|caption=Department of the Treasury}} |- |{{Image|file=US_Images-13.png|caption=Department of Transportation}} |{{Image|file=US_Images-16.png|caption=Department of Veterans Affairs}} | |}

{| Border ''1''; cellpadding="10" |+ ''Other Images'' ! style="width: 150px;" |'''Image''' ! style="width: 150px;" |'''File Name''' |- |{{Image|file=US_Images.jpg|caption=American Revolution}} |US_Images.jpg |- |{{Image|file=US_Images-3.jpg|caption=Notable}} |US_Images-3.jpg |- |{{Image|file=US_Images-25.png|caption=Republic of Texas}} |US_Images-25.png |}

Project Space pages 20241009 (168) US Maps and Images

PageID: 20747447
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Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 545 views

Created: 14 Mar 2018
Saved: 15 Mar 2018
Touched: 15 Mar 2018

Managers: 2
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 50

[[Category:United States of America|Maps]][[Category:US History|Maps]][[Category:United States Images]] This a place for collecting maps and images of the United States Add the following to any Image page to include it in this space:


To include any of these images in profiles, add the profile id to the image.

Project Space pages 20241009 (169) US Senators from Colorado

PageID: 28061593
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 77 views

Created: 8 Feb 2020
Saved: 8 Feb 2020
Touched: 8 Feb 2020

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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:US Senators from Colorado]] '''See''': [[:Category: US Senators from Colorado|the category]] for a grouping of profiles of US Senators of Colorado.

''Colorado was admitted to the Union on August 1, 1876, and elects senators to Senate Class 2 and Class 3.''

[[Image:US_Images.png|120px]] '''United States Senators from Colorado''' [[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-5.png|140px]]

{|border="5" class="wikitable sortable"align=center |'''Senator||'''first year'''||'''last year'''||'''class''' |- |[[Adams-14648|Alva Blanchard Adams]]||1923||1943*||Class 3 |- |Ben Nighthorse Campbell||1993||2005||Class 3 |- |Bill Armstrong||1979||1991||Class 2 |- |Charles James Hughes, Jr.||1909||1911||Class 3 |- |[[Thomas-16473|Charles Spalding Thomas]]||1911||1921||Class 3 |- |Charles Winfield Waterman||1927||1933||Class 3 |- |Cory Gardner||2015||2017||Class 2 |- |Edward Oliver Wolcott||1889||1901||Class 2 |- |Edward Prentiss Costigan||1931||1937||Class 2 |- |Edwin Carl Johnson||1937||1955||Class 2 |- |Eugene Donald Millikin||1941||1957||Class 3 |- |Floyd Kirk Haskell||1973||1979||Class 2 |- |Gary Hart||1975||1987||Class 3 |- |George Miles Chilcott||1881||1883||Class 2 |- |Gordon Llewellyn Allott||1955||1973||Class 2 |- |Hank Brown||1991||1997||Class 2 |- |Henry Moore Teller||1875||1909*||Class 2 |- |Horace Austin Warner Tabor||1881||1883||Class 2 |- |Jerome Bunty Chaffee||1875||1879||Class 3 |- |John Albert Carroll||1957||1963||Class 3 |- |John Franklin Shafroth||1913||1919||Class 2 |- |Karl Cortlandt Schuyler||1931||1933||Class 3 |- |Ken Salazar||2005||2011||Class 3 |- |Lawrence Cowle Phipps||1919||1931||Class 2 |- |Mark Udall||2009||2015||Class 2 |- |Michael Bennet||2009||2017||Class 3 |- |Nathaniel Peter Hill||1879||1885||Class 3 |- |Peter Hoyt Dominick||1963||1975||Class 3 |- |[[Means-887|Rice William Means]]||1923||1927||Class 3 |- |Samuel Danford Nicholson||1921||1925||Class 3 |- |Simon Guggenheim||1907||1913||Class 2 |- |Thomas MacDonald Patterson||1901||1907||Class 2 |- |[[Bowen-3699|Thomas Mead Bowen]]||1883||1889||Class 2 |- |Tim Wirth||1987||1993||Class 3 |- |Walter Walker||1931||1933||Class 3 |- |Wayne Allard||1997||2009||Class 2 |}

~ not consecutive - Teller (1875-1883) and (1885-1909), Adams (1923-1925) and (1933-1943)


---- '''Class 2 Senators from Colorado''' :[[Teller-209|Teller]] โ€ข [[Chilcott-146|Chilcott]] โ€ข [[Tabor-1009|Tabor]] โ€ข [[Bowen-3699|Bowen]] โ€ข [[Wolcott-1161|Wolcott]] โ€ข [[Patterson-8727|Patterson]] โ€ข [[Guggenheim-35|Guggenheim]] โ€ข [[Shafroth-1|Shafroth]] โ€ข [[Phipps-1364|Phipps]] โ€ข [[Costigan-87|Costigan]] โ€ข [[Johnson-36356|Johnson]] โ€ข [[Allott-88|Allott]] โ€ข [[Haskell-1698|Haskell]] โ€ข [[Armstrong-8378|Armstrong]] โ€ข [[Brown-50841|Brown]] โ€ข [[Allard-1124|Allard]] โ€ข [[Udall-459|Udall]] โ€ข [[Gardner-7000|Gardner]] '''Class 3 Senators from Colorado''' :[[Chaffee-202|Chaffee]] โ€ข [[Hill-19551|Hill]] โ€ข [[Teller-209|Teller]] โ€ข [[Hughes-9961|Hughes]] โ€ข [[Thomas-16473|Thomas]] โ€ข [[Nicholson-4200|Nicholson]] โ€ข [[Adams-14648|Adams]] โ€ข [[Means-887|Means]] โ€ข [[Waterman-1331|Waterman]] โ€ข [[Walker-22663|Walker]] โ€ข [[Schuyler-412|Schuyler]] โ€ข [[Adams-14648|Adams]] โ€ข [[Millikin-89|Millikin]] โ€ข [[Carroll-5350|Carroll]] โ€ข [[Dominick-96|Dominick]] โ€ข [[Hartpence-82|Hart]] โ€ข [[Wirth-518|Wirth]] โ€ข [[Campbell-19265|Campbell]] โ€ข [[Salazar-654|Salazar]] โ€ข [[Bennet-783|Bennet]] ----

Project Space pages 20241009 (170) US State Flag Images

PageID: 8568875
Inbound links: 53
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ all views 5922

Created: 7 Jul 2014
Saved: 24 Sep 2024
Touched: 24 Sep 2024

Managers: 1
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 73

[[Category:United States Project]] [[Category: United States Flag Images]] [[Category:Background Images]] ''[ [[#territories|click here]] ] to go to next table (below), "US Possessions and Territories"''
''[ [[Space:Flags of Colonial America|click here]] ] for Colonial/Revolutionary Flags
''[ [[Space:US_Flags|click here]] ] for USA Flags (1775-present)''
''[ [[Template:US Flag|click here]] ] to go to the US Flag template page''
''[ [[Space:Flags|click here]] ] and [ [[:Category:Flag Images|here]] ] to find more flags. {| cellpadding = "4" Border = ''1'' |+ '''Images of US State flags for use in profiles and templates''' |- |Flag Image |Image File |Description |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images.png | 75px| Alabama]] |US_State_Flag_Images.png |Alabama 1895- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-60.png | 75px |Alabama w/border ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-60.png |Alabama w/border |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-1.png | 75px |Alaska]] |US_State_Flag_Images-1.png |Alaska 1827- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-2.png | 75px|Arizona ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-2.png |Arizona 1917- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-3.png | 75px |Arkansas]] |US_State_Flag_Images-3.png |Arkansas 1924- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-4.png | 75px|California ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-4.png |California 1911- |- |[[Image: US_State_Flag_Images-61.png| 75px |California w/border ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-61.png |California w/border |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-5.png | 75px |Colorado]] |US_State_Flag_Images-5.png |Colorado 1911- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-6.png | 75px|Connecticut ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-6.png |Connecticut 1897- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-7.png | 75px |Delaware]] |US_State_Flag_Images-7.png |Delaware 1913- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-8.png | 75px| Florida]] |US_State_Flag_Images-8.png |Florida 1985- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-62.png | 75px |Florida w/border ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-62.png |Florida w/border |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-9.png | 75px |Georgia]] |US_State_Flag_Images-9.png |Georgia 2003- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-10.png | 75px|Hawaii ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-10.png |Hawaii 1845- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-65.png | 75px |Hawaii w/border ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-65.png |Hawaii w/border |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-11.png | 75px |Idaho]] |US_State_Flag_Images-11.png |Idaho 1957- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-16.png | 75px|Illinois ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-16.png |Illinois 1969- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-63.png | 75px |Illinois w/border ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-63.png |Illinois w/border |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-17.png | 75px |Indiana]] |US_State_Flag_Images-17.png |Indiana 1917- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-18.png | 75px|Iowa ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-18.png |Iowa 1921- |- |[[Image: US_State_Flag_Images-19.png| 75px |Kansas]] |US_State_Flag_Images-19.png |Kansas 1961- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-20.png | 75px|Kentucky ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-20.png |Kentucky 1918- (Commonwealth) |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-4.jpg | 75px|Kentucky ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-4.jpg |Kentucky (w/proper color and dimensions) |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-21.png | 75px |Louisiana]] |US_State_Flag_Images-21.png |Louisiana 2006- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-22.png | 75px|Maine ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-22.png |Maine |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-23.png | 75px |Maryland]] |US_State_Flag_Images-23.png |Maryland |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-24.png | 75px|Massachusetts]] |US_State_Flag_Images-24.png |Massachusetts (Commonwealth) |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-13.png | 75px |Massachusetts w/border ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-13.png |Massachusetts w/border |- | ''[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-12.png |75 px |Massachusetts seal]]'' | ''US_State_Flag_Images-12.png '' | ''Massachusetts seal''
''(not a flag)'' |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-25.png | 75px |Michigan]] |US_State_Flag_Images-25.png |Michigan |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-31.png | 75px|Minnesota ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-31.png |Minnesota 2024 - |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-15.png | 75px |Mississippi]] |US_State_Flag_Images-15.png | Mississippi 2020- |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-28.png | 75px|Missouri ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-28.png |Missouri |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-29.png | 75px |Montana]] |US_State_Flag_Images-29.png |Montana |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-30.png | 75px|Nebraska ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-30.png |Nebraska |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-32.png | 75px|Nevada ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-32.png |Nevada |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-33.png | 75px |New Hampshire]] |US_State_Flag_Images-33.png |New Hampshire |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-34.png | 75px|New Jersey ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-34.png |New Jersey |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-36.png | 75px |New Mexico]] |US_State_Flag_Images-36.png |New Mexico |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-35.png | 75px|New York ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-35.png |New York |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-37.png | 75px |North Carolina]] |US_State_Flag_Images-37.png |North Carolina |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-66.png | 75px | North Carolina w/border]] |US_State_Flag_Images-66.png |North Carolina w/border |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-38.png | 75px|North Dakota ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-38.png |North Dakota |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-39.png | 75px |Ohio]] |US_State_Flag_Images-39.png |Ohio |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-40.png | 75px|Oklahoma ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-40.png |Oklahoma |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-41.png | 75px |Oregon]] |US_State_Flag_Images-41.png |Oregon |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-42.png | 75px|Pennsylvania ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-42.png |Pennsylvania (Commonwealth) |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-43.png | 75px |Rhode Island]] |US_State_Flag_Images-43.png |Rhode Island |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-44.png | 75px|South Carolina ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-44.png |South Carolina |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-45.png | 75px |South Dakota]] |US_State_Flag_Images-45.png |South Dakota |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-46.png | 75px|Tennessee ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-46.png |Tennessee |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-47.png | 75px |Texas]] |US_State_Flag_Images-47.png |Texas |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-67.png | 75px |Texas w/border ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-67.png |Texas w/border |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images.jpg | 75px|Utah ]] |US_State_Flag_Images.jpg |Utah |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-48.png | 75px |Vermont]] |US_State_Flag_Images-48.png |Vermont |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-49.png | 75px|Virginia ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-49.png |Virginia (Commonwealth) |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-50.png | 75px |Washington]] |US_State_Flag_Images-50.png |Washington |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-51.png | 75px|West Virginia ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-51.png |West Virginia |- |[[Image: US_State_Flag_Images-52.png| 75px |Wisconsin]] |US_State_Flag_Images-52.png |Wisconsin |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-53.png | 75px|Wyoming ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-53.png |Wyoming |}
{| cellpadding = "4" Border = ''1'' |+ '''Images of US Possessions and Territories flags
for use in profiles and templates''' |- |Flag Image |Image File |Description |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-55.png | 75px |American Samoa ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-55.png |American Samoa (Territory) |- |[[Image: US_State_Flag_Images-56.png| 75px |Guam ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-56.png |Guam (Territory) |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-57.png | 75px |Northern Mariana Islands ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-57.png |Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth) |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-58.png | 75px |Puerto Rico ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-58.png |Puerto Rico (Commonwealth) |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-68.png | 75px |US Virgin Islands ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-68.png |US Virgin Islands (Territory) |- |[[Image:US_State_Flag_Images-69.png | 75px |District of Columbia ]] |US_State_Flag_Images-69.png |District of Columbia (Federal District) |}

'''Note''': There is not currently a single page where City and County flags for USA locations are uploaded - such a page would quickly become unmanageable. Please upload such images to an appropriate state-level space page. See [[Project: United States|United States Project]] for a table of state-level project pages. The following table lists state-level pages that I'm aware of with images attached. ~ [[Noland-165]], 29 September 2021 {| cellpadding = "4" Border = ''1'' |+ '''Locator table for
city and county flags''' |- |State |State-level page |- |Hawaii |[[Space:Hawaii Locations Mapping|Hawaii Locations Mapping]] |- |US |[[Space:City_Flag_Images_-_US|City Flag Images - US]] |} {{clear}}
''found orphaned/adopted 9 June 2020 - page and tables originally created by [[Thompson-9019|Dan Thompson]] in 2014.''

Project Space pages 20241009 (171) US States Admission to the Union

PageID: 20942158
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Created: 30 Mar 2018
Saved: 31 Oct 2020
Touched: 31 Oct 2020

Managers: 2
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 1

[[Category:United States of America]][[Category:US History]] The following tables shows the 50 U.S. States and when they were admitted to the [[:Category:United States of America|United States]] with Wikitree links to the states and the colony or territory that they were before they were admitted or ratified. {| border="1" align="center" class="wikitable sortable" style="font-style:; font-size:100%; border: 3px Solid Blue;" |- !Order !State !class="unsortable"|Date Admitted or Ratified !Admitted/Ratified !Formed From |- |1||[[:Category:Delaware|Delaware]]|| December 7, 1787||ratified||[[:Category:Delaware Colony|Delaware Colony]] |- |2||[[:Category:Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania]]|| December 12, 1787||ratified||[[:Category:Province of Pennsylvania|Province of Pennsylvania]] |- |3||[[:Category:New Jersey|New Jersey]]|| December 18, 1787||ratified||[[:Category:Province of New Jersey|Province of New Jersey]] |- |4||[[:Category:Georgia|Georgia]]|| January 2, 1788||ratified||[[:Category:Province of Georgia|Province of Georgia]] |- |5||[[:Category:Connecticut|Connecticut]]|| January 9, 1788||ratified||[[:Category:Colony of Connecticut|Colony of Connecticut]] |- |6||[[:Category:Massachusetts|Massachusetts]]|| February 6, 1788||ratified||[[:Category:Province of Massachusetts Bay|Province of Massachusetts Bay]] |- |7||[[:Category:Maryland|Maryland]]|| April 28, 1788||ratified||[[:Category:Province of Maryland|Province of Maryland]] |- |8||[[:Category:South Carolina|South Carolina]]|| May 23, 1788||ratified||[[:Category:Province of South Carolina|Province of South Carolina]] |- |9||[[:Category:New Hampshire|New Hampshire]]|| June 21, 1788||ratified||[[:Category:Province of New Hampshire|Province of New Hampshire]] |- |10||[[:Category:Virginia|Virginia]]|| June 25, 1788||ratified||[[:Category:Virginia Colony|Colony of Virginia]] |- |11||[[:Category:New York|New York]]|| July 26, 1788||ratified||[[:Category:Province of New York|Province of New York]] |- |12||[[:Category:North Carolina|North Carolina]]|| November 21, 1789||ratified||[[:Category:Province of North Carolina|Province of North Carolina]] |- |13||[[:Category:Rhode Island|Rhode Island]]|| May 29, 1790||ratified||[[:Category:Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations|Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations]] |- |14||[[:Category:Vermont|Vermont]]|| March 4, 1791||admitted||[[:Category:Vermont Republic|Vermont Republic]] |- |15||[[:Category:Kentucky|Kentucky]]|| June 1, 1792||admitted||[[:Category:District of Kentucky|District of Kentucky]] Virginia: Fayette, Jefferson, and Lincoln counties |- |16||[[:Category:Tennessee|Tennessee]]|| June 1, 1796||admitted||[[:Category:Southwest Territory|Southwest Territory]] |- |17||[[:Category:Ohio|Ohio]]|| March 1, 1803||admitted||[[:Category:Northwest Territory|Northwest Territory (part)]] |- |18||[[:Category:Louisiana|Louisiana]]|| April 30, 1812||admitted||[[:Category:Louisiana Territory|Louisiana Territory]] |- |19||[[:Category:Indiana|Indiana]]|| December 11, 1816||admitted||[[:Category:Indiana Territory|Indiana Territory]] |- |20||[[:Category:Mississippi|Mississippi]]|| December 10, 1817||admitted||[[:Category:Mississippi Territory|Mississippi Territory]] |- |21||[[:Category:Illinois|Illinois]]|| December 3, 1818||admitted||[[:Category:Illinois Territory|Illinois Territory (part)]] |- |22||[[:Category:Alabama|Alabama]]|| December 14, 1819||admitted||[[:Category:Alabama Territory|Alabama Territory]] |- |23||[[:Category:Maine|Maine]]|| March 15, 1820||admitted||[[:Category:Province of Massachusetts Bay|Province of Massachusetts Bay (District of Maine]] |- |24||[[:Category:Missouri|Missouri]]|| August 10, 1821||admitted||[[:Category:Missouri Territory|Missouri Territory (part)]] |- |25||[[:Category:Arkansas|Arkansas]]|| June 15, 1836||admitted||[[:Category:Arkansas Territory|Arkansas Territory]] |- |26||[[:Category:Michigan|Michigan]]|| January 26, 1837||admitted||[[:Category:Michigan Territory|Michigan Territory]] |- |27||[[:Category:Florida|Florida]]|| March 3, 1845||admitted||[[:Category:Florida Territory|Florida Territory]] |- |28||[[:Category:Texas|Texas]]|| December 29, 1845||admitted||[[:Category:Republic of Texas|Republic of Texas]] |- |29||[[:Category:Iowa|Iowa]]|| December 28, 1846||admitted||[[:Category:Iowa Territory|Iowa Territory (part)]] |- |30||[[:Category:Wisconsin|Wisconsin]]|| May 29, 1848||admitted||[[:Category:Wisconsin Territory|Wisconsin Territory (part)]] |- |31||[[:Category:California|California]]|| September 9, 1850||admitted||[[:Category:California Territory|California Territory]] plus part of unorganized territory |- |32||[[:Category:Minnesota|Minnesota]]|| May 11, 1858||admitted||[[:Category:Minnesota Territory|Minnesota Territory (part)]] |- |33||[[:Category:Oregon|Oregon]]|| February 14, 1859||admitted||[[:Category:Oregon Territory|Oregon Territory (part)]] |- |34||[[:Category:Kansas|Kansas]]|| January 29, 1861||admitted||[[:Category:Kansas Territory|Kansas Territory (part)]] |- |35||[[:Category:West Virginia|West Virginia]]|| June 20, 1863||admitted||[[:Category:Virginia Trans-Allegheny Region Counties|Virginia Trans-Allegheny Region Counties]] |- |36||[[:Category:Nevada|Nevada]]|| October 31, 1864||admitted||[[:Category:Nevada Territory|Nevada Territory]] |- |37||[[:Category:Nebraska|Nebraska]]|| March 1, 1867||admitted||[[:Category:Nebraska Territory|Nebraska Territory]] |- |38||[[:Category:Colorado|Colorado]]|| August 1, 1876||admitted||[[:Category:Colorado Territory|Colorado Territory]] |- |39||[[:Category:North Dakota|North Dakota]]|| November 2, 1889||admitted||[[:Category:Dakota Territory|Dakota Territory (part)]] |- |40||[[:Category:South Dakota|South Dakota]]|| November 2, 1889||admitted||[[:Category:Dakota Territory|Dakota Territory (part)]] |- |41||[[:Category:Montana|Montana]]|| November 8, 1889||admitted||[[:Category:Montana Territory|Montana Territory]] |- |42||[[:Category:Washington|Washington]]|| November 11, 1889||admitted||[[:Category:Washington Territory|Washington Territory]] |- |43||[[:Category:Idaho|Idaho]]|| July 3, 1890||admitted||[[:Category:Idaho Territory|Idaho Territory]] |- |44||[[:Category:Wyoming|Wyoming]]|| July 10, 1890||admitted||[[:Category:Wyoming Territory|Wyoming Territory]] |- |45||[[:Category:Utah|Utah]]|| January 4, 1896||admitted||[[:Category:Utah Territory|Utah Territory]] |- |46||[[:Category:Oklahoma|Oklahoma]]|| November 16, 1907||admitted||[[:Category:Oklahoma Territory|Oklahoma Territory]] and [[:Category:Indian Territory|Indian Territory]] |- |47||[[:Category:New Mexico|New Mexico]]|| January 6, 1912||admitted||[[:Category:New Mexico Territory|New Mexico Territory]] |- |48||[[:Category:Arizona|Arizona]]|| February 14, 1912||admitted||[[:Category:Arizona Territory|Arizona Territory]] |- |49||[[:Category:Alaska|Alaska]]|| January 3, 1959||admitted||[[:Category:Alaska Territory|Alaska Territory]] |- |50||[[:Category:Hawaii|Hawaii]]|| August 21, 1959||admitted||[[:Category:Hawaii Territory|Territory of Hawaii]] |} == Sources == * [[Wikipedia:List_of_U.S._states_by_date_of_admission_to_the_Union]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (172) US Vice Presidents

PageID: 29632433
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 356 views

Created: 27 Jun 2020
Saved: 16 Feb 2021
Touched: 16 Feb 2021

Managers: 1
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:US Vice Presidents]] ===In Chronological Order === {| class="wikitable sortable" border=1 cellpadding=5 !#!!Term!!Vice President!!President |- |1||1789 - 1797||[[Adams-10|'''John Adams''']]||George Washington |- |2||1797 - 1801||[[Jefferson-1|'''Thomas Jefferson''']]||John Adams |- |3||1801 - 1805||[[Burr-115|Aaron Burr]]||Thomas Jefferson |- |4||1805 - 1812||[[Clinton-693|George Clinton]]||Thomas Jefferson, James Madison |- |5||1813 - 1814||[[Gerry-17|Elbridge Gerry]]||James Madison |- |6||1817 - 1825||[[Tompkins-551|Daniel D. Tompkins]]||James Monroe |- |7||1825 - 1832||[[Calhoun-124|John C. Calhoun]]||John Q. Adams, Andrew Jackson |- |8||1833 - 1837||[[Van_Buren-1|'''Martin Van Buren''']]||Andrew Jackson |- |9||1837 - 1841||[[Johnson-5003|Richard M. Johnson]]||Martin Van Buren |- |10||1841 - 1841||[[Tyler-150|'''John Tyler''']]||William H. Harrison |- |11||1845 - 1849||[[Dallas-90|George M. Dallas]]||James K. Polk |- |12||1849 - 1850||[[Fillmore-3|'''Millard Fillmore''']]||Zachary Taylor |- |13||1853 - 1853||[[King-11966|William King]] ||Franklin Pierce |- |14||1857 - 1861||[[Breckinridge-33|John C. Breckinridge]]||James Buchanan |- |15||1861 - 1865||[[Hamlin-528|Hannibal Hamlin]]||Abraham Lincoln |- |16||1865 - 1865||[[Johnson-10479|'''Andrew Johnson''']] ||Abraham Lincoln |- |17||1869 - 1873||[[Colfax-20|Schuyler Colfax]]||Ulysses S. Grant |- |18||1873 - 1875||[[Colbath-19|Henry Wilson]]||Ulysses S. Grant |- |19||1877 - 1881||[[Wheeler-6894|William Wheeler]]||Rutherford B. Hayes |- |20||1881 - 1881||[[Arthur-49|'''Chester Arthur''']]||James Garfield |- |21||1885 - 1885||[[Hendricks-692|Thomas Hendricks]]||Grover Cleveland |- |22||1889 - 1893||[[Morton-3303|Levi P. Morton]] ||Benjamin Harrison |- |23||1893 - 1897||[[Stevenson-1184|Adlai E. Stevenson]]||Grover Cleveland |- |24||1897 - 1899||[[Hobart-517|Garret Hobart]] ||William McKinley |- |25||1901 - 1901||[[Roosevelt-18|'''Theodore Roosevelt''']]||William McKinley |- |26||1905 - 1909||[[Fairbanks-440|Charles Fairbanks]]||Theodore Roosevelt |- |27||1909 - 1912||[[Sherman-3002|James S. Sherman]]||William H. Taft |- |28||1913 - 1921||[[Marshall-6316|Thomas R. Marshall]]||Woodrow Wilson |- |29||1921 - 1923||[[Coolidge-13|'''Calvin Coolidge''']]||Warren G. Harding |- |30||1925 - 1929||[[Dawes-291|Charles Dawes]]||Calvin Coolidge |- |31||1929 - 1933||[[Curtis-1647|Charles Curtis]]||Herbert Hoover |- |32||1933 - 1941||[[Garner-1851|John Nance Garner]]||Franklin D. Roosevelt |- |33||1941 - 1945||[[Wallace-5730 |Henry A. Wallace]]||Franklin D. Roosevelt |- |34||1945 - 1945||[[Truman-3|'''Harry Truman''']]||Franklin D. Roosevelt |- |35||1949 - 1953||[[Barkley-428|Alben Barkley]]||Harry Truman |- |36||1953 - 1961||[[Nixon-22 |'''Richard Nixon''']]||Dwight D. Eisenhower |- |37||1961 - 1963||[[Johnson-8927|'''Lyndon B. Johnson''']]||John F. Kennedy |- |38||1965 - 1069||[[Humphrey-2148|Hubert Humphrey]]||Lyndon B. Johnson |- |39||1969 - 1973||[[Agnew-659|Spiro Agnew ]]||Richard Nixon |- |40||1973 - 1974||[[King-1042|'''Gerald Ford''']]||Richard Nixon |- |41||1974 - 1977||[[Rockefeller-101|Nelson Rockefeller]]||Gerald Ford |- |42||1977 - 1981||[[Mondale-1|Walter Mondale]]||Jimmy Carter |- |43||1981 - 1989||[[Bush-7|'''George H. W. Bush''']]||Ronald Reagan |- |44||1989 - 1993||[[Quayle-22|Dan Quayle]]||George H. W. Bush |- |45||1993 - 2001||[[Gore-330|Al Gore]]||Bill Clinton |- |46||2001 - 2009||[[Cheney-4|Dick Cheney]]||George W. Bush |- |47||2009 - 2017||[[Biden-2|'''Joe Biden''']]||Barack Obama |- |48||2017 - 2021||[[Pence-403|Mike Pence]]||Donald Trump |- |49||2021 - present||[[Harris-37912|Kamala Harris]]||Joe Biden |} '''Bold''' - Went on to be President. ===Alphabetical list (by first name) of Vice Presidents=== # Aaron Burr # Adlai E. Stevenson # Alben W. Barkley # Albert Gore # Andrew Johnson # Calvin Coolidge # Charles Curtis # Charles G. Dawes # Charles W. Fairbanks # Chester A. Arthur # Dan Quayle # Daniel D. Tompkins # Garret A. Hobart # George Bush # George Clinton # George M. Dallas # Gerald R. Ford # Gerry Elbridge # Hannibal Hamlin # Harry S. Truman # Henry A. Wallace # Henry Wilson # Hubert M. Humphrey # James S. Sherman # John Adams # John C. Breckinridge # John C. Calhoun # John N. Garner # John Tyler # Joseph R. Biden # Kamala D. Harris # Levi P. Morton # Lyndon B. Johnson # Martin Van Buren # Millard Fillmore # Nelson Rockefeller # Richard Cheney # Richard M. Johnson # Richard M. Nixon # Schuyler Colfax # Spiro T. Agnew # Theodore Roosevelt # Thomas A. Hendricks # Thomas Jefferson # Thomas R. Marshall # Walter F. Mondale # William R. King # William A. Wheeler

Project Space pages 20241009 (173) Valley County, Idaho

PageID: 29409027
Inbound links: 1
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 112 views

Created: 7 Jun 2020
Saved: 14 Jul 2022
Touched: 14 Jul 2022

Managers: 2
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Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (174) Wahkiakum County, Washington

PageID: 38568419
Inbound links: 5
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 83 views

Created: 6 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Wahkiakum County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Pacific County, Washington|Pacific]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Lewis County, Washington|Lewis]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image: Wahkiakum_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Cowlitz County, Washington|Cowlitz]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''
[[Wikipedia:Columbia River|Columbia River]]
[[Space:Clatsop County, Oregon|Clatsop County, Oregon]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Wikipedia:Columbia River|Columbia River]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''
[[Wikipedia:Columbia River|Columbia River]]
[[Space:Columbia County, Oregon|Columbia County, Oregon]]

Welcome to [[Space: Wahkiakum County, Washington| Wahkiakum County]]

== Wahkiakum County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484015|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Wahkiakum County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Wahkiakum County, Washington| Wahkiakum County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Wahkiakum County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Wahkiakum County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Wahkiakum County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Wahkiakum | Wahkiakum County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (175) Walla Walla County, Washington

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[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Walla Walla County, Washington]]

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Franklin County, Washington|Franklin]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Benton County, Washington|Benton]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Walla_Walla_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Columbia County, Washington|Columbia]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Umatilla County, Oregon|Umatilla County, Oregon]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Walla Walla County, Washington|Walla Walla County]]

== Walla Walla County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q485305|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Walla Walla County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Walla Walla County, Washington|Walla Walla County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Walla Walla County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Walla Walla County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Walla Walla County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Walla Walla|Walla Walla County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (176) Wallowa County, Oregon

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[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Wallowa County, Oregon]]

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Columbia County, Washington|Columbia County,
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Garfield County, Washington|Garfield County,
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''
[[Space:Asotin County, Washington|Asotin County,
Nez Perce County, Idaho |- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Umatilla County, Oregon|Umatilla]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Wallowa_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''
Idaho County,
|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Union County, Oregon|Union]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Baker County, Oregon|Baker]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

Adams County,

Welcome to [[Space: Wallowa County, Oregon|Wallowa County]]

== Wallowa County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q495382|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Wallowa County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Wallowa County, Oregon|Wallowa County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Wallowa County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Enterprise *[[:Category: Wallowa County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Wallowa County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Wallowa|Wallowa County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (177) Wasco County, Oregon

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{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Wasco_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Wasco County, Oregon|Wasco County]]

== Wasco County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q495388|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Wasco County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Wasco County, Oregon|Wasco County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Wasco County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' The Dalles *[[:Category: Wasco County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Wasco County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Wasco|Wasco County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (178) Washington

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Created: 21 Apr 2016
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[[Category:Washington]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Civil War Veterans in Washington State]] ----

Welcome to the state of Washington Project!

---- This page is part of the [[Project:Washington_State|Washington State Project]] which is also part of the [[Project:United_States_History|United States History Project]].

*[[:Category:Washington|Category page]] *[[:Category:Washington_Projects|Washington Projects page]] The leader of this project is [[Andrus-373|Alison Andrus]]. Please contact her if you would like to join. The state of Washington was previously part of the Washington Territory and became the 42nd state on Nov. 11, 1889. {{Image|file=Washington-3.jpg |caption=1913 Map of Washington }}

[[Image:Photos-172.jpg|30px]][[Image:Photos-172.jpg|30px]]Washington State Counties [[Image:Photos-172.jpg|30px]][[Image:Photos-172.jpg|30px]]

{| border="1" align="center" class="wikitable " style="font-style:; font-size:100%; border: 3px Solid Green;" |- |Adams |Asotin |Benton |Chelan |Clallam |Clark |- |Columbia |Cowlitz |Douglas |Ferry |Franklin |Garfield |- |Grant |Grays Harbor |Island |Jefferson |King |[[Space:Kitsap_County%2C_Washington| '''Kitsap''']] |- |Kittitas |Klickitat |Lewis |Lincoln |Mason |Okanogan |- |Pacific |Pend Oreille |Pierce |San Juan |Skagit |Skamania |- |[[Space:Snohomish County, Washington|'''Snohomish''']] |Spokane |Stevens |Thurston |Wahiakum |Walla Walla |- |Whatcom |Whitman |Yakima |[[Image:Photos-172.jpg|20px]] |[[Image:Photos-172.jpg|20px]] |[[Image:Photos-172.jpg|20px]] |- |}

=== Washington History Timeline ===

:1543 - Pacific Northwest claimed by Spain :1579 - The Washington coast sighted by [[Drake-326|'''Sir Francis Drake''']] and claimed for England :1592 - Discovery of Strait of Juan de Fuca claimed by Juan de Fuca :1741-43 - Russian explorers reach Alaskan islands and coast and trade with native peoples for sea otter pelts. :1774 - Juan Perez commands the first Spanish expedition to explore the Northwest Coast and sights the Olympic Mountains. :1775 - Bruno de Hezeta lands on the Washington coast and claims the area for Spain. On his return south, he sees the mouth of the Columbia River. :1778 - [[Cook-4419|'''James Cook''']] (British) explores and charts the Northwest Coast. :1789 - [[Washington-11|'''George Washington''']] is elected the first president of the United States. See the [[Project:US_Presidents|'''US Presidents Project''']] :1792 - Robert Gray (American) names the Columbia River after his ship. George Vancouver (British) explores and names Puget Sound and Lieutenant William Broughton explores the Columbia River up to Point Vancouver. Spain establishes the first non-Indian settlement in Washington at Neah Bay. :1803-1806: Captains [[Clark-5025|'''William Clark''']] and [[Lewis-5102|'''Meriwether Lewis''']] lead the Corps of Discovery's Transcontinental Expedition of the lands west of the Missouri River. See the [[Project:Lewis_and_Clark_Expedition|'''Lewis and Clark Expedition Project''']]. :1805-1806 - Lewis and Clark enter Washington and stay at Fort Clatsop on the south side of the mouth of the Columbia River. See the [[Space:Lewis_and_Clark|'''Lewis and Clark Expedition''']]. :1807-1811 - David Thompson charts the Columbia River. :1811 - [[Astor-18|'''John Jacob Astor''']] builds Fort Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia River as part of his Pacific Fur Company. David Thompson maps the Columbia from its headwaters. :1818 - United States and Great Britain agree to joint occupation of the Oregon Territory. :1823 - Monroe Doctrine warns other countries against attempting occupation in US claimed lands. :1824 - Bureau of Indian Affairs is set up in the War Department. Russia sets its southern boundary in the Pacific Northwest at 54 degrees, 40 minutes. :1825 - Hudson's Bay Company establishes forts Vancouver and Colvile on the Columbia. :1831 - Department of Indian Affairs is set up in the Department of the Interior. New duties include dealing with Native American nations in the West. See the [[Project:Native_Americans|'''Native Americans Project''']] and the [[:Category:Federally_Recognized_Native_American_Tribes_of_Washington|'''Native American Tribes of Washington''']]. :1834 - [[Space:The_Whitman_Party|'''The Whitman Party''']], including [[Whitman-2121|'''Dr. Marcus Whitman''']] and his wife [[Prentiss-168|'''Narcissa''']] and also [[Spalding-395|'''Reverend H. H. Spalding''']] and his wife [[Hart-5228|'''Eliza''']] set up mission at the junction of the Columbia and Snake Rivers. Their travel route would become known as the Oregon Trail and used by thousands of future settlers. See the [[Project:Trails_and_Wagon_Trains|'''Trails and Wagon Trains Project''']]. :1839 - Fr. Pierre-Jean DeSmet arrives among the Flatheads in the Bitterroot Valley. He and his staff would set up a number of Jesuit missions in present day states of Washington and Idaho. :1841 - United States naval expedition, headed by Charles Wilkes, explores Washington. The Western Emigration Society, a group of settlers bound for California and the Oregon Territory led by John Bidwell, set off on the Oregon Trail. :1842 - [[Fremont-14|'''John C. Fremont''']] leads an Army Topographical Corps' Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. He witnesses an eruption of Mt. St. Helens. His maps of this expedition and one the following year are printed by the government and are widely used by pioneers heading west. :1843 -The Great Migration, a rush of approximately 1,000 pioneers, head out on the Oregon Trail, led by [[Whitman-2121|'''Dr. Marcus Whitman''']]. See the [[Space:Trails_and_Wagon_Trains|'''Trails and Wagon Trains''']] page for more information. :1844 - [[Polk-56|'''James K. Polk''']] becomes President of the United States. Among his four goals is the designation of the Oregon Territory's northern border to extend to 54' 40", even if through an act of war. :1846 - Treaty between United States and Great Britain sets boundary at 49th parallel. :1847 - Cayuse Indians attack [[Space:The_Whitman_Party|'''Whitman Mission''']] in Walla Walla. :1848 - Oregon Territory created. :1851 - First settlers land on the site of Seattle. See [[:Category:Denny_Party|'''The Denny Party''']] :1853 - Washington Territory created. Farmers living north of the Columbia River successfully argue for Congress to declare the region Washington Territory. It encompasses land east to the Rocky Mountains that are today Idaho and part of Montana. :1854-1856 - A number of treaties are signed between Native Americans living in Washington Territory and the U. S. government. See the [[Project:Native_Americans|'''Native Americans Project''']] :1855-58 - Yakima Indian War. See the '''Confederated Tribes of the Yakama Reservation''' :1855 - Walla Walla Treaty Council. :1858 -The first Northwest railroad, the Cascade Railroad Company, begins operation in the Columbia River Gorge. The Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad became the second Northwest railroad in 1873, and a large number of local railroads subsequently spring up in the 1880s. See [[Project:The_Way_West|'''The Way West Project''']]. :1859 - Oregon joins the Union as a Free State. :1860s - Gold and silver discovered in the Okanogan. :1861 - The battle at Fort Sumter marks the beginning of the Civil War. See the [ '''Washington Territory Resource Page'''] for the Civil War. :1862 - Congress passes the Pacific Railroad Act, giving Central Pacific and Union Pacific Companies permission and land grants to begin construction of a transcontinental railroad line stretching along the 42nd parallel. See [[Space:The_Way_West|'''The Way West''']] page. :1863 - Idaho Territory is formed. :1864 - Montana Territory is formed. Asa Mercer brings women to the west. See the [[Space:Mercer_Girls|'''Mercer Girls''']], inspiration for "Here Comes The Brides" :1865 - Civil War ends. Union Pacific Railroad heads west. See [[Project:The_Way_West|'''The Way West Project''']] :1871 - Indian Appropriations Act states that Indians are no longer considered sovereign nations but wards of the federal government. See the [[Project:Native_Americans|'''Native Americans Project''']] :1872 - The American-British border dispute in the San Juan islands is settled via arbitration by the German emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm. [[Grant-468|'''President Ulysses S. Grant''']] establishes the Colville Confederated Tribes through an Executive Order, not a treaty. The reservation lands are reduced later that year following complaints of Colville Valley settlers :1883 - Northern Pacific Railroad completed to Tacoma, linking Washington to the East. See [[Project:The_Way_West|'''The Way West Project''']] :1886 - Coal mining town of Roslyn founded; Mine operated by the Northern Pacific Coal Company. :1887 - Dawes Severalty Act is passed. Indian lands are split into individual allotments, with remaining lands becoming public and therefore up for sale. Colville Reservation begins allotment process in 1906. See the [[:Category:Confederated_Tribes_of_Colville_Reservation|'''Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation''']] :1888 - Stampede Tunnel of the Northern Pacific Railroad completed across the Cascades. :1889 - Washington becomes the 42nd state. :1890 - Idaho granted statehood :1893 - Great Northern Railroad completed to Seattle. See [[Project:The_Way_West|'''The Way West Project''']] :1897-99 - Klondike Gold Rush; Seattle grows quickly as a jump-off point for people heading to the gold fields. :1899 - Mount Rainier National Park established. See background picture. :1900 - [[Weyerhaeuser-2|'''Frederick Weyerhaeuser''']] sets up a logging business in western Washington. :1902 - Reclamation Service begins irrigation project in Yakima and Okanogan valleys to facilitate farming. :1903 - Iron Chink fish cleaning machine invented by Seattleite Edmund A. Smith. :1905 - Under the Dawes Act, tribal lands on the south half of the Colville. Reservation not then allotted are declared up for sale to white settlers. The Washington State Highway Department is formed, to oversee the construction and maintenance of roads and highways. :1909 - Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition held in Seattle to showcase the Northwest's setting and bounty of natural resources. Mount Olympus National Monument established. :1910 - Women gain the right to vote in Washington. See the [[Space:American_Suffragettes|'''American Suffragettes''']] page and [[Space:Jeannette_Rankin|'''Jeannette Rankin''']], one of Washington's suffragettes and the first woman to be elected to Congress in 1916. :1914 - Finnish immigrant Oscar Wirkkala invents the "spar logging" technique. :1914-1918 - World War I. See [[Project:The_Great_War_1914-1918|'''The Great War Project''']] :1917 - Spruce Army originated. Fort Lewis (United States Army) established. See [[Space:Washington_in_The_Great_War|'''Washington in the Great War''']] :1919 - Seattle general strike; labor violence in Centralia. :1933 - Washington state unemployment peaks at more than 25 percent [[Roosevelt-1|'''President. Franklin D. Roosevelt''']] begins New Deal programs; Grand Coulee Dam begun. :1934 - Indian Reorganization Act sets up Tribal Business Councils and promotes the return of communal ownership of reservation lands, in order to create self-sufficiency. See the [[Project:Native_Americans|'''Native Americans Project''']] :1937 - Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River completed. :1941 - Grand Coulee Dam completed. United States enters World War II; December: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii bombed by Japan. See the [[Project:World_War_II|'''World War II Project''']] :1943 - Hanford Engineer Works built to produce plutonium for the WWII bomb "Little Boy". :1939-45 - World War II August: US bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki to help end WWII. See the [[Space:United_States_in_World_War_II|'''United States in World War II''']] page :1948 - Washington's first TV station (KING-TV) begins broadcasting in Seattle. :1954 - First flight of Boeing 707, first jet transport. See [[Pennell-516|'''Maynard L. Pennell''']], a Boeing executive and developer of the 707. :1957 - Washington Public Power Supply System (WPSS) created to develop Washington's energy resources. :1962 - Seattle World's Fair. :1975 - Microsoft founded, major producer of computer software. See [[Gates-1183|'''Bill H. Gates, III''']] :1976 - [[Ray-4109|'''Dixy Lee Ray''']], first woman governor of Washington elected. See [[:Category:Washington_Governors|'''Washington Governors''']], part of the [[Space:US_Governors|'''US Governors Project''']] :1980 - Mount St. Helens erupted, scattering ash throughout the state. See the [[Space:Volcanic_Eruptions|'''Volcanic Eruptions''']] page, part of the [[Project:Worldwide_Disasters|'''Worldwide Disasters Project''']]. :1987 - Clovis Points discovered in an East Wenatchee orchard. :1989 - Washington's centennial of statehood. :1996 - The new [ '''Washington State History Museum'''] opened. === List of Things To Do === #The following list of people are all Notable. See the [[Project:Notables|'''Notables Project''']] ##Add profile page for [ Robert Gray] and link to [[Space:Washington|this page]] ##Add profile page for [ David Thompson] and link to [[Space:Washington|this page]] ##Profiles need to be added for the [[Space:Mercer_Girls|Mercer Girls]] and linked to their space page. #Need space pages created and developed for Washington counties and linked to this page. Would you like to lead a county project? #Create sub-project for the Hudson Bay Company and add a section for early posts in Washington Territory and the employees of the company. See: [ HistoryLink] for more info. Who were the employees? #Develop space page either for Boeing or a general page for airplanes and flight and add a section for Boeing and the people who worked there. #A space page about the over 1000 dams in the state of Washington may be interesting, highlighting the key people involved. See [ the list] for more information. #Add a space page for early military forts and those people who were assigned there. See: [ Washington forts] #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Catalog: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. #Possible future project for Explorers and Expeditions? Sub-projects could include the Corps of Discovery, John C. Fremont and Charles Wilkes Expedition === Ongoing List of Things to Do === #[[:Category: Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries in Washington]] need to be photographed and the categories added to profiles on WikiTree. See the [[Project:Washington_Cemeteries|Washington Cemeteries Project]] #Add profiles for those who obtained land grants and homesteaded in Washington. See the [[Project:Homesteaders|Homesteaders Project]] #Help develop the [[Project:Native_Americans|Native Americans Project]] with information about Washington state tribes. #Work on Washington's [[:Automated:DD_Unconnected_List_WA| unconnected]] and [[:Category: Washington, Unsourced Profiles|unsourced]] profiles. #Create new profiles for people of Washington who are documented in a family member's profile, but might not have their own profiles yet. See [[:Category: Washington, Needs Profiles Created|Needs Profiles Created]] # Work on [[:Automated:DD_Suggestion_List_WA|Suggestions for profiles from Washington]], as reported by the [[Project:Data_Doctors|Data Doctors Project]]. #Add profiles for the [ men who died] in World War I, serving from [[Space:Washington_in_The_Great_War|Washington in the Great War]] project and for the [[Project:Roll_of_Honor|Roll of Honor]] project. === State Resources === *[ Washington State Library] *[ Washington Census Records] *[ Encyclopedia of Washington State History] *[ Washington State Digital Archives] *Land Records: [ Bureau of Land Management General Land Office] *[[Space:Sources-Washington|Books and Other Links]] ==Famous People From Washington== *Nathan Adrian, 3-time Olympic gold medalist, Bremerton *Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, Seattle *Bob Barker, TV host, Darrington *Dyan Cannon, actress, Tacoma *Chester F. Carlson, inventor of "electron photography", Seattle *Jim Caviezel, actor, Mount Vernon *[[Channing-30|Carol Channing]], actress, Seattle *[[Cobain-1|Kurt Cobain]], grunge rock icon, Aberdeen *[[Collins-8171|Judy Collins]], singer, Seattle *[[Crosby-82|Bing Crosby]], singer, actor, Tacoma *[[Crosby-127|Bob Crosby]], musician, Spokane *Howard Duff, actor, Bremerton *John Elway, NFL quarterback, Port Angeles *[[Farmer-4864|Frances Farmer]], actress, Seattle *Kenny G, saxophone musician, Seattle *Bill Gates, software executive, Seattle *[[Hendrix-634|Jimi Hendrix]], guitarist, Seattle *[[Herbert-2546|Frank Herbert]], author of the Dune series, Tacoma *Robert Joffrey, choreographer, Seattle *[[Jones-27827|Chuck Jones]], animator, Spokane *[[Jones-28041|Quincy Jones]], composer, conductor, musician, Seattle *Hank Ketcham, cartoonist, Seattle *Gary Larson, cartoonist and creator of The Far Side, Tacoma *[[Hovick-1|Gypsy Rose Lee]], entertainer, Seattle *[[Loggins-73|Kenny Loggins]], singer, songwriter, Everett *Mary McCarthy, author, Seattle *John McIntire, actor, Spokane *Phil Mahre, skier, Yakima *Robert Motherwell, artist, Aberdeen *Patrice Munsel, soprano Spokane *Craig T. Nelson, actor, Spokane *Apollo Anton Ohno, Olympic speed skater, Seattle *[[Pratt-3967|Chris Pratt]], actor, Lake Stevens *[[Provine-15|Dorothy Provine]], singer, actress, dancer, comedian, Bainbridge Island *Jimmie Rogers, singer, Camas *[[Scobee-57|Francis Scobee]], astronaut, Cle Elum *Blair Underwood, actor, Tacoma *[[Anderson-12595|Adam West]], actor (Batman), Walla Walla *[[Wirkkala-13|Oscar Wirkkala]], inventor *Martha Wright, singer, Seattle == Related WikiTree Projects & Categories == *[[:Category: Washington, Cemeteries|Washington, Cemeteries]] *[[:Category:Washington_Colleges_and_Universities|Washington Colleges & Universities]] *[[:Category:Washington%2C_Homesteaders|Washington Homesteaders]] *[[:Category:Federally_Recognized_Native_American_Tribes_of_Washington|Washington Native American Tribes]] *[[:Category: Washington, Politicians|Washington, Politicians]] *[[:Category: Washington, Religious Congregations|Washington, Religious Congregations]] *[[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (179) Washington County, Idaho

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Project: WikiTree-40


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[[Category: Idaho Projects]] The goal of this project is to ... this is part of the Idaho Project [[]], which is part of the United States Project [[]] Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [[Downs-977|Debra Allison]]. Though born in Lewiston, Idaho (the same hospital as my father), I spent most of my school years in Nampa, which is not the County seat of Canyon County, but was an idealist place to grow up. When I got into Boise State (College at the time), I moved to Boise, where I raised my children. Though living in Texas since 1997, I choose to consider myself a native "Spud" - fun fact, potatoes are not Idaho's main source of income. Please feel free to explore and submit any ideas you have for improvement. Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help. * uploading maps that show Cities within County (highlight County seat) * uploading County Seals (if they have one) * linking to local cemeteries within the County * linking One Place studies within the County * tagging with either birth place, death place, or recorded residence. * making sure that all family members are attached to each profile correctly. * to make sure that each line connects to the World tree * to direct main questions to G2G, until resolution * most of all, having fun by sourcing well Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in [ G2G] using the project tag, or [ send me a private message]. Thanks!

Project Space pages 20241009 (180) Washington County, Oregon

PageID: 38611970
Inbound links: 4
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 87 views

Created: 9 Jul 2022
Saved: 6 Oct 2022
Touched: 6 Oct 2022

Managers: 2
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Washington County, Oregon]]

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Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

Welcome to ''[[Space: Washington County, Oregon|Washington County]]''

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Clatsop County, Oregon|Clatsop]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Columbia County, Oregon|Columbia]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Tillamook County, Oregon|Tillamook]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Washington_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Multnomah County, Oregon|Multnomah]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Yamhill County, Oregon|Yamhill]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Clackamas County, Oregon|Clackamas]]


== Washington County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484538|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Washington County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Washington County, Oregon|Washington County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Washington County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Hillsboro *[[:Category: Washington County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Washington County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Washington|Washington County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (181) Washington State Project Images

PageID: 38565663
Inbound links: 0
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 90 views

Created: 5 Jul 2022
Saved: 5 Jul 2022
Touched: 8 Oct 2023

Managers: 0
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 45

[[Category:Washington Projects]][[Category:Washington Images]] [[Category:Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (182) West Camp, New York

PageID: 30185672
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Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ all views 1108

Created: 9 Aug 2020
Saved: 4 Mar 2022
Touched: 4 Mar 2022

Managers: 2
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Project: WikiTree-40WikiTree-75


Images: 0

[[Category: Palatine Immigrant Settlements]] [[Category: West Camp, New York]] == West Camp, New York == '''West Camp''' was one of two work camps setup by the English, along the Hudson River, to temporarily house refugees (German Palatines) displaced by Louis XIV's invasion from France into the Holy Roman Empire. These German citizens who had initially escaped to England were then shipped to the Colonies, sympathy of Queen Anne of England, whom they came to serve in the reduction of the pine forest for naval stores for her Majesty's Fleet. The site of West Camp is part of the modern town of Saugerties in Ulster County, New York. The second camp was [[Space:(East Camp) Livingston Manoe|East Camp]], which was across the Hudson River in what is now Columbia County. ==Sources==

* [ Palatine settlements named East Camp, West Camp], ''Poughkeepsie Journal'', (online), Apr 12, 2016. * [ East and West Camp Palatines] - Transcription by Sylvia Hasenkopf of a commemorative plaque situated beside the Church in West Camp, Ulster County, New York. Includes a list of the family surnames associated with each camp.

Project Space pages 20241009 (183) Whatcom County, Washington

PageID: 38568638
Inbound links: 5
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 83 views

Created: 6 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 7 Jul 2022

Managers: 2
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Whatcom County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:British Columbia Team|British Columbia]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Whatcom_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Okanogan County, Washington|Okanogan]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:San Juan County, Washington|San Juan]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Skagit County, Washington|Skagit]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Whatcom County, Washington|Whatcom County]]

== Whatcom County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156623|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Whatcom County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Whatcom County, Washington|Whatcom County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Whatcom County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Whatcom County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Whatcom County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Whatcom|Whatcom County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (184) Wheeler County, Oregon

PageID: 38612006
Inbound links: 2
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 95 views

Created: 9 Jul 2022
Saved: 9 Jul 2022
Touched: 9 Jul 2022

Managers: 2
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Wheeler County, Oregon]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon|Oregon State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Oregon#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Wheeler_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Wheeler County, Oregon|Wheeler County]]

== Wheeler County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q495356|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Wheeler County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Wheeler County, Oregon|Wheeler County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Wheeler County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' Fossil *[[:Category: Wheeler County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Wheeler County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Wheeler|Wheeler County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (185) Whitman County, Washington

PageID: 38561577
Inbound links: 9
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 92 views

Created: 5 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 7 Jul 2022

Managers: 2
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Whitman County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Lincoln County, Washington|Lincoln]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Spokane County, Washington|Spokane]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Benewah County, Idaho|Benewah County, Idaho]]
|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Adams County, Washington|Adams]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Whitman_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Latah County, Idaho|Latah County, Idaho]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Franklin County, Washington|Franklin]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''
[[Space:Columbia County, Washington|Columbia]]
[[Space:Garfield County, Washington|Garfield]]
[[Space:Asotin County, Washington|Asotin]]
|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''

[[Space:Nez Perce County, Idaho|Nez Perce County, Idaho]]

Welcome to [[Space: Whitman County, Washington|Whitman County]]

== Whitman County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484153|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Whitman County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Whitman County, Washington|Whitman County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Whitman County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Whitman County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Whitman County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Whitman|Whitman County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (186) Wyoming State Project Images

PageID: 38644231
Inbound links: 0
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 41 views

Created: 12 Jul 2022
Saved: 12 Jul 2022
Touched: 12 Jul 2022

Managers: 1
Watch List: 1
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 7

[[Category:Wyoming Projects]][[Category:Wyoming Images]] [[Category:Wyoming]]

Back to [[Project:Wyoming|Wyoming State Project]]

Project Space pages 20241009 (187) Yakima County, Washington

PageID: 38568677
Inbound links: 9
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 86 views

Created: 6 Jul 2022
Saved: 7 Jul 2022
Touched: 7 Jul 2022

Managers: 2
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 0

[[Category:Washington Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Washington Projects]] [[Category:Washington]] [[Category: Yakima County, Washington]]

Back to [[Project:Washington State|Washington State Project]]

Back to [[Project:Washington_State#Counties|Counties]]

{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Washington_State#How to Join|Join the Washington Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

[[Space:Pierce County, Washington|Pierce]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

[[Space:Kittitas County, Washington|Kittitas]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

[[Space:Grant County, Washington|Grant]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

[[Space:Lewis County, Washington|Lewis]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Yakima_County_Washington.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

[[Space:Benton County, Washington|Benton]]

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

[[Space:Skamania County, Washington|Skamania]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

[[Space:Klickitat County, Washington|Klickitat]]

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Yakima County, Washington|Yakima County]]

== Yakima County, Washington == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q156629|enwiki}} *[,_Washington_Genealogy Yakima County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Yakima County, Washington|Yakima County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Yakima County, Washington|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === *[[:Category: Yakima County, Washington, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Yakima County, Washington, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Washington|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Washington#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Washington#Yakima|Yakima County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Washington|Sources-Washington]] page #If you have any Washington state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Washington_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Washington, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Washington_Research_Assistance|Washington Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Project Space pages 20241009 (188) Yamhill County, Oregon

PageID: 38612037
Inbound links: 5
Stars: ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ๐ŸŸŠ 69 views

Created: 9 Jul 2022
Saved: 9 Jul 2022
Touched: 9 Jul 2022

Managers: 2
Watch List: 2
Project: WikiTree-40


Images: 2

[[Category:Oregon Project, Needs Team Leader]] [[Category:Oregon Projects]] [[Category:Oregon]] [[Category: Yamhill County, Oregon]]

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{{Image|file=FIFW-10.jpg |align=c |caption=[[Project:Oregon#How to Join|Join the Oregon Project and Request to Lead]] }}

{|border=2 |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''North''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Northeast''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''West''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|[[Image:Yamhill_County_Oregon.png]] |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''East''

|- |height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southwest''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''South''

|height=100 width=133 align="center"|''Southeast''


Welcome to [[Space: Yamhill County, Oregon|Yamhill County]]

== Yamhill County, Oregon == *[ Official Website] *{{Wikidata|Q484346|enwiki}} *[,_Oregon_Genealogy Yamhill County Genealogy] on FamilySearch *[[:Category: Yamhill County, Oregon|Yamhill County, Category]] *[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Space: Yamhill County, Oregon|WikiTree Profiles that link to this page.]] === History === ==== Timeline ==== === Places === '''County seat:''' McMinnville *[[:Category: Yamhill County, Oregon, Schools|Schools]] *[[:Category: Yamhill County, Oregon, Cemeteries|Cemeteries]] === Resources === *[[Space:Sources-Oregon|State Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#General Sources|General Sources]] **[[Space:Sources-Oregon#External Links|External Links]] *[[Space:Sources-Oregon#Yamhill|Yamhill County Sources]] #If you find a free online resource: ##Check to make sure a free-space page doesn't already exist. ##Create space page - see: [[Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree|Share Source on WikiTree]] ##Add internal link to new page to the correction section on [[Space:Sources-Oregon|Sources-Oregon]] page #If you have any Oregon state resources that you are willing to do lookups on, please add them to the [[:Category:Oregon_Genealogy_Resources|Resources Page]]. #If you live in Oregon, please consider adding '''Category: [[:Category:Oregon_Research_Assistance|Oregon Research Assistance]]''' to your Wikitree profile page. == Sources ==

Time taken: 0.23 s

Date of report: 2024-10-09 18:10:27 Date of Data: 6 Oct 2024

Project Space pages 20241009 (2025)
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Article information

Author: Eusebia Nader

Last Updated:

Views: 6585

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.